Europe in the 1600s – Flashcards

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John Calvin
Lawyer in Southern France. He was a devout Catholic. He and S. France got a good look at the Papacy at its worst. Converted to Lutheranism. Saw that there was major logical inconsistencies in Lutheranism. Escaped France to Geneva, a Swiss City-State. Over the course of his life, He created his New Religion, Calvinism. The city became Calvinist. It was run behind-the-scenes by Calvin. (Religion-State)
the belief that G-d has known since the beginning of time who will be saved from their sins.
Henry VII (Henry Tudor)
Made and army and (probably) killed Richard. Becomes King and tells his boy to keep crown in family. Father of Henry VIII.
Henry VIII of England
Need a divorce from Catherine, but Charles V (HRE), Catherine's nephew, made sure the Pope wouldn't allow this. Henry got Parliament to pass 2 laws that gave him control over all churches and made him the head of the Church in England (this is the act of succession and the act of supremacy- 1533). Slept around with many women and tried to have a boy. Finally, he had Edward VI, who became his heir. But, the thrown quickly went to Mary because of Edward's VI death. Henry is responsible for the english reformation. `
Catherine of Aragon
Henry's first wife, niece of Charles V (HRE). Henry divorces her because she can't have a son. Her daughter is mary aka Bloody Mary. The pope would not annul the marriage leading to the creation of the Episcopalian church.
Mary Tudor
Gathered an army to take over Edward VI; wanted to convert England back to Catholicism. Parliament tries to pass a law making sure Mary isn't Queen, but it doesn't work. Mary's husband is Phillip II, Charles V (HRE)'s son, who is also the ruler of Spain and Holland to keep the French surrounded. Died in 1558 from a tumor. Her death marks the beginning of Elizabeth's reign.
Anne Bolynne
Henry's second wife. She bore him one daughter, Elizabeth. She tried desperately to have a second child, preferably a son, but was unable and even asked members of Harry's court to impregnate her. She even asked her brother at one point. When Henry learned about this, he had her framed for incest and killed. Anne Bolynne was Catherine of Aragon's maid before becoming Henry's wife.
Thomas More
English Judge, Devote Catholic, Henry VIII's father figure. (Most respective man in Europe) Mentor of Henry. England wanted an interesting king, but they were fine with his problems because "the #2 man was Moore"; Opposed Henry VIII's divorce and was beheaded because of it.
Pope Clement VII (de Medici)-
Act of Succession/Act of Supremacy of 1533
Done by henry 8th. Succession- took over church of England and basically stole it. Supremacy- a law that put the king in charge of all English churches.
Mary I of England("Bloody Mary")
see Mary Tudor
Elizabeth I of England
mother was beheaded by her father. Terrible upbringing. Neglected by her father, but adored him. Hated her brother (the king to be)(he was dumb). Molested by Catherine Parr's second husband. She not a nice person, but she understood everything. She was probably a virgin after she became queen. She is an egomaniac. She produced no heir. She believed that she could use the idea of sex to her advantage with men. (still a virgin = no heir) Leaves England in a terrible spot. (She probably wanted people to say how awesome it was when she was queen.) She left england to such an incompetent idiot that some thought she was so egotistical that she wanted england to do badly after her death to show how good she was for them and how important she was to England. Others think she left it to James I (?) because she was so old and senile before she died that she didn't really know what was going on.
Jane Seymour
Anne's lady in waiting. Marries Henry (3rd wife). Has a son Edward. She dies 3 days later from blood loss.
Edward VI
successor of Henry VIII; was unhealthy and young and was promptly targeted by Mary, who became the Queen after him, despite Parliament's protest.
Anne of Cleves
a German princess (has no friends); She marries Henry 8th in 1538; Henry never saw her before they got married, Henry divorces her after 3 days because she smelled bad. Henry Kills the man who told him to marry her (he also was the one who tired Ann Boleyn and Thomas Moore), it was a purely political marriage
Catharine Howard
Anne of Cleves' Made of Honor; Father claimed her to be a virgin, however she was not; Slept with everyone except Henry; Beheaded for getting caught sleeping with someone in Henry's bed, henry found out she wasn't virgin on wedding night and didn't care except she kept sleeping around with other people
Catherine Parr
Her 2nd husband probably rapes Elizabeth; Savvy and Knew her way around court; Outlives Henry; Responsible for raising Elizabeth (Ann's daughter, greatest English monarch, very bizarre and complicated); Married 5 years; was a mother figure to Elizabeth
Philip II of Spain
Mary's husband; (Charles V step down from the HRE. Made his brother the ruler of HRE and son, Phillip II, the ruler of Spain and Holland. He wanted to keep France surrounded. Holland is also rich. The Dutch don't like to be controlled,) Phillip II has trouble in Holland because of taxes. The Dutch reacted very quickly. Phillip II sent in troupes to collect taxes or kill. The Dutch killed soldiers. Figured he would come back and take over England. Uses Mary (Queen of Scots)'s execution as an excuse to scold Elizabeth (England). Spain then invaded England. (Phillip believed he was King of England; He was married to Bloody Mary and believed he stayed the King)
Dutch Rebellion
Started because Philip's taxes were too high; The Dutch (Holland) rebelled; Philip was winning the battles, but it seemed as if the Dutch army was getting better; Elizabeth trained the Dutch to become better in the army, gave them money (It was Elizabeth's advantage for Holland to stay independent, good to have them as an ally → close, wealthy, trade)
Mary Stewart of Scotland (Mary Queen of Scots)
Elizabeth's original heir to the throne; Originally, the Princess of Scotland → became Queen, Scotland had its independence; Scots and French were close because they both didn't like England; Mary left Scotland and went to France for almost her whole life (Raised by future in-laws in Paris, cultural city, "popping); Different from Elizabeth because she slept around with guys,but didn't understand how to use men. First Husband loved her, but died at the age of 20; Mary moved back to Scotland, depressed; Had drinking problems (Said she wanted to be Queen of England); Married a man named Darnley; had an affair with her Secretary, Richio. Darnley finds out about Richio and kills him, brutally. Darnley gets killed (Mary is framed for this); Mary marries Earl of Bothwell (Probably forced to, worse than Darnley); Mary is thrown off the throne and into the dungeon; James I of Scotland becomes Mary's heir; Elizabeth takes her in (she thinks she is the greatest and can fix Mary); Mary was caught a few times trying to kill Elizabeth so, she was forced to kill Mary after being tried for treason; James didn't try to help his mom.
