Emery Abnormal Psychology Spring 17 Final Exam – Flashcards

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One straightforward difference between cognitive-behavior therapy and humanistic therapy is: a. Humanistic therapist are empathic; cognitive-behavior therapists are not b. Cognitive-behavior therapists talk more than humanistic therapists c. Cognitive-behavior therapists are not interested in emotion; emotion is the primary focus of humanistic therapy d. Humanistic therapists offer more interpretations than cognitive-behavior therapists
b. Cognitive-behavior therapists talk more than humanistic therapists
I shared results from my own studies: Mediation had far more positive benefits for families than the litigation of child custody disputes. But rural courts with few resources might not experience the same level of benefits from mediation. In terms of psychotherapy outcome research, this is an issue of: a. Statistical significance versus clinical significance b. Efficacy versus effectiveness c. Blind versus double-blind study d. All of the above e. None of the above
b. Efficacy versus effectiveness
On the radio this weekend, I heard someone arguing that human consciousness may exist apart from activity in the human brain. (This is true. The speaker was trying to explain near-death experiences.) This speaker best represents which of the following "isms"? a. Holism b. Reductionism c. Dualism d. Humanism
c. Dualism
Case studies can be useful for ______ hypotheses, but case studies cannot be used to _____ hypotheses. a. generating; test b. operationalizing; define c. forming null; test null d. psychoanalytic; explore cognitive-behavioral
a. generating; test
What term best captures the concept that the same disorder can have multiple causes? a. Etiology b. Equifinality c. Reductionism d. Systems theory
b. Equifinality
These are the notes of a therapist who is treating Frances, whose case of depression was described in the text: "Client assigned homework to monitor conflict with family and to try out new ways of relating to them." The orientation of this therapist is probably a. Humanistic b. Cognitive-behavioral c. Psychodynamic d. Biological
b. Cognitive-behavioral
Professors turn test averages into letter grades. Some set stricter cutoffs; some are more lenient. This is analogous to what important point(s) about the diagnosis of mental disorders: a. Mental disorders are qualitatively different from normal behavior b. Abnormal behavior differs from normal behavior only by a matter of degree c. The cutoff for diagnosing a mental disorder can be rather arbitrary d. All of the above e. B and C only
e. B and C only
Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. Psychology has no accepted definition of "normal," which makes it tricky to define "abnormal" b. All mental disorders involve personal distress, but mental health professionals are reluctant to define mental disorders based on this subjective criterion c. In the former Soviet Union, some political dissidents were said to have a mental disorder d. All of the above are true
b. All mental disorders involve personal distress, but mental health professionals are reluctant to define mental disorders based on this subjective criterion
DSM-5 takes a _______ approach to classification, treating disorders as if they are ________ from normal behavior. a. Categorical; qualitatively b. Categorical; quantitatively c. Dimensional; qualitatively d. Dimensional; quantitatively
a. Categorical; qualitatively
In his blog (extra reading assignment), Allen Frances (who directed the DSM-IV) criticized DSM-5 primarily for: a. Including too many "fads" in its list of diagnoses b. Emphasizing reliability over validity, since the public is ultimately concerned with the value of a diagnosis c. Dropping key diagnoses from DSM-IV, especially hebephiliia, sex addiction, and psychosis risk d. Being a pawn of Big Pharma
a. Including too many "fads" in its list of diagnoses
_________ is especially important to recognize in psychotherapy outcome research because it is impossible to conduct ________. a. The gene-environment correlation; research that manipulates human genes b. The allegiance effect; double-blind studies c. The difference between cause and correlation; true experiments d. Meta-analysis; clinically significant research
b. The allegiance effect; double-blind studies
Mental disorders appear to be polygenic. This means that: a. Scientists surely will identify the gene responsible for various disorders one day b. The same gene contributes to multiple disorders, so identifying candidate genes should help to cure multiple disorders c. Many genes are involved in producing a disorder, producing variation that looks like the normal distribution even with only a relatively small N of genes d. All of the above e. B and C only
c. Many genes are involved in producing a disorder, producing variation that looks like the normal distribution even with only a relatively small N of genes
Research on the cause of mental disorders almost always must use the _______ because _______. a. Correlational study; factors thought to cause disorders can't be manipulated practically or ethically b. Experiment; this is the most highly controlled research method. c. Case study; it is essential to take an idiographic approach to causality d. Meta-analytic method; scientists must aggregate results across studies
a. Correlational study; factors thought to cause disorders can't be manipulated practically or ethically
What is the best no treatment control group in psychotherapy outcome research? a. No treatment. Duh! b. A sugar pill c. This is a tricky question with no clear answer, because people in a "no treatment" group seek "treatment" in the form of talking to friends or family, asking advice, and so on d. Trick question! You don't need a no-treatment control group in a treatment study
c. This is a tricky question with no clear answer, because people in a "no treatment" group seek "treatment" in the form of talking to friends or family, asking advice, and so on
Suppose a trait is entirely determined by the nonshared environment. Which of the following could be expected in a twin study of monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins? a. MZ and DZ twins would both have zero percent concordance. b. MZ twins would have fifty percent concordance, DZ twins would have a zero percent concordance c. MZ twins would have one hundred percent concordance, DZ twins would have fifty percent concordance d. MZ and DZ twins would both have one hundred percent concordance
a. MZ and DZ twins would both have zero percent concordance.
