Exam 3: Evidence Based Practice Questions from My Nursing Lab – Flashcards

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The nursing instructor is explaining​ evidence-based practice​ (EBP) to nursing students. Which statements are appropriate to include in the​ explanation? ​(Select all that​ apply.) >"EBP tests hypotheses about​ health-related conditions." >"EBP promotes generalization of client care." >"EBP considers the client​'s ​needs, values, and choices." >"EBP is reflective of the best evidence from current research." >"EBP incorporates the nurse​'s clinical expertise."
>"EBP considers the client​'s ​needs, values, and choices." >"EBP is reflective of the best evidence from current research." >"EBP incorporates the nurse​'s clinical expertise."
The nursing student is giving a presentation about nursing research. Which statement is most appropriate for the student to include in the​ presentation? >"Nursing research tests hypotheses about​ health-related conditions and nursing care." >"Nursing research is clinical​ knowledge, expert​ opinion, or information resulting from research." >"Nursing research is illustrated by the client​'s choice to use an alternative treatment." >"Nursing research combines the best evidence from current​ studies, clinical nursing​ expertise, and client preferences."
>"Nursing research tests hypotheses about​ health-related conditions and nursing care."
During a class about research​ methods, a nursing student asks the​ instructor, open double quote"What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative ​research?close double quote" Which response by the instructor is the most​ appropriate? >"Qualitative research does not use the scientific method." >"Quantitative research uses precise measurement to collect data and analyze it statistically." >"Qualitative research is used to test relationships between variables." >"Quantitative research explores individuals​' subjective experiences."
>"Quantitative research uses precise measurement to collect data and analyze it statistically."
The nurse is critically appraising a research study. Which statement is reflective of an appraisal of the​ study's reliability? >​"The study's results are not applicable to clinical​ practice." ​>"Although the study was supposed to measure the​ client's wound​ healing, it really measured the​ client's satisfaction with​ care." ​>"The study's results are applicable to clinical​ practice." ​>"The original study was repeated three​ times, but it did not produce consistent​ results."
​>"The original study was repeated three​ times, but it did not produce consistent​ results."
The nurse is participating in conducting a research study and needs to determine if an individual qualifies to be a participant. Which criteria must be met for inclusion in a research​ study? ​(Select all that​ apply.) >The individual must waive the right to anonymity. >The individual is informed of all aspects of the study. >The individual receives payment for participation. >The individual has given informed consent. >The individual meets all the inclusion criteria.
>The individual is informed of all aspects of the study. >The individual has given informed consent. >The individual meets all the inclusion criteria.
A group of nursing students are discussing clinical research questions. In describing the difference between background questions and foreground​ questions, which student​'s statement is the most​ appropriate? >"Background questions address a range of clinical issues" >"Answers to background questions may be found in drug guides." >"The answer to a foreground question addresses multiple clinical issues." >"Foreground questions are ​knowledge-based."
>"Answers to background questions may be found in drug guides."
A nursing student is giving a classroom presentation about​ evidence-based practice​ (EBP). Which statement best reflects the student​'s correct understanding of​ EBP? >"EBP is the gathering of objective facts and information to advance knowledge about a specific topic." >"EBP involves combining quality​ research, clinical​ expertise, and client preferences to achieve the best client outcomes." >"EBP incorporates clinical​ knowledge, expert​ opinion, or information resulting from research." >"EBP uses a systematic and strict scientific process to test hypotheses about​ health-related conditions and nursing care."
>"EBP involves combining quality​ research, clinical​ expertise, and client preferences to achieve the best client outcomes."
Which statements most accurately describe potential barriers to implementation of​ evidence-based practice​ (EBP)? ​(Select all that​ apply.) >Providing accountability for nursing care >Ensuring credibility of the nursing profession >Client workload demands >Lack of access to continuing education programs >Nursing misperceptions about EBP
>Client workload demands >Lack of access to continuing education programs >Nursing misperceptions about EBP
What should the nurse expect a​ meta-analysis study to​ offer? >A detailed description that is specific to one​ individual, issue, or event >A study that uses a control group and an experimental group to illustrate a​ cause-and-effect relationship >A study that follows two groups over a period of time measures the outcomes of an exposure group with those of a nonexposure group >Examination of a group of studies on a given​ topic, followed by combination and analysis of the results as if they were from one large study
>Examination of a group of studies on a given​ topic, followed by combination and analysis of the results as if they were from one large study
In consideration of the evaluation of research​ evidence, which statement best describes​ validity? >It is the study​'s ability to produce consistent results with each use. >It is the degree to which the study measured what it intended to measure. >It is reflective of the study​'s application to clinical practice. >It is used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a study and its resulting evidence.
>It is the degree to which the study measured what it intended to measure.
Which questions are most appropriate for the nurse to consider during the evaluation of the impact of​ evidence-based practice on client​ outcomes? ​(Select all that​ apply.) >Is the new practice beneficial to the​ nurse? >Does the practice adhere to the American Nurses Association​ (ANA) standards of nursing​ care? >Is the practice in accordance with the state​'s nurse practice​ act? >Is the new practice being implemented​ correctly? >Does the change in practice yield the intended​ results?
