First Aid for BSA – Tenderfoot – Flashcards
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TF5a-Show first aid for tick bites
5-remove tick using tweezers while wearing nonlatex gloves,gently pull, don't squeeze, wash with soap water and apply antiseptic, wash hands after dealing with tick
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TF6-Show first aid for venomous snakes bites
6-remove rings and other jewelry before injury swells, get victim to doctors care asap, wash around wound, have victim lie down with bitten limb lower than rest of body, keep victim calm, treat for shock, but dont elevate affected limb
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TF7-Show first aid for a nosebleed
7-have the person sit leaning forward so that blood does not run down the throat, ask the person to pinch there nose gently but firmly, apply pressure on the upper lip, just below the nose, hold a cold compress against the nose and surrounding area
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TF8-Show first aid for frostbite and sunburn
8-frostbite-move into shelter, when ear or cheek is affected, warm with palm of hand, place frostbitten hand against warm skin, severe frostbite-dry clothing, wrap injured area and see doctor, sunburn-applying cool damp cloth, and protect skin from further exposure
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TF5b - Show first aid for chigger bite
use calamine lotion, don't scratch. To prevent - scratch around ankles, under arms and waist after being outside to prevent set in. Take a shower and wash clothing
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TF5c - spider bites
for harmful spiders such as black widow or brown recluse where person shows sign of difficulty swallowing, nausea, stomach pain and cramps - get to a doctor asap, treat for shock
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TF5d - insect stings
remove stinger with edge of sharp knife, dont squeeze stinger, apply ice pack to reduce pain and swelling
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