The diagnosis of many mental disorders has low levels of reliability. This means that: a. Two different mental health professionals often disagree about whether an individual has a disorder b. Two different mental health professionals often disagree about what caused a mental disorder c. Two different mental health professionals often disagree about the best way to treat a disorder d. Two different mental health professionals often disagree about what diagnoses belong in the DSM-5
a. Two different mental health professionals often disagree about whether an individual has a disorder
"Your depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain." What "ism" is this statement an example of? a. Holism b. Reductionism c. Dualism d. Humanism
b. Reductionism
Communication between neurons occurs when ______ are released from the ______ of one neuron into the ______ and received at the receptors of another neuron. a. Neurotransmitters; nucleus; dendrites b. Neurotransmitters; axon terminal; synapse c. Neuromodulators; dendrites; synapse d. Neuromodulators; nucleus; dendrites
b. Neurotransmitters; axon terminal; synapse
Which of the following analogies between science and the law is accurate? a. The burden of proof lies on the proponent of a hypothesis (as it does on the prosecution: you are innocent until proven guilty) b. You never prove the null hypothesis, you just fail to reject it (as you never prove innocence but instead may be found "not guilty") c. False "proof" is viewed as a worse error than the failure to prove something that is, in fact, true (it is better to let 10 guilty people go free than to imprison one innocent person) d. All of the above e. A and B only
d. All of the above
When people hear, "It's genetic," we tend to think there's a gene for the condition. I suggested, however, that this conclusion is wrong-headed when it comes to psychological disorders. Something can be genetic and still: a. Involve quantitative differences. You can be a "little bit" depressed, ADHD, eating disordered etc b. Be affected by genes indirectly. We don't necessarily have a gene "for" a given disorder. Genes may contribute indirectly to risk by influencing personality, body type, appearance, age at menstruation, etc. c. Be influenced by the environment. As with PKU, the environment can influence whether or not a genetic predisposition is expressed. d. All of the above e. B and C only
d. All of the above
Here is a bullet point from one class slide: "One hope is that a single, specific cause will be discovered for more refined diagnoses." This refers to: a. The DSM-6 will classify disorders according to their cause. b. There probably are multiple subtypes of "depression," "schizophrenia," etc., some of which may be discovered to have a single cause. c. The biological paradigm, specifically the "medical model," has been very successful in identifying causes of mental disorders d. Unlike normal psychological experience, mental disorders are located in the brain and improved brain imaging techniques are showing us precisely where.
b. There probably are multiple subtypes of "depression," "schizophrenia," etc., some of which may be discovered to have a single cause.
