FIRST AID PRACTICE TEST #1 American Red Cross Test – Flashcards
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5 First aiders should not put themselves in grave danger. Dangerous situation should be left to: A. Only licensed Emergency Medical Technicians or Licensed Physicians or Nurses. B. Professionals like fire fighters and police who have the training and equipment to deal with them.
B. Professionals like fire fighters and police who have the training and equipment to deal with them.
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6 To call the EMS system, you should use: A. 911 as it applies throughout the United States and you will get immediate help. B. The local emergency telephone number for your area and work place.
B. The local emergency telephone number for your area and work place.
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7 The most common type of wound is a ________ . It can easily become infected if not keep clean. A. Avulsion B. Bruise C. Cut D. Scrape
D. Scrape
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8 Severe allergic reactions may become life threatening when the victim's face, neck, and tongue: A. swell, closing the airway B. go into spasms
A. swell, closing the airway
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9 _____________ is usually slow and clots easily, and isn't a bright red. A. capilary B. venous C. arterial
A. capillary
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10 If a victim is conscious, talk to that person and ask how he or she feels. During a head-to-toe check: A. check: face; if breathing is normal; skin color, for any pain, odd bumps, a medical alert tag. B. Notice if the victim is drowsy, not alert or confused. C. Both a & b are correct.
C. Both a & b are correct.
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11 The first aider may determine there is an emergency by looking for: A. unusual situations or smells; pain or or deformity of limbs. B. unusual noises, sights, odors, appearance or behaviour.
B. unusual noises, sights, odors, appearance or behaviour.
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12 Before giving first aid to an injured or ill person, the first aider must have permission. The only exceptions are: A. if the conscious victim is a child and the condition is serious. B. If the victim is unconscious or unable to respond. C. Both a & b are correct.
C. Both a & b are correct..
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13 First aiders need to stay calm and think before they act. There are three basic steps to take: A. Check the scene, call 911, and care for the victim B. Evaluate the situation, call 911, and secure care for the victim.
A. Check the scene, call 911, and care for the victim .
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14 When the first aider calls EMS there are important steps to follow. Which statement is most correct? A. Call 911 and give the exact location of the emergency. Then, do nothing until EMS arrives. B. Call the emergency number. Give the dispatcher the necessary information. Do NOT hang up until the dispatcher hangs up. Give care to the victim.
B. Call the emergency number. Give the dispatcher the necessary information. Do NOT hang up until the dispatcher hangs up. Give care to the victim.
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15 The MOST important thing you can do as a first aider is to: A. realize what care to provide. B. provide care until professional medical help arrives. C. call your local emergency phone number.
C. call your local emergency phone number.
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16 Which of the following situations would LEAST likely require a call to the EMS system: A. the victim is either bleeding severely, unconscious, has chest pain or has no pulse. B. the victim is either vomiting, has a severe headache, or has slurred speech. C. the victim has a known medical history of epilepsy or has had a seizure and is now sleepy. D. The victim either has chest pain, pain in the abdomen, or appears to have broken bones.
C. the victim has a known medical history of epilepsy or has had a seizure and is now sleepy.
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17 To find out if the victim's heart is beating, check the pulse at the carotid artery, which is located: A. in the side of the neck B. in the crease between the trunk of the body and the leg, near the groin.
A. in the side of the neck
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18 A person that is hyperventilating feels: A. that they can't get enough air B. afraid and anxious or seem confused C. dizzy or fingers and toes feel numb and tingly D. All of the above
D. All of the above
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19 The purpose of dressings is to: A. soak up blood and help keep germs out. B. wrap or cover any part of the body C. Raise the injured area above the heart
A. soak up blood and help keep germs out..
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20 To find out if the heart is beating, check the pulse of an infant: A. at the side of the neck B. inside the arm, between the shoulder and elbow.
