HIST chapters 16-22 – Flashcards

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The Homestead Act of 1862 was designed to A-encourage the settlement of abandoned southern plantations. B-encourage miners to develop the coal regions of Pennsylvania. C-speed up economic development of the West. D-create markets for the eastern textile industry.
Speed up economic development of the West
In the Pacific Railway Act of 1862, Congress A exempted transcontinental railroads from antitrust prosecution. B raised the tax rate on large railroad companies. C allowed railroad companies to bring in cheap immigrant labor. D gave subsidies of federal lands to railroad companies.
Gave subsidies of federal lands to railroad
Railroad pools A were popular with consumers. B cut rates by combining operations. C usually functioned for a long time. D were agreements among companies to keep prices high through not competing for business.
were agreement among companies to keep prices high through not competing for business
What was NOT an industry that emerged in Chicago as a result of the city's transportation network? - Meatpacking -Automobile manufacturing -Steel -Mail-order sales
Automobile manufacturing
Henry Bessemer and William Kelly contributed to industrial development by -developing new ways to organize business. -standardizing the railroad gauge. -inventing a new process for making steel. -forming the first American labor union.
inventing a new process for making steel
John Pierpont Morgan forced companies to reduce risk in order to - provide safe investments for his clients. -prevent hostile takeovers. - limit calls for government regulation. - reduce corporate corruption.
provide safe investments for his clients
How did Andrew Carnegie help to transform the organizational structure of manufacturing? - He helped develop vertical integration. - He employed a network of industrial spies. - He treated his workers so well that many men would not work for other companies. -He had inside connections in the government and was able to get contracts.
he helped develop vertical integration
The Social Darwinist philosophy of Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner claimed that - workers, who were fitter than businessmen, would eventually triumph. - communities need to band together and eliminate slums. - human progress depends on an active government that protects the weak from the powerful. - powerful entrepreneurs benefit humanity by their accomplishments.
powerful entrepreneurs benefit humanity by their accomplishments.
Which statement about nineteenth-century industrialists is most accurate? -They were nothing more than "robber barons"¾unscrupulous, greedy, and exploitative. -They typically started out as struggling members of the working class. -They generally treated their workers much better than their predecessors. -Their values about wealth and their desire for material gain were widely shared by Americans.
Their values about wealth and their desire for material gain were widely shared by Americans
Standard Oil's monopoly - depended entirely on the company's domination of the Asian, African, and Latin American export markets. -increased the price of petroleum products by more than two thirds. -grew even bigger with oil discoveries in Texas at the turn of the century. -had the legal form of a holding company in the state of New Jersey.
had the legal form of a holding company in the state of New Jersey.
Why did advertising emerge as a centerpiece of business activity? - The introduction of the trademark restricted production. - Antitrust legislation forced competition. - It simplified the marketing of goods for manufacturers. - The costs of producing many items were virtually the same
The costs of producing many items were virtually the same
A market in which a small number of firms dominate an industry is called a(n) - oligopoly. - trust. - holding company. - monopoly.
With the passing of the first generation of industrial empire builders, -management lost sight of cost analysis. - management began to ignore shareholder dividends. - ownership grew increasingly apart from management. - the managers' concern for the individual worker made a comeback.
ownership grew increasingly apart from management.
Among most of the Plains Indians, how did a person achieve high social standing? - By sharing - By selling land - By accumulating possessions - By raiding parties of white settlers
- By sharing
The treaties signed at Fort Laramie in 1851 - provided titles to all Indians owning land. - guaranteed extensive territory to the northern Plains tribes. -established a Homestead Act for Native Americans. - protected Indian religions and customs.
guaranteed extensive territory to the northern Plains tribes.
Sitting Bull differed from most Lakotas in 1868 by -marrying a white woman. -converting to Christianity. -refusing to negotiate with whites. - refusing to move to a reservation.
refusing to move to a reservation.
The Ghost Dance - promised to return the land to the Indians and sweep away whites. -at first was tolerated by whites because it was protected under the Dawes Act. - was a religious practice in which both whites and Indians participated. - was started by Chief Joseph.
promised to return the land to the Indians and sweep away whites.
Which statement best describes the construction of western railroads? - Western communities pooled their resources and paid to have track laid near their towns. - The federal government subsidized construction. - As part of the price for returning to the Union, southern states demanded a railroad link with markets in the West. - All that was necessary for getting railroads built was to have the government get out of the way by eliminating senseless regulations.
The federal government subsidized construction.
In California, the successor to the Central Pacific, the Southern Pacific Railroad Company - became known as the "Octopus."! - Blocked the economic development of the West. - Took valuable resources from cattle, mining, and farming industries. - Had a reputation for charging the cheapest possible rates.
became known as the "Octopus."!
Which statement best describes the development of mining throughout the West? - Westerners adapted Indian practices to meet their own needs. - Most boomtowns adapted to the changing economy and became stable places of commerce. - Mining was an environmentally friendly activity that helped the West preserve its natural beauty. - Mining required a large amount of expensive technology, financed by outside capital.
