Have no time? Stuck with ideas? We have collected a lot of interesting and useful International Relations essay topics for you in one place to help you quickly and accurately complete your college assignment! Check out our essay examples on International Relations and you will surely find something to your liking!

World War I: Summary, Causes & Facts Essay Example
487 words 2 pages

When World War 1 broke out in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared the United States neutral. Although U. S. soldiers did not fight until 1917, the country was never technically impartial in the conflict. Cultural and economic ties, U. S. predilection, and global political ideals manifested a tip in American scales toward the Allies, ultimately […]

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Armed Forces Army International Relations Law Movies Nation Nationalism News President Of The United States Society World War I World War Ii
Weapons of Mass Deception: the Uses of Propaganda in Bush’s War on Iraq Essay Example
2299 words 9 pages

Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush’s War on Iraq – By Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber As the Bush Administration’s rationales for going to war with Iraq continue to unravel, questions are ‘finally’ being asked about how they got into the mess in the first place. How could an invasion of […]

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Government International Relations Mass Propaganda
Boston Massacre Analysis Essay Example
506 words 2 pages

THE BOSTON MASSACRE The Boston Massacre was an unfortunate event which could have clearly been prevented if taken the right precautions and made the right decisions at the right time. According to my text book, the massacre was an attempt at protest against the British soldiers taking over the colonists’ jobs. If the soldiers had […]

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British Empire Crime Event International Relations sports event Violence
Why Claim Over Pedra Branca With Malaysia? Essay Example
2250 words 9 pages

Introduction Origins of the Dispute The dispute over Pedra Branca between Singapore and Malaysia originated on 21 December 1979 when Malaysia published it’s Map Showing the Territorial Waters and Continental Shelf Borders and for the first time included Pedra Branca within her territorial waters. In a response to the 1979 map, Singapore lodged a protest […]

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Government International Relations Law Singapore
Growth and Evolution of International Relations (IR) as an Academic Discipline Essay Example
2912 words 11 pages

The question of whether International Relations is a distinct discipline has been a matter of consistent controversy. However, any field of study needs to fulfill certain criteria in order to be classified as a distinct academic discipline. Accordingly, I believe, that International Relations is indeed a ‘Distinct Discipline’ since it has many characteristics of a […]

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International Relations Science Social Science
Ak-47:the True Weapon of Mass Destruction Essay Example
3248 words 12 pages

The AK-47’s worldwide accessibility and durability have presented a challenge for major powers in their attempts to combat a weapon that empowers ordinary civilians with the same capabilities as trained soldiers. This unresolved issue has confounded problem-solvers for years, given the AK-47’s simple firing mechanism and cost-effective production. The AK-47, known for its simplicity, was […]

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International Relations Military Taliban Weapon
Crimean War Essay Example
685 words 3 pages

The Crimean War, also referred to as the Eastern War, was a notable battle that took place between Russia and an alliance composed of the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain, and the Kingdom of Sardinia. This conflict centered on territories owned by the weakening Ottoman Empire. The Crimean War took place in the Crimean Peninsula, as […]

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Crimean War Europe International Relations
Transnational Actors and International Organizations in Global Politics Essay Example
9649 words 36 pages

Transnational Actors and International Organizations in Global Politics By Peter Willetts From J. B. Baylis and S. Smith (eds. ), The Globalisation of World Politics, (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, second edition, 2001), pp. 356-383. This copy does not contain the various boxes and diagrams that are in the book. Please note that […]

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Actors Globalization International Relations Nationalism
What Were the Motives and Goals of an Individual or Group Identity? Essay Example
780 words 3 pages

Between 1945 and 1975, Ho Chi Minh was instrumental in Vietnam’s efforts to achieve independence and unity, free from external control. His pursuit of nationalism was inspired by events that directly affected Vietnam, and he employed both military and political tactics to lead the country. Ultimately, his leadership played a crucial role in driving transformation […]

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Goals Identity International Relations Vietnam
World Vision Essay Example
2283 words 9 pages

International Business in the Global Environment: Management and Strategy World Vision Executive Summary World Vision is an international Christian relief and development organization working to promote the well-being of all people especially children was established in United States in 1951. World Vision seeks to serve people who are poor worldwide, regardless of race, religion, or […]

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Children Christian Government International Relations Social Issues
What Ifs of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
1859 words 7 pages

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is likely to bring what if questions to the mind of the average American. What if the Israeli takeover of Palestine is partial justice for the atrocities committed against Jews during World War II? What if an Israeli state is simply manifest destiny as promised to Abraham in the Book of Genesis? […]

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International Relations Israel Truth
America’s Involvement in the Edsa Revolution Essay Example
1163 words 5 pages

The 1986 EDSA Revolution taught the world democracy. An event proudly included in history textbooks, as the Filipinos victorious non-violent attempt to overthrow the violent Marcos government. But the EDSA Revolution outcome would have not been in the Filipinos favor without the intervention of the Americans. Marcos and America, particularly their president Johnson, started with […]

