Disengaged Theory of Aging Essay Example
Disengaged Theory of Aging Essay Example

Disengaged Theory of Aging Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (319 words)
  • Published: August 7, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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The issue topic of the debate regarding to the octogenarians can be explained by the Disengagement Theory of Aging under the psychosocial aspect of aging. Disengagement theory explains that aging is a way of mutual withdrawal in which mutual withdrawal is a process when the adult ones tend to slow down so as to retire just like what the society expected the elders to do.

This theory explains that the process by which the old ones decide to disengage from the society will benefit both of the individual and the society itself (CliffsNotes. com. , 2007). Erik Erikson was the one who conducted a study for the final stage of an individual’s life. He turned into a conclusion which states that those elders who are at the age of 65 and beyond are up to maintainin


g their sense of ego integrity and at the same time these said people of age tend to avoid despair (Vander Zander, 2007).

The theory of Erikson explained that the old ones tend to lose some of their cognitive abilities as they grow older depending on how they use it: Example of the cognitive ability is the ability to store and retrieve memories from our mind which will enable a person to actively do his/her tasks, if a certain person grows old and could not perform well anymore, sometimes they feel frustrations which cause them despair (Vander Zander, 2007).

Even though the elders tend to be hot tempered and sad sometimes whenever they try to remember the old time and old opportunities they left behind, they still look at life as wonderful and they ten

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to see the real meaning of the life they have lived by being happy with their family. Families, friends and other kind of relationship is a very important factor on a certain adult’s life because they are the ones considered as a source of life willing power to the adult ones.

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