ISYS 209 Chapters 1,2,3 – Flashcards
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What are the steps of the problem solving? process?
Problem? Identification, Solution? Design, Solution Evaluation and? Choice, and Implementation
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What are the four elements of critical? thinking?
Maintaining doubt and suspending? judgment, Being aware of different? perspectives, Testing alternatives and letting experience? guide, and Being aware of organizational and personal limitations
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________ is when a company transfers tasks of the firm to other firms that operate in? low-wage countries, possibly reducing job opportunities within the U.S.
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What are the major objectives that businesses use information systems to? achieve?
Operational? excellence, new? products, services, and business? models; customer/supplier? intimacy; improved decision? making; competitive? advantage; and? day-to-day survival
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There are three activities in an information system that produce the information that organizations need to make decisions, control operations, analyze problems, and create new products or services. What are these three activities?
Input, Processing, and Output
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Which of the following statements about information systems and globalization is false?
Communication between businesses in different parts of the world is now instant, but expensive.
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Which of the following statements about information systems and globalization is false?
Internet service firms, such as Google and eBay, are able to replicate their business models and services in multiple countries with only a redesign of their information systems infrastructure.
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Business firms invest heavily in information systems to achieve six strategic business objectives: operational excellence, new products, services, and business models, customer and supplier intimacy, improved decision making, competitive advantage, and survival Which of the following is a good example of the relationship between information systems and customer and supplier intimacy?
The Mandarin Oriental hotel in Manhattan keeps track of guests' preferences, such as their preferred room temperature and television programs, in a large data repository. Individual rooms are networked to a central network server computer, so that when a customer arrives, the system automatically changes the room conditions to meet each customer's specifications.
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There is a simple, four-step model of problem solving that you can use to help you understand and solve business problems using information systems. What are the four steps (in sequence) involved in the problem-solving process?
1. Problem identification 2. Solution design 3. Solution evaluation and choice 4. Implementation
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There is a simple, four-step model of problem solving that you can use to help you understand and solve business problems using information systems. Understanding what kind of problem is being presented, and identifying people, organizational, and technology factors describes which step in the four-step model of problem solving?
Problem Identification
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Verizon Corporation uses a Web-based digital dashboard to provide managers with precise real-time information on customer complaints, network performance for each locality served, and line outages or storm-damaged lines. Using this information, managers can immediately allocate repair resources, inform consumers of repair efforts, and restore service fast. This scenario is a good example of a business using information systems to achieve which of the following strategic business objectives?
Improved Decision Making
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There is a simple, four-step model of problem solving that you can use to help you understand and solve business problems using information systems. Which of the following best describes the solution design step?
Solution design involves creating several alternative solutions to the problem that has been identified.
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Which of the following is not a career focus that needs an understanding of how information systems help firms achieve major business objectives?
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There is a simple, four-step model of problem solving that you can use to help you understand and solve business problems using information systems. Creating several alternative solutions to the problem that has been identified describes which step in the four-step model of problem solving?
Solution design
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Which of the following is not an example of the information system skills and knowledge essential in business careers?
An understanding of the declining role of databases
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__________ can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization.
An information system
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For more and more businesses, computing is moving from PCs and desktop machines to tablets and smartphones. Managers are increasingly using these devices to coordinate work, communicate with employees, and provide information for decision making. These developments are part of which technology changes affecting information systems?
The emerging mobile digital platform
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Which of the following statements about how information systems are transforming business is false?
Due to the economic slowdown, e-commerce and Internet advertising have been slower to expand than expected.
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Business firms invest heavily in information systems to achieve six strategic business objectives: operational excellence, new products, services, and business models, customer and supplier intimacy, improved decision making, competitive advantage, and survival. Which of the following is a good example of the relationship between information systems and operational excellence?
In 2012, Walmart achieved $460 billion in sales in large part because of its Retail Link system, which digitally links its suppliers to every one of Walmart's stores. As soon as a customer purchases an item, the supplier monitoring the item knows to ship a replacement to the shelf.
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From a business perspective, an information system provides a solution to a problem or challenge facing a firm and represents a combination of people, organization, and technology elements. The organization's hierarchy, functional specialties, business processes, culture, and political interest groups are components of which element of information systems?