Mining required a large amount of expensive technology, financed by outside capital.
Western farmers were better able to cope with the region's lack of rain, thanks to a strain of wheat brought by - Russian-Germans. - Mexicans. - African Americans. -Indians.
The key to the growth of agribusiness in the West was the abundance of water. - intensive use of heavy machinery. -high land prices. - the extension of existing agribusiness operations from the East.
- intensive use of heavy machinery.
Bank failures significantly delayed recovery in the depression from 1873 to 1879 because - The number of unemployed bank clerks significantly added to the number of jobless. -Banks took years to build and establish. -Banks played a crucial role as a source of credit for industry and agriculture. - Bank failures only worsened the problem of inflation.
-Banks played a crucial role as a source of credit for industry and agriculture.
All of the following statements are true about the economic depression from 1893 to 1897, EXCEPT: - Thanks to careful record keeping in the federal government, we know that the unemployment rate in the manufacturing sector in 1893-1894 was 32 percent. - Railroad construction had driven the industrial economy in the 1880s and had slowed by half between 1893 and 1895. - With insufficient traffic to pay their fixed costs, railway companies went bankrupt, and so did many of their creditors - banks and bondholders.
Thanks to careful record keeping in the federal government, we know that the unemployment rate in the manufacturing sector in 1893-1894 was 32 percent.
What did Irish immigrant and iron molder Frank Roney think of his American counterparts? - He had the utmost respect for them. - Roney found that many lacked the self-respect he associated with his craft. - He viewed them as shiftless and lazy. - He viewed them as too militant.
Roney found that many lacked the self-respect he associated with his craft.
Louis Sullivan's architectural style stood out because - he emphasized building as cheaply and efficiently as possible. - he designed buildings where form followed function. - he emphasized spacious, low-level structures rather than height. - he worked in exotic materials.
he designed buildings where form followed function.
Which of the following was a consequence of the rapid growth of American cities? - Many new areas had paved streets long before they had gas and electric lines. - Urban planners began to put parks in the city centers. - Most cities developed quasi-socialistic means of providing services like transportation. - Cities were forced to spend millions of dollars to provide drinking water.
Cities were forced to spend millions of dollars to provide drinking water.
Which statement is most consistent with women's experiences in the late nineteenth century? - Women continued to occupy a separate sphere in life where they were separated from a cruel world that would undermine their femininity. - There were no colleges or universities open to women. - They were joining clubs that encouraged their participation in reform movements. -They had moved into the professions and constituted one-third of all doctors and one-fourth of all lawyers.
They were joining clubs that encouraged their participation in reform movements.
Working class neighborhoods developed on the outskirts of cities because - restrictive covenants prevented immigrants from buying in established areas. - land was cheaper. - workers needed to live within walking distance of factories. - the atmosphere was healthier.
workers needed to live within walking distance of factories.
Which political party in the South promoted the idea of the Lost Cause? - The Republican Party - The People's Party - The Democratic Party - The Greenback Party
The Democratic Party
The so-called second Mississippi Plan was an attempt to - cut the pay of sharecroppers. - force black people to migrate to the North. - eliminate African Americans from the voter rolls. - establish separate schools for black children.
eliminate African Americans from the voter rolls.
How did Booker T. Washington respond to the movement toward segregation and disfranchisement? - He claimed that it would be bad in the short run but good in the long run. - He denounced it as an affront to democratic ideals. - He urged black people to accept it temporarily and concentrate on economic improvement. - He publicly opposed it, but behind the scenes lent support to it.
He urged black people to accept it temporarily and concentrate on economic improvement.
In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the Supreme Court ruled that - black people have no rights which whites must respect. - private individuals may segregate because the Fourteenth Amendment only restricts what a state can do. - states may exclude blacks from certain facilities if there are equal ones available. - The Fourteenth Amendment was not designed to guarantee equal protection of the law.
states may exclude blacks from certain facilities if there are equal ones available.
Upon arriving in America, most of the immigrants - joined Protestant churches. - changed their names and became as "Americanized" as possible. - moved into areas where people spoke their language. - turned around and went home.
moved into areas where people spoke their language.
Nativists: - appreciated the efforts made by immigrants to assimilate into American society. - feared efforts by immigrants to hold onto their cultural traditions. - welcomed skilled immigrants but sought to keep unskilled workers from coming to America. - pushed for laws restricting the size of tenements.
feared efforts by immigrants to hold onto their cultural traditions.
The "new immigrants" who arrived in America after 1890 differed from the older immigrants in that they - were Protestant. - came from southern and eastern Europe. - were much more politically conservative. - settled primarily in rural areas.
- came from southern and eastern Europe.
Which statement about Chinese immigrants is most accurate? - Far more Chinese women immigrated than men. - It was difficult to recruit them because China was in the midst of a great economic boom. - They formed self-contained homogenous communities in cities. - Because of their work ethic, they had little difficulty integrating into mainstream American society.
