History Final Test Questions – Flashcards

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Mississippi Black Codes
most notorious black codes passed by southern states in 1865 and after the Civil war Regulations of free blacks Had the intent and effect of restricting African Americans' freedom, forcing them to work in labor economy did not allow blacks to assemble, bear arms, become literate, speak freely, or testify against white people in court.
Freedmen's Bureau (1865)
US federal govt agency aiding in distressed freedmen (freed slaves) during the Reconstruction period allowed blacks and whites to work together rather than masters and slaves solved day to day problems such as food, water, health care, communication and jobs.
Fourteenth Amendment
Adopted into the US constitution in 1868 as a reconstruction amendment. This amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the civil war.
Andrew Carnegie
Scottish- American industrialist, emigrated to the US, starting with investments in railroads, bridges and oil derricks. built further wealth as a bond salesman raising money for American enterprise in Europe. led enormous expansion of steel industry in the late 19th century highest profile philanthropists of his era, wrote "the gospel of wealth" calling on the rich to use their wealth to improve society, and stimulate wave after wave of philanthropy. special emphasis on local libraries, world peace, education and scientific research.
Knights of Labor
largest and most important American labor organization of the 1880's lead by Terence V. Powderly promoted social and cultural uplift of the workingman, rejected Socialism and radicalism and demanded eight-hour work day. originally began as a fraternal organization but began to act more like a labor union
Homestead Strike (1892)
industrial lockout and stike, culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents second largest and most serious disputes in US labor history Occured at Homestead Steel works in Pittsburgh, between the Amalgamated association of Iron and Steel Workers and the Carnegie Steel Company. Final result ended in a defeat for the union and a setback for efforts to unionizze steelworkers.
"The Significance of the Frontier"
A seminal essay by American historian Frederick jackson Turner. presented at a special meeting of the American Historical Association at the World's columbian Exposition in Chicago 1893 the thesis shares Fredericks views on how the idea of the frontier shaped the American being and characteristics. the frontier drove american history and why it is what it is today. he reflects on the past to illustrate his point by noting human fascination with the frontier and how expansion to the american west changed peoples views on their culture.
Spanish-American War
conflict between Spain and the US in 1898 result of American intervention in the Cuban war of Independence as we know from class "battle of San Juan Hill" The Rough Riders led by Theodore Roosevelt to storm, who was posthumously awarded the medal of honor for his actions in cuba Americans suffered 5 times as many losses as the Spanish due to the numbers lost the Army decided to update and modernize its small arms arsenal
The Rough Riders
"The Rough Riders" is the name bestowed on the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry raised in 1898 for the Spanish-American War Led by Theodore Roosevelt He resigned as assistant to secretary of the Navy to become lieutenant colonel of the Rough Riders. He chose 1,000 men, mostly cowboys, hunters and prospectors Chose men who resembled his fabled backswoodmen, Composed of fifty athletes, Indians, frenchman, Germans, Hispanic and others to compose an all-American regiment No black or asians Through Roosevelt and his commanding officers influence, the rough riders got to see action in Cuba and attained glory in the battle of San Jaun Hill The Spanish gave up after three weeks of fighting and the Rough Riders came home war heros Roosevelt published his history of the Rough Riders in Scriberner's magazine in 1899
Founded by Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 when he didn't get the Republican nomination Promoted racial nationalism by denying southern black delegates their seats Main policies: protection of children, care of the aged, relief of over worked girls, and safeguarding burdened men. Fight against poverty. The Party Wanted to include some socialist elements but contain it World-wide movement towards juster social conditions commitment to manage the economy, expand opportunity, and provide social welfare The Progressive party was a crucial moment in the development of American liberalism He lost the election to Wilson
Jane Addams
Founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Major leader in the Progressive party Accepted that the party would eventually tackle racial inequality, but at the moment, the movement towards social justice was too great to not support the Progressive party Major leader in the women's suffrage Successfully resisted Roosevelt's effort to not endorse women's suffrage Insisted that the Progressive Party endorse Women's suffrage as a main issue First American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize for all of her social work that she did Encouraged women to do social work in their communities and make their communities better places to live
New Nationalism
Theodore Roosevelt's political philosophy during the 1912 election He argued was government protection of human welfare and property rights,but he also argued that human welfare was more important than property rights. Insisted that only a powerful federal government could regulate the economy and guarantee social justice, and that a President can only succeed in making his economic agenda successful if he makes the protection of human welfare his highest priority. Roosevelt believed that the concentration inindustry was a natural part of the economy. He wanted executive agencies (not the courts) to regulate business. The federal government should be used to protect the laboring men, women and children from exploitation. Proposals: Women's Suffrage Direct election of Senators Primary elections for state and federal nominations
New Freedom
Comprised the campaign speeches of Woodrow Wilson during the 1912 election They constituted reforms promoted by Wilson In practice he actually added new controls such as the Federal Reserve System and the Clayton anti-Trust Act The actual reforms: Tariff Reform: Lowered tariffs for the first time since the Civil War through the Underwood Tariff Act of 1913 Business Reform: This was established in 1914 through the passage of the Federal Trade Act, which established the Federal Trade Commission to investigate and halt unfair and illegal business practices by issuing "cease and desist" orders,and the Clayton Anti-Trust Act. Banking Reform: This came in 1913, through the creation of the Federal Reserve System, and in 1916, through the passage of the Federal Farm Loan Act which set up Farm Loan Banks to support farmers.
