Last History Quiz – Flashcards
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Slaves knew little of Christianity or the Bible, and slave masters usually withheld access to religion for their enslaved labor. A.True B.False
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In the Old South, the percentage of white families that owned slaves was approximately: A.10 percent B.25 percent C.40 percent D.60 percent
B.25 percent
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7Which of the following was not a feature of a slave culture? A. A version of Christianity that highlighted the symbols of deliverance, such as Jonah, Daniel, and especially Moses B. A notable indifference to gender roles C. A distinctive set of kinship patterns, adapted to the challenges of bondage D. A body of folk customs that reflected the cultural traditions of both Africa and America
B. A notable indifference to gender roles
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The southern state with the largest free black population in relation to its total African-American population was? A. Maryland B. Delaware C. Virginia D. Washington D.C.
B. Delaware
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For slaves, slavery meant constant fear that their families might be destroyed by sale, incessant toil, and brutal punishment. A. True B. False
A. True
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In 1860, the largest economic investment in the United States was in: A. Factories B. Railroads C. Banks D. Slaves
D. Slaves
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According to abolitionist and former slave, Fredrick Douglass, "not to give a slave enough to eat, is regarded as the most aggravated development of meanness, even among slaveholders". A. True B. False
A. True
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Whose name is most often associated with the Underground Railroad? A. Sojourner Truth B. Harriet Tubman C. Fredrick Douglass D. Nat Turner
B. Harriet Tubman
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Which was not a job slaves occupied? A. Coachman B. Field hand C. Business man D. Domestic worker
C. Business man
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Which of the following does not apply to the comparative experience of slaves and free blacks in the Old South? A. Social hierarchies could be found within each group B. Lives slaves, free blacks were legally barred from voting, carrying firearms, or testifying in court C. Between 1800 and 1860 the material conditions of free blacks steadily improved, while those of slaves steadily deteriorated D. As with slaves, most free blacks worked as field hands
C. Between 1800 and 1860 the material conditions of free blacks steadily improved, while those of slaves steadily deteriorated
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In American slave culture, jumping over a broomstick was associated with which of the following acts? A. Marriage B. Divorce C. Escape D. Freedom
A. Marriage
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Which was not a case for free blacks? A. One free black man owned 100 slaves B. Many worked as skilled craftsman in cities C. Some free blacks sent their children to France for an education D. Most free blacks rose to the status of skilled, middle-class workers
D. Most free blacks rose to the status of skilled, middle-class workers
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A small number of African-Americans owned slaves in the Old South. A. True B. False
A. True
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During the early to mid-1800s, sugar produced in the slave South was America's leading export. A. True B. False
B. False
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In the midst of the American antebellum era, the British Parliament launched a program for abolishing slavery throughout the British Empire in 1831. A. True B. False
A. True
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Which of the following was not a central theme of planter ideology? A. The competitive marketplace is where we make our fortunes- but it is not where we derive our values B. There is no place for fixed social hierarchies in a democratic republic C. We are the aristocrats of our region; women, children, slaves, and poorer whites depend upon us for guidance and protection D. Wealth is meant to be consumed, not merely reinvested
B. There is no place for fixed social hierarchies in a democratic republic
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Which was not a condition of slavery? A. By the 1830s, it was against the law to teach a slave to read or write B. Slaves were not allowed to carry shotgun in South Carolina C. Their choice of whom they might marry could be interfered with by their masters D. Their choice of how they spent their free time was not immune to interference by slave owners
B. Slaves were not allowed to carry shotgun in South Carolina
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Slaveowners had many ways to enforce discipline among their slaves- from physical punishment, to material incentives, to the threat of sale. A. True B. False
A. True
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After a brief period of apprenticeship, the end of slavery in Britain came on August 1, 1838. A. True B. False
A. True
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Following Nat Turner Rebellion, the Virginia legislature discussed the possibility of abolishing slavery within the state. A. True B. False
A. True
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Slaves made up a significant portion of the Old South's A. Field laborers B. House servants C. Skilled artisans D. All of the above