DSM-5 classifies mental disorders on the basis of: a. Hypothesized causes b. Most effective treatments c. Description (symptoms) d. Theory rather than research
c. Description (symptoms)
Which of the following is NOT true about medications used in the treatment of mental disorders? a. Effective psychoactive medications offer only symptom relief b. Psychoactive medications often need to be taken for a very long time c. Psychiatrists prescribe the great majority of psychoactive medications d. Psychoactive medications often have unpleasant side effects, and this can affect use e. All of the above
c. Psychiatrists prescribe the great majority of psychoactive medications
I conduct a study where I randomly assign 100 people with depression either to work with Albert Ellis doing Rational Emotive Therapy or Carl Rogers doing Humanistic Therapy. Half of the people drop out of the Ellis group, while everyone completes therapy in the Rogers group (a statistically significant difference). But when I compare people who completed Ellis with those who completed Rogers, the Ellis completers are less depressed (also statistically significant). What can I conclude? a. People are more likely to drop out of Ellis/Rational Emotive than Rogers/Humanistic Therapy b. Rational Emotive Therapy is more effective for depression than Humanistic Therapy c. Either Rational Emotive Therapy or Ellis as a therapist is more effective for depression than either Carl Rogers or Humanistic Therapy (you can't separate the therapy from the therapist) d. None of the above
a. People are more likely to drop out of Ellis/Rational Emotive than Rogers/Humanistic Therapy
I'm really mad at you, but I can't admit this to myself. So instead I think you're really mad at me. This is an example of: a. Projection b. Sublimation c. Displacement d. Reaction formation
a. Projection
Does the diagnosis tell me anything about the cause, course, or best treatment of this disorder? This question is a concern about: a. Reliability b. Validity c. Coverage d. Thresholds
b. Validity
Which of the following is an incorrect pairing? a. Personality inventory; MMPI b. Projective test; Rorschach inkblot c. Brain imaging; MRI d. All of the above are correct pairings
d. All of the above are correct pairings
In what way does the heat sensitive picture of earth from space (found in Chapter 4) teach us to appreciate basic limitations in brain imagining techniques? a. The image reminds us of the importance of appreciating different levels of analysis b. While impressive, the image illustrates limitations in meaning and degree of resolution c. The image reminds us that we need to take a systems approach in all sciences d. While fascinating, the image reminds us of the importance of theory and research; after all, we once thought the world was flat
b. While impressive, the image illustrates limitations in meaning and degree of resolution
Girls who reach menarche at a younger age attract boys who are older and more interested in their physical appearance/sexuality compared to girls who reach menarche at an older age. Age at menarche is strongly influenced by genes. This is an example of: a. Polygenic attraction b. Genetic predestination c. A gene-environment interaction d. A gene-environment correlation
d. A gene-environment correlation
Using your new language from Psych 3410, you tell your girlfriend. "You're all (sex and aggression)!" Turns out she's taking psych too. She retorts, "You're all (guilt)!" a. Id; ego b. Id; superego c. Ego; id d. Ego; superego
b. Id; superego
The website of the American Psychological Association (wrongly) states "comparisons of different forms of psychotherapy most often result in relatively nonsignificant difference." The conclusion is an example of: a. The allegiance effect b. The "Dodo Bird Verdict" c. The placebo effect d. The "Barnum Effect"
b. The "Dodo Bird Verdict"
One theory (that you will soon learn about) is that anxiety is maintained by avoidance. You get anxious about doing something, avoid it, and avoidance lowers your anxiety. In operant conditioning terms, this is an example of: a. Positive reinforcement b. Negative reinforcement c. Punishment d. Response cost
b. Negative reinforcement
Intellectual disabilities (formerly mental retardation) are some of the best diagnosed and understood mental disorders. Still, the terms for the disorder often are changed, as old terms come to carry a stigma. Which concept best describes this phenomenon? a. Labeling theory b. Learning theory c. Psychoanalytic theory d. The biopsychosocial model
a. Labeling theory
The "objects from Emery's desk drawer" demonstration was intended to illustrate: a. There are different ways to classify things for different purposes b. Classification is an arbitrary creation of the human mind c. In the end, how you decide to classify things, including Pluto, comes down to politics d. In the end, there is one and only one way to classify things
a. There are different ways to classify things for different purposes
The textbook indicated which of the following about psychotherapy and placebo effects? a. Since both placebos and psychotherapy produce change through psychological means, psychotherapy researchers need to study what makes placebos work b. Placebos (sugar pills) and placebo effects only occur for medications, so there is no need to worry about placebo effects in psychotherapy c. Placebo effects only "trick" people into feeling better. Real psychotherapy has nothing to do with placebo effects. d. Psychotherapy appears to be mostly a placebo. There is no reason to expect researchers to uncover "active ingredients" that are effective in treating different disorders.
