Paltas – College Essay Example
Paltas – College Essay Example

Paltas – College Essay Example

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  • Pages: 13 (3383 words)
  • Published: August 7, 2018
  • Type: Research Paper
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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs by Bob Poston, cst An Exercise in Personal Exploration: Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs serves as a useful assessment tool in various professions, especially in education and healthcare. The concept addresses needs in a sequential order, prioritizing basic survival needs before progressing to more intricate ones. Many healthcare educational programs incorporate the teachings of Maslow’s hierarchy to cater to patients' psychological needs according to their respective life stages. This approach aids in identifying and addressing the specific needs of individuals. The utilization of a hierarchical pyramid allows for a clear depiction of the different stages of need, commencing with physiological needs as the foundation. As we ascend the pyramid, needs become more intricate, including safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and ultimately, self-actualization at the pinnacle.

This piece offers a thorough di


scussion on the theories of Abraham Maslow, delving into critical analysis and addressing any associated disputes. It evaluates how these theories influence human behavior and provides an evaluation of each element in Maslow's Hierarchy Pyramid. The aim is to help readers grasp the different stages of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, distinguish between being needs and deficit needs, elucidate the concept of self-actualization, and understand how Maslow's Hierarchy impacts patient care.

Abraham Maslow, born to uneducated Jewish immigrants in Brooklyn, New York on the 1st of April 1908, was the eldest amongst his seven siblings and largely grew up without friends. Considering the criticisms of Maslow's theories, develop a counter-argument © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: AUGUST 2009 | the surgical technologist | 347 Given a choice between food and entertainment, they are likely to op

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for food. This preference was similarly observed when monkeys had to make a decision between water and food.

The water would always be prioritized over food. As the observations continued, a pattern emerged. Maslow noticed that if the monkeys had water but not food, they were less aggressive than those that had the water taken away from them. The same held true with intimate relationships and friends.

If all of the physiological needs were met, then the monkeys' basic behavior became more profound when it came to establishing social roles and dominance. Maslow later transitioned this idea over to human behavior and was able to establish physiological needs over child, but found his sense of self by reading books. He began his college journey by attending City College of New York and focused on safety needs, belongingness needs, and esteem needs.

The narrative presents the life and work of Abraham Maslow, known for his theory on human requirements. Initially studying at City College of New York, Maslow transferred to Cornell University before returning to his original college. He conceived the notion of a needs hierarchy consisting of five parts - physiological necessities, safety provisions, love and belongingness demands, esteem desires, and self-fulfillment. His interest in psychology took him to the University of Wisconsin where he honed in on the need for existence. Earning his BA, MA, and PhD during the 1930s; thereafter he went back to New York. At Brooklyn College where he taught, deficit needs caught Maslow's attention – these relate to fundamental essentials such as food and water. From 1951-61 he held the position of Chair at Brandeis' Department of

Psychology where Kurt Goldstein was one among many eminent researchers that crossed paths with him; it was Goldstein who brought forth the idea of self-actualization. The pyramid representing Maslow's hierarchy incorporates deficit needs within its bottom four tiers while being needs feature separately within humanistic psychology.

"In essence, being needs have no relation with deficits and are valued more than personal research."

Abraham Maslow, who died on June 8, 1970, is well known for creating the concept of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This pyramid of needs includes self-actualization, which involves internal being needs at the top. Drawing one's own conclusions about spirituality is an example of self-actualization. Maslow came up with this idea by studying and observing monkeys. The following sections of this article will discuss each aspect of the hierarchy of needs.

Upon analyzing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in-depth, it was found that people exhibit distinct behavioral patterns reflecting their specific needs and priorities. By recognizing these needs, one can ascertain a person's current life status. For example, given a choice between various alternatives, monkeys would make selections based on their unique requirements. Refer to Figure 1 for the Pyramid representation of Maslow's Hierarchy. (348 | the surgical technologist | AUGUST 2009 © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission:

The most fundamental requirements for the human body to subsist and operate effectively are physiological needs. The human physique is a remarkable device with diverse capabilities such as temperature regulation, water and food digestion, as well as waste disposal. Despite its vulnerability, the body can endure for numerous years. Every single aspect of it, from oxygen metabolism in cellular tissues

to the extensive system of arteries transporting blood, is vital. However, before any additional development can take place, the body must first satisfy its indispensable needs: oxygen, water and food. This concept is referred to by Maslow as a physiological need that entails different parts of the body working in unison to guarantee primary survival. These necessities are often fueled by cravings like hunger or thirst that encourage people to find sources of hydration or nutrition. In a similar vein, if there's an insufficient supply of oxygen or certain nutrients in the body; it will subtly signal fulfilling those deficiencies.