D. All of the above
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In 1860, the South as a whole produced less than 10 percent of the nation's manufactured goods. A. True B. False
A. True
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During the 1830s, '40s, and '50s, elaborate defenses of slavery grew more and more common in southern public life. A. True B. False
A. True
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Improvements in the slaves' living conditions were meant to strengthen slavery, not undermine it. A. True B. False
A. True
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During the 1830s, '40s, and '50s, southern whites increasingly viewed the region's free black population as a threat to the system of slavery. A. True B. False
A. True
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The most influential African-American of the nineteenth century and the nation's leading advocate of racial equality was: A. Abraham Lincoln B. Nat Turner C. Harriet Tubman D. Fredrick Douglass
D. Fredrick Douglass
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Nat Turner: A. Was a celebrated male vocalist in an early Negro spiritual choir B. Was a ship's captain who wrote the song "Amazing Grace" C. Led an 1831 slave uprising in Virginia, killing about sixty whites D. Was second in command at Denmark's Vesey's trial
C. Led an 1831 slave uprising in Virginia, killing about sixty whites
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"Slave patrols" were: A. Group of slaves that patrolled the roads and towns, picking up trash to keep the roadsides and urban areas clean B. Mixed-races patrols of whites and blacks who worked together to harvest cotton crops C. Farmers who kept a lookout for runaway slaves D. Railroad workers who patrolled plantations looking for contraband on which tariffs had not been paid
C. Farmers who kept a lookout for runaway slaves
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By 1860, economic investment in the United States in slaves exceeded the total economic investment in the nation's factories, railroads, and banks combined. A. True B. False
A. True
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By the mid-nineteenth century (1800s), all states had made it illegal to kill a slave except in self-defense. A. True B. False
A. True
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Which of the following was not true of the plain white folk of the Old South? A. Like slaves, they had few civil or political rights B. Most were only marginally connected to the market revolution C. While some remained mired in poverty, others attained material comfort and self-sufficiency D. While some resented the planet elite, most still supported the system of slavery
A. Like slaves, they had few civil or political rights
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Approximately how many enslaved individuals ran away to the North each year? A. 1,000 B. 10,000 C. 100,000 D. 1 million
A. 1,000
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The prevalence of plantation slavery kept the South from matching northern rates of immigration, industrial development, and urban growth. A. True B. False
A. True
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In the years before the Civil War, the wealthiest Americans were: A. Manufactures in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York B. Planters in South Carolina and Mississippi C. Railroad magnates D. New York mercantile jobbers
B. Planters in South Carolina and Mississippi
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Separated by large gaps in wealth and breeding, planters and poorer whites of the Old South seldom found anything in common. A. True B. False
B. False
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In 1860, three of four white families owned no slaves. A. True B. False
A. True
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Slaves had many ways to "quietly" resist the power of the slave owners- from feigning illness, to wrecking tools, to performing inadequate labor. A. True B. False
A. True
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Cotton was "king" during the first half of the nineteenth century. Three fourths of the world's supply came from the United States, and textile manufacturers in New England, Great Britain, France, and Russia depended on the American cotton supply. Define "textile" A. Tiles, usually made of ceramic and cotton, used in building houses, manufacturing plants, and government buildings B. Woven cloth C. A small book or text, usually on topic of general interest to the reading public D. Steam-engine powered factory
B. Woven cloth
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The laws of almost all southern states recognized the legality of slave marriages. A. True B. False
B. False
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Labor on rice plantations in South Carolina and Georgia was generally done by: A. Task labor B. Gang labor C. Oversees D. Women and children
A. Task labor
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What happened to the 135 enslaved persons who in 1841 seized the ship, the Creole, and sailed to Nassau in search of freedom? A. They were given refuge in the British Caribbean B. They were returned to slavery in Virginia C. They joined the crew of the Amistad D. They were allowed to return to Africa by the United States Supreme Court
A. They were given refuge in the British Caribbean