a. Since both placebos and psychotherapy produce change through psychological means, psychotherapy researchers need to study what makes placebos work
Why does DSM-5 group pica (chewing nonnutritive substances, a problem typically found among very young children with intellectual disabilities) together with anorexia (typically found among high-achieving young adult women)? a. Both problems involve eating/feeding b. Both problems are thought to stem from excessive serotonin reuptake c. Both problems are thought to stem from difficulties in breast feeding d. Both problems respond best to cognitive-behavior therapy treatments
a. Both problems involve eating/feeding
Scientists are now convinced that vaccines do not cause autism, but it is important to revisit this controversy because: a. People are desperate for answers to mental disorders, and this makes them susceptible to false promises b. Bad information is readily available and easily spread, especially in the Internet Age c. You need to understand that the burden of proof falls on the proponent of any hypothesis. You need to prove that your idea is true - I don't need to prove that you are wrong d. All of the above e. A and B only
d.All of the above
Around the same time that the emotional Jenny McCarthy video that we watched was made, The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development offered this statement, "There is no evidence to date that the MMR vaccine causes autism." This contrast in tone illustrates an important idea: a. Even the federal government can be corrupt, or at least in denial b. Science can be unfeeling. We need advocates to humanize the suffering caused by mental illness c. As an inquiring skeptic, you should be persuaded more by cool, objective arguments than hot, emotional ones d. Case studies are valuable in addition to correlational studies and experiments
c. As an inquiring skeptic, you should be persuaded more by cool, objective arguments than hot, emotional ones
Freud and Erikson's theories emphasize what essential feature that is overlooked by most other views of the cause of normal and abnormal behavior? a. Both highlight biological drives b. Both underscore the importance of developmental stages c. Both emphasize that most of our impulses are unconscious d. Both identify the key role of cultural and historical values
b. Both underscore the importance of developmental stages
Why are braining imaging procedures not widely used for the diagnosis of mental disorders? a. The procedures are currently too expensive to be used in routine clinical work and instead are only used to diagnose mental disorders in research studies b. Brain imaging is routinely used by psychiatrists in making diagnoses, but other mental health professionals (who far outnumber psychiatrists) are not trained in using the technique c. There is no evidence that these procedures can be used to identify mental disorders d. In fact, braining imaging procedures became the diagnostic standard with the publication of DSM-5
c. There is no evidence that these procedures can be used to identify mental disorders
I find that people in unhappy close relationships are more likely to be depressed. I conclude that troubled relationships cause depression. Which of the following is true about my conclusion? a. My conclusion might be right b. Depression might cause unhappy relationships c. Bad living circumstances might cause both depression and troubled relationships d. All of the above are true e. B and C only
d. All of the above are true
"The total number of active cases, both old and new, that are present in a population during a specific period of time." a. Prevalence b. Incidence c. Disease burden d. Epidemiology
a. Prevalence
Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. Homosexuality once was listed in the DSM as a mental disorder, but it was removed in the 1970s b. Hypersexual disorder was considered for inclusion in DSM-5 but was not included in the final version c. Sexual masochism is listed as a mental disorder in DSM-5, but only is a disorder if it causes significant personal distress or impairment in functioning d. All of the above are true
d. All of the above are true
Which of the following relates to the concept of the "reliability" of a diagnosis? a. Different clinicians give the same diagnosis for the same patient b. A diagnosis reflects biological reality, not some social construction; the diagnosis "carves nature at its joints" c. The diagnosis accurately leads to a better treatment d. The diagnosis has a clear, theoretical definition, for example, "neurosis"
a. Different clinicians give the same diagnosis for the same patient
In lecture, I suggested that future classification systems might include diagnoses like "fight or flight" disorder. I raised this possibility to suggest: a. Current mental disorders include problems with excessive anxiety and sadness but not excessive anger b. Catchy phrases like "fight or flight" are easy to remember and advocate for, illustrating how politics comes into the process of creating the DSM c. The statistical model of classification must consider that extremes at both ends of a distribution often are abnormal, for example, mania or depression, fight or flight d. The basis for classifying disorders may well change in the future, for example, basing classification on evolutionary psychology
d. The basis for classifying disorders may well change in the future, for example, basing classification on evolutionary psychology
