Essay Questions Concering unit 2 test – Flashcards

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What would be the effect on the circulatory system if a person received a massive dose of sympathetic nervous system blocker?
The sympathetic nervous system adapts the body in many ways for physical activity, It increases alertness, heart rate, blood pressure pulmonary airflow, blood gluecose concentration and blood flow to cardiac and skeletal blood flow. Therefore if this system were to be blocked the circulatory system would not be able to adapt the body the physical activity that the body will soon do. The circulatory system would be very disorganized and the body would not be able to experience the fight or flight response. Correct Answer: Correct Ans) There would be a decline, possibly quite drastic, in blood pressure.
A person, having received accidental exposure to an antiacetylcholinesterase, will display pinpoint pupils. Why?
Correct Ans) The parasympathetic neurons controlling the pupillary constrictors are cholinergic.
In asthma, the bronchial and bronchiolar muscles constrict. Using the information in this chapter, what naturally occurring chemical might one inhale during a serious attack?
Correct Ans) Norepinephrine is the most obvious answer based on this chapter but the actual inhalant was, in former times, epinephrine. The currently employed inhalants used during an acute attack are chemically related to epinephrine but with less widespread effects. Long-term therapy for asthma employs certain steroids to reduce the chance of such attacks.
Why would thermoregulation be more difficult in someone with spinal cord damage?
Answer: Because if some one has damage the autonomic nervouse system it would be hard for the body to regulate a homeostatis. The sympatheic nervouse system will help regulate the body to adatp, and the parasymphatheic system will help bring it back to normal conditions. Correct Answer: Correct Ans) The sympathetic fibers that travel to sweat glands and the blood vessels of the skin journey through the spinal nerve route.
Why does an orange drink taste differently when you have a cold compared to when you are healthy?
Answer: Because when you have a cold your olfactory receptors are constricted and can not help give the boost in the taste of the orange juice. Taste is enhance by smell receptors, or olfactory receptors. Correct Answer: Correct The orange "taste" would be one of those flavors partly dependent on smell (p. 592).
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Why is red paint a poor choice for an emergency vehicle but white or light color a better idea?
Answer: Because the red paint is harder to see with different shades of light, and the also the darker colors absorb light making it harder to be seen by visual receptors of the eye. White color reflects light or does not absorb as much light, therefore it would be easier to see. Correct Answer: Correct Rod cells are used in night vision (i.e., scotopic) and contain rhodopsin. Red (675 nm) is hard to see at night since the peak absorption for rhodopsin is 500 nm (pp. 620, 623, Fig 16.36 on p. 621).
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Digitoxin, a cardiac glycoside, is derived from the leaves of the foxglove plant and is used as heart medicine. This drug can cause a heart attack in a person with a normal heart. Predict the typical flavor of this toxic chemical.
Selected Answer: I would assume that the flavor of a toxic chemical would be bitter, and would help warn the body that it is consuming a harmful substance. Correct Answer: Correct According to the chapter, they should (and, in fact, are) quite bitter (p. 592).
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Why it is that hearing loss due to loud noises is more likely to lead to high frequency deafness rather than low frequency deafness? Keep in mind that the closer one is to a sound, the louder it seems.
Because the damage done to the ear receptors for high frequency will vibrate at a different level then those of a low frequency. Correct Answer: Correct The proximal hair cells detect higher frequencies and these cells are closer to the oval window (p. 603, Fig. 16.17 on p. 604). Since they are closer, they logically receive more sound energy than those farther away.
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If you wished to control chronic high blood pressure in a person, which hormones should you block? Assume that this individual exhibits no signs of emotional stress.
You would want to to block the adrenaline and non adrenaline hormone by blocking theses hormones it will slow down the heart rate and reduce the force at which blood is pumped to the whole body. Correct Answer: Correct Blocking angiotensin II and aldosterone would be effective (p. 652, Table 17.5 on pp. 653-654). ACE inhibitors are commonly used to help heart patients but fairly recently it has been found that controlling aldosterone is also useful. Thyroid hormone levels might also be checked since these can increase heart rate too (p. 646).
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Using the information in chapter 17, why would growth hormone be a useful way to increase milk production in dairy cows?
Answer: Because growth hormone stimulates mitosis and cellular differentiation, which helps promote tissue growth through out the whole body, even the tissue that helps increases milk production. Correct Answer: Correct Growth hormone increases cell differentiation and mitosis so that would seem to increase mammary cell proliferation (p. 642). Protein synthesis is increased and calcium ion transport is improved (p. 644). High-carbohydrate meals are apt to cause a decline in GH secretion (p. 645) and that is what cows mostly eat! Therefore, GH might counteract that effect.
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A very slender young man is found wandering and disoriented on a street. His speech is slurred and he smells as if he has drunk too much of the local hard apple cider. Your friend, the organic chemist, says that apple cider smell is actually the smell of ketones. As the young man seems to have urinary incontinence, a police officer wants to just get him into the drunk tank as quickly as possible. What life-saving suggestion should you have?
Answer: I would suggest first to get him medical treatment. It would be wise for the man to get his blood glucose level checked. It is aparent that keytonebodies are being produced in his body, because of a lack of gluecose sysnthesis. Insluin would most likely help him break down carbs and other sugars to gluecose to raise his blood gluecose level. Correct Answer: Correct Test him for diabetes mellitus. The symptoms more specifically match Type I diabetes mellitus and the man may have lost his insulin which he may need soon to avoid coma and even death (p. 670).
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A man and his wife have been trying to have a baby because their relatives are making life very unpleasant for them because of the childlessness of the couple. Can you explain one cause of the problem?
Selected Answer: One cause of the problem may be due to the added stress of the couple are receiveing form their relatives, thus making it hard to have a regular balance in hormones of estrogen or testostrone. It might be expected that because the wife may have low estrogen levels her uterus is under developed . Correct Answer: Correct Persons under stress produce an excess of cortisol with chronic stress. The cortisol will suppress the production of sex hormones (p. 666). The prospective grandparents should chill out a little if they want to hear those little feet!
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