Food Safety Training Plan Essay Example
Food Safety Training Plan Essay Example

Food Safety Training Plan Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1074 words)
  • Published: November 26, 2021
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In any food business, any personnel handling food such as employees and managers must be trained on proper mechanisms of handling and storing food to reduce food contamination and ensure that the food safety achieves the legal quality standards. This essay outlines employee training plan on food safety and food handling in the food business.

Employee training on food safety is very important. Employees need to be trained on the mechanisms of handling food to ensure that it meets on the safety standards. Training employees on food safety allows them to learn the risks of consuming unsafe foods as well as the severity of the foodborne illnesses. The training program exposes the employees to the various causes of foodborne diseases and how to safely keep food to ensure it observes good hygiene. Employees are involved in handling of food any basic traini


ng provided to them would ensure safety of both the employees, the staff and the customers. Training would ensure that the employees follow good food handling mechanisms and this would reduce the likelihood of food poisoning through improper handling.

Training would also act as a quality control mechanism. Quality control would be achieved through employee training by reducing food contamination and wastages. Food safety is a requirement of the health code and the FDA requires all employees in the food sector have a knowledge on proper food handling practices. Training the employees therefore would align them with the requirements of the health sector. Employee training also helps employees to appreciate their work. When workers are trained, they learn that they are responsible for their health and health of the customers and would be more willing to

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practice what they are taught, making them have a positive view of their jobs (Rahm, 2015).

Employees need to be trained on specific food safety areas to ensure that the training remains effective in upholding of food safety and mitigating the effects of improper handling of food. Such areas include: personal hygiene, waste disposal, cleaning and sanitation (Silverstein, 2008)

Cleaning and sanitation

Surfaces that comes into contact with the food when it is being prepared contain germs and bacteria that contaminate food. Employees need to be trained on the how, and the importance of keeping food processing services, equipment and the preparation areas clean. When training the employees, workers need to adapt a cleaning program that is effective and done on regular basis to ensure high sanitation standards are maintained. For example, workers need to document the proper procedures for washing of utensils. For example:

  • Equipment- employees should ensure equipment such as the utensils as well as knifes are cleaned regularly and wiped.
  • Food surfaces- employees must ensure that food contact areas such as sinks and tables are washed with warm water and detergents before and after use.

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is very important in ensuring food safety. Bacteria from the skin and noise may enter the food and contaminate it. Employees need to be trained on how to maintain high standards of cleanliness and personal hygiene. This would help in preventing the transfer microorganisms from the skin into food, preventing food poisoning. Personal hygiene training would include:

  • Clothing-the employees should ensure that their uniforms are clean and are changed as the employee starts a new shift.
  • Health conditions- employees need to ensure that any open wounds or cuts

are covered with waterproof bandages. They must also keep their nails short and clean.

  • Hand washing- they should keep their hands clean by washing them after visiting toilets and before handling foods.
  • Grooming – employees must not ware watches and jewelry when handling food. They should refrain from wearing any equipment.
  • Pest control

    Pests such as cockroaches contaminates food and causes foodborne diseases. The employees need proper training on pest control mechanisms. They should be provided with pest control education to ensure that pests are prevented from contaminating the food. Such would include the necessity for teaching and elaborating to them importance and benefits of covering food and capturing any pests present in the food preparation areas. The program should include:

    • employees must ensure that things such as used cartons that attract pests are kept away from the kitchen.
    • employees must ensure that food spillages are cleaned up immediately.
    • employees must ensure that toilets are kept clean and observe the high hygiene.

    Waste disposal

    Wastes are any unwanted ingredients, foods that are disposed when food is being prepared. Waste contaminates food and therefore calls for an urgent need to train the employees on the proper waste disposal techniques. For example:

    • employees need to ensure that dust bins are cleaned and sanitized on daily basis and allowed to dry for a night.
    • employees should ensure that the disposal bins are emptied regularly.
    • they should ensure that food wastes are placed in bins that are covered tightly.

    Employee safety training should be provided in a stepwise process allowing the employee to apply the skills he or she is learning. The training should be taken before the employees start their duties. Employees might

    be required to attend safety training courses from outside providers. The food business might also provide an in house training using their own designed training programs. In house expertise are used in the training of the employees. The guides used contain enough information and records to ensure that the training meets the required legal standards. The food business may also designed to higher the services of an external expertise and come and train the employees as per the requirements of the business needs (Deon Green, 2007).

    The food business is required to keep an inventory record that indicates the names of the employees and the dates the training was offered. The records would also indicate the competencies of the employees as well as the gaps that need to be filled such as introduction of new workers. The records would indicate the areas of that need to be prioritized and this would enable an easy review of the records for a continuous training (Deon Green, 2007).


    • Deon Green, J. (2007). Well-Designed Food Safety & Sanitation Training Programs. Food Safety Magazine. Retrieved 24 May 2016, from archive1/december-2006january-2007/well-designed-food-safety-sanitation-training- programs/
    • Rahm, J. (2015). The Importance of Food Safety Training for Restaurant Employees | FSW. FSW Season'd. Retrieved 24 May 2016, from importance-of-food-safety-training-for-restaurant-employees/
    • Silverstein, M. (2008). Getting home safe and sound: occupational safety and health administration at 38. American journal of public health, 98(3), 416-423.
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