>Is the new practice being implemented​ correctly? >Does the change in practice yield the intended​ results?
​Tina, a staff​ nurse, is attending an​ in-service about​ evidence-based practice​ (EBP). The unit nurse​ leader, Maria, asks Tina how she supports the development of EBP. Which response best reflects​ Tina's misperception about a barrier to implementing​ EBP? >​"I've taken extra clients almost every night this monthlong dash—I ​can't handle the thought of adding one more thing to my​ to-do list." >​"I think what​ we're doing now works just fine—why fix what​ isn't broken?" ​>"I've been picking up a lot of extra shifts—​I'm too busy to take on another​ work-related responsibility." ​>"I'm not certified in research and I​ don't have time to take a course right now—EBP is outside my scope of​ practice."
​>"I'm not certified in research and I​ don't have time to take a course right nowlong dash—EBP is outside my scope of​ practice."
For his senior​ project, Ben, a graduate​ nurse, is designing a study intended to explore how certification exam preparation courses affect nursing​ students' success rates in passing the exam. Which element best reflects​ Ben's use of a randomized control trial​ (RCT) design? >He interviews five graduate nurses who completed a certification exam preparation course and details their experiences with the​ course, and then identifies the number of graduate nurses who successfully completed the certification exam >He examines a group of studies on graduate nurses who completed certification exam preparation​ courses, and then combines and analyzes the results as if they were from one large study >He compares graduate nurses who successfully passed the certification exam with graduate nurses who did not pass the exam in order to determine whether or not completing a certification exam preparation course was a variable that contributed to test performance
>He compares the exam performance of a control group of graduate nurses who did not complete any certification exam preparation course to a group of graduate nurses who completed a specific certification exam preparation course prior to taking the exam
The clinical nursing instructor is designing a presentation about​ evidence-based practice​ (EBP). Which example best illustrates evidence derived from​ research? >"A nurse reads studies about the effects of massage on back pain. " >"The client may refuse to have back surgery." >"Studies suggest medical massage effectively reduces lower back pain." >"In certain​ cultures, male clients accept massage treatment only from male therapists."
>"Studies suggest medical massage effectively reduces lower back pain."
The nurse is designing a nursing clinical research study. Which research questions are most appropriate for this type of​ study? ​(Select all that​ apply.) >What is the relationship between the duration of​ nurse-client interaction and the​ client's level of satisfaction with nursing​ care? >What factors influence an​ individual's choice to enroll in online nursing​ education? >How do communication styles influence the​ nurse's perception of nurse​ educators? >How do environmental noise levels affect the​ client's pain perception​ postanesthesia? >Is there a relationship between acupressure and incidence of nausea in clients who are receiving chemotherapy​ medications?
>What is the relationship between the duration of​ nurse-client interaction and the​ client's level of satisfaction with nursing​ care? >How do environmental noise levels affect the​ client's pain perception​ postanesthesia? >Is there a relationship between acupressure and incidence of nausea in clients who are receiving chemotherapy​ medications?
Which statements best reflect the​ nurse's correct understanding of principles related to​ evidence-based practice​ (EBP)? ​(Select all that​ apply.) >​"Client choices do not affect​ evidence-based practice." ​>"Client-centered care is an outcome of​ evidence-based practice." >​"Evidence-based practice promotes individualization of client​ care." ​>"The nurse's level of expertise influences​ evidence-based practice." ​>"Evidence-based practice requires application of all research evidence about a given​ topic."
​>"Client-centered care is an outcome of​ evidence-based practice." >​"Evidence-based practice promotes individualization of client​ care." ​>"The nurse's level of expertise influences​ evidence-based practice."
The critical care nurse is developing a clinical question that explores the etiology of adult respiratory distress syndrome​ (ARDS). Which clinical question is the most​ appropriate? >What are some potential complications of​ ARDS? >Which medications lead to best outcomes for clients with​ ARDS? >What are the causes of​ ARDS? >How does ARDS affect arterial blood gas​ values?
>What are the causes of​ ARDS?
The nursing instructor asks students to develop examples of background questions. Which student responses are the most​ accurate? ​(Select all that​ apply.) >What is the pathophysiology of left ventricular heart​ failure? >How does acupuncture compare to pain medication for treating chronic knee​ pain? >How does incentive spirometry help prevent collapse of the small airways in the​ lungs? >Why​ isn't long-acting insulin administered via the IV​ route? >What is the link between care​ providers' stethoscopes and​ healthcare-acquired infections?
>What is the pathophysiology of left ventricular heart​ failure? >How does incentive spirometry help prevent collapse of the small airways in the​ lungs? >Why​ isn't long-acting insulin administered via the IV​ route?
The nurse is designing a quantitative research study about the relationship between yoga and wellness. Which research question is the most appropriate for this​ study? >What is the relationship between engaging in yoga and the incidence of​ hypertension? >How do individuals who engage in yoga perceive the link between exercise and​ hypertension? >What is the nature of the relationship between engaging in yoga and experiencing​ wellness? >How do health beliefs about hypertension influence an individual​'s choice to practice​ yoga?
>What is the relationship between engaging in yoga and the incidence of​ hypertension?
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