B. inside the arm, between the shoulder and elbow.B.
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21 You should move a victim when: A. you are faced with immediate danger such as fire, lack of oxygen, etc. B. it is necessary in order to reach another victim who has more serious injuries C. you need to provide proper care, such as CPR D. all of the above
D. all of the above.
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22 When a person hyperventilates, the breathing is _________. A. rapid, shallow B. rapid, deeper
A. rapid, shallow.
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23 When checking a conscious victim: A. don't ask the victim to move any painful areas. B. do not move the victim yourself C. ask the victim to move each part of the body that doesn't hurt. D. All of the above
D. All of the above.
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24 Soon after a victim stops breathing, the heart will stop beating. Brain damage is likely within: A. 6 to 10 minutes B. Over 10 minutes C. 4 to 6 minutes
A. 6 to 10 minutes
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25 The first aider would give about _______ breaths in one minute for a young child, and then recheck the pulse. A. 12 B. 20
B. 20
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26 It is important to recognize the early signals of infection. Mark one of the signals that indicates serious infection. A. develop a fever and feel ill. Red streaks may develop B. area around the would becomes swollen and red C. area may feel warm or throb with pain D. may discharge pus
A. develop a fever and feel ill. Red streaks may develop.
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27 Difficulty in breathing can be the first signal of a more serious emergency, such as __________. A. a heart problem B. an anxiety attack
A. a heart problem
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28 When you arrive on an emergency scene, you need to look: A. for anything that might make the scene unsafe for you and others B. for clues as to what caused the emergency. C. carefully for more than one victim. It's easy to overlook a small child D. All of the above are important.
D. All of the above are important.
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29 If a person vomits, a first aider should: A. Turn the victim on his or her back to let the material flow down the throat. B. Roll the victim on his or her side and clear the mouth of any matter.
B. Roll the victim on his or her side and clear the mouth of any matter.
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30 When doing mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing, to avoid getting air in a victim's stomach: A. Don't breathe too long. B. Don't breathe too hard. C. Open the airway far enough. D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
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31 A victim whose airway is completely blocked can be identified when: A. There is difficulty speaking and the face is inflamed. B. he/she can't speak, cough forcefully or breath.
B. he/she can't speak, cough forcefully or breath.
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32 If it appears a victim is not breathing, the first aider should look, listen, and feel for breathing for about ______ seconds. A. 3 seconds B. 6 seconds C. 5 seconds
C. 5 seconds
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33 Calling for help is often the most important action you can take to help the victim. A. true B. false
A. true
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34 The role of a first aider in the Emergency Medical System includes four basic steps: A. (RDCP) Recognize, Decide to act, Call, Provide care. B. (CAPE) Call, Act, Respond, Execute
A. (RDCP) Recognize, Decide to act, Call, Provide care.
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35 Rescue breathing is given to: A. Anyone who is unconscious and not breathing but has a pulse. B. Anyone who is not breathing but has a pulse. C. Anyone who is not breathing, unconscious, and has no pulse.
A. Anyone who is unconscious and not breathing but has a pulse.
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36 Infected pets, wild animals, and humans can pass diseases and _________ through bites. A. Rabies B. Herpes simplex III
A. Rabies
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37 When a first aider gives rescue breathing he or she should begin by: A. Pinching the victim's nose shut and making a tight seal around the victim's mouth with your mouth. B. Tilting the head back and lifting the chin to open the airway.
B. Tilting the head back and lifting the chin to open the airway.
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38 When a choking victim has received abdominal thrusts, follow up care is important because there may have been: A. Internal injuries. B. Severe irritation of the throat.
A. Internal injuries.
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39 The first aider, upon reaching a victim, should check first to see: A. If the victim is severely bleeding. B. If the victim is breathing with trouble or in a strange way C. If the victim is conscious or unconscious
C. If the victim is conscious or unconscious
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40 For an infant with a blocked airway, you will give 5 back blows between the should blades. You should support the infant by: A. Positioning the infant face down on a hard surface if possible, like a table. B. Positioning the infant face down on your forearm so that the head is lower than the chest.
B. Positioning the infant face down on your forearm so that the head is lower than the chest.
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41 The greatest risk of infection from diseases is when you touch blood or other body fluids. You should: A. avoid contact with body fluids when possible. B. place barriers such as disposable gloves or a clean dry cloth between the victim's fluids and yourself. C. Both a & b.
C. Both a & b.
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42 When the heart beats in an irregular way, it is called a ___________ A. heart attack B. cardiac arrest
A. heart attack (really called an heart arrhythmia) (heart attack is a sudden & sometimes fatal thrombosis (clot) to the heart muscle resulting in the death of part of a heart muscle) (cardia arrest is the sudden sometimes temporary cessation of function of the heart)
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43 When giving rescue breathing to an infant, seal your mouth over the infant's mouth and nose. Breathe only enough to see the chest rise, about __________________. A. 2 seconds B. 1 second C. 1.5 or 1 1/2 seconds
C. 1.5 or 1 1/2 seconds
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44 All but one of the signals below the first aider should recognize as an indication of heart problems: A. Persistent pain or discomfort in the chest that does not go away. B. Brief but stabbing pan or pain that gets worse when you bend or breathe deeply. C. Pain that may spread to the shoulder, arm, neck, jaw or back. Pulse may be irregular. D. has difficulty breathing and the skin may be pale or bluish. (Cyanosis)