The human body's capacity to sustain equilibrium incorporates a procedure referred to as homeostasis, which focuses on the body's self-regulation. This regulation is overseen by an essential part of our brain known as the hypothalamus, functioning similarly to an internal thermostat. It utilizes certain hormones named gonadotropins for this function. For instance, when there is overproduction of estrogen in a woman's body, it stimulates the hypothalamus to discharge luteinizing hormone that activates ovulation and operates as a regulating mechanism for estrogen levels.

The hypothalamus releases a hormone to limit the production of thyroxin by the thyroid gland when there is an excess, demonstrating one way homeostasis functions. Maintaining physiological balance throughout our lives is crucial. Numerous circulatory hormones are also necessary for maintaining normal body operations. The adrenal medulla of the adrenal glands releasing "fight or flight" hormones serves as another significant example.

When the body requires self-defense, hormones are discharged to ready it for either confrontation or escape. These hormones' regulation is handled by systems in the brain. In every stage

of life, maintaining physiological equilibrium is vital and may appear differently at diverse instances, regardless of whether the person realizes it or not.

When considering a restful night's sleep, it would be unrealistic for someone to actively monitor their breathing rhythm, heart rate, or blood pressure. The occasional need to wake up at night for restroom visits or hydration is part of the body’s self-regulation process. This notion that physiological needs are intertwined with other sophisticated needs aligns with Maslow's hierarchy theory. Such principles have been noted in primate studies. © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: publications@ast. rg AUGUST 2009 | the surgical technologist | 349 These necessities vary according to one's life stage. Young children often seek validation and attention from their parents more frequently. They might participate in discovery-based activities or ask numerous questions as a way to develop emotional or social bonds with their parents. Much like physiological requirements, the need for safety also demands continuous care throughout one's lifetime.

There is a requirement that, if unfulfilled, is likely to trigger increased social and psychological activity. This safety need can vary from person to person and is generally shaped by the peer groups they are welcomed in. In children's case, it often manifests as a desire for a secure family setting. The necessity for security, affection, and warmth at home can be noticeable at any stage of life. When young people move towards adulthood, they usually associate with individuals or groups that accept them, thereby satisfying their sense of belonging. Numerous factors like socio-economic aspects such as parents' educational status and family background, the neighborhood in which

they were raised, and the home environment type significantly influence this need for a safe familial atmosphere.

A home should provide safety, comfort and affection. In a maladjusted family environment, it becomes difficult for the child to excel both in school and social settings. The attitudes and principles acquired under such conditions often influence their social behavior, frequently driven by apprehension. This necessity for security is equally significant for adults who may face financial issues affecting their self-worth and personality if they are unemployed.

Establishing the extent of approval is crucial as it can shape an individual's social interactions and potentially influence their self-esteem. A low perceived level of acceptance could impede personal growth. Moreover, even grown-ups need a feeling of safety, irrespective of their perception in any societal pecking order. In certain volatile regions worldwide, people might get trapped at this necessity stage due to negative feedback from community members, which could create social discomfort. Consistently tackling the demand for security is essential for preserving equilibrium in one's life.

The concept emphasizes the importance of social integration. A child raised in a safe environment, void of threats from gangs and school violence, experiences a feeling of safety. The theory proposes that fear impairs one's ability to develop and adopt specific characteristics. Maslow contends that these behavioral patterns are largely influenced by the peer groups with which a child socializes while growing up. As one ascends Maslow's hierarchy pyramid, societal belongingness is depicted as the next phase. It's crucial to note that not all children brought up in safe environments will necessarily shun gang involvement; however, their likelihood is higher than others'.