They formed self-contained homogenous communities in cities.
In the case of Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886), the Supreme Court declared that - the Chinese Exclusion Act was unconstitutional. - San Francisco could not use a licensing law to restrict Chinese laundry owners. - contract laborers had no right to form a labor union. - cities had the right to establish all-Chinese schools.
San Francisco could not use a licensing law to restrict Chinese laundry owner
Which statement best describes white American attitudes toward Indians by the 1880s? - The only good Indian is a dead Indian. - The best thing we can do is to put them on reservations and leave them alone. - It is our duty to help Indians leave their inferior culture and become a part of white society. - Although Indian cultures are different from white cultures, they are not inferior and should be treated with respect.
- It is our duty to help Indians leave their inferior culture and become a part of white society.
Many Native Americans objected to the Dawes Severalty Act because - it required Indian children to attend white schools. - private land ownership conflicted with traditional Native American beliefs. - it did not provide enough money for the land being taken. - it did not grant citizenship to Indians.
private land ownership conflicted with traditional Native American beliefs.
After 1871, the United States stopped treating Indian tribes as sovereign dependent nations and started treating them as - savages. - wards of the federal government. - domestic enemies. - citizens.
- wards of the federal government.
Which statement regarding Americans of Mexican ancestry is most accurate? - They held significant political power in New Mexico. - They saw themselves as immigrants in a foreign country and tried to assimilate. - By and large, they were able to protect their property rights. -Their relative population began to decline in 1910.
- They held significant political power in New Mexico.
Craft or trade unions enjoyed which important advantage in negotiations with management? - Their members were not easily replaced. - They had strong political connections. - They had specific legal protections. - They represented the majority of workers in most factories.
- Their members were not easily replaced.
Rutherford B. Hayes saw that the best way to prevent conflicts such as the Great Railway Strike of 1877 from happening again was - to find solutions to the reasonable grievances of the workers. - stronger use of force. - passing tough new anti-union laws. - through legalizing collective bargaining for workers.
- to find solutions to the reasonable grievances of the workers.
The American Federation of Labor - concentrated on concrete goals like raising wages and reducing hours of labor. - drew its support from unskilled workers. - attempted to build a political party exclusively for labor. - embraced socialism and other radical causes.
- concentrated on concrete goals like raising wages and reducing hours of labor.
Eugene V. Debs revolutionized labor organizing by - organizing all railroad workers into an industrial union. - combining his engineer's union with the AFL. - allowing only skilled workers to join the ARU. - using federal antitrust laws to break up the General -Managers Association.
- organizing all railroad workers into an industrial union.
In the late nineteenth century, the term "spoils" was associated with - personal attachment to a local politician. - the patronage system. - membership in a lodge. - ancestry.
- the patronage system.
According to George W. Plunkitt, Tammany Hall kept the voters' loyalty by - appealing to their worst fears. - bribery. - meeting the needs of the poor. - its reputation for honest government.
- meeting the needs of the poor.
The Interstate Commerce Commission - lacked the power to regulate railroads effectively. - saved producers billions of dollars by forcing railroads to lower their rates. - virtually destroyed the railroad industry by forcing railroads to lower their rates. - amounted to little more than socialist control of the railroad industry.
- lacked the power to regulate railroads effectively.
In the case of Munn v. Illinois (1877), the Supreme Court - agreed that businesses with a public interest were subject to regulation. - declared state Prohibition laws to be unconstitutional. - ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment did not protect black voting rights. - threw out a state law that limited the vote to native-born citizens.
agreed that businesses with a public interest were subject to regulation.
The Pendleton Act of 1883 -reduced the tariff by 20 percent. -increased federal subsidies to railroads. - removed from the South the troops that had protected black voters. - established the merit system for filling federal government jobs.
- established the merit system for filling federal government jobs.
The term "Australian ballot" referred to - supporting candidates who were especially weak. - voting a straight party ticket. - stuffing the ballot box with fraudulent votes. - voting in private voting booths.
- voting in private voting booths.
In 1892, Grover Cleveland - won a majority of the Electoral College but lost the popular vote. - won a majority of the popular vote but lost the Electoral College. - became the first president to win two nonconsecutive terms. - won the presidency, even though his party lost control of the House and Senate.
- became the first president to win two nonconsecutive terms.
William H. Seward advocated the purchase of Alaska because - the area held important natural resources. - he believed in American expansion in North America. - Russia was threatening to attack American fishing vessels operating near Alaska. - he feared that the British would add it to their holdings in Canada.
- he believed in American expansion in North America.
Resistance to the French occupation of Mexico was led by - Antonio López de Santa Anna. -Miguel Lerdo de Tejada. -Porfirio Díaz. -Benito Juárez.
-Benito Juárez.
American missionaries in Hawaii - kept the islands closed to foreign trade. - developed tremendous influence over monarchs, in some cases. - confined their work solely to religious matters. - tried to prevent American interests from gaining influence in the islands.
