Antigone Essays
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A Plotting Princess: Female Roles in The Odyssey and Antigone Karen Rustad The fairy tale Snow White is a story about two women. One, the evil stepmother, schemes against her stepdaughter in order to assuage her envy and increase her power. She, of course, is thwarted by the end of the story. The other, Snow […]
How are haemon or oedipus and creon foils of each other?In the play Oedipus the King and Antigone by Sophocles, foil and parallel characters are very common. The foil character in a story is the character who is the exact opposite of the main character, or in other word, the parallel character, and therefor serves […]
To gain insight into a culture, it’s crucial to comprehend their diverse art forms such as music, visual arts, theatre, and others. Literature is an essential medium that aids in comprehending a culture. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, literature is composed of written works in prose or verse that convey ideas with lasting significance and possess […]
Joey Hepner highlights a powerful quote from Sophocles’ Antigone. The quote reads: “If you think what I’m doing now is stupid, perhaps I’m being charged with foolishness by someone who’s a fool” (Sophocles469). This quote is significant because it is said by Antigone after she has been caught burying her own brother, which goes against […]
Sophocles’ Antigone displays Creon as a misogynist due to his position in the play as a newly appointed ruler of Thebes who eliminates all burial rights to Antigone’s brother, Polynices. Antigone defies this order believing that the will of the gods and her family’s honor is more important. Creon, however, advocates family honor aggressively to […]
Sophocles is known as one of the greatest tragedians in the history of Greek Literature. Among his works, Antigone may be considered as the stand out and the greatest. It is the story of Antigone, the daughter and half-sister of Oedipus, the main character in another of Sophocles??? tale. In the story, Antigone showed how […]
In either version of Antigone, the plot is essentially the same. The King forbids the burial of a traitor to the city of Thebes, but the man’s sister disobeys the order and is eventually killed, along with the King’s son and wife. The characters are relatively constant between the two versions. Ismene, Creon, Antigone, and […]
Both Antigone, by Sophocles, and Blood Wedding, by Federico Garcia Lorca have similar fantastical elements that help guide the story to it’s conclusion. The use of magical characters in the plays is symbolic of vision and true sight, breaking of norms, and lighting up societal flaws. Not only does the use of magic illuminate critical […]
The city of Thebes, torn by war, is the setting of Sophocles’ play Antigone. The absence of a true leader for many years has led to a dispute between Antigone’s two brothers over who should rule Thebes. Both Polyneices and Eteocles were brothers, but Polyneices was exiled before returning to the city with an invading […]
Robert Ludlum’s claim that “Characterization is integral to the theatrical experience. “1 is demonstrated in Jean Anouilh’s play Antigone and Albert Camus’ novel The Outsider. Both authors effectively use characterization by manipulating style, foils, imagery, and action to define their central characters, Antigone and Meursault. Their approach intentionally prevents emotional attachment to the protagonists, allowing […]
The chorus discusses the tragic history of Antigone’s family in the second stasiman, stating that sorrow has plagued them from one generation to another. They express having witnessed numerous sorrows and grief that continuously accumulate within their family. The chorus warns that every generation is subject to a divine punishment, as they declare, “No generation […]
Antigone’s father complex was related to Oedipus, but in a humorous way. Antigone was the youngest child of Oedipus and Jocasta, who were in an incestuous marriage. Oedipus, who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother, is familiar to psychology majors because Freud coined a developmental stage in which males compete with their fathers […]
For many years, anthropologists and philosophers have tried to find a definition to the word ‘morality’ which can satisfy all different perceptions that are believed by different people all around the world. It was found that there are two ways to use the term ‘morality’: descriptively and normatively. Descriptively refers to ” a code of […]
Antigone meets up with her sister, Ismene, in the beginning of the play and informs her about King Creon’s decree. Their brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, died in battle, with Eteocles receiving a proper funeral while Polyneices was left exposed for the birds. King Creon has forbidden anyone to bury Polyneices under penalty of death. Antigone […]
Aristotle defines a tragic hero as someone, usually a male, who “falls from a high place mainly due to their fatal flaw. ” During the highest point of the tragic hero’s life, something is revealed to the protagonist causing a reversal in their fortune. This reversal of fortune is caused by the flaw in their […]
In Sophocles’ Antigone, the character Antigone displays rebellion and strong morals. However, she opts to defy Creon’s government laws, which he considers fair. This choice creates complications for both herself and those around her in her quest for justice. In contemporary society, the notion of justice portrayed in this tale may be viewed as injustice […]
The role of minor character, Mrs. Linde, Ismene, Krogstad and Haemon in developing the themes of the play A Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen in 19th century AD and Antigone by Sophocles in 5th century BC. The story of the protagonist is sometimes best developed by the presence of minor characters. Generally the minor […]
Antigone, penned by Sophocles, is a theatrical piece rich in themes. Therefore, I will be discussing these themes, inclusive of state laws versus individual rights, morality, obstinacy, and love, as perceived through the lens of various critics. Antigone’s principles are synonymous with the initial part of these theme pairs while Creon’s ideals correspond to the […]
A conflict I believe many people are faced with day in and day out is, are we bound to the duties of family or must we operate and conform to the duties of the law? A main conflict we see in Antigone is the clash of beliefs between Antigone and Creon. Antigone works at all […]
Sophocles wrote Oedipus the King around 425 BC, Oedipus at Colonus in c. 401 BC and Antigone in c. 441BC. Thus, although Antigone appears to tell some of the story of ‘what happened next,’ it was not actually intended to act as a sequel, having no true unity of theme or treatment between them. Accordingly, […]
Throughout the evolution of literature, Greek through Modern, exposition has remained vital to the comprehension of literary work. In most pieces, contemporary or not, the author uses exposition to provide background information on main characters or past important events. Exposition can help to explain a character’s motive, personality or relationships with others. In Jean Anouilh’s […]
A King’s Collapse Unfortunately, in almost everyone’s lifetime, either a tragic event or a series of tragic events can be found, and in some cases, more than others. Many people define a tragic hero as someone who performs a heroic act but dies in the process. However, this statement is incorrect; instead, a tragic hero […]