On the other hand, children nurtured in wealthy regions likely have more educated parents. Feelings of inclusion can be achieved when individuals prioritize forging relationships with others. In this situation, it's likelier for the child to foster further desires such as finding romantic partners or forming intimate friendships and adapting to education-centric peer groups.The impact on childhood development starts by meeting basic physiological needs then gradually addressing more complex ones subsequently.

In line with these requirements, safety and security make up another level in Maslow's hierarchy that can be achieved through a nurturing home environment guaranteeing all essential needs are fulfilled. As anxiety or fear is reduced, focus can shift towards community development and ultimately result in stronger self-esteem.

Once an individual's basic needs for physiological well-being, safety, and social acceptance are met, they start to concentrate on satisfying their self-esteem needs. This is pivotal as self-esteem constitutes the pinnacle of deficiency needs. The journey towards personal development involves recognizing one's worth as early as two years old. In Maslow's hierarchy structure, this notion of self-esteem is divided into a lower stage and a higher stage.

A person may encounter the extreme ends of Maslow's hierarchy at different stages in their life. This is due to the fact that lower levels of self-worth are deeply intertwined with a person's ego and an intrinsic desire to earn admiration from others. Occupying this initial level, people generally emphasize on gaining recognition from their peers which can be attained through aspects such as status attainment, acknowledgement, fame, reputation, and gratitude among other factors. Sustaining these elements in one's life requires consistent effort.

People may require additional

support or confirmation to maintain this reduced form of self-worth. Maslow discusses a higher level of self-esteem, referred to as self-respect. This advanced level demands less maintenance as it transforms into an innate aspect of the person through achievement. Once an individual attains self-respect, they find it hard to lose or be deprived of it. Generally, individuals with higher self-esteem hold a favourable view about themselves.

Having faith in one's skills, abilities or knowledge can enhance self-worth. This facet of self-confidence differs from a person's overall sense of value. Those suffering from low self-esteem usually hold negative perceptions about themselves and their identity, potentially leading to feelings of inadequacy. According to Maslow's theory, most mental health problems stem from poor self-esteem.

The central concept suggests that inadequate self-acceptance or dissatisfaction with one's self-perception or accomplishments often result in heightened self-criticism. This detrimental internal dialogue can obstruct individual development. How does poor self-esteem influence both small and large degrees of overall self-worth? When an individual suffers from low self-value, it impacts their social interaction; they may persistently crave recognition and affirmation from others.

People with low self-esteem may not view themselves positively, and their personal expectations might be unrealistic or influenced by others instead of being self-defined. It's crucial to note that in Maslow's hierarchy, the fundamental needs preceding high self-esteem such as physiological, safety, and belongingness are typically fulfilled particularly in modern society and developed countries.

Consider the impact if more people possessed self-respect on a grand scale. © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists To request for reprinting: AUGUST 2009 | the surgical technologist | 351 THE CONTROVERSY In relation

to Abraham Maslow's hierarchical pyramid, questions arise about its direct link to humanistic psychology. Is there ample proof to back this hierarchy in relation to emotional growth?

Maslow's theory suggests that the process of self-actualization corresponds with personal experiences and influences growth. When self-esteem is secured, individuals have room for rational development. The primary contention is that embracing a forward-thinking outlook on personal growth enables both people and society to efficiently confront obstacles, even if it involves focusing on varying parts of the hierarchy pyramid compared to Maslow's original proposal.

For example, cultural factors might dictate if the focus is on establishing social standing or putting personal safety or self-worth first. It's essential to address these areas so people can be in harmony with their abilities. Those pursuing self-fulfillment give importance to matters that genuinely impact their identity development. Although Abraham Maslow's suggested hierarchy may not adhere strictly to an exact order, once individuals have gained self-esteem, they are able to adopt a more assertive strategy as desired.

The concept of self-esteem begins to form in children as early as two years old, yet, Maslow ranks esteem needs relatively high in the deficiency stages. However, certain facets of this perspective are questioned by humanistic psychology, even though they are intrinsic to Maslow's belief system. His portrayal of self-actualizers as highly accomplished individuals is another element that often sparks discussions. Seeing one's position within the universe can also be interpreted as a spiritual aspect. Nonetheless, it is challenging to underscore self-actualization without considering an individual's sense of identity and their contentment with it.