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From a business perspective, an information system provides a solution to a problem or challenge facing a firm and represents a combination of people, organization, and technology elements. The technology dimension of information systems consists of __________.
computer hardware, software, data management technology, and networking/telecommunications technology, including the Internet
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Business firms invest heavily in information systems to achieve six strategic business objectives. Which of the following is not one of those business objectives?
Technological superiority
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A flexible collection of computers on the Internet begins to perform tasks traditionally performed on corporate computers. Major business applications are delivered online as an Internet service. These developments are part of which technology changes affecting information systems?
The growth in "cloud computing"
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From a business perspective, an information system provides a solution to a problem or challenge facing a firm and represents a combination of people, organization, and technology elements. Training, job attitudes, and management behavior are part of which dimension of information systems?
The people dimension
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There is a simple, four-step model of problem solving that you can use to help you understand and solve business problems using information systems. Purchasing or building hardware and software, testing the software, providing employees with training and documentation, managing change as the system is introduced into the organization, and measuring the outcome describes which step in the four-step model of problem solving?
The Implementation
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Checking for quality and paying creditors would fall within which two functional? areas?
Manufacturing and? production, and finance and accounting
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Enterprise Systems are also known as? ________________.
Enterprise Resource Planning? (ERP) Systems
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ESS, DSS, and MIS systems all fall under the generic term of? _______ systems as they help with the decision making process.
Business intelligence
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What solution would a corporation use if they had a collection of mostly older systems which they wanted to connect to one? another?
Enterprise Applications
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?_____ refers to the use of social networking to extend a? business' collaboration efforts in order to engage and connect better with their? employees, suppliers,? and/or their customers.
Social Business
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What is a Social Business?
Use of social networking platforms to engage? employees, customers, and suppliers
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?_____ is responsible for? enterprise-wide governance and usage of information to maximize the value of the? organization's data.
Chief Data Office
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Many companies have social networks that gather and use information from customers and employees thus creating an important role for the? _____ to coordinate the protection of all data.
Chief Privacy Officer
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Which of the following best describes a programmer's responsibilities?
Programmers are highly trained technical specialists who write the software instructions for computers.
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Which of the following best describes enterprise applications?
Enterprise applications are systems that span functional areas, focus on executing business processes across the business firm, and include all levels of management.
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Which department is responsible for maintaining the hardware, software, data storage, and networks that comprise the firm's IT infrastructure?
The Information Systems Department
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Many businesses are able to electronically check a client's credit and generate an invoice. How does this example illustrate the way in which information systems affect business processes?
Information systems automate many steps in business processes that were formerly performed manually.
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Which of the following best describes social business?
Social business is the use of social networking platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and internal corporate social tools, to engage employees, customers, and suppliers, and enhance collaborative work.
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Which of the following statements about collaboration and social business is false?
Collaboration and social business enhance innovation, quality, and customer service, but can also lead to decreased productivity.
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Google Sites/Google Apps, Microsoft SharePoint, and Lotus notes are all examples of __________.
Collaboration Platforms
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a type of Web site that makes it easy for users to contribute and edit text content and graphics without any knowledge of Web page development or programming techniques.
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Which of the following best describes a systems analyst's responsibilities?
Systems analysts constitute the principal liaisons between the information systems groups and the rest of the organization. It is the systems analyst's job to translate business problems and requirements into information requirements and systems.
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How does the ability to download a Kindle e-book from Amazon, buy a computer online at Best Buy, and download a song from iTunes illustrate the way in which information systems affect business processes?
New information technology frequently changes the way a business works and supports entirely new business models.
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Enterprise social networking tools are best defined as __________.
tools that create business value by connecting the members of an organization through profiles, updates, and notifications, similar to Facebook features, but tailored to internal corporate uses
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There are four major enterprise applications: enterprise systems, supply chain management systems, customer relationship management systems, and knowledge management systems. Each of these enterprise applications integrates a related set of functions and business processes to enhance the performance of the organization as a whole. Which of the following best describes knowledge management systems?
Knowledge management systems support the creation, capture, storage, and dissemination of firm expertise and knowledge.
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Which of the following best defines decision-support systems (DSS)?
