He Nine Steps O the Accounting Cycle Essay Example
He Nine Steps O the Accounting Cycle Essay Example

He Nine Steps O the Accounting Cycle Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (233 words)
  • Published: August 16, 2018
  • Type: Tasks
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The accounting cycle consists of nine steps. These steps include collecting and analyzing all transactions, determining their financial effect on the business, and ensuring that the equations balance once the transactions are recorded. Furthermore, journalizing the transactions in the general ledger, which should be organized by specific accounts, is an essential monthly task. Lastly, step 3 in the accounting process is posting to the ledger accounts.

The Trial Balance is prepared to ensure that the total of debits and credits equals each other, and to confirm that both columns are in balance. Adjusting Entries, including deferrals and accruals, are journalized and posted. Additionally, entries derived from the company's worksheet are adjusted. The Adjusted Trial


Balance is then prepared to verify the balance of debits and credits after adjusting entries have been made in the accounting cycle.

To prepare financial statements, start by completing all necessary adjustments. These adjustments will be used to create an income statement and balance sheet based on the final trial balance. Next, complete the closing entries and journalizing process. At the end of a fiscal period, it is important to close the temporary accounts. To ensure that all revenue and expense accounts are closed, it is recommended to prepare a post-closing trial balance. This will also help in verifying the debit and credit balances of all balance sheet accounts. For more information, please visit www.accountingverse.com/accounting-basics/accounting...

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