God, All Claims and Free Will Essay Example
God, All Claims and Free Will Essay Example

God, All Claims and Free Will Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1014 words)
  • Published: October 27, 2021
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Metaphysics is a physiology that helps to explain reality and also to appreciate reality further. This study tries to explain common basics of reality which are not experienced in our daily lives. These are things that exist beyond the physical world. Since God doesn’t exist in a physical form, arguments about Him have risen. And for many years, there have been arguments about God.

From His definition of His existence. God exists irrespective of the many arguments from different philosophers and which are mostly assumptions. Some philosophers refer God as an unquestionably flawless being. And He is also a being who is Omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent. Omnipotent means that God is very powerful. Omniscient shows how intelligent and wise God is.

While Omnibenevolent shows how God is good. The major metaphysical issue about God Hi


s is existence. One who believes that God exist is a theist. While an atheist is a person, who believes that God does not exist.

On the other hand, an agnostic person is one who is not decided and believes that the evidence that various philosopher have come up with are not enough to make a decision about God’s existence (Rosen et. Al., 247). With all this, philosophies about God have for many millennium be the greatest debates by the philosophers. No one has ever come with evidence that is able to convince everyone. These philosophies are well articulated but have various demerits.

This is because the case of God’s existence is not well answered. Ernest Nagel came up with arguments all of which were against God’s existence. The oldest of his argument was the cosmological argument (Rosen et. Al., 247).

In this argument, he claime

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that every event must have a cause. He argues that if God is self-caused then why the world should not be self-caused by itself. The problem with this argument is that he makes an assumption that one object has the same capability as the other. For example, since both the birds and chicken have wings they all should fly which is never the case. Also in his third argument of design, he does not acknowledge that despite the complex world there can be on creator who created them all (Rosen et. Al., 249).

And he doesn’t consider that neither the watch nor the organism would have existed without a creator. Generally, all his arguments have flaws as most are assumptions. An entity can be all-good, all-knowing and all-powerful. Only God can have these qualities. God has all of these qualities because He does not have ill intentions about us and He Has all the power to control our lives, and He also knows our future, and He can read our minds and hearts.

From the above, God is an all-good, all-knowing and all-powerful being that exist. But since evil exist in the world, it brings a contradiction to it (Rosen et. Al., 254). This is because if God is all-good, he would have the plea to eliminate evil. And if he is all-knowing, he would have the knowledge that evil exists and therefore know how to eliminate it.

Also, if he is all-powerful, he would have the ability to eliminate evil. With this, it is expected that God would give human beings plenty of good things in their short earthly life and also keep them away from all

sorts of evil. Instead, he gave us great responsibilities for ourselves and the entire universe and also share his resourceful action of determining what sort of the universe it is to be. Therefore, God could not give us all noble things in a complete measure without allowing evil on our way.

A free-will defense is a theodicy that argues that evil is a consequence of human being’s free will. Having the free will, we will not always use it just for good but at times, it brings about evil. The free will defense only deals with the moral evil that we bring as a result of the choices we make. However, it does not take into account the natural evil (Plantinga & Alvin 29). Human beings have the free will that was given to them by God. Through this, one has the ability to choose between good and or bad.

However, the fact that we have free will there are instances where one’s free will has to be interfered with. If human beings lacked a free will, the world would be a different place. It is better that God created the world in which the human being have free will which causes evil than the one that has no free will and no evil as well. Through our Christian faith, I believe that God exists. According to the Holy Bible, Psalms 41, ‘The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, and there is none who does well.

From the above, a fool is one who lives a life that is against the teachings of God. My objection is

majorly from Ernest Nagel works. From his first argument of the first cause, where he argues that if God can be self-caused, then the universe should also be self-caused. Through his argument, there is the minute validity of God as the prime mover.

On his second argument of the ontological argument, he argues that since God has no attribute, then he does not exist (Rosen et. Al., 248). Also on his third argument of design where he says the world is complex, he sees that the creation of organisms is different from someone making other things like the watch. Ernest Nagel is an atheist who does not believe in the existence of God.

With all this, faith plays a major role in believing about God’s existence. Therefore, God exists.

Work Cited

  1. Rosen, Gideon A, Alex Byrne, Joshua Cohen, and Seana V. Shiffrin. The Norton Introduction to Philosophy. , 2015. Print.
  2. Plantinga, Alvin C. God, Freedom, and Evil. Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 1983. Print.
  3. The English Standard Version Bible:  Containing the Old and New Testaments with Apocrypha.  Oxford:  Oxford UP, 2009.  Print.
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