B. Brief but stabbing pan or pain that gets worse when you bend or breathe deeply.
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45 A first aider may identify severe bleeding when: A. There is a large amount of blood on the fact. (face?) B. Blood spurts out of a wound. (arterial)
B. Blood spurts out of a wound. (arterial)
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46 A bandage is any material used to wrap or cover any part of the body. It is often used to hold a dressing in place. A. true B. false
A. true
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47 Irreversible brain damage is certain when breathing stops for: A. 6 to 10 minutes B. over 10 minutes C. 4 to 6 minutes
B. over 10 minutes
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48 Do NOT move a seriously injured victim unless there is: A. difficulty in a giving first aid on the scene. B. An immediate danger such as fire, flood or poisonous gas.
B. An immediate danger such as fire, flood or poisonous gas.
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49 A pressure bandage should be applied snugly to help control bleeding. If blood soaks through the bandage, you should: A. apply more dressings, Do not remove blood soaked ones. B remove the blood soaked dressings. Apply new sterile ones.
A. apply more dressings, Do not remove blood soaked ones.
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50 Most people who die of a heart attack die within__________ A. 1 hour B. 2 hours C. 3 hours
B. 2 hours
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51 To find out if the heart is beating, check the pulse of an adult or child: A. At the side of the neck. B. Inside the arm, between the should and the elbow.
A. At the side of the neck.
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52 When a first aider suspects a heart attack, he or she should: A. Convince the victim to stop activity and rest. Reassure and comfort the victim B. Try to obtain information about the victim's condition. Assist with any prescribed medication. C. Call the local emergency number for help and continue monitoring the victim's condition. D. All of the above are important steps for care.
D. All of the above are important steps for care.
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53 The main signal of a cardiac arrest is: A. Absence of pulse. B. Severe chest pains. C. Difficulty breathing, with the skin pale or bluish.
A. Absence of pulse.
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54 CPR is: A. a combination of chest compression and rescue breathing. B. Abdominal compression and rescue breathing.
A. a combination of chest compression and rescue breathing.
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55 When should the first aider stop CPR? A. Another trained person takes over. B. EMS personnel arrive and take over. C. It's unsafe or you're exhausted and unable to continue. D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
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56 For a small child, the first aider should give _______ breaths about every _______ seconds. A. 1breath in 3 B. 1 breath in 4 C. 1 breath in 5
A. 1breath in 3
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57 The leading cause of death for adults in the United States is: A. Vehicle accidents. B. Heart disease C. Accidental injuries
B. Heart disease
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58 Up to age 44, the leading cause of death is: A. Accidents B. Heart disease C. Cancer
A. Accidents
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59 The leading cause of death in children in the USA is A. Disease B. Guns & other weapons C. Accidental injuries
C. Accidental injuries
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60 Dressings are pads placed directly on the wound to soak up blood and help keep germs out. A. True B. False
A. True
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61 It may be only a matter of _________ before a child or infant dies in a life threatening emergency. A. 2 minutes B. Seconds C. 4 minutes
B. Seconds
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62 A wound is _______ when the skin's surface is broken, such as scrapes, cuts and punctures. A. Closed B. Open
B. Open
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63 A first aider should check an unconscious person to see: A. If the victim is breathing B. If the victim has a pulse C. If the victim is bleeding severely D. All of the above.