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Which of the following was not a part of slavery's impact on the northern economy? A. Profits from the cotton trade helped foster industrial developments and internal improvements in the North B. Northern shipping lines transported southern cotton, and northern factories transformed it into cloth C. Slave labor in the southern Cotton Belt undermined cotton production in the North D. Northern manufactures made ample profits producing the shoes and clothing that were issued to slaves
C. Slave labor in the southern Cotton Belt undermined cotton production in the North
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Often, many slaves supplemented the food provided by their owners with other food items including chickens and vegetables they raised themselves. A. True B. False
A. True
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John C. Calhoun of South Carolina considered "the most false and dangerous of all political errors," the view that: A. Slavery was a positive good B. All men are created equal and entitled to liberty C. States had the right to nullify federal law D. The office of the vice presidency had been created by the founders
B. All men are created equal and entitled to liberty
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Which was not part of the generally accepted account of the 1822 conspiracy led by Denmark Vesey? A. His lieutenant was named Gullah Jack B. Vesey and his followers killed or maimed 37 whites C. Vesey studied the Bible and quoted the Declaration of Independence D. Vesey had purchased his freedom after winning the lottery
B. Vesey and his followers killed or maimed 37 whites
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In the fifty years following the end of the international slave trade in 1808, the number of slaves in the United States fell by 50 percent. A. True B. False
B. False
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The Underground Railroad ran on steel tracks (after its iron ones were replaced) that were generally hidden in forest growth. A. True B. False
B. False
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"In southern cities, thousands of slaves were employed as skilled artisans". Define "artisan". A. Artist B. Graphic artist C. Sculptor D. Skilled craftsmen
D. Skilled craftsmen
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In 1850, most slaveowning families owned five or fewer slaves. A. True B. False
A. True
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Slaves on cotton plantations found harsher work conditions but greater autonomy than did those on rice plantations. A. True B. False
B. False
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Cotton was the major agricultural crop of the South and, indeed, the nation, but slaves also grew rice, sugarcane, tobacco, and hemp. A. True B. False
A. True
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As they were committed to the separation of the sexes, Shaker communities admitted only men. A. True B. False
B. False
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As a driving force in the creation of public schools for all, Horace Mann promoted the idea that schools were training free individuals, which he had believed meant people who might follow any desire they had, from hedonism to zoology. A. True B. False
B. False
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Many northern women were inspired and transformed by the abolitionist message, but few played an active role in spreading it. A. True B. False
B. False
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"Perfectionism" was (is) the view that: A. Local police precincts- prefects- could stabilize urban violence B. Social ills once considered unable to be cured could be eradicated C. We can become God in our earthly perfection D. We can never become purely good and should enjoy the hedonistic pleasures in an all- too- short life
B. Social ills once considered unable to be cured could be eradicated
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Harriet Beecher Stowe was most famous for running the Underground Railroad. A. True B. False
B. False
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Dorothea Dix, a Massachusetts school teacher, was the leading proponent of: A. Better schools for all children, black and white B. Banning the manufacturer, sale, and distribution of intoxicating liquors C. Abolitionism D. More humane treatment of the insane
D. More humane treatment of the insane
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Which was not a movement Abby Kelley was associated with? A. Abolitionism B. Tariff reform C. Pacifism D. Women's rights
B. Tariff reform
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The 1836 "gag rule": A. Ruled that slaves and white indentured servants could be gagged after their third offense B. Quashed publication of proslavery literature in the North C. Prohibited consideration of petitions calling for emancipation in the House of Representatives D. Legalized Amos Kendall's burning of the literature of moral suasion
C. Prohibited consideration of petitions calling for emancipation in the House of Representatives
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Disagreement over the role of women in antislavery campaigns contributed to a major split in the abolitionist movement. A. True B. False
A. True
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Overall, the reform movement focused on improving the moral character of Americans; it made little effort to improve their material conditions. A. True B. False
B. False
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Which of the following was not an area of public activism open to women during the 1830s and '40s? A. Petition drives B. Public meetings C. Political party conventions D. Voluntary reform associations