Nineteenth Amendment
The Nineteenth Amendment (Amendment XIX) to the United States Constitution prohibits any United States citizen from being denied the right to vote on the basis of sex. It was ratified on August 18, 1920. Was a culmination of the women's suffrage movement in the United States Overruled a Supreme Court decision that said the fourteenth amendment didn't give women the right to vote
Committee on Public Information
Known as CPI or the Creel Committee It was an independent agency of the government created to influence public opinion about WWI From 1917 to 1919 it used every means possible to encourage a pro-war effort in the U.S., especially propaganda combatted the foreign efforts to discourage American War involvement
Espionage and Sedition Acts
The Espionage Act of 1917 United States federal law passed on June 15, 1917, shortly after the U.S. entry into World War I It was intended to prohibit interference with military operations or recruitment Also intended to prevent support of enemies during WWI
Immigration Restriction Act of 1924
Also known as the Johnson-Reed Act Was a U.S. federal law passed that limited the number of immigrants down to 2% of the population of the people from that country who were already living here The law was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans from immigrating to the U.S. as well as Jews, East Asians and Indians It's purpose was to protect American homogeneity President Coolidge signed it into law and it stayed in place until it was reformed in 1952
American Liberty League
Political organization formed in 1934 composed of conservative democrats in order to oppose the New Deal of F.D. Roosevelt. addressed themselves as "nonpartisan organization founded to defend the constitution and defend the rights and liberties guaranteed by that constitution" worked to educate the public and legislators on legislative issues.
Nordic Ideal
Those of Nordic type were described as having Light-colored hair, light-colored eyes, fair skin, and tall stature. considered to be from Central and Northern Europe. Seen as a racial supreme, constituting a master race. other races were considered a "lesser type of European" and there numbers in the US should not be increased. Nordics were considered to be responsible for most of humanity's great achievements Immigration Act of 1924 - designed to reduce number of Non-Nordic immigrants.
"Share Our Wealth"
A movement that begun in 1934 during the great depression by Huey Long (Senator from Louisiana) "every man a King (But no one wears a Crown) many viewed the proposal as an unworkable plan threatening the reforms of Roosevelt. Major provisions no person be allowed to accumulate a personal net worth more than 300 times the average family fortune. annual incomes limited to 1 million old age pension available for all persons over 60 free education
The Four Freedoms
Goals articulated by Roosevelt in 1941. proposed 4 fundamental freedoms that people all over the world should enjoy Freedom of Speech Freedom of worship Freedom from want Freedom from fear The first two freedoms are protected under the First Amendment, however, the second two go beyond the constitution. Roosevelt's hope was to provide a rationale for why the United States should abandon the isolationist policies that emerged out of WWI. The speech coincided with what became the ideological basis for US involvement in WWII, all framed in terms of individual rights and liberties that are the hallmark of American Politics.
Japanese Internment Camps
also known as "war relocation camps" of over 110,000 people of Japanese heritage living in the US. US government ordered the internment after the 1942 attack on Pearl harbor. 62% of internees were American citizens Roosevelt authorized the internment to designated military areas. this was done as a precautionary matter in case there were more Japanese planning attacks within the US. public opinion turned against Japanese americans living on the West coast, and many became nervous about the potential for more mayhem. later in 1980, president Carter investigated the decision of the Japanese internment, concluding that it was unethical and payed each survivor $20,000.