The notion of self-actualization, how crucial is it? It's

the singular path to attaining our highest potential. This profound comprehension stirs a sense of tranquility, acting as an incentive to prioritize elevated life responsibilities such as upholding ethical and moral standards. According to Maslow, in his hierarchy model, he illustrates self-actualization as the apex state of being.

In this context, existence implies not being a component of the lacking necessities in the lower levels of hierarchy. This requirement is autonomous and necessitates meeting all other deficit needs that shape our societal image. Self-realization refers to the personal conversation each person has at one stage in their lives. For it to happen, all preceding requirements must be met or fulfilled. When all antecedent needs are satisfied, a person can concentrate on their genuine purpose.

Typically, individuals are primarily preoccupied with addressing issues such as starvation, absence of security, or sensations of unlove. This hinders them from attaining self-actualization. The journey towards self-actualization encompasses recognizing genuine feelings and emphasizing personal development and progress. It necessitates a profound comprehension of oneself accompanied by an unreserved acceptance of the outcomes.

Each person inevitably confronts the dilemma of whether they appreciate and approve of themselves. Once this question is addressed, it paves the way for self-esteem which, once secured, cannot be revoked. In such circumstances, Abraham Maslow's idea of setting self-realization apart as a unique category that differentiates the need for personal growth from deficiency needs gains relevance. Reference 352 | The Surgical Technologist | AUGUST 2009 © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists. For authorization to reprint: Summary When examining Maslow's hierarchy pyramid meticulously, it's essential to bear in mind that any individual can revert

to any stage within this hierarchical framework at any moment. So how does this impact human conduct? Well, if we return to basic physiological requirements - everyone desires self-satisfaction. Regardless of one’s profession—be it a janitor or a top-tier cardiac surgeon—if identified with a health condition their attention will likely turn to fulfilling their physical needs.

The potential outcome of this illness can have an impact on one's priorities. On an emotional level, aspects such as love and belonging may be impacted as the person might want to guarantee their family's welfare after they pass away. When it comes to self-esteem, some individuals could grapple with a profound sense of loss, while others may come to terms with it. However, each individual's placement in the hierarchical order is dictated by their specific situations. Can everyone reach their utmost potential? The answer is definitely yes, but the journey varies between individuals.

The strength of such an encounter is subject to individual life occurrences. The deeper the connection someone has with their inner self, the greater their ability to guide and even control their internal conversations. It's crucial to remember that we are continuously molded by various aspects of life, some beyond our control. When given the opportunity to confront these necessities and delve into this structure, individuals can nurture a deeper relationship with the concept of self-actualization. Additionally, meeting these deficiency needs could enhance self-actualization.

In conclusion, individuals encounter emotional impacts at every stage of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. If an individual has beneficial experiences early in life and their needs are fulfilled, they can cultivate self-assurance and self-worth more rapidly, establishing a

robust base for their lives. In the future, these individuals will be more capable of managing any deficiency in meeting their needs by building resilient coping strategies. Furthermore, when confronted with demanding situations, they would possess adequate skills to confidently address the issue through problem-solving abilities.

A child who undergoes negative experiences in their early life and whose needs are not properly addressed might find it challenging to build a robust foundation. Consequently, these children may have issues developing self-esteem and self-value, often craving validation from others and being afraid of making errors. Most people face both positive and negative experiences in their lifetime. Ultimately, those who succeed in establishing a sturdy base typically demonstrate higher emotional strength and improved self-discipline.

Individuals with a shaky foundation often concentrate more on safeguarding it, leading to less trust in their own base. Having been a surgical technologist since 1993, Robert A Poston embarked on his educational career at Concorde Career College in North Hollywood, California in 1997. He was invited as a guest lecturer by the California State Assembly of Surgical Technologists in both 2001 and 2003. At present, he holds the position of Program Chair for Surgical Technology at Everest College located in Thornton, Colorado. Moreover, he has contributed as an item writer for the National Certification Exam for Surgical Technology.

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© 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: AUGUST 2009 | the surgical technologist | 353

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