C. Political party conventions
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Which of the following is not true of the utopian communities of the 1820s, '30s, and '40s? A. They shared an aversion to the competitive and individualistic thrusts of the market revolution B. They shared an aversion to inequalities of class and gender C. Spiritual communities tended to run smoother and last longer than worldly communities D. They differed little in their systems of labor, gender relations, and internal governance
D. They differed little in their systems of labor, gender relations, and internal governance
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Which of the following was not a distinguishing feature of the new abolitionism of the 1830s? A. An insistence that slavery was an tolerable sin, requiring immediate termination B. A spirit of courage and defiance in the face of board, often violent hostility C. A vigorous campaign- through newspapers, pamphlets, and public events- to win northerners over to the antislavery cause D. A conviction that if abolition was not soon achieved by "moral suasion", then violent measures would become necessary
D. A conviction that if abolition was not soon achieved by "moral suasion", then violent measures would become necessary
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In the absence of a strong national government, American social and political activity was organized through voluntary associations such as churches, fraternal societies, and political clubs. A. True B. False
A. True
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The Liberator, the abolitionist journal, was published in Boston in 1831 by Lucretia Mott. A. True B. False
B. False
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Shakers practiced sexual polygamy as part of their religious beliefs. A. True B. False
B. False
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Which was not a chief endeavor of black abolitionists? A. They attacked the intellectual foundations of racism B. They sought to disprove pseudoscientific arguments for black inferiority C. They called for freed blacks to travel to Africa to live peace and freedom D. They called on free blacks to seek out skilled employment
C. They called for freed blacks to travel to Africa to live peace and freedom
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American reforms efforts during the 1820s and 1830s raised and addressed a variety of issues, such as alcoholism, crime, prison life, illiteracy, labor conditions, women's rights, and slavery, A. True B. False
A. True
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At Oneida, founded in 1848 in New York State, John Humphrey Noyes did away private property and developed the idea of "complex marriage". "Complex marriage" at Oneida meant: A. Any man and any women could have sexual relationships at any long so time as the relationship was mutual and was recorded in a public record book B. Heterosexual monogamous marriage made complex because the children were raised communally C. Marriage between a man and women was made complex because once married they could not divorce D. Gay, lesbian, and transgender marriages
A. Any man and any women could have sexual relationships at any long so time as the relationship was mutual and was recorded in a public record book
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William Lloyd Garrison was most remembered for his book Uncle Tom's Cabin. A. True B. False
B. False
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Abolitionist did not believe so much in "moral suasion" as in the violent overthrow of the slave power and insurrection by slaves themselves. A. True B. False
B. False
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The richly diverse voluntary associations that developed in early-nineteenth century United States included all of the following except societies to: A. Improve conditions in prison B. Shorten the hours of labor for farmers to eight in a day C. Prevent the making or selling of liquor D. Expand public education
B. Shorten the hours of labor for farmers to eight in a day
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By 1860, tax-supported school systems for children had been established in every state. A. True B. False
B. False
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Dancing was forbidden in Shaker settlements. A. True B. False
B. False
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Which was not true of Brook Farm? A. It was established by New England transcendentalists outside Boston B. It functioned as a vibrant community for a half-century C. It required manual labor and intellectual pursuits by residents D. It was modeled on the ideas of the French social reformer Charles Fourier
B. It functioned as a vibrant community for a half-century
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Dorothea Dix was a leading advocate of abolitionism. A. True B. False
B. False
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Which was not among the institutional asylums built during the 1830s and 1840s? A. Poorhouses for the destitute B. Insane asylums C. Settlement houses in cities D. Orphanages for children without families
C. Settlement houses in cities
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The American Colonization Society called for: A. An immediate end to slavery and the resettlement of blacks outside the United States B. An immediate end to slavery and the assimilation of blacks into American Society as full citizens C. A gradual end to slavery and the resettlement of blacks outside the United States D. A gradual end to slavery and the assimilation of blacks into American society as noncitizens