The humanistic paradigm assumes that normal and abnormal behavior are a matter of free will. In contrast, all three other major paradigms assume: a. Insanity is a limitation on free will b. Normal behavior is a matter of free will but abnormal behavior is not c. Both normal and abnormal behavior are determined by potentially knowable factors d. Free will can be measured using the biopsychosocial model
c. Both normal and abnormal behavior are determined by potentially knowable factors
I urged you to appreciate both "common factors" and "active ingredients" in different psychotherapies. This means: a. A combination of medication and therapy often is most effective b. Sugar pills work, meaning they contain both placebos and active ingredients c. While we want specific treatments for specific disorders, we need to remember that aspects of the helping relationship make all therapies more effective d. Of course, the different therapy paradigms have different ideas about psychotherapy but they all involve some form of a "talking cure"
c. While we want specific treatments for specific disorders, we need to remember that aspects of the helping relationship make all therapies more effective
DARE, Scared Straight, recovered memory therapy, and facilitated communication are treatments that all share: a. The potential to do harm b. The potential to prevent problems from developing in the first place c. Initial skepticism about their effectiveness until research proved they worked d. They were treatments developed based on psychodynamic principles
a. The potential to do harm
What is the theoretical basis for defining a mental disorder in DSM-5? a. The problem is a harmful dysfunction b. The problem causes personal distress c. The problem is not culturally sanctioned d. There is no unifying theoretical definition; in the end, DSM-5 is an agreed upon list
d. There is no unifying theoretical definition; in the end, DSM-5 is an agreed upon list
______ is akin to "working the refs" in pursuit of answers. ______ is like official review. a. Psychology; biology b. Paradigms; the biopsychosocial model c. Social science; natural science d. Law and politics; science
d. Law and politics; science
What symptom distinguishes fugue from the other dissociative disorders? a. purposeful, unplanned travel b. malingering c. identity confusion d. inability to remember details of the past
a. purposeful, unplanned travel
In the debate between "lumpers" and "splitters" about anxiety disorders, the splitters argue that a. People with anxiety disorders are split off (dissociate) from reality. b. People with anxiety disorders may show physiological, behavioral, or cognitive symptoms but do not need to exhibit all three. c. There are several separate and distinct anxiety disorders. d. Pathological anxiety is qualitatively different from normal anxiety.
c. There are several separate and distinct anxiety disorders.
The competitive, hostile, urgent, achievement striving personality style that has been linked with risk for heart diseases is known as: a. Narcissistic personality disorder b. Antisocial personality disorder c. Pessimistic bias d. Type A behavior pattern
d. Type A behavior pattern
An important problem with the so-called anti-anxiety medications is that a. They are equally effective in treating depression b. They are highly addictive c. They take at least a month before producing any clinical benefits d. They do not alleviate anxiety
b. They are highly addictive
Some experts argue that multiple personalities are produced by iatrogenesis. The means that multiple personalities are caused by: a. Treatment b. Self-hypnosis c. Misinterpretation of the bible d. Unknown, individualized causes
a. Treatment
A basic problem with defining stress in terms of an event (e.g., losing your job) is that: a. The same event has been shown to cause different levels of life change for different people. b. This definition of stress runs the risk of circular reasoning (a tautology). c. People experience life changes all the time, but we cannot be sure that this is the cause of their stress. d. Measurement is unreliable.
a. The same event has been shown to cause different levels of life change for different people.
The relationship between stress and well-being appears to be U-shaped. This means: a. A moderate level of stress is healthful; too much or too little stress can be a problem b. Stress causes problems with well-being, but illness also causes stress c. Stress accumulates like toxins in a U-shaped vessel and this causes illness d. Some people are impervious to stress; others are highly sensitive to stress
a. A moderate level of stress is healthful; too much or too little stress can be a problem
Why am I studying twins in my research on the link between marriage/marital status and depression? a. To control for the genetic aspects of depression b. To control for genetic and shared environmental selection into marriage c. To control for gene-environment interactions in causing depression and marriage d. To control for the effects of an unhappy marriage on depression
b. To control for genetic and shared environmental selection into marriage
Which of the following statements is accurate? a. Signaled stressors cause more anxiety than unsignaled stressors because of the worry they produce. b. Repression is associated with increased psychophysiological reactions to stress. c. Coping that involves appealing to a higher power leads to passive acceptance rather than active efforts at change. d. Being in control of a stressor increases anxiety due to the added sense of responsibility.
b. Repression is associated with increased psychophysiological reactions to stress.