- developed tremendous influence over monarchs, in some cases.
How did Americans gain influence in Hawaii? - Through the American navy - Through the opium trade - From sugar growers - By exporting beef to the islands
- From sugar growers
Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that - sea power was the key to national greatness. - it was the "Manifest Destiny" of the United States to conquer Canada. - Americans should solve their own problems before getting involved overseas. - the United States had a moral responsibility to bring Christian civilization to a benighted world.
- sea power was the key to national greatness.
Josiah Strong's Our Country (1885) argued that - sea power was the key to national greatness. -it was the "Manifest Destiny" of the United States to conquer Canada. - Americans should solve their own problems before getting involved overseas. - the United States has a moral responsibility to bring Christian civilization to a benighted world.
the United States has a moral responsibility to bring Christian civilization to a benighted world.
Besides insulting President McKinley, the de Lome letter - indicated that Spain had plans to attack the Florida Keys. - suggested Spain was not serious about reforms in Cuba. - offered territory to France in exchange for an alliance. - declared that Spain would easily defeat the American military.
- suggested Spain was not serious about reforms in Cuba.
The Teller Amendment - pledged that the United States would not annex Cuba. - declared that Cuba should be independent. - provided for the U.S. annexation of Puerto Rico. - provided for the U.S. annexation of the Philippine Islands.
- pledged that the United States would not annex Cuba.
How did most Americans die in the Spanish-American War? - By disease - During clashes with Spanish troops on Cuban soil - During naval battles in the Pacific - By machine gun fire
- By disease
The Treaty of Paris - established Cuba as an American colony. -made Hawaii part of U.S. territory. - established joint control of the Philippines by the United States and Spain. - forced Spain to cede Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States.
- forced Spain to cede Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States.
Jane Addams: - sought fulfillment as a wife and mother. - founded Hull House. - used on ending prostitution and avoided -challenging the power of political bosses.
- founded Hull House.
The Social Gospel Movement: - grew out of the reform wing of the Republican Party. - suggested that if people followed Jesus' teachings, they would reform society. - concerned itself with private morality and ignored the problems of the poor. - was bitterly denounced by Catholics.
- suggested that if people followed Jesus' teachings, they would reform society.
In the case of Muller v. Oregon (1908), the Supreme Court ruled that: - women were entitled to have greater protection in the workplace than men. - the Fourteenth Amendment does not guarantee the right to vote for women. - businesses do not have to provide maternity leave for their female employees. - women are entitled to half of a family's assets following a divorce.
- women were entitled to have greater protection in the workplace than men.
Opponents of women's suffrage claimed that: -women should not take leadership roles in society. -voting would corrupt women. -immigrants would not come to a country where women had equal rights. - most universities did not train women in understanding politics.
-voting would corrupt women.
By the late 19th century, advocates of Prohibition: - concentrated on getting their message into school curriculums. - worried more about getting people to drink moderately than stop altogether. - tried to persuade people to quit drinking on moral grounds. - tried to use the power of government to make people stop using alcohol.
- tried to use the power of government to make people stop using alcohol.
Which statement about W. E. B. Du Bois is most accurate? - Although he was a highly regarded black leader, he was virtually illiterate. - He urged that black people think of themselves as human beings and pay no attention to irrelevant characteristics like skin color. - He refused to work with white people. - He challenged Booker T. Washington's leadership and urged black people to demand their rights.
- He challenged Booker T. Washington's leadership and urged black people to demand their rights.
Who were the muckrakers? - Journalists who published stories exposing the corruption of business and politics. - Opponents of the Panama Canal. - The leaders of the IWW. - Social workers in the settlement house movement.
- Journalists who published stories exposing the corruption of business and politics.
Which piece of reform legislation directly resulted from muckraking efforts? - Sherman Anti-Trust Act - Meat Inspection Act - Mann Act -Interstate Commerce Act
- Meat Inspection Act
azen Pingree and "Golden Rule" Jones advocated: - city ownership of utilities. -laissez-faire government. -black suffrage. -Prohibition.
- city ownership of utilities.
Robert La Follette led: - a political machine that successfully fought off reform. -Wisconsin Progressives. -Progressive Democrats in the House of Representatives. -a business revolt against high taxes and government regulation.
-Wisconsin Progressives.
Progressives endorsed the initiative and the referendum because they: - reduced the power of lobbyists. - allowed voters to pass laws without going through potentially corrupt legislative bodies. - ensured that only experts would participate in policy making. - granted special favors to interest groups.
- allowed voters to pass laws without going through potentially corrupt legislative bodies.
Which industry was the first target of Theodore Roosevelt's trustbusting campaign? - manufacturing. -mining. -meatpacking. -railroads.
hich statement best describes Theodore Roosevelt's views on trusts? - Trusts are a threat to democracy and should be broken up whenever possible. - Trusts are an evil, albeit a necessary evil. - Trusts are potentially beneficial, but they need regulation. - Trusts reflect the survival of the fittest and should be left alone.
