Chemical Reaction Essay Examples
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The purpose of this experiment was to synthesize the Grignard reagent, phenyl magnesium bromide, and then use the manufactured Grignard reagent to synthesize the alcohol, triphenylmethanol, by reacting with benzophenone and protonation by H3O+. The triphenylmethanol was purified by recrystallization. The melting point, Infrared Spectroscopy, 13C NMR, and 1H NMR were used to characterize and […]
The objective of the experiment was to prepare Benzilic acid by multistep synthesis starting with benzaldehyde. In this setup however, product of the first step, Benzoin, is provided thereby omitting the first step involving the conversion of benzaldehyde. For this experiment, the microscale techniques of reflux, crystallization, and melting-point determination were used. Utilizing these techniques […]
The purpose of this lab was to synthesize triphenylmethanol from benzophenone and bromobenzene by the formation of a Grignard compound with the reagents bromobenzene and magnesium metal. The bromobenzene was first transformed into the Grignard compound and was then reacted with the benzophenone to make the final product. The mixture was then mixed with sulfuric […]
The purpose of this week’s lab is to learn to demonstrate a double-replacement reaction of ionic compounds. To accomplish this, two ionic compounds will be mixed together and the product will precipitate out of solution. In this procedure, the product must be precipitated out of the solution and then weighed. For this lab, lead (II) […]
Preparation of 1-bromobutane, an SN2 reaction Preparation of 2-chloro-2-methylbutane, an SN1 reaction Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to synthesize 1-bromobutane from 1-butanol and sodium bromide. In order for this reaction to reach completion there are four major operations that need to be performed. The four major operations include refluxing, simple distillation, separation, and […]
Question Set: 1. What kind of graph results when you plot ml of thiosulfate against time in seconds? 2. What does this tell you about the rate of the reaction? 3. What do you think would have happened to the reaction time if you had reduced the hydrochloric acid by half? Explain why. 4. What […]
In this experiment, the stereochemistry of 2,3-dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic was found to determine syn or anti addition of bromines. The melting point was 199-203°C and the NMR J values angle is at 167 which both prove the erythro-2,3-dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic. Determination of the Stereochemistry of 2,3-dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic acid. An addition of bromine was added to trans-cinnamic acid and it is […]
Fossil fuels provide both energy and raw materials such as ethylene, for the production of other substances construct word and balanced formulae equations of chemical reactions as they are encountered. There are three important steps involved: Show all reactants and all products in the word equation. Write the correct formula for each reactant and each […]
Classification Tests for Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives Mary Catherine Sarte, John Emmanuel Sy, Allurie Umel,Franklin Yap, Mary Christine YouIntroduction Carboxylic acids derivatives are simply groupsof compounds that contain a carbonyl group butwith an electronegative atom attached to thecarbon. The difference in the structure leads to amajor change in reactivity. The reactions of thesegroups of compounds […]
In this practical, the aim of this experiment was to find out the catalytic power of alkaline phosphate, as well as the rate of reaction and the activation energy of p-nitrophenol phosphate. Enzymes are biological molecules that catalyze a chemical reaction. ‘Enzymes work by lowering the activation energy of a chemical reaction making it easier […]
The text below has beenand unified while keeping the and their contents: The battery reaction involves the oxidation of zinc and the reduction of manganese. To control the time, an iodine clock reaction is used. A pre-measured amount of iodine is injected into the clock reactor using a syringe. Electricity is generated by the reaction […]
This experiment is designed to demonstrate two concepts. First, it will provide a demonstration of how chemists can use chemical reactions to understand reaction mechanisms. Second, is the concept of multi-step synthesis. You will be performing the following reaction: Isomer IIsomer II + Enantiomer+ Enantiomer Brominetrans-Cinnamic Acid2,3-Dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic acid MW 160 g/molMW 148 g/molMW 308 g/mol […]
An investigation to compare the reaction rates between potato and hydrogen peroxide against liver and hydrogen peroxide through loss in mass. Background information: Catalase is an enzyme that is found in all cells. This means that it is an intracellular enzyme. And enzyme is a biological catalyst. A catalyst is some thing that speeds up […]
The synthesis of several complex organic compounds follows a multistep synthesis. “Multistep synthesis” refers to the process in which the merchandise of one reaction serves as the get downing stuff in the subsequent reaction. The multistep synthesis of benzilic acid begins with a transition benzaldehyde to benzoin through a condensation reaction. The benjamin so oxidizes […]