Life stages of the late Jade Cerisa Lorraine Goody Essay Example
This article will examine Jade Cerisa Lorraine Goody's life from conception onwards. Andrew Robert Goody and Jackiey Budden were in a relationship and decided to have children. When they had sex, Andrew ejaculated while Jackiey was ovulating and released an egg from her ovaries. The sperm fertilized the egg and Jade was conceived.
While it is uncommon, there are women who are born without ovaries and face challenges in conceiving. In such cases, they may opt for IVF which can be expensive. Men may also face complications such as sperm deficiency which can hinder their ability to have children. Despite this, Jackiey and Andrew were able to successfully conceive and have a baby.
The picture displays the moment of sperm and egg fertilization. Subsequently, a nucleus forms as a precursor to the first cell of a new life. Gradually, the cel
...l moves into the fallopian tubes and attaches itself to the uterus lining in a process known as implantation. This singular cell will eventually develop into Jade as it continues to grow and matures into an embryo.
During her first trimester, Jackiey Budden was pregnant and had to be cautious about her activities. The first trimester of pregnancy lasts for the first 12 weeks and requires careful consideration of what can and cannot be done.
During pregnancy, it was important for Jackiey Budden to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure the health of her baby. In the early stages of pregnancy, women often experience morning sickness, which Jackiey also experienced in the mornings. Additionally, she had cravings for unusual foods, such as ice and chocolates. At this time, the baby, Jade, was still developing as an embryo comprised of
a ball of cells. The 14th week marks the beginning of the second trimester of Jackiey's pregnancy.
As Jackiey's typical symptoms faded, her energy levels increased. Meanwhile, Jade's cluster of cells continued to develop and grow inside the lining of her uterus. Her facial features and hair began taking shape while she started sucking and swallowing. On reaching 25 weeks into gestation, which signifies the end of the second trimester, the embryo transitions into a fetus. At this stage, Jade's eyes became more refined, allowing her to open them while she also acquired hearing ability that allowed for perceiving sounds from outside the womb. However, exposure to external sounds could potentially harm the baby.
The development of baby Jade can be negatively affected by stress experienced by the mother during pregnancy, impacting both brain development and immune system according to studies. Although currently 25 weeks old, Jade is now growing more rapidly as Jackiey reaches 32 weeks pregnant.
At this stage of pregnancy, the baby's body is fully developed, including their fingers, toes, nails, and genitals. If it is a female baby, her vagina will have also developed by now. As the due date approaches, the baby may sleep more frequently as the uterus becomes increasingly cramped. Ideally, at Week 40 when Jade was born on June 5th, 1981 weighing 7lbs 5oz., the baby's head should be engaged in the mother's vagina. Andrew Robert Goody can be seen holding his newborn daughter with pride.
Jade was adjusting to the world as a newborn during her birth and infancy. Her daily routine as an infant included sleeping, crying, and nursing from her mother. Despite not being particularly engaging for others,
this phase was crucial for Jade's growth. Crying indicated hunger or a need for a diaper change.
As babies develop cognitive abilities, consistent gaze at their parents' faces teaches them to recognize them. Additionally, a baby's facial expressions act as signals for mothers to determine when they feel sad. Crying is a natural response that helps infants adjust to new surroundings. To calm her crying daughter, Jade's mother would gently pat her back while holding and swaying her against her shoulder.
Communication between a mother and daughter is crucial, especially during the period when the baby's motor skills start developing. Jade began to roll over, lift her head slightly, kick her legs, put her hand in her mouth, and wave her hands around at the age of 3 months as her head and neck muscles grew stronger. Though she could not speak, Jade made baby noises to draw attention, particularly from her mother. Jackiey introduced Jade to her parents, and the baby stared at them for an extended period, becoming familiar with them. On occasion, Jade smiled when her mother showed affection, indicating that her brain was developing and programming effectively.
When Jade was 6-7 months old, she began eating solid foods because she was old enough and her body was growing stronger. She enjoyed trying out new types of baby foods and was also learning to crawl and grab objects. During this period, she would explore her new world with her parents, grabbing and playing with anything that caught her interest. By the time she reached 1 year of age, she had developed many skills and could communicate better with her parents and others.
During her early development,
Jade acquired some typical vocabulary for infants such as "Mama" and "Dada". At this point, Jade had a clear understanding of her parents' identities and could briefly stand and walk before losing balance and resorting to standing against objects for support. This prevented any potential injuries from falling.