Which diagnostic distinction for mood disorders has the most predictive validity in terms of treatment response? a. Depressive disorders versus bipolar disorders b. Major depressive disorder versus persistent depressive disorder c. Exogenous versus endogenous depression d. Major depressive disorder versus premenstrual dysphoric disorder
a. Depressive disorders versus bipolar disorders
The New York Times video (required) argued that the McMartin Preschool case showed that: a. Ritualistic child sexual abuse is far more common than we want to imagine b. With the aid of puppet therapists, children can be accurate eyewitnesses c. Media excess can create public hysteria even in the absence of hard evidence d. Successful prosecution can clean up long-hidden abuses
c. Media excess can create public hysteria even in the absence of hard evidence
Depression is a syndrome. This means: a. Depression involves a cluster of symptoms, not just sad mood b. Depression is a DSM-5 diagnosis c. Depression is a medical disease, not just a psychological one d. All of the above e. A and B only
a. Depression involves a cluster of symptoms, not just sad mood
Which of the following is NOT true of grief (as discussed in lecture)? a. People grieve differently in response to irrevocable and revocable losses. b. Grief is one example where a state similar to depression is precipitated by an environmental event. c. Grieving is a creation of the human psyche. d. Grief is difficult to study, because it unfolds over time and can differ from person to person.
c. Grieving is a creation of the human psyche.
The fact that _________ often are identified following the diagnosis of conversion disorders makes clear the problems involved in _______ . a. Real physical illnesses; diagnosis by exclusion b. Deliberate attempts at malingering; the reliability of psychiatric diagnosis c. Mood disorders; treating mental illness in medical settings d. Traumatic childhood experiences; relying on retrospective reports
a. Real physical illnesses; diagnosis by exclusion
What research area focuses specifically on how psychological stress influences the immune system? a. Infectious disease b. Psychophysiology c. Psychoneuroimmunology d. Behavioral medicine
c. Psychoneuroimmunology
The serenity prayer ("God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference") is a plea for the wisdom to know when to use _________ vs. _________. a. Pessimism; acceptance b. Problem focused coping; emotion-focused coping c. Repression; optimism d. Secular coping; religious coping
b. Problem-focused coping; emotion-focused coping
Which of the following is an established, evidence-based treatment for depression? a. Antidepressant medication b. Cognitive behavior therapy c. Interpersonal therapy d. All of the above e. None of the above
d. All of the above
In lecture, I gave a case study of a young man who thought that, like basketball player Hank Gathers, he was about to have a massive heart attack based on an undiagnosed heart condition. His fears caused him to panic. This case was an example of a. Beck's idea of magnification b. A somatic symptom disorder c. Catastrophic misinterpretation d. Beck's idea of overgeneralization
c. Catastrophic misinterpretation
Why is it important to distinguish between statistical significance and clinical importance in treatment outcome studies? a. Clinical importance is based on subjective judgment, not statistical procedures. b. Statistical significance may reflect relatively trivial changes in the patients' adjustment. c. Statistical significance can be determined only in a true experiment. d. Clinical importance involves case studies, whereas statistical significance involves empirical research.
b. Statistical significance may reflect relatively trivial changes in the patients' adjustment.
In DSM-5, conversion disorders are classified as a type of: a. Dissociative disorder b. Somatic symptom disorder c. Anxiety disorder d. PTSD
b. Somatic symptom disorder
You prescribe antidepressants to one of your patients who calls two days later to rave about their benefits in lifting his obsessions. You suspect this is a placebo effect, because a. Antidepressants are for depression. Duh! b. Antidepressants generally take 4 to 6 weeks before producing psychological benefits. c. Obsessions are not known to be helped by any medication. d. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder are notoriously susceptible to placebo effects.
b. Antidepressants generally take 4 to 6 weeks before producing psychological benefits.
The JAMA article by Fournier et al. (2010) on antidepressant medication (ADM) concluded that: a. ADM is no different from placebo b. ADM is no different from placebo in cases of severe depression c. ADM produces small benefits relative to placebo for mild/moderate depression but large benefits for severe depression d. ADM produces small benefits relative to placebo across all levels of the severity of depression
c. ADM produces small benefits relative to placebo for mild/moderate depression but large benefits for severe depression
Why did I bring up the distinction between exogenous and endogenous depression in lecture? a. To illustrate the underinclusiveness of the DSM. b. To illustrate limitations with the current diagnosis, as this theoretically sensible distinction cannot be made reliably. c. To show how some diagnoses have demonstrated etiological validity. d. Because this diagnosis is sure to appear in DSM-6.
b. To illustrate limitations with the current diagnosis, as this theoretically sensible distinction cannot be made reliably.
