World War I Essays
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The Battle of Cambrai took place in the early morning of November 20th, 1917. While the Battle of Passchendaele was being fought, British Commander-in-Chief Sir Douglas Haig approved a plan that involved overtaking the German army by sweeping around the town of Cambrai and encircling them. To this day, Haig is one of the most […]
The Schlieffen Plan failed because Germany underestimated their opponents. The year was 1914, and the world powers were all at breaking point. As the war drew nearer each country created plans of attack that would make a swift and short war. The French had plan XV11 and the Germany’s had the Schlieffen Plan. The Schlieffen […]
World War One has often been described as the destruction of a generation; indeed for those who lived through the first large-scale war that Europe had ever seen, life would never be the same again. Of the sixty five million men that fought in World War One over thirty seven million died, were captured or […]
In regards to the departure of the soldiers, Owen and Tynan offer contrasting presentations and s ignificantly different moods can be observed in their respective poems. The poem ‘Joining the Colours’ sets the tone from its title, as Tynan’s use of the verb ‘joining’ suggests that the soldiers believed they were merely becoming part of […]
In this essay, I will be trying to explain the diverse ways in which the poem, “Dulce et Decorum Est”, written by Wilfred Owen, the film All Quiet On The Western Front, made from a book which became a world best seller by Erich Maria Remarque and the television show, “Good byeee” ( Blackadder) show […]
As both Britain and Germany were forced to direct all efforts of the nation’s people and resources into the war, the war was no longer fought only on the battlefield – a new front was created. The home front. The lives of civilians were greatly affected as their countries economies and supplies suffered and the […]
Discuss the impact of the Lusitania sinking. Did it help pave the way for America’s entry into the war? or How important was the American Expeditionary Force’s role in winning WWI against the Germans. Would the Allies have won anyway without American involvement, or was the US role critical? or Would you describe the Paris […]
APHOTUS-Exercise (Chapter 14) (Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences (concrete and complete sentences). (You may need your textbook for further information. (Assignment must be typed; questions to remain bold; answers in regular font. 1. When did World War I begin? When did the United States enter World War I? -World War I was […]
History teachers often use the acronym MANIA to describe the turbulent circumstances preceding the First World War. Each letter represents a distinct aspect that combined to create an unstable environment. This atmosphere allowed a minor incident to escalate into what became known as “the war to end all wars” or The Great War. The acronym […]
During the 1920’s the League of Nations primary desire was to end war across all fronts and to promote international co-operation. Therefore the best criteria that can be used to classify a success, was whether war was avoided and a peaceful settlement formulated after a crisis between two or more nations. Although this aim was […]
‘The behaviour of any human system, whether it be a single person or a complex society, results in part from cumulative weight of past experience and in part by current stimuli.'(Rosenau, 1972, p145) When foreign policies are formulated three central determinants are integral: the international, domestic and governmental context. These represent the fact that foreign […]
The demands for post-war actions included: no foreign troops in Belgium and restoration of their independence, Germany relinquishing all French territory including Laces-Lorraine, Italy’s expansion to areas where Italian was spoken and territories promised in the London-Treaty, self-determination for ethnic groups in the Status-Hungarian area, foreign troop removal from the Balkan region, Serbia’s expansion to […]
The application of Appeasement to British Foreign policy post World War One remains a highly debated topic amongst historians, mainly regarding the use and reasons for the policy and its ineffectiveness. Appeasement generally refers to ‘The policy of settling disputes by peaceful means and compromise rather than by resort to war’1. It is mostly associated […]
In 1919, when the League of Nations was first created, it specified one of its main objectives as being ‘to ensure a just and lasting peace’. Despite having several successes in the 1920s, it failed to uphold this statement on numerous accounts in the 1930s, eventually leading to its loss of credibility, followed by its […]
After the long and deadly First World War, of which the U.S. had been embroiled in for over a year, people were finally ready for their soldiers to come home. Some were even ready for peace. However, many Europeans had lost everything in the war and were not ready for peace. They were ready for […]
The League Of Nations Was A Great Force For Peace In The 1920’s In this essay, I am going to look at the successes and failures of the League of Nations (LofN) in its struggle for peace throughout the 1920’s. The LofN was the ‘brain child’ of American president Woodrow Wilson. The four other main […]
1991 DBQ In the aftermath of World War I, during the years 1917-1921, President Wilson advocated the Treaty of Versailles, which called for the principle of self-determination, the formation of a League of Nations, and general amnesty towards Germany, as the solution for peace. However, his unwillingness to compromise led to widespread disagreement. The opposition […]
The League of Nations was an organisation designed to maintain peace throughout the World. It was created during the Paris Peace Conference. The League of Nations was the idea of Woodrow Wilson, the president of the USA. The League’s main aims were to bring together all nations in a parliament to discuss and settle disputes, […]
The League of Nations, located in Geneva, Switzerland, was established between 1920 and 1946. Originally consisting of 42 nations, it later expanded to include 58 member countries. Its main objective was to peacefully settle disputes among nations while upholding their territorial rights. The failure of the Versailles Treaty prompted many nations to seek an organization […]
On July 1 1916, in one of the largest military operations to ever be executed, the British army entered into the bloodiest battle it has ever known. This was the battle of the Somme, a conflict that is etched into the collective memory of Britain as a tragedy. The first day on the Somme, the […]
Initiated on July 1st, 1916, the Battle of the Somme has become notorious for its perceived futility. Despite being originally planned as a French offensive, General Sir Douglas Haig of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) took charge and organized the battle that remains controversial to this day. The primary objective was to relieve French forces […]
Source D is a still from the TV series ‘Blackadder goes forth’ it shows 2 officers discussing an imminent attack on the Germans. This was written years and years after the war. Source E is a cartoon from a British magazine published in February 1917 at the time of the war, so automatically you know […]