Spanish Armada 1588-1588
Phillip uses Mary as an excuse to go invade England; Says he's angry over her being killed; (Spain was the most powerful Army); England (Elizabeth) knew this and knew the only way to beat them was to fight on water (used pirates); English pirates attacked Spain (Creation of the English navy); Ruined Spain and pretty much collapsed after this; Spain runs out of money when the Gold and Silver in south America runs out; Spain is never great again; Defeat marks England as a world power and the beginning of the end for Spain; (France benefited by the Spanish armada with one less place to fight; Spain)
James I
Elizabeth's nearest relative. He was already king of Scotland. He couldn't convince the Puritans to reform. Son of Mary, Queen of Scots
Charles I
James I's son. When he needed money from Parliament, they made him sign the Petition of Right.
Oliver Cromwell
General for the Puritans during the English Civil War. shut down Rump Parliament and ruled England as a Military Dictator.
New Model Army
Oliver Cromwell created this army to fight back against the crown after he snapped. The army was made completely of Calvinists. This made them overzealous since they believed in what they were doing. Henry trained this new army out of his own pocket. They used cannons and guns more than ever seen before in warfare. The New Model Army was a small, easily movable, quick army. This gave Parliament the advantage they needed to defeat Charles I.
Battle of Naseby
Battle that Cromwell fights in against king, New Model Army was set up by parliamentary army to be defeated by king's army, New Model Army easily won
The Rump Parliament
ruled England after Civil War, made up completely of Calvinists, failed because it tried to combine executive and legislative branches, shut down by Oliver Cromwell
Charles II
Charles I's oldest son. He was asked to rule by Parliament. Started the period of Restoration. A good politician. Anglican. Died of syphilis. Made James 2nd daughters stay Anglican because he thought they would rule.
James II
heir and brother of Charles II. Tried to impose Catholicism back onto the English. When tried to fight William and Mary his army ditched him and he fled to France.
William and Mary
Mary was James II's oldest daughter and a Protestant. William was the Prince of the Netherlands.William led his army to London and ended the James II with the Glorious Revolution. outlawed Catholocism
The English Bill of Rights
drafted by Parliament under William and Mary, stated what a ruler can and cannot do under English Law. Gave the Prime Minister Executive Power, no power to raise taxes or make laws, King/Queen were just figureheads
The Toleration Act of 1689-
Henry III
Catholic king during France's religious civil wars, agreed to deal with Henry Bourbon (Calvinist) that if he died Henry Bourbon would become king, did not think it would actually happen but he was assassinated days later
Henry Bourbon of Navaree (Henry IV)
first king of the Bourbon dynasty in France; converted to Catholicism for France; Restored French monarchy to a strong position;
Edict of Nantes-
Louis XIII
reigned after Henry IV; moved against Huguenots; increased power of government agents;
Cardinal Richilieu
Ruler of France until Louie XIII turned 18. Even after that, the Cardinal basically ruled the country. Louie never needed to rule because the Cardinal was so good at it; wanted to build a modern nation, with a government that would last. Wanted to unite all French-speaking people; Wanted direct control of their people, but the Barons thought they still had control of the people on their land. He made French States and made the Barons representatives of the King. They agreed because the King would make them rich. Made the nobilities burn their castle, which disarmed them in case of revolt. In order to not have the HRE be France's neighbor, Richilieu had France enter the 30 year war, where they made sure that countries kept their independence from the HRE.
Thirty Years War
The HRE tried to get back the Lutheran states. War starts in Prague (HRE, but unspoken law allowed them to remain Lutheran). Prague was too rich for Charles to give up. The HRE invades Prague to make them Catholic, so Lutherans come to help. HRE invades Germany. After 20 years, it looks like the HRE would win. But, the French would enter the war as the defense of the Lutheranism. the Cardinal entered to keep his neighbors weak and to not have an Empire be his neighbors.
Louis XIV of France
increased the (supposed) power of the nobility; Built Versailles and made the image of the King as god-like and a symbol of France's wealth; Lets France's economy fall because of stupid decisions.
Cardinal Mazarin
regent after Richilieu died, ruled similarly to Richilieu
The Frodes
when nobility tried to revolt after Louis XIII died, shaped Louis XIVs reign because he was always cautious of nobility
"The Sun King"
name and personal of Louis XIV
"L'etat c'est moi."
"I am the state" ; shouted by Louis XIV
Palace of Versailles-
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