- Trusts are potentially beneficial, but they need regulation.
The Hepburn Act - banned child labor. - set maximum hours for female workers. - allowed the ICC to establish maximum railroad rates. - created the Federal Reserve System.
- allowed the ICC to establish maximum railroad rates.
The Sixteenth Amendment: - banned the production, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the United States. - required the election of U.S. senators directly by the voters of each state. - gives the federal government the authority to tax income. - established universal female suffrage.
- gives the federal government the authority to tax income.
The Roosevelt Corollary: - granted the United States sovereignty over the Canal Zone in return for a $10 million payment. - proclaimed the right of the United States to police the Caribbean areas. - was the Roosevelt Administration's policy of supporting U.S. investments abroad. -was an executive order by Roosevelt to limit Japanese emigration to the United States.
- proclaimed the right of the United States to police the Caribbean areas.
Dollar diplomacy was: - an amendment attached to the Federal Reserve Act of 1914. - the Taft Administration's policy of supporting U.S. investments abroad. - an outgrowth of the Federal Trade Commission. - used by the United States to purchase the rights from Great Britain to build a canal through Central America.
- the Taft Administration's policy of supporting U.S. investments abroad.
The New Nationalism: - was a program of labor and social reform advocated by Woodrow Wilson. - helped to unite Republicans around the candidacy of William Howard Taft. - was used as a rationale for Roosevelt to "take" the Panama Canal. - was a program of labor and social reform advocated by Roosevelt in the 1912 election.
- was a program of labor and social reform advocated by Roosevelt in the 1912 election.
As governor of New Jersey, Woodrow Wilson: - took a hands-off approach to leadership. - shocked party leaders by embracing reform issues. - developed a reputation as a conservative. - eliminated the corrupt state board of education.
- shocked party leaders by embracing reform issues.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913: - was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. - allows bankers to control the nation's money supply. - turned the national banking system into a socialist enterprise. - provided some regulation for the nation's banking system.
- provided some regulation for the nation's banking system.
The Clayton Antitrust Act (1914): - led to the prosecution of hundreds of powerful corporations. - called for regulating rather than breaking up big business. - allowed the federal government to prosecute big labor. - led to the destruction of the Farmers Alliance.
- called for regulating rather than breaking up big business.
Ash Can School Artists: - shared a focus on urban life. - emphasized the artist's impression of a subject. - painted murals in numerous public buildings throughout the United States during the Progressive Era. - fought tirelessly for social reforms.
- shared a focus on urban life.
Prior to August 1914, most Americans believed - that war in Europe was inevitable. - that war had become obsolete. - that Woodrow Wilson would have his hands full with all the foreign policy problems at the time. - that war with Japan would come within ten years.
- that war had become obsolete.
When Woodrow Wilson entered the White House in 1913 - he expected to spend most of his time dealing with domestic issues. - he was well prepared to deal with imperial rivalries in Europe. - he was determined to reverse the imperial expansionist policies of his Republican predecessors. - World War I was well underway.
- he expected to spend most of his time dealing with domestic issues.
Why did Woodrow Wilson send American troops into Mexico in 1916? - Because Pancho Villa attacked the town of Columbus, New Mexico - To overthrow the Huerta government - To protect American property - In retaliation for the arrest of several American sailors
- Because Pancho Villa attacked the town of Columbus, New Mexico
The Central Powers included - Britain, France, and Germany. - Russia, Germany, and Italy. - Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. - Austria-Hungary, France, and Italy.
- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire
Which statement best describes the first few months of World War I? - American forces drove Germany out of France and secured a favorable position. - Germany hoped for a quick knockout blow but settled into a stalemate position. - A German blitzkrieg effectively drove all Allied forces off the continent. -French armies swept over their enemies and conquered western Europe.
- Germany hoped for a quick knockout blow but settled into a stalemate position.
When World War I broke out in Europe, Woodrow Wilson - urged Americans to be neutral in fact as well as in name. - declared a boycott on goods bound for Germany. - declared a boycott on goods bound for Europe. - told Germany that if she did not end the war in six months, the United States would intervene.
- urged Americans to be neutral in fact as well as in name.
Why did the Germans sink the British passenger liner Lusitania? - They took the position that civilians were legitimate targets during war. - The Lusitania fired upon their submarine first. - British passenger ships were used to carry munitions. - They could not tell whether it was a passenger liner or a naval cruiser.
- British passenger ships were used to carry munitions.
The sinking of the French ship Sussex resulted in - an American ultimatum that unrestricted U-boat attacks would lead to war. - new respect for the American Navy's ability to protect itself. - an extensive German defense of the practice of targeting civilian vessels. - a United States pledge to cut off aid to the Allies until the British agreed to respect American neutrality.
- an American ultimatum that unrestricted U-boat attacks would lead to war.
