English 3.2.5 FDR’s Four Freedoms Speech – Flashcards

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What is Roosevelt trying to accomplish in his Four Freedoms speech?
Make Americans understand the necessity of getting involved in the wa
What does Roosevelt suggest to create a world that has "freedom from fear"?
A decrease in weapons
What is one of the four freedoms that Roosevelt identifies in his Four Freedoms speech?
Freedom of religion
Second, by an impressive expression of the public will and without regard to partisanship, we are committed to full support of all those resolute peoples, everywhere, who are resisting aggression and are thereby keeping war away from our Hemisphere. Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Four Freedoms Speech: Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union," January 6, 1941 Which sentence best states the main idea of this passage from Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech?
Working together, America will help those who are fighting against tyranny.
There is much loose talk of our immunity from immediate and direct invasion from across the seas. Obviously, as long as the British Navy retains its power, no such danger exists. Even if there were no British Navy, it is not probable that any enemy would be stupid enough to attack us by landing troops in the United States from across thousands of miles of ocean, until it had acquired strategic bases from which to operate. Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Four Freedoms Speech: Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union," January 6, 1941 Which sentence best states the main idea of this passage from Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech?
The United States is not vulnerable to a direct attack.
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