Jade had a good understanding of what would upset her parents, indicated by changes in their tone of voice when she misbehaved. Her fully developed brain allowed her to comprehend this. Unlike babies who constantly cling to their mothers for fear of abandonment, Jade coped well with her mother's divorce from her father at the age of 2. Jackiey was solely responsible for bringing Jade up in Bermondsey.
As Jade grew older, reaching the age of three, she gained confidence and the ability to walk. With her newfound mobility, she was able to engage in more physical activities such as colouring in her coloring books. Additionally, she could speak complete sentences without stuttering or stammering and had mastered her ABCs and numbers. It was encouraging to see Jade making an effort with other toddlers at nursery, as this helped boost her confidence even further.
During her childhood, Jade displayed signs of independence and physical ability. By the age of 4, she could run and climb stairs unassisted, use the toilet without help but sometimes needed assistance with bedwetting. At mealtimes, she was able to feed herself using utensils but occasionally made a mess that required cleanup from her mother. Communication-wise, Jade had developed speech fluency and could make requests verbally while also using hand gestures for attention. However, when upset with disliked tasks, she would resort to biting her
mother. Overall, Jade was making typical advancements for a child of her age during this period.
Jackiey reprimanded Jade for participating in negative behaviors that could lead to negative consequences later on, especially if she mistreated her educators or peers while attending school. In the following five years, Jade engaged in typical activities expected of a 9-year-old, including swimming, dancing, and acting. As she entered puberty and adolescence, her physical appearance transformed as well as the emergence of wisdom teeth which replaced her baby teeth.
As she was growing up, Jade had a keen interest in girly things such as dolls, styling her hair, and playing with makeup. She aspired to do what older girls enjoyed doing. Additionally, Jade preferred to work on her school homework independently. She also contributed to household chores, displaying a sense of maturity beyond her age and assuming responsibilities.
When Jade was 10 years old, her body started changing due to puberty. She developed pubic hair in her underarm and vaginal areas and began menstruating. These changes were accompanied by hormone fluctuations that caused mood swings, cramps, and back pain. They signaled Jade's transition into adolescence and the various phases she would experience as a typical teenager.
As a teenager, Jade frequently preferred spending time with friends over attending family events. She demonstrated typical adolescent behavior such as moodiness and disobedience towards her mother. Additionally, she occasionally neglected household chores due to laziness. Nevertheless, Jade also engaged in customary teenage activities like socializing with friends and having sleepovers. During this phase of life, Jade progressed in intelligence and self-sufficiency, developing the capacity to make autonomous decisions without relying on her mother's guidance. At
present, Jade is 18 years old.
Although Jade had a boyfriend, her primary concern was her romantic life and the freedom it provided. This enabled her to engage in activities like clubbing or purchasing a house.
At 18, Jade was a regular young adult who relished partying, drinking and spending time with her dear ones. Notwithstanding this way of life, Jade took charge of her decisions and functioned as an independent grown-up. Her passion for media motivated her to yearn for appearing in reality shows because it provided the spotlight she craved owing to her dramatic nature. By 19 years old, however still in her adolescent years, Jade began to mellow out slightly.
In order to chase her dream, Jade made significant alterations in her life, such as discontinuing negative habits. She rose to prominence at the age of 20 or 21 after being featured on Channel 4's reality TV program 'Big Brother' in 2002. Additionally, becoming a dental nurse was a noteworthy achievement for Jade which paved the way for opportunities related to her own television series and the establishment of personal merchandise and labels.
Jade first appeared on the Big Brother show in 2003 and became a mother to Bobby while living in Upshire, Essex. She welcomed her second child, Freddie, the next year. In 2007, she made a controversial return to the show where she faced allegations of racism and bullying towards fellow contestant Shilpa Shetty.
Jade issued public apologies for her regrettable behavior and later appeared on India's version of Big Brother, called 'Big Boss', in 2008. However, she left the show early upon learning that she had cervical cancer. Tragically, the diagnosis was
terminal and incurable, confirmed in February 2009. On the 22nd of that month, Jade married her partner Jack Tweed.
Jade passed away on March 22, 2009, only a month after her wedding. Her sons Bobby and Freddie were heartbroken by the sudden loss. The final episode of Big Brother on Channel 4 dedicated a 15-minute segment to honor Jade's memory and recognize her as the ultimate contestant. Although her passing marked the end of her life, Jade left behind cherished memories for her loved ones to hold onto.
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