C. A gradual end to slavery and the resettlement of blacks outside the United States
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"Perfectionism" is the view that social ills once considered unable to be cured could now be eradicated. A. True B. False
A. True
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Brook Farm was a vibrant, successful, and active community for more than a century. A. True B. False
B. False
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According to Fredrick Douglass, the heritage of the American Revolution and the founding fathers had nothing to offer blacks. A. True B. False
B. False
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More than 1 million northerners became abolitionists during the 1830s. A. True B. False
B. False
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"Shakers" got their name because they were similar in their faith beliefs to Quakers but danced in a shaking manner as part of their religious services. A. True B. False
A. True
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First and foremost, Abbey Kelly was a tariff reform activist. A. True B. False
B. False
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Beginning in 1816, the American Colonization Society: A. Developed museums and interactive outdoor displays to show Americans what life had been like in the colonies B. Wished both to abolish slavery and send American blacks to Africa C. Established a colonial heritage society in which voluntary organizations and individuals could seek to trace their family roots back to colonial times D. Continued the tradition of the voluntary organizations of colonial-era Sons and Daughters of Liberty
B. Wished both to abolish slavery and send American blacks to Africa
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The suppression of abolitionism provoked broad outrage among northerners, including many who had little compassion for the plight of slaves. A. True B. False
A. True
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Horace Mann believed that freedom could derive only from self-discipline and self-control. A. True B. False
A. True
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The region of the United States that came to be known as the "burned-over district" as a consequence of the many religious revivals that flourished there in the early nineteenth century. A. North Carolina and southern Virginia B. South Carolina and North Carolina C. Arkansas and southern Kentucky D. Upstate New York and northern Ohio
D. Upstate New York and northern Ohio
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Which was not a characteristic of Robert Owen's early nineteenth-century utopian communities? A. Individualism and anarchy were watchwords at New Harmony B. Owen hoped to create a "new moral world" C. Children, removed from their parents, would be trained to subordinate their individual ambition to the common good D. Owen promoted communitarianism as a way of making sure workers received the full value of their labor
A. Individualism and anarchy were watchwords at New Harmony
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The Liberator, the abolitionist journal, was published in Boston in 1831 by: A. David Walker B. Thaddeus Stephens C. William Lloyd Garrison D. Lucretia Mott
C. William Lloyd Garrison
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The Liberty Bell took its name not from eighteenth-century American Revolutionaries, but instead, from nineteenth-century abolitionists. A. True B. False
A. True
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Which of the following was not a feature of the emergent American feminism of the 1840s? A. It drew much of its inspiration and organizational experience from the antislavery movement B. Feminist leaders like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott confined their focus to the quest for suffrage; for them, demands for equality in other areas seemed trivial by comparison C. Some feminists stressed the essential similarities between the sexes; others stressed their "natural differences" D. Feminists regarded the household as a vital arena of the women's right movement
B. Feminist leaders like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott confined their focus to the quest for suffrage; for them, demands for equality in other areas seemed trivial by comparison
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American reform efforts during the 1820s and 1830s: A. Raised and addressed a variety of issues, such as alcoholism, crime, prison life, illiteracy, labor conditions, women's rights, and slavery B. Enjoyed their greatest support among immigrants, Catholics, and the poor C. Were united in their repugnance for the market revolution D. Found greater support in the South than in the North
A. Raised and addressed a variety of issues, such as alcoholism, crime, prison life, illiteracy, labor conditions, women's rights, and slavery
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As a driving force in the creation of public schools for all, Horace Mann promoted all the following views except that: A. He hoped universal public education would promote the good of society by bringing children of all economic classes together in a common learning experience B. Schools would seek to build the character of their students, rescuing students from the influence of their parents, who failed to instill proper discipline C. Schools were training free individuals, which he had believed meant people who might follow any desire they had, from hedonism to zoology D. An important function of schools was to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic
