Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Faith.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Faith. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Faith on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Faith, and much more. Keep on reading!

Night by Elie Wiesel – Review Essay Example
365 words 2 pages

The book Night by Elie Wiesel describes a Jewish boy who grew up in the unfortunate time of the Holocaust. He had much faith in his religion and the innocence of the boy he was. He had more faith than most in his age. This Jewish boy used to read the Zorah every night, and […]

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College Elie Wiesel Faith
Al Ghazali The Sufi Philosopher Essay Example
1253 words 5 pages

Al Ghazali was a Sunni and Sufi philosopher of the 11th and 12th century, during the Golden Age, a period of great economic growth and stability and a time when both knowledge and power was at its peak. He was born in 1058 AD in Tus, Persia and impacted greatly upon the Islamic faith, particularly […]

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College Faith Islam
By The Waters Of Babylon Essay Example
447 words 2 pages

Water of Babylon ave you ever thought about how your life would be if you made a different discesion in your past? What if you can go back and take that other route, would you? In By the Waters of Babylon a priest named John. He has a vision witch he thinks he should follow […]

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Animals Christianity Faith God Nuclear Weapon Philosophy Priest Psychology Reason Social Science Society Trust
Introduction to Popular American Culture Essay Example
276 words 2 pages

In American culture, religion is practiced in various ways across different cultures. This includes belief in one God, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Catholicism. Despite these differences, the common thread amongst individuals is their belief that religion offers hope for a better way of life. Faith helps people hold onto something that instills hope and defines […]

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Culture Faith Information
Asian Religion And Its Role In Social And Political Development Essay Example
3113 words 12 pages

Religious power, according to a Chinese government spokesperson in religion Ye Xiaowen, is considered as one of the social forces in China from which the country can draw support from. This hints to the possible state of religious development in the country and how these developments directly or indirectly influence social and economic developments, although […]

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Development Faith Islam Politics
A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O Connor Essay Example
1084 words 4 pages

Published in 1955 as part of her short story anthology of the same name, “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor quickly gained recognition for showcasing the author’s unique characteristics and traits. These include violent action, skillfully crafted characters, and a devout Roman Catholic ethos. Critics appreciate how O’Connor injects her Catholic […]

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A Good Man Is Hard to Find Faith Man Reason
Search of Wisdom: Faith Formation in the Black Church Essay Example
1352 words 5 pages

I. Author InformationAuthor Anne Streaty Wimberly is a Christian Education Professor at Atlanta’s Interdenominational Theological Center where she has been teaching since 1997.  She pursued higher educational endeavor at Garett-Evangelical theological Seminary and Georgia State University where she graduated with Master and Doctoral Degrees on Theological Studies and Educational Leadership respectively.  Apart from being an […]

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Christianity Faith Wisdom
Textual Integrity in Speeches: Atwood and Obama
1188 words 5 pages

Choose two prescribed speeches and write an essay where, through close analysis of specific aspects of the speeches, you demonstrate the speeches textual integrity. We Recognise a text as possessing textual integrity when we see form, structure and language producing a unified conceptual whole. The speeches ‘Spotty-Handed Villainesses’ by Margret Atwood and ‘Faith, Hope and […]

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Faith Hope Indigenous Australians Integrity Rhetoric
The Shark And The Goldfish Essay Example
2101 words 8 pages

I chose “The Shark And The Goldfish” by Jon Gordon for my book report. This book is about positive ways to thrive during waves of change and follows a goldfish named Gordy who washes out into the ocean. Gordy has always been taken care of and fed daily, but doesn’t know how to act or […]

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Belief Children Faith
WWI Novels: Fair Stood the Wind for France & Birdsong
3446 words 13 pages

Both Fair Stood the Wind for France by H. E. Bates, and Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks are novels concerned with and set during the time of World War. Because of this, both authors use symbols and imagery endlessly to both deliberately enhance their plot, and to subjectively give different meanings and ambiguity to details. The […]

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Faith Symbolism
Matthew Arnold and Thomas Hardy Essay Example
533 words 2 pages

Dover Beach was written by Matthew Arnold shorlty after a visit he and his wife made to the Dover region of southeastern England, the setting of the poem, in 1851. Same year, they were married. The main theme of his poem is “Challenges to the validity of long-standing theological and moral precepts have shaken the […]

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Faith Love Thomas Hardy
The Origin of Hatred and Love In The Scarlet Letter Essay Example
1246 words 5 pages

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s classic American novel The Scarlet Letter is replete with complex and profound subjects and themes; the symbolism and metaphor represented by the characters and their actions continuously function as mediums for Hawthorne to relate them to the reader. However, the most influential and consistently present subject is that of hatred and love. Hawthorne […]

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Faith Love Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter
Compare the theme of love in ‘Villegiature’ and ‘How do I love thee’ Essay Example
716 words 3 pages