Decision-support systems support management decisions that are unique and rapidly changing using advanced analytical methods.
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Which of the following best defines executive support systems (ESS)?
Executive support systems are information systems at the organization's strategic level designed to address unstructured decision making through advanced graphics and communications.
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Systems that support management decisions that are unique and rapidly changing, using advanced analytical methods are called __________.
Decision-Support Systems (DSS)
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There are four major enterprise applications: enterprise systems, supply chain management systems, customer relationship management systems, and knowledge management systems. Each of these enterprise applications integrates a related set of functions and business processes to enhance the performance of the organization as a whole. Which enterprise application supports the creation, capture, storage, and dissemination of firm expertise and knowledge?
Knowledge Management Systems
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Which of the following statements about collaboration and social business is false?
Social business typically hampers collaborative work, rather than encouraging it.
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Systems for senior management that provide data in the form of graphs, charts, and dashboards delivered via portals using many sources of internal and external information are called __________.
Executive Support Systems (ESS)
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There are four major enterprise applications: enterprise systems, supply chain management systems, customer relationship management systems, and knowledge management systems. Each of these enterprise applications integrates a related set of functions and business processes to enhance the performance of the organization as a whole. Which type of enterprise application tracks all the ways in which a company interacts with its customers and analyzes these interactions to optimize revenue, profitability, customer satisfaction, and customer retention?
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System
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Which of the following best describes a business process?
A business process is a logically related set of activities that defines how specific business tasks are performed, and it represents a unique way in which an organization coordinates work, information, and knowledge.
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Salesforce Chatter, Microsoft's Yammer, Jive, and IBM Connections, which connect the members of an organization through profiles, updates, and notifications, are examples of __________.
Enterprise Social Networking Tools
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There are four major enterprise applications: enterprise systems, supply chain management systems, customer relationship management systems, and knowledge management systems. Each of these enterprise applications integrates a related set of functions and business processes to enhance the performance of the organization as a whole. Which of the following best describes supply chain management systems?
Supply chain management systems automate the flow of information between a firm and its suppliers in order to optimize the planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and delivery of products and services.
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Systems serving operational management, such as payroll or order processing, that track the flow of the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business are called __________.
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
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For the sale of online used textbooks with many suppliers and low cost to switch to a different? supplier, is an example? of:
Customers having a lot of power
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What are the four generic information system strategies for dealing with competitive? forces?
Low-cost leadership, product? differentiation, focus on market? niche, and strengthening customer and supplier intimacy
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What is the domestic exporter strategy characterized? by?
Heavy centralization of corporate activities in the home country of origin
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Transnational firms have no single national headquarters but instead have many regional headquarters and perhaps a world headquarters. What is the transnational strategy characterized? by?
Nearly all the? value-adding activities are managed from a global perspective without reference to national borders.
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Six sigma is a specific measure of? _________, representing? ____________________.
quality; 3.4 defects per million opportunities
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It has been shown that one of the best ways to reduce quality problems is to reduce? _____________.
Cycle Time
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Determining the? inputs, outputs, and resources? required, and documenting the sequence of activities in a process typically occur during? the:
Analysis of Existing Processes
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When is business process management? (BPM) concluded?
BPM is never concluded
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Business process management uses a variety of tools and methodologies to understand existing processes, design new processes, and optimize those processes. Companies practicing BPM need to go through a set of steps. During which step of the BPM process do managers need to determine what business processes are the most important and how improving these processes will help business performance?
Identify processes for change
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__________ consist of organization infrastructure (administration and management), human resources (employee recruiting, hiring, and training), technology (improving products and the production process), and procurement (purchasing input).
Support Activities
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Procter & Gamble uses an intranet called InnovationNet to help people working on similar problems share ideas and expertise. InnovationNet connects those working in many different departments around the world. It uses a browser-based portal to access data and includes a directory of subject matter experts who can be tapped to give advice or collaborate on problem solving or product development. This scenario is an example of __________.
how information systems help businesses use core competencies to achieve competitive advantage
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Procter & Gamble uses an intranet called InnovationNet to help people working on similar problems share ideas and expertise. InnovationNet connects those working in many different departments around the world. It uses a browser-based portal to access data and includes a directory of subject matter experts who can be tapped to give advice or collaborate on problem solving or product development. _________ are activities at which a firm excels as a world-class leader.