Following his re-election in 1916, Woodrow Wilson spoke to the U.S. Senate, urging them that - the only lasting peace would be "peace without victory." - Germany had to be bombed into the middle ages. - Russia needed to be saved from the Bolshevik Revolution. -Americans ought to maintain an isolationist stand.
- the only lasting peace would be "peace without victory."
The mission of the War Industries Board was to - implement daylight savings time. - prevent subversive activities from challenging the government. -raise money for the war by issuing Liberty Loans. - supervise wartime production.
- supervise wartime production.
The government adopted this to conserve energy -Nuclear energy -daylight saving time -a four-day work week - florescent lihting
daylight saving time
Which statement best describes how the war affected African Americans? - They gained new freedoms in the South because of the demand for labor. - They found few new opportunities. - Many moved north to take better jobs. - The government forced states to end segregation in an effort to keep war production high.
- Many moved north to take better jobs.
Half a million Americans died in 1918 and 1919 from - starvation - influenza. - smallpox
- influenza.
Throughout the war, Woodrow Wilson - referred to the United States as an Associated Power, rather than as one of the Allies. - promised that the United States would invade Germany through Poland. - trusted the Allied war aims. - balked at the idea of maximizing American influence.
- referred to the United States as an Associated Power, rather than as one of the Allies.
After the fighting in World War I had ended - civil war raged on in Russia. - the Turkish empire strengthened its hold on the Middle East. - Woodrow Wilson was widely condemned by -French, British, and Italian mobs for preventing their countries from achieving total victory.
- civil war raged on in Russia.
The Treaty of Versailles did all of the following, EXCEPT: - require Germany to accept the blame for starting the war. - order Germany to pay reparations to the Allies. - require Germany to limit its army to 100,000 men. - automatically turn former German and Ottoman colonies into French and British colonies.
- automatically turn former German and Ottoman colonies into French and British colonies.
Henry Cabot Lodge - joined President Wilson's campaign for treaty ratification. - strongly supported Article 10 of the League Covenant. - led a Senate faction that sought amendments to Article 10 of the League Covenant. - opposed any American involvement in European affairs.
- led a Senate faction that sought amendments to Article 10 of the League Covenant.
The United States Steel Corporation defeated a steelworkers' strike in 1919 by - forcing several thousand workers to leave their company town in the middle of winter. - portraying the strikers as radicals. - convincing the federal government to arrest the strike leaders. -threatening to move production overseas.
- portraying the strikers as radicals.
Sacco and Vanzetti - were charged with the Wall Street bombing. - had tried to assassinate Attorney General Mitchell Palmer. - were executed for robbery and murder. - organized a nationwide strike in the steel industry in 1919.
- were executed for robbery and murder.
The Eighteenth Amendment - granted women the right to vote. - established the federal income tax. - outlawed the production, sale, or transportation of alcohol. - made it a crime to criticize the government during wartime.
- outlawed the production, sale, or transportation of alcohol.
Criminal syndicalism laws - aided African Americans in demanding equal rights. - banned political organizations made up of immigrants. - were designed to fight organized crime. - made it a criminal offense to advocate Bolsheviks or IWW ideologies.
- made it a criminal offense to advocate Bolsheviks or IWW ideologies.
In the presidential election of 1920 -Democrats won because the Republicans were divided. - Democrats won because newly enfranchised women supported them. - Republicans won in the Electoral College, though -Democrats won more votes. - Republicans won by a landslide.
- Republicans won by a landslide.
What was Woodrow Wilson trying to accomplish by presenting his Fourteen Points? -The establishment of a League of Nations mandate over Germany - Self-determination only for the peoples of Central Europe - A program for world peace - The creation of an organization that would enforce the rules of world trade
- A program for world peace
One of the ways that American business changed during the 1920s was that it: - accepted that labor unions could be a good thing. - faced increasing foreign competition. - coped with a greater degree of government regulation. - used increasingly sophisticated marketing techniques.
- used increasingly sophisticated marketing techniques.
All of the following were effects of the automobile EXCEPT -Dating -Vacations -Those in the city moved to rural areas -A boom in the railroad industry
-A boom in the railroad industry
The American stock market in the 1920s: - was driven partly by real economic growth and partly by speculation. - rendered paltry dividends to investors. -lacked capital investment from big banks. -was characterized by a small number of people borrowing money to buy stock
- was driven partly by real economic growth and partly by speculation.
Los Angeles experienced limited growth until: - farmers abandoned fruit production during World War I. - the automobile arrived in significant numbers during the 1920s. - the Owens River was diverted to Los Angeles in 1913. - the federal government relaxed regulations for the planting of palm trees.
- the Owens River was diverted to Los Angeles in 1913.
The most popular hero of the 1920s was: - Babe Ruth. - Calvin Coolidge. -Jack Dempsey. - Charles Lindbergh.
- Charles Lindbergh.