C. Schools were training free individuals, which he had believed meant people who might follow any desire they had, from hedonism to zoology
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Which was not an aspect of cooperative Shaker settlements? A. God, Shaker believed, had a dual made | female personality B. The deliberately avoided sexual relations, as "virgin purity" formed a central tenet of their worldview C. Dancing was not allowed in Shaker settlements D. They were economically successful at marketing herbal medicines and crafting furniture
C. Dancing was not allowed in Shaker settlements
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Which of the following series is listed in proper sequence? A. Founding of American Colonization Society; establishment of Liberia; William Lloyd Garrison's Thoughts on African Colonization B. Launching of The Liberator, David Walker's Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, founding of American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society C. Founding of Liberty Party; adoption of "gag rule" by House of Representatives; founding of American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society D. Seneca Falls Convention; Sarah Grimke's Letters on the Equality of the Sexes; Margaret Fuller's Woman in the Nineteenth-Century
A. Founding of American Colonization Society; establishment of Liberia; William Lloyd Garrison's Thoughts on African Colonization
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The Liberty Bell took on its name- previously it had been known as the Old State House Bell- after: A. The Unionists rang it to signal the end of the Civil War B. The colonists rang it to signal the end of the War of Independence C. Abolitionists adopted it as a symbol of their cause for abolishing slavery D. As part of the effort to wake people up during the Second Great Awakening
C. Abolitionists adopted it as a symbol of their cause for abolishing slavery
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4Which of the following was not true of race relations within the abolitionist movement? A. An insistence that slavery was an intolerable sin, requiring immediate termination B. A spirit of courage and defiance in the face of broad, often violent hostility C. A vigorous campaign- through newspapers, pamphlets, and public events- to win northerners over to the antislavery cause D. A conviction that if abolition was not soon achieved by "moral suasion", then violent measures would become necessary
B. A spirit of courage and defiance in the face of broad, often violent hostility
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Most African-Americans strongly supported settlement of themselves and other blacks in Africa (as a means to escape southern slavery). A. True B. False
B. False
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Abby Kelly was one of the foremost female orators in the country during her time. A. True B. False
A. True
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Though women could not vote in the early-nineteenth-century United States, they did circulate petitions, march in parades, and deliver public lectures on a variety of topics. A. True B. False
A. True
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Advocates of moral reform encountered widespread indifference or opposition on the part of those they were trying to reform. A. True B. False
A. True
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The nineteenth-century view that there should be an immediate end to slavery and incorporation of freed persons into the republic as equal citizens is called: A. Colonization B. Abolitionism C. Gradual emancipation D. Fourierism
B. Abolitionism
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As a group, Irish immigrants were one of the biggest supporter of the temperance movement. A. True B. False
B. False
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A chief endeavor of black abolitionists was the call for freed blacks to travel to Africa to live in peace and freedom. A. True B. False
B. False
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As a driving force in the creation of public schools for all, Horace Mann promoted the idea that universal public education would encourage the good of society by bringing children of all economic classes together in a common learning experience. A. True B. False
B. False
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57. The number of voluntary reform communities established in the decades before the Civil War that historians often call "utopian" communities- such as the Oneidan, Owenite, or Fourierist communities- numbered about: A. One hundred B. Twenty-five C. Thirty-seven D. Forty-five
A. One hundred
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The founders of Brook Farm envisioned a harmonious blend of physical labor, intellectual work, and leisure. A. True B. False
A. True
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Between 1833 and 1840, about how many northerners joined abolitionist groups? A. 400 B. 600 C. 900 D. 100,000
D. 100,000
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At the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention in New York, Elizabeth Cady Stanton modeled the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments on: A. The U.S. Constitution B. The Magna Carta C. The Declaration of Independence D. The Liberator
C. The Declaration of Independence
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