Core Competencies
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How do new entrants in an industry affect established organizations?
Organizations' profits are affected as they lower prices to compete against new entrants.
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__________ consists of information systems that enhance competitiveness at the industry level by promoting the use of standards and industry-wide consortia, and by enabling businesses to work more efficiently with their value partners.
the value web model
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Which of the following is not one of the ways information systems help companies compete?
Focusing on appealing to a wide range of consumers
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Inbound logistics (receiving and storing materials for distribution to production), operations (transforming inputs into finished products), outbound logistics (storing and distributing finished products), sales and marketing, and service, are all __________.
Primary Activities
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__________ combines and streamlines the steps in a business process to eliminate repetitive and redundant work and to achieve dramatic improvements in quality, service, and speed.
Business Process Management
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Which of the following best defines a value chain model?
The value chain model highlights the primary or support activities that add a margin of value to a firm's products or services where information systems can best be applied to achieve a competitive advantage.
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Organizations using information systems to deal with competitive forces __________.
achieve the lowest operational costs
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A computer-aided design (CAD) system automates the creation and revision of designs, using computers and sophisticated graphics software. The software enables users to create a digital model of a part, a product, or a structure, and make changes to the design on the computer without having to build physical prototypes. If a company decides to use a CAD system, it is using which of the following strategies to promote quality?
Improving quality and precision in design and production
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Information systems and the Internet can help companies operate internationally by facilitating coordination of geographically dispersed units of the company and communication with faraway customers and suppliers. There are four ways of organizing business internationally: domestic exporter, multinational, franchiser, and transnational. Which strategy has the product created, designed, financed, and initially produced in the home country but relies heavily on foreign personnel for further production, marketing, and human resources (while nonetheless, local production of some items, local marketing, and local recruitment of personnel are required)?
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Which of the following is not one of the ways information systems help companies compete?
Creating a wide array of products to match what's available in the industry
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Which of the following is an effect of information systems on buyer power?
Buyers can shift between suppliers with a single click on the Internet.
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Business process management uses a variety of tools and methodologies to understand existing processes, design new processes, and optimize those processes. Companies practicing BPM need to go through a set of steps. Once the new process has been thoroughly modeled and analyzed, it must be translated into a new set of procedures and work rules. This is done during which step of the BPM process?
Implement the new process.
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Information systems and the Internet can help companies operate internationally by facilitating coordination of geographically dispersed units of the company and communication with faraway customers and suppliers. There are four ways of organizing business internationally: domestic exporter, multinational, franchiser, and transnational. In which strategy are nearly all the value-adding activities managed from a global perspective without reference to national borders, optimizing sources of supply and demand wherever they appear and taking advantage of any local competitive advantage?
A Transnational Strategy
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Business process management uses a variety of tools and methodologies to understand existing processes, design new processes, and optimize those processes. Companies practicing BPM need to go through a set of steps. During which step of the BPM process are existing business processes modeled and documented, noting inputs, outputs, resources, and the sequence of activities, and then redundant steps, paper-intensive tasks, bottlenecks, and other inefficiencies identified?
Analyze existing processes
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Countrywide Financial enabled Bank of America to extend its mortgage lending business and to tap into a large pool of new customers who might be interested in its credit card, consumer banking, and other financial products. This scenario is an example of __________.
how information systems help businesses use synergies to achieve competitive advantage
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Information systems and the Internet can help companies operate internationally by facilitating coordination of geographically dispersed units of the company and communication with faraway customers and suppliers. There are four ways of organizing business internationally: domestic exporter, multinational, franchiser, and transnational. Which strategy concentrates financial management and control out of a central home base while decentralizing production, sales, and marketing operations to units in other countries?
A multinational strategy
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Internet sites, like eBay (the giant online auction site) and iVillage (an online community for women), can be used by firms to build communities of users—like-minded customers who want to share their experiences. This builds customer loyalty and enjoyment, and builds unique ties to customers. This scenario is an example of __________.
how information systems help businesses use network-based strategies to achieve competitive advantage
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