Sinclair Lewis and H.L. Mencken were critics of - middle-class conformity and materialism. - the hedonism of the Roaring Twenties. - capitalism. - writers who left the United States for Paris.
- middle-class conformity and materialism.
Who was the best-known poet of the Harlem Renaissance? - Paul Robeson - Langston Hughes - Zora Neale Hurston - Alain Locke
- Langston Hughes
The clientele of speakeasies was typically: - working class men. - homeless alcoholics. - immigrants. - more affluent men and women.
- more affluent men and women.
All of the following is true about the Eighteenth Amendment, EXCEPT: -It symbolized the effort to preserve white, old-stock, Protestant values. - Prohibition led to a dramatic drop in alcohol consumption. - Prohibition was never well enforced anywhere. - In 1926, only 19 percent of Americans supported the ban on liquor.
- Prohibition led to a dramatic drop in alcohol consumption.
Religious fundamentalists: - urged the federal government to imprison bootleggers for income tax violation. - saw evolution only as a threat to the Bible's account of creation. - focused exclusively on trying to stop the influx of cheap labor. - viewed evolution as a challenge to religion itself.
- viewed evolution as a challenge to religion itself.
hich of the following was a concern for eugenicists? - what they saw as undesirable genetic traits among southern and eastern Europeans. - the teaching of evolution in school. - unionism. - lynching.
- what they saw as undesirable genetic traits among southern and eastern Europeans.
Which statement describing the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s is most accurate? -It was an exclusively southern organization. -It proclaimed itself to be the largest nonprofit organization in America. - Some Klansmen entered politics, but the Klan never endorsed candidates. - It lost support when a leader was involved in a sex scandal.
- It lost support when a leader was involved in a sex scandal.
Throughout the 1920s, the NAACP: - advocated welfare for blacks. - organized marches and protests throughout the South. - tried to secure a federal antilynching law. - successfully elected blacks as local officials in northern cities
- tried to secure a federal antilynching law.
In the 1920s California pioneered legislation - that allowed interracial marriage. - that legalized homosexuality. - that restricted Mexican immigration. - that forbade Asian immigrants from owning or leasing land.
- that forbade Asian immigrants from owning or leasing land.
John Collier: - was a principal advocate for Asian American rights. - emerged as a leading voice calling for changes in federal Indian policy. - was a leader in advocating rights for Mexican Americans. - was the president of the NAACP.
- emerged as a leading voice calling for changes in federal Indian policy.
All of the following were new measures of welfare capitalism in the 1920s EXCEPT: - health insurance. - retirement pensions. - paid vacations. - full union representation.
- full union representation.
All of the following is true about birth control in the 1920s, EXCEPT: -It gained the approval of physicians and the American Medical Association. -It became a middle class reform movement. - Federal law restricted public distribution of information about contraception. - the widespread use of contraceptives meant that abortions were extremely rare
- the widespread use of contraceptives meant that abortions were extremely rare
Many voters in 1928 saw Al Smith as representing: - big city, immigrant America. - the new, scientific future of America. - the interests of big business. - small-town, Protestant America.
- big city, immigrant America.
When American troops withdrew from the Dominican Republic and Haiti, - they left behind a nation in ruins. - they left behind a country with a vastly improved national economy, higher standards of living for the residents, and improved educational systems. - they left behind better roads, improved sanitation systems, and well equipped national guards. - they vowed never to return.
- they left behind better roads, improved sanitation systems, and well equipped national guards.
The Kellog-Briand Pact: - renounced war as a means of solving international disputes. - was a trade agreement between France and the United States. - stopped Japan from invading China in 1931. - aided Germany in paying World War I reparations.
- renounced war as a means of solving international disputes.
Frances Perkins was instrumental in creating the - Civilian Conservation Corps. - Glass-Steagall Banking Act. - Social Security Act. - Agricultural Adjustment Act.
- Social Security Act.
On Black Thursday, October 24, 1929 - stock prices plunged on the New York Stock Exchange. - President Hoover declared a national day of mourning. - grain prices soared on the Chicago Commodities Exchange. - seven members of the Chicago White Sox admitted to having received bribes for throwing the World Series.
- stock prices plunged on the New York Stock Exchange.
The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930 - cut tariff rates so low that American workers lost their jobs due to foreign competition. - stimulated world trade by cutting tariff rates. - raised tariff rates, encouraging a tariff war that stifled world trade. - raised tariff rates, bringing a needed infusion of cash into the federal budget.
- raised tariff rates, encouraging a tariff war that stifled world trade.
In 1929, unemployment was 3 percent. By 1933, it was - 25 percent. - 17 percent. - 9 percent. - 5 percent.
- 25 percent.
The Reconstruction Finance Corporation tried to fight the Depression by - providing relief directly to the unemployed. - encouraging the creation of small businesses. - loaning money to banks, railroads, and large corporations to keep them in business. - paying farmers not to grow crops.
- loaning money to banks, railroads, and large corporations to keep them in business.