In ‘How do I love thee’, Elizabeth Barrett Browning expresses an unconditional and melancholic love. The poem also contains spiritual themes evident in words such as ‘Being’, ‘Right’, ‘Praise’, ‘Grace’ and ‘God’. The final line, ‘I shall but love thee better after death’, suggests the idea of reuniting with a loved one in heaven, reflecting […]

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Faith Love Poetry
Silas Marner is the story of a lost soul who finds redemption Essay Example
1240 words 5 pages

The story of Silas Marner is focused on following the life of Silas Marner, the lonely weaver, and tracking the various events which befall him. This story was set in the 19th Century, and so as a result, the revolutionary scientific ideas which have shaped the world today had not yet set into society, especially […]

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Faith Lost Silas Marner Soul
Silas Marner Analysis Argumentative Essay Example
1044 words 4 pages

In the beginning of the book, Silas asserts that the earth is not ruled by a fair God, but rather a deceitful one who punishes the blameless. However, by the end of the novel, he expresses his belief that goodness exists in this world and he feels it strongly. Silas Marner was known as a […]

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Argumentative Faith God Silas Marner
How is Silas Changed by his Experiences at Raveloe Essay Example
2239 words 9 pages

Written by George Eliot, is the pen name of Anne Evans, Silas Marner is a book about morality and the spiritual journey of a man exiled from his home town for a theft of which he was wrongly accused.Eliot incorporated some of her personal experiences in several of her novels; in Silas Marner she was […]

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Change Faith God
Is It Possible To Be A Disciple In The Modern World Essay Example
395 words 2 pages

Due to the advancements of modern science it is very hard to be a disciple in the modern world. With abortions becoming more readily available, many women are choosing an abortion rather than give up a promising career. This means disobeying our moral ideals and our faith. Also it is impossible to prove the existence […]

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Abortion Catholic Church Children Eucharist Faith God Sexually Transmitted Disease
Analysis of ‘Young Goodman Brown’ Essay Example
1218 words 5 pages

In my analysis, I examined Nathaniel Hawthorne’s captivating tale “Young Goodman Brown.” The narrative centers around a youthful protagonist named Goodman Brown who embarks on a forest expedition. During his journey, he observes the influential members of his community partaking in wicked deeds and trying to convert him and his spouse. Despite this, he ultimately […]

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Faith Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown
What Does it Mean to be ‘Spiritual’ Essay Example
1074 words 4 pages

When trying to define what it means to be ‘Spiritual’, looking it up in a dictionary may provide some insight, but it ultimately falls short. The dictionary definition states that spirituality is something that exists outside of the physical or material world. Although this is a decent attempt at capturing its essence, spirituality is truly […]

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Faith God Spirituality
TOK Does all knowledge require some kind of rational basis? Essay Example
1703 words 7 pages

The cognition issue presented in this inquiry promotes the scrutiny of the relationship between cognition and ground. The inquiry being explored is if ground is the lone footing upon which cognition can be constructed. The term cognition is wide. but under the margins of the cognition issue. it means to hold certainty on a certain […]

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Belief Faith Knowledge Narrative
Effect Of Faith Based Organizations In Refugee Resettlement Sociology Essay Example
3340 words 13 pages

According to the 1951 United Nations Convention on Refugees, a refugee is an individual who is in another country due to having a legitimate fear of persecution based on factors such as race, religion, nationality, membership in a certain social group, or political opinion. They are either unwilling or unable to seek protection from their […]

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Faith Interview Refugee Research
Rastafarianism Religious Beliefs Spiritual Practices Sociology Essay Example
3912 words 15 pages

Over the old ages, there have been assorted accounts to the causes of mental unwellness ; while some have indicated familial causes, others have identified socio-economic causes and others have explained it utilizing a stress-vulnerability theoretical account. Sometimes it has been explained as a combination of these factors but irrespective of these accounts which could […]

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Belief Christianity Faith Ritual

Popular Questions About Faith

What is faith and where does it come from?
Question: "Where does faith come from?". Answer: Faith is the avenue or the instrument God uses to bring salvation to His people. God gives faith because of His grace and mercy, because He loves us (Ephesians 4—5). Faith comes from God in the form of a gift (Ephesians 2:8).
What does faith consist of?
Faith Consists of Three Parts. It is important that someone at least have a basic knowledge of something in order to believe in it. While this certainly does not mean that one has to be a theologian in order to become a Christian, it does mean that your faith would be misplaced if it were not grounded in the essentials.
What are the seven articles of faith?
There are seven Articles of Faith in Islam. These basic beliefs shape the Islamic way of life. There is One God, Supreme and Eternal, Creator and Provider, Who is Merciful and Compassionate. God has neither father nor mother, and no sons or daughters. God has never fathered anyone, nor was He fathered. God has no equals.
What are the benefits of having faith?
This includes healing, prosperity, peace, love, joy (1 Peter 1:8), deliverance from demons and the curse, sanctification of the mind and emotions (the salvation of the soul) and any other benefit which the word of God promises to us. 4. Faith is a spiritual force through which our ministry for Christ becomes effective.
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