Kievan Rus – Flashcards

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How did the Kievan Rus come to be? How did control of Kiev allow the Viking leader Oleg to gain more power?
*Slavs invite Vikings to take over & protect them b/c Slavs are not war-like *Vikings territory center around Kiev *use water trade route beside Kiev to spread leadership to towns = united them under him
Why did the ruler convert to Eastern Orthodox? What happen to those who did not convert?
After seeing the Hagia Sophia → amazed by grandness = thought Orthodox Christianity to be best religion = decided to use this religion to unite its ppl & kill anyone who does not convert
How did geography influence Kiev?
*Kiev prosper b/c lay on the Dnieper River trade route *River is what connected it to Viking land → allow for Vikings to come to Kiev *Connected Kiev to Byzantine Empire/Constantinople --> lead to conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy
How did the conversion to Orthodox Christianity bring Byzantine culture to Kievan Rus? Examples (4)?
*adopt rituals & icons from Byzantine priests & bishops *Schools were established for sons of priests & merchants *Byzantine architects build stone churches w/ onion-shaped domes *Monasteries built in towns
What happened during the Kiev Golden Age?
*establish 1st library in Kiev → encourage spread of learning *organized Kievan legal sys basing off Justinian's code
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