Baatan Death March
Began on April 9, 1942, as the forcible transfer by the Imperial Japanese Army of over 60,000 Filipino and American P.O.W. after the battle of Bataan in the Philippines (WWII). 128 km (80 M) march experienced physical abuse and murder, later judged by the Allied military commission to be a Japanese war crime. Prisoners were beaten, and killed / not supplied with food or water until they reached the destination.
andrew carnegie, 'gospel of wealth" (1889)
-provides a model for the distribution of the wealth of the upper class -believed that wealth was tied to social responsibility -surplus wealth should be given to those less fortunate -argues against a wasteful use of wealth (extravagance, irresponsible spending, self-indulgence)
terrence powderly "preamble to the constitution of the knights of labor" 1878
-knights of labor-secret organization dedicated to bring all workers together into one national union -the KOL had a borad social agenda than its rival American federation of Labor -the document outlines the ideas of the organization in a summary that will later be expounded upon in its constitution
W.E.B Du Bois "of the booker T. Washington and others" 1903
-washington represents the the old thought of negro attitude, submission, and adjustment -wasington's approach to the civil rights of african americans added to their loss of political rights -believed that the blacks prepared themselves only for the jobs and roles they currently held they would never be able to rise out of those positions
Albert Beveridge, "the march of the flag" 1998
-beleived in a strong expansionist foreign policy -merged prevelant opinions about american's civiling mission with its economic destiny -argues that america's government is the best and shuold be expanded to all territories regardless of their wishes US is god's country
Ida M Tarbell, from history of the standard oil company 1904
-details the ruthlessness of Rockefeller and his company in forming their monopoly -epitome of muckracker journalism that seeks to expose business abuses (progressive era)
Jane addams, from twenty years at hull house (1910)
-men are united by needs and sympathies far greater than anything that temporarily divides them apart -shes was the leading spokesperson for settlement houess -the document details her belied that these houses can help the needy and provide useful work for disengaged upper class youth
A. Boy scouts of america "boys scouts support the war effort (1917)
-ecourages patriotism: vigilantism, loyalty, increasing morale in war time -states that it is their civic duty to support the national government in every way possible -warns against communism and enemy propaganda.
Eugene V. Debs, Statement to the court (1918)
he violated the desictions act (hindered free speech against the cast of the government or the war effort in a negative way -he gives this speech at the sentencing about his beliefs -he believes in no class system, in america controlling its industries and economy
FDR, first inaugural address (1933)
-"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself -addresses the economic crisis and provides a plan for a way out of it through creating jobs and expanding to different types of industries -reminds the people of their heritage and primary focus of the government -he is very incluse and uses very positive language
huey long "share our wealth" (1935)
-outlines the principles and plans of the share our wealth movement of which hew as the leader -a very heavy government plan to regulate the wealth of epople and mainly to aid the poor by creating caps in individual salaries and households while giving surplus money to the poor -provides a solution to the overproduction of agriculture by setting limits on the number of hours one can work
A. Philip randolph "why should we march?" 1942
-randolph threatened to lead a massive march of African Americans to protest discrimination in the military and other defense forces -FDR issued the fair employment practices committee to prevent this march -mandated that black warriors be hired -he argues that the war for equality in the US is equally as important as the war for democracy in other parts of the world. - pro-equality -this was a letter
Joseph r. McCarthy, from speech to the women's club (1950)
-paranoid about communism -claims he could identify 57 communists inthe state department -calls for a sweep of the national government to be cleaned of communists
margaret Chase Smith "decleration of conscience (1950)
-smith basically calls out the injustice of mccarthy being able to accuse people of being communists and threaten their livelihood especially because wehn asked he couldnt produce the evidence -she speaks to the psychological division going on in the US today becuase people are fearful of speaking out and being accused -she is a republican senator and ultimately calls for a republican victory
A. Martin Luther king "letter from a Birgmingham Jail" (1963)
-injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere -king was arrested for protesting and he wrote this letter from jail to respond to a local -wrote a letter to clergyman who urged him to back down from the fight -he urges that bacls must create a situation of crisis in order to change things
Kevin macCauley, oral history on the 1968 siege of khe sanh
-"fighting for my brother" -detaileshis horrific experience in vietnam before the tet offensive -he tells of the war atrocities that were commonplace in this area
national organization for women, statement of purpose
-there focus was to raise awareness and correct inequalities for women -equality for women in politics -education for women and goals -reject the assumption that it is the sole burden of men to support his family
curtis sitcomer "harvest of disconetnt" 1967
-describes the working conditions for workers in cesar chavez's fight to unionize migrant workers -grape strike of 1965 -they want recognition and unionization -la causa-the name for the uprising of the mexican farm worker
ronald reagan speech to the house of commerce
-military strength is a prerequisite to peace -harshly condemns communism -increasing our military presence
david E wildom
-he sees the morals of america declining -says we are turning to a humanist, subjective value system instead of a christian one
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