Moringa Oleifera as an alternative cleasing agent Essay Example
Moringa Oleifera as an alternative cleasing agent Essay Example

Moringa Oleifera as an alternative cleasing agent Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1063 words)
  • Published: August 3, 2016
  • Type: Research Paper
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The purpose of this study is to investigate malunggay leaves as cleaning agent. The malunggay leaves were separated from the stalk, pounded using the mortar and pestle until the extract comes out. The pounded malunggay leaves were mixed with kerosene. The purpose of kerosene is to increase the effectively of the product. The product was then placed in a container. Using the sponge, apply the mixture on stained areas (kitchen sink, refrigerator wall and tile wall). After applying the mixture on stained areas, rinse immediately. Observation was then done.

Malunggay (Moringga oliferous is commonly considered as miracle plant that give numerous benefits. It serves as food and medicine . It contains fiber, vitamins different amino acids such as sitostererol the enzymes,,like pectinestrase. Apart from these benefits this study found malunggay to be a convenient source of organic household cleanser for furniture especi


ally those made of glass. This process involved extracting organic residues from malunggay leaves using kerosene as soaking materials. The extract was then exposed under the sun for twenty-four hours.

Positive results were yield during random cleansing test in removing glass, furniture stains using the malunggay extract. Cleaning agent refers to all compositions intended to be used in connection with and for increasing the effectiveness of cleaning activities. Cleaning agent includes but is not limited to hard surface cleaning compositions (kitchen, bathroom, floor, general household & glass cleaning compositions), detergents, dishwashing and food cleaning compositions, disinfectants and the like.

The term cleaning as used herein refers to those activities which involve the removal of undesirable residues from surfaces and particularly includes activities such as chemical, mechanical and thermal cleanin

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activities as well as combinations thereof. Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) is called a miracle vegetable because it is not only a food, it is also a medicine. It may therefore be a functional food. This plant tree is not only useful but it is the most nutritional vegetable and a herbal plant. its flowers, leaves, young pods and roots are being utilized.

It is native to India but has spread to other tropical regions; in the Philippines, it grows rapidly and with ease in nearly every backyard when desired. Its leaves contain different amino acids such as sitosterol and pectinesterase. This study was conducted because the researcher wanted to know if the malunggay leaves can be an effective cleaning agent to household stains. Through this the researcher will determine the effect of malunggay leaves to common household stains. This is why the research study is conceived.

  • Materials: 5 cups malunggay leaves mortar and pestle 5 tsp. water container Kerosene Sponge
  • Procedure: Pound the Malunggay leaves using mortar and pestle to get the extract from it.

Mix the pounded Malunggay leaves with baking soda and then water. After mixing, place the mixture a container. Using the sponge, apply the mixture on stained areas (kitchen sink, refrigerator wall and tile walls). After cleaning/applying the mixtures on stained areas, rinse immediately. Observation was then done.

Eight cups of malunggay leaves were placed in the basin.

  • Two hundred seventy-five milliliters (270ml) kerosene was then mixed with leaves for an hour.
  • The residue was the separated from the extract by squeezing and filtering
  • The mixture was then subject

under the heat of the sun for 24 hours

  • The agents was then tested on mirrors
  • Using the cloth apply the mixture on stained areas (kitchen sink, refrigerator wall and tiles walls.

    A cleaning agent conforming to the present invention may take any form that is suitable for the application intended and be applied by a way of a suitable cleaning procedure. Liquid cleaning agents can thus sometimes be treated as concentrates.

    The use of a cleaning agent conforming to the present invention is also possible in the form of creams, pastes, powders, pearls, tablets, etc. application as a solution, suspension, emulsion, spray, foam, on a moistened cloth, etc. as well as the extract exterior presentation depends above all in the application intended. Mechanical cleaning activities include the use of forces exerted onto the residues, potentially including the use of tools such as sponges, scrapers and the like and/or potentially including other means to deliver the forces such as ultrasonic waves, a beam of solid particles and the like.

    Malunggay is known as Horseradish Tree in English. The odd name stems from the fact that some Brits noticed the roots of this tree looked nearly identical to real horseradish and they used it on their beef as a substitute for the sharp original condiment - the two are not related at all. Besides the roots, the long ribbed pods or "fruit" are edible and often used in Indian curries; though the skin is discarded and only the pulp is sucked out in what is apparently a rather messy endeavor. The leaves are also edible and apparently incredibly nutritious.

    justify;">Today, malunggay is consumed in huge quantities every day across the archipelago. It is added to soups and provides excellent nutritional points for every little money. A huge bunch of the market today was just PhP 5 or 10 U. S. cents and that's just for reference as we normally just ask for some leaves from a neighbor, a house or two down the street. The leaves must be used almost immediately after picking. Just throw them into the soup at the last minute or they will overcook and even more slimy. The area (kitchen sink, refrigerator wall and tile walls) was then observed if the product was effective, if it can remove the stains in those areas.

    Malunggay leaves with kerosene can remove stains on common household stains. The commercial is still better than the product. There is no significant difference between the product and the commercial on. Based on the study performed. It was found that maluunggay extract is effective in removing glass stains on common household furniture. It can be inexpensive and friendly to the environment.

    The study resulted into a smooth yet un satisfactory results. The researcher recommended further extended studies on improving or creating other plant alternatives. Furthermore, additional readings and more information about the study is highly appreciated Organic household cleanser for furniture especially those made of glass. This process involved extracting organic residues from malunggay leaves using kerosene as soaking materials. The extract was then exposed under the sun for twenty-four hours. Positive results were yield during random cleansing test in removing glass, furniture stains using the malunggay extract

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