Human beings were created to be social and to help one another through mutual interaction and co-existence. Few people appreciate the full benefits of helping one another. The society in the modern times is one that is filled with people who seek to benefit themselves but not their fellow human beings (Shwartz 436). One of the primary goals of objectives of nurturing helpful relationships is helping others to be able to help themselves.
Undeniably, the process of being of use to others can have beneficial effects for the helper as well. In order for people to fully appreciate the true essence of a helpful relationship, they must assume this responsibility and acknowledge that change comes from within (439). Typically, many people assume that other people will find solutions for them. This has led many people to go out seeking fo
...r professional counselors thinking that they will find perfect solutions to their problems or particular issues that they encounter. Helping others benefits a person in a variety of ways; some of which can go a long way into preparing a person into become a useful person in the society.
As high school students, their dreams and hopes can be strengthened by reflecting on not just the academic year events but also their purposes and addressing the challenges in the community, as well as finding the suitable solutions to their problems. At the root of helping others is the culture of engagement (Shwartz 1564). It refers to the culture of community, interaction, and caring. It is the natural feeling and sense of taking responsibility towards the immediate people that a person interacts with. This works together with civic engagement
which is mainly involved with seeking collective means to find solutions for issues that relate to the public (1570).
Active involvement helping to solve the problems that other people go through is what lays the foundation of young people becoming great leaders in both the immediate and far future. The world needs great leaders; people who are true to their obligations and responsibilities as the needle is to the pole, men and women who are not corrupt. These leadership traits are developed at a younger age by helping out others. The principle of helping others, when cultured and nurtured well, can help a high school student to develop organizational skills which will clearly establish the person in his chosen career in the life after school.
Several medical and scientific studies pertaining to the benefits that people who sincerely act to benefit others experience have indicated that happiness is a central gain. Essentially, there is a major difference between pretensions and sincere need to help others. Health, happiness, and longevity are among the benefit that people experience when they seek out to help their peers. In over 50 investigations, participants have indicated higher levels of fulfillment that arises from the sense of helping others (Flynn et al 1123). The studies touch on the aspects of volunteering. The evidence of the benefits of helping is extremely powerful, and gives the suggestion that health care wish to recommend helping others to their patients as a way of obtaining their personal happiness and fulfillment.
When a person helps others, they in turn help themselves. Particularly, helping others in traumatic and stress moments is a great way of spreading the care and love
that is characteristic of humanity. Subsequently, helping people out will help to build a strong and caring society in general. For instance, as a high school student, the peers that are helped, in some strange twist of fate the student can turn out to be great people in the society. They will live with the knowledge of that one friend who helped with to be where they are. This learned acknowledgement has a positive effect on an individual; the helped individual will feel that they need to also help back (Shwartz 1558).
A helpful and loving life is the inevitable consequence of being loving to other people and seeking to be help to them as much as possible. The more one helps people, the more interwoven he becomes into the affairs of the society. Several people have indicated that volunteering and other general means of helping others makes them to feel physically healthier, enriched their sense of life’s purpose, and improved their general well-being (Brammer 98).
In addition, high school students who help their mates or even the elderly, have less anxiety, less hopelessness, less anxiety, and better social networks and friendships. Further, research has shown that students that help one another end becoming great fathers and mothers, as well as important members of the society. There are remarkable observations that helping students are also receptive to the guidance of their parents and cause few problems.
Therefore, helping others has potentially many health benefits to an individual. In fact, it is recommended for young people to find and maximize opportunities of helping other people out. It is a sort of cycle that helps the helper and vice versa.
In the spur of a moment the whole essence of helping people out may not be apparent, but all students should understand that this art can help them beyond what they can think of. Studies indicate that there are several health benefits and that any helping endeavor is always mutual even if it involves one individual helping the other through troublesome times.
The book is an exposition of the nontechnical language that applies in the helping process among humans and provides a framework for thee research and concepts of helping. It also focuses on the need to help individuals to find solutions to their problems. In this book the author present the argument that high monitors of the self can be more sensitive to the implications of the status in social exchange. The behavior of helping others involves other dynamics helps people to find a sense of satisfaction from helping others out.
The book explains that people who go out of their way to provide help to others indicate higher and better mental health. Moreover, the book indicates that helping individuals have lower mortality rates. It investigates the relationship between well- being, health, and altruism in teens as well as lifestyle patterns.
This work evaluates and explores the effect of helping others on the psychological and physical well-being of the helper or provider of help. It conducts a survey which identifies the many aspects that emerge as a result of helping people including benefits of self-esteem, fulfillment, self-awareness, and role functioning. The article relates providing help with improved self- awareness, self-esteem, and overall health and well- being. It also highlights that helping others involves the unconditional and compassionate
regard of others.
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