Describe with examples aspects of development Essay Example
There are many examples that can describe how different aspects of development can affect one another. Most of the time one aspect will lead to another and for example playing hide – and - seek will require all of the areas of development. A child needs to run to a hiding place or walking to find someone – those moves will develop child’s physical development; social, emotional and behavioral development will effect while enjoying the game, playing alongside others and respecting the rules.
Thinking about where best to hide, guessing where someone is hiding and understanding the rules of the game will positively effect his intellectual and communication development. If a child has a language barrier (through a foreign language or late development of speaking) this can stop other children from playing or talking
...to this child, what can lead to lower their self-esteem and let him feel as an outsider, which may affect his social, emotional and behavioural development.
It will also affect his communication and intellectual development because he will not be able to communicate with his peers or adults in the setting. Background Parents and family play a big part in children’s development and there are many elements linked to a child’s background that can affect their development. Family dynamics – most children do grow up in families, but there are some who grow up in foster family or in the care of the local authority.
Children who have good relationships with their parents, siblings can gain confidence and they also seem do better at school. When families split up children’s emotional and social development can be
affected and they may feel left out. When children become more independent they might start hang around with friends on the street or stay out late, so they will become vulnerable to the attention of undesirable adults or stray into antisocial behaviour. Having several siblings can have an impact on children causing additional
needs to be met. Children may feel frustrated with lack of attention within the home and also may be required to assist with sibling’s needs which could cause social and emotional problems. Additionally, becoming a brother/sister to a new sibling for the first time can be stressful and having to adapt to not being an only child can be difficult at first and can create an emotional stress on the child. Parenting styles – most parents want to do their best for children, but some can be too strict and some may be too relaxed.
Some parents may find it hard to show their love and approval, some don’t know what they should do as their children grow up and become teenagers. Parenting styles is important in helping children to learn about behaviour and responsibility and help children to feel settled emotionally. Poverty – how much money family has to live have big impact on development. Parents who are struggling with money may be very stressed and this will affect their parenting style.
They cannot afford to eat properly or live in nice areas, cannot always afford to help children’s learning such as buy a computer or take them out on visits. Culture/religion – every family is different and has their own traditions, values and beliefs. Some children who
grow up in families with strong culture or religious beliefs can benefit with a strong identity. Other children may find it difficult because their family is different to their friends or they feel restricted what parents or family want them to do.
Health Health is a complex issue and it’s a mixture between our genetic and factors like where we live, what we eat and stress level. Some children are born with a condition that will automatically affect them like diabetes, blood condition. Other children may have natural tendency towards certain diseases like asthma. Asthma is condition that affects children’s breathing, it’s likely to develop when children live in damp condition, when parents are smoking or air quality where they live is poor.
Where children are unwell or have ongoing medical condition their development is affected, they not feeling like playing, they may find harder to make friends because they might be not well enough to attend regularly or they cannot physically join the game. It can also affect emotional development because they may feel that they are not ‘normal’ and they are different to the others. Being unwell also can affect children’s cognitive development, they may not be able to concentrate because they feel poorly or medication that they are taking cause drowsiness.
Sleep – also have an influence on children’s development, sufficient sleep is essential for children’s cognitive development. When they are tired it’s hard for them to remember new information and concentrate. Children under five should be having at least 12 hours sleep, teenagers needs around 9 -10 hours sleep. Being tired affects social and emotional development, sometimes its
hard for them to control their anger, frustration, which means they may find hard to play with other children.
Diet – got influence on children’s growth, behavior and development, balance diet will help them to stay healthy as well as grow. The awareness of children’s diet is rising because the number of children who are overweight is growing. When children are overweight they may not develop the strength of their bodies to develop physical skills, they may lose confidence, don’t want to try new activities, play with children so social and emotional development will be affected.
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