Essay Accounting
Essay Accounting

Essay Accounting

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  • Pages: 1 (200 words)
  • Published: September 9, 2021
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Just like art, accounting is fundamental and necessary for monitoring personal expenses in our daily lives. Recognizing the crucial role it plays in decision-making, coupled with my love for numbers, I made a career shift from Psychology to Accounting. Working with numbers has always been my passion, and I believe it equips me to make impactful decisions that improve businesses. My experience across different positions within various organizations has further enhanced my skills in this field.

I worked as an associate manager at a small company in New York, where I balanced accounts, applied customer payments, and paid invoice


s. I have advanced knowledge in multiple computer software and programming languages, which will be valuable in my accounting career, especially as businesses are increasingly digitalized. I am eager to be admitted as a student in the MS Accounting program at CUNY Baruch College because they offer a wide range of resources that will help me further my career. I am excited to combine my diverse accounting experiences with my technical skills to excel in the field of accountancy. After graduation, I aspire to become a managerial accountant and provide crucial financial data and advice to companies, ensuring their growth and success.

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