The Glass-Steagall Banking Act - increased bank reserves to encourage lending. - attempted to remove government requirements that set minimum prices. - established savings and loan associations. - provided emergency financing for banks and life insurance companies.
- increased bank reserves to encourage lending.
Penny auctions were - sales events in which no item cost more than a penny. - numismatic conventions that gained new importance at a time when cash was short. - auctions in which a unified community would buy foreclosed farm properties from neighbors at agreed-on low prices in order to return them to the distressed owner. - a nickname for crowds of beggars on the street all requesting pennies.
- auctions in which a unified community would buy foreclosed farm properties from neighbors at agreed-on low prices in order to return them to the distressed owner.
The Emergency Relief Division of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation - was created over Hoover's veto. - provided direct cash payments to needy individuals. - loaned small sums to states to be spent on relief. - created the modern "welfare state."
- loaned small sums to states to be spent on relief.
Which statement best describes President Hoover's handling of the Bonus March? - He turned the army against unemployed World War I veterans, virtually destroying his reelection chances. - Because he had not served during World War I, he antagonized veterans organizations by personally going out and talking to the marchers. - He used force against a group that was widely considered Communist, winning considerable praise from many quarters. - He simply waited out the marchers, knowing that eventually they would go home peacefully.
He turned the army against unemployed World War I veterans, virtually destroying his reelection chances.
The Emergency Banking Bill - allowed the federal government to support private banks. - closed all American banks. - gave Roosevelt the authority to create government-owned banks. - limited the amount of money people could deposit in banks.
allowed the federal government to support private banks.
The Agricultural Adjustment Act - allowed the federal government to sell farm products to Asia. - paid farmers not to grow crops or raise livestock. -issued homesteads to needy families. - was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court
- paid farmers not to grow crops or raise livestock.
n Butler v. the United States, the Supreme Court ruled that - the special tax under the Agricultural Adjustment Act was illegal. - government could not subsidize business in any manner. - farmers were obliged to curtail production without government compensation.
- the special tax under the Agricultural Adjustment Act was illegal.
All of the following is true about the National Recovery Administration, EXCEPT: - It paid farmers to reduce production. - It was a compromise drawn from Roosevelt's and his advisors' ideas. - It implied a legal mandate for union organizing. - Its regulations made price-fixing unavoidable.
- It was a compromise drawn from Roosevelt's and his advisors' ideas.
The Supreme Court declared the National Recovery Administration illegal because - it regulated companies not involved in interstate commerce. - it was too favorable to business interests. - the federal government had no authority to implement collective bargaining. - the government could set codes to fix prices but not set wages.
- it regulated companies not involved in interstate commerce.
Which statement best describes the impact of the Great Depression on traditional values? - Most Americans deserted traditional values in the face of such suffering. -It became impossible to hold to traditional values as the Depression forced families apart. - Marriage rates soared as Americans tried to create a sense of normalcy. - Most Americans clung even tighter to traditional values.
- Most Americans clung even tighter to traditional values.
How did the Great Depression affect women's position in the home? - It had little impact on women's position in the home. - Women became respected as breadwinners. - Men found they had to help with household chores. - Women who worked outside the home were viewed as not caring about their families.
- It had little impact on women's position in the home.
The Public Works Administration sought - to employ young men from cities. - to find jobs only for unskilled workers. - to offer equal pay for all workers, regardless of race. -to assist states with their relief programs.
- to offer equal pay for all workers, regardless of race.
Senator Huey Long of Louisiana advocated - heavy taxes for rich people to provide a range of benefits for everyone else. - impeaching Franklin Roosevelt for his socialistic ideas. - cutting income taxes in order to stimulate business investment. -sending unemployed black people to Africa.
heavy taxes for rich people to provide a range of benefits for everyone else.
The Works Progress Administration - did little more than "make work" for a few hundred unemployed persons. - hired artists to paint and authors to write. - set national minimum wage standards. - required that the federal government give a job to anyone who wanted one
- hired artists to paint and authors to write.
The most controversial aspect of the Social Security Act was - pensions for Americans 65 and older. - aid to state unemployment compensation systems. - assistance to families with dependent children. - how much further it went than Francis Townsend's proposals.
- pensions for Americans 65 and older.
The court-packing plan -- involved rumors of sexual misconduct on the bench. -refers to the difficult time the court faced during major renovations of the court in the 1930s. - was an effort by Roosevelt to add justices to the bench, creating his own favorable majority in the Supreme Court. - was an ill-advised and pathetically executed attack on the Capitol by the KKK.
- was an effort by Roosevelt to add justices to the bench, creating his own favorable majority in the Supreme Court.
Which statement best describes the long-term impact of the New Deal? - Americans look to the federal government to solve economic problems. - Federal power has shifted from the executive branch to Congress. -The federal government has accepted the responsibility of protecting the civil rights of racial minorities. - The groups that were wealthy and powerful before the New Deal have lost most of their former influence.
Americans look to the federal government to solve economic problems.
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