Essays On Christianity
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Christianity.
Here you will find many different essay topics on Christianity. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Christianity on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Christianity, and much more. Keep on reading!
Robert Whiting presented a brief historical background of the English Reformation. His historical background had generally two functions. First, it would serve as the focal point or framework of his main arguments. And, it would function as a sort of validating theme for future researches on the English Reformation. At first glance, his historical background […]
Wolsey’s humble beginnings in Ipswich as the son of butchers did not hinder him from ascending to become one of the wealthiest and second most powerful people in England. Wolsey’s rise to power in both the ecclesiastical and secular realms was due to a mix of factors, including his exceptional character, outstanding intellect, and early […]
During the early 18th century, the Catholic Church emerged victorious in religious wars. However, towards the end of the same century, it appeared to have weakened due to several factors such as internal divisions, nationalism, rulers pursuing absolutism and enlightenment ideas gaining popularity. This era marked a transition from external conflicts and religious warfare to […]
This essay will (outline, discuss, define.. .) Pope John XXIII was born Angelio Giuseppe Roncalli in 1981 and was an exceptional revolutionist who made many contributions to the significance of the adherents of Christianity, in particular Catholicism. Pope John XXIII made his largest impact in regards to his input in the areas of positional/institutional, doctrinal, […]
Germany was fragmented into numerous semi-autonomous states during the 1500s. During this period, the Holy Roman Empire was a political union of territories in Central and Western Europe, under the rule of princes. However, the power of these rulers was subject to both existing City laws as well as ecclesiastical authority. The coveted title of […]
Peter in the New Testament Introduction The book “Peter in The New Testament” addresses the tenseness sing the function of St Peter in the New Testament. The sensitive nature of this impression has been set aside for a long period of clip. However Vatican Council II understood the demand for a better apprehension and account […]
The Renaissance, spanning from the 14th to the 17th Century, is seen as a link between the Middle Ages and modern times. It started in Italy but later spread throughout Europe, greatly influencing literature, philosophy, art, music, politics, science, and religion. In terms of politics, Italian city-states during this period were leaders in recognizing the […]
Christianity played a major role throughout the Middle Ages in society and politics. The Middle Ages, classified from 600 AD to 1350 AD, was significantly effected by Christianity because of the impact it had on the daily lives of people of the time. The beginning of the Early Middle Ages, after the Fall of Rome […]
During the 16th century, Protestantism spread throughout Europe and weakened the power of the Catholic Church. In 1545 Pope Paul III called the Council of Trent, which brought reform to the Church. The Council of Trent, which lasted from 1545 to 1563, was one of the most important councils in the history of the Roman […]
Rulers throughout history would have different reactions to Machevellis statement, It is much safer to be feared than loved. Rulers that wanted total power would have a tendency to agree with the claim but other rulers exerted power without being feared. Charlemange would disagree with Machevelli because he reaped great benefits from friendliness. Charlemange supported […]
Crusades: After the first Christian Crusade that begun in 1095 there were eight classified crusades that generally aimed towards the area of Sirya and Palestne that lasted untill the 1270s. Yet after much humiliation and the repeated defeat of the Crusaders in the Lavant, most of the Eropean powers understood the fact that the Holy […]
We can clearly see that there is more than one reason why Henry wanted to gain an annulment to Catherine in 1529, and that it wasn’t purely down to reasons all diplomatically related. Although saying this, it’s also clear that the diplomatic situation at the time was a huge contributing factor for the failure. It […]
Johnson in his Dictionary defines satire as a poem “in which wickedness or folly is censured” J.A Cuddon in his Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory calls this definition by Johnson “a limiting one” while comparing this definition with Dryden’s whose claim is that “The true end of satire is the amendment of vices […]
1) Henry 8 was the king of England and he ruled the land in 1509 – 1547 he was known for replacing the Roman Catholic Church to create the Church of England. He was also known for nocking the monasteries down in England. He had six marriages because he was hoping for a son so […]
Frascatti, a modern saint who passed away in 1925 and was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1990, left a lasting impact on those who knew him despite recently finishing university studies. His epitaph emphasizes his charm, strength, sense of humor, and the love he received. Many young individuals are attracted to his tomb, […]
UNESCO instituted World Teacher’s Day on October 5. However, why wait for Teachers’ Day to come around? We don’t need a special occasion to express our affection towards a teacher. So did Mary Loudon by writing “Doreen Pope”, a hymn to an inspirational teacher. In this descriptive essay she pays tribute to the greatness of […]
St. Peters Basilica is located in the Vatican in Rome. Built in the High Renaissance to early Baroque period, the construction of St. Peter’s took about 150 years to complete. A bevvy of famous architects worked on the Basilica, beginning with Bramante and finishing with Michelangelo. It has the largest interior of any Christian church […]
“The grace of God is infinite and eternal. As it had no beginning, so it can have no end, and being an attribute of God, it is as boundless as infinitude” (“Precious Grace”). With this description, how can one go through his or her life without desiring grace? James Joyce first published “Grace” in his […]
Arise, O Lord, and judge Thy cause. A wild boar has invaded Thy vineyard. Arise, O Peter, and consider the case of the Holy Roman Church, the mother of all churches, consecrated by thy blood. Arise, O Paul, who by thy teaching and death hast illumined and dost illumine the Church. Arise all ye saints, […]
“Modern man cannot do without information that is full, consistent, accurate and true. Without it, he cannot understand the perpetually changing world in which he lives nor be able to adapt himself to the real situation. This adaptation calls for frequent decisions that should be made with a full knowledge of events. Only in this […]
In his Encyclical “Pacem In Terris” of April 11, 1963, the Holy Father Pope John XXIII wrote of Peace as greatly desired, elusive, and can only be attained if man will faithfully adhere to the order established by God. This papal letter discussed the natural order of the universe, the prevailing conditions in the world […]
The Roman Empire is the result of one of the first attempts to unify the European continent. It dominated history for more than five centuries before succumbing under the influence of numerous factors. During Octavian’s rein, the empire had indeed become the sole most powerful entity of the time. Military speaking, he had taken control […]