64 D. All of the above.
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64 _____________ bleeding is usually slow, steady and dark red. A. Capillary B. Venous C. Arterial
B. Venous
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65 When a child hyperventilates, they are often frightened and confused and breathing is shallow and rapid. They may say that: A. They feel dizzy B. Their fingers and toes feel numb or tingly C. Both a & b are correct
C. Both a & b are correct
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66 When giving breaths to children, each breath should last about __________ A. 1 second B. 1.5 second C. 2 seconds
B. 1.5 second
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67 The first aider should then turn the infant over and give ______ chest thrusts, no deeper than ______ deep. Repeat. A. 5 / one inch B. 3 / one inch C. 4 / two inches
A. 5 / one inch
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68 If you find a child unconscious and not breathing, give rescue breathing for about _______ before calling the local emergency number. A. 2 minutes B. 1 minute C. 5 minutes
B. 1 minute
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69 Choking is a common breathing emergency. Some common causes of choking are: A. Swallowing large pieces of poorly chewed food. B. Eating while talking excitedly, laughing or eating to fast. C. Walking, playing, or running with food or objects in the mouth. D. All of the above
D. All of the above
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70 If you are unable to breathe air into the child, the airway is probably blocked. Give _______ thrusts. A. Chest B. Abdominal
A. Chest
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71 If there is no pulse you should start CPR, give cycles of _______ chest compressions ad and ______ rescue breathing. A. 5 / 1 B. 1 / 5
A. 5 / 1
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72 When checking an infant's pulse, the first aider should check: A. the carotid artery, in the neck groove B. The brachial artery, on the inside of the upper arm
B. The brachial artery, on the inside of the upper arm
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73 The leading cause of unintentional deaths is: A. Choking B. Motor Vehicle Accidents C. Falls
B. Motor Vehicle Accidents
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74 When providing rescue breathing to an adult victim, the first aider should give one breath about one every _____ seconds. A. 3 seconds B. 6 seconds C. 5 seconds
C. 5 seconds.
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75 Any chest pain that is severe, lasts longer than _______ minutes, or persists even during rest requires immediate medical care. A. 6 B. 10
B. 10
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76 When a first aider smells an unusual odor, he or she should A. Try to remove any victims as soon as possible. B. Put his/her own safety first. Leave the area if there is a strong odor.
B. Put his/her own safety first. Leave the area if there is a strong odor.
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77 When giving rescue breathing, if the first aider suspects a victim has a head, neck, or back injury, he/she should: A. Try not to move the victim's head and neck B. try to lift the chin without tilting the head C. Remember that the non-breathing victim's greatest need is for air D. All of the above are correct
D. All of the above are correct
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78 When the heart stops beating entirely, it is called _________ A. Heart Attack B. Cardiac Arrest
B. Cardiac Arrest
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79 A first aider may also check for victim's breathing by: A. Putting his/her head near the victim's mouth and nose B. Watching the chest to see if it rises and falls C. Both are true
C. Both are true
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80 The "Good Samaritan Law," gives legal protection to people who provide first aid when: A. They have asked a conscious victim for permission before giving care. B. They act as any reasonable and prudent person would under the same conditions. C. Both a & b are correct
C. Both a & b are correct.
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81 A wound is _________ when the damage is to the soft tissues under the skin surface. A. Closed B. Open
A. Closed
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82 For chest compression to be most effective, the victim should be placed: A. Lying flat, on his or her back, on a level surface. B. Place the victim in the most comfortable, usually the back, with the head and chest slightly elevated.
A. Lying flat, on his or her back, on a level surface.
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83 A wound caused by a pointed object that pierces the skin is a puncture wound. The main concern is that: A. Severe bleeding. B. A severe infection needs a tetanus shot.
B. A severe infection needs a tetanus shot.
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84 You may realize a child is having asthma attack when there is: A. A Wheezing sound. A. A gurgling sound.
A. A Wheezing sound.
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85 If a bite breaks the skin, the first aider should: A. Cleanse the wound B. Cover the wound with a bandage C. Seek medical attention D. All of the above
D. All of the above
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86 ___________ is usually bright red and spurts from the wound. This is one of the easily recognizable signals of severe bleeding. A. Capillary B. Venous C. Arterial
C. Arterial
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87 An injured person may become unpleasant or angry. A. The first aider should tell the victim to calm down; that you are trying to help. B. It is best to do nothing if you feel threatened by the victim's behavior. C. Leave the immediate area and call your local emergency number for help.
C. Leave the immediate area and call your local emergency number for help.
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88 The purpose of bandages is to: A. Hold dressings in place. B. Support an injured part of the body. C. Both a & b. D. Neither a or b.
C. Both a & b.
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89 When a victim has no pulse and is not breathing, the brain can begin to die in as little as _____________ minutes. A. 3 minutes B. 5 minutes C. 4 minutes
C. 4 minutes
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90 A major cause of breathing emergencies for children is: A. Choking on a piece of food or a small object. B. Respiratory illnesses and high fever. C. Electrical shock or drowning.
A. A. Choking on a piece of food or a small object.
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FIRST AID PRACTICE TEST #1 American Red Cross Test (40 question test. Questions taken from all three tests)
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