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Government International Relations Philippines Revolution
Aung San Suu Kyi 3 Essay Example
4310 words 16 pages

Everyone knows that Burma is in a mess. A nation once called the Golden Land in tribute to its giant gem pits has sold them off to the Chinese in return for guns and tanks. Thousands of miles of ancient hardwood forest have been torn down and replanted with opium fields. The once lush rice […]

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Asia Democracy Government International Relations Law Society War
Jfk Inauguration Speech Essay Example
729 words 3 pages

In January 20, 1961, people around the world tuned in to watch the newly elected American President, J. F. Kennedy, address issues regarding the proliferation of weapons and iron tyranny. His speech aimed to alleviate fears and establish himself as a capable leader who would stand up for democracy in the fight against communism. Using […]

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International Relations John F. Kennedy Law Political Science Resident
History Links Mexico, Philippines by Therese Margolis Essay Example
761 words 3 pages

The current trend to create international free trade blocs began with the trade routes between the ports of Manila and Acapulco in 1565, according to Philippines Ambassador to Mexico Justo O. Orros. These routes, comprised of a Spanish fleet known in Mexico as the “Nao de la China”, lasted for over 250 years and covered […]

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History International Relations Mexico Philippines
Unification of the American People (Pre-American Revolution) Essay Example
1791 words 7 pages

For the English colonies, the French and Spanish colonies were an hindrance to westward expansion, trade and cooperation with Native Americans. They saw the French and Spanish as a potential military threat in the new world. The English, who where mainly protestant, thought of the French and Spanish colonies as a bastion of Roman Catholic […]

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American Revolution French And Indian War International Relations North America People Revolution
Wto & Oecd Comparing Power and Influence Essay Example
1259 words 5 pages

The OEEC, which later became the OECD in September 1961, initially consisted of member states such as Japan, Canada, and the United States. Over time, the number of members has expanded to include 30 countries worldwide. Any country that promotes open markets, representative democracy, and human rights is eligible to join the OECD. The main […]

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European Union International Relations Power World Trade Organization
The Successes and Failures of the League of Nations Essay Example
1530 words 6 pages

During the 1920’s the League of Nations primary desire was to end war across all fronts and to promote international co-operation. Therefore the best criteria that can be used to classify a success, was whether war was avoided and a peaceful settlement formulated after a crisis between two or more nations. Although this aim was […]

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Europe Failure International Relations League Of Nations Success Treaty Of Versailles
Human Rights Violations Under Pinochet’s Rule Essay Example
3040 words 12 pages

Upon being declared President in 1974, Augosto Pinochet began a reign of Terror on the State of Chile. Human Rights violations were rife while this dictator was in power spanning 17 years. Such acts of crime against humanity should have been stopped early on in Pinochet’s career as President. The United Nations was established for […]

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Human Human Rights International Relations Violence
Why the Versailles Treaty Failed to Bring Peace and Stability Essay Example
2031 words 8 pages

Why the Versailles Treaty failed to bring peace and stability On June 28th 1919, the “Big Three”, Georges Clemenceau, Woodrow Wilson, and David Lloyd George, on behalf of Great Britain, the United States, and France, had formulated a peace treaty called Versailles Treaty to end the four-year-long First Word War, establishing the famous “Versailles System”. […]

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International Relations Peace Treaty Of Versailles Weimar Republic
Re-Unification of North and South Korea Essay Example
3013 words 11 pages

The history of Korea can be traced back thousands of years, with Korea having had many and varied master, both from within and outside Korea. Only in recent times though, has Korea been divided as a nation. During World War II, Korean independence fighters formed a Provisional Government is anticipation of the defeat of the […]

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Books International Relations Korea South Korea
Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait Essay Example
4480 words 17 pages

By 1990, Iraq had spent eight years at war with Iran and was A? 50 billion in debt. Explaining why Iraq invaded Kuwait, Tariq Aziz, the Iraqi foreign minister said: “The leadership was focusing domestically on rebuilding the country, those cities and towns that had been destroyed during the wara€¦ improving the standard of living […]

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International Relations Iraq

Popular Questions About International Relations

Is International Relations a good major?
International relations is a good major. However, this is the type of major you need at least a masters to find a high paying job. You can either attend law school, academia, or work for the government. Try pairing up with a language major such as Chinese or Arabic or Japanese.
What is the definition of international relations?
Definition of international relations. : a branch of political science concerned with relations between nations and primarily with foreign policies.
What does international relationship mean?
International Relations is the study of relationships among countries, the roles of sovereign states, inter-governmental organizations, international non-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and multinational corporations. International relations is an academic and a public policy field,
What are some careers in international relations?
Generally, careers in international affairs exist across three sectors: public, private and non-profit/NGO. Governments, international organizations, multinational companies, development consulting firms, NGOs, and think tanks are typical employers in the international relations arena.
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