George Franklin was convicted of the murder that occurred over 20 years earlier. His conviction was later overturned. What aspect of this case is of interest to psychologists? a. His daughter's "recovered memories" were the basis for Franklin's conviction. b. One of Franklin's multiple personalities eventually emerged and confessed to a crime committed by an "alter". c. Franklin committed the crime during a dissociative fugue that lasted for two decades. d. Franklin claimed he committed the murder as a result of a hypnotic induction that he never emerged from.
a. His daughter's "recovered memories" were the basis for Franklin's conviction.
Researchers question assertions that dissociative identity disorder is far more common than assumed because: a. Most cases are diagnosed by a handful of ardent advocates b. The diagnosis grew rapidly following the popularity of the book and movie Sybil c. Dissociative disorders are rarely diagnosed outside of the U.S. and Canada d. All of the above e. None of the above
d. All of the above
Which of the following statements is NOT accurate? a. Many normal people report experiencing intrusive, unacceptable thoughts on occasion. b. The content of obsessions typically involves social unacceptable themes like sex, violence, or contamination c. Obsessive-compulsive disorders are no longer classified as anxiety disorders in DSM-5 d. Antianxiety drugs are the most common and effective medication for OCD
d. Antianxiety drugs are the most common and effective medication for OCD
Which of the following statements is accurate? a. People exposed to the same trauma are equally likely to develop PTSD b. Dissociation during trauma is an adaptive defense mechanism that predicts a decreased likelihood of future PTSD c. People who are more anxious and easily upset before a trauma are more likely to develop PTSD after a trauma d. The experience of all trauma is random, a matter of bad luck (or good luck)
c. People who are more anxious and easily upset before a trauma are more likely to develop PTSD after a trauma
"The disruption in normally integrated processes in memory, consciousness, memory, or perception" is the definition of: a. The unconscious b. Dissociation c. Amnesia d. Fugue
b. Dissociation
Feelings of extreme elation that are out of proportion to reality are a symptom of a. Dissociative disorder b. Bipolar disorder c. Fugue d. Agoraphobia
b. Bipolar disorder
When rats are forced to swim in cold water from which they cannot escape: a. The animals that give up and appear "depressed" have depleted serotonin as a result of the experience. b. The animals do not appear "depressed" because of their high level of physical activity. c. The animals appear "depressed," but only if there is an opportunity to escape that they fail to detect. d. The animals appear "depressed," but only if they previously had a chemical imbalance in the brain.
a. The animals that give up and appear "depressed" have depleted serotonin as a result of the experience.
You attend a lecture where an eminent authority shows all kinds of cool brain images showing differences between the brains of trauma victims and people not subjected to trauma. He says, "Trauma causes brain damage." Using your critical thinking, you ask him if he's aware of twin studies showing that a. MZ twins who both have been exposed to the trauma of combat show damage to different areas of the brain b. MZ co-twins of people suffering from PTSD also show supposed "damage" to certain brain structures even though they haven't experienced PTSD c. DZ twins and MZ twins are equally likely to experience trauma and have similar fMRI results following trauma exposure d. Studies of MZ twins exposed to trauma at different times shows that the brain can heal given sufficient time following trauma
b. MZ co-twins of people suffering from PTSD also show supposed "damage" to certain brain structures even though they haven't experienced PTSD
Many years ago, I became violently ill after eating a BLT sandwich in a diner with a friend. It was a coincidence; I got the flu. But I still get nausea when I think of eating a BLT. But I don't bet upset about eating at diners or eating with friends. This strong association of BLT and nausea is an example of: a. Preparedness b. Introceptive exposure c. Panic d. Compulsion
a. Preparedness
The key to the treatment of anxiety is _______ but ________ . a. Taking anti-anxiety medication as prescribed; many people do not take their medication b. Uncovering the deeper source of anxiety; the treatment is expensive and slow moving c. Exposure to the source of anxiety; exposure can be difficult to achieve d. Antidepressant medication; the FDA approves antidepressants only for depression treatment
c. Exposure to the source of anxiety; exposure can be difficult to achieve
Mental health professionals here at UVa are trained to offer critical incident stress debriefing in the event that students should experience widespread trauma. Based on evidence from your text, this intervention should: a. Dramatically lower cases of ASD and PTSD. b. Resolve ASD more rapidly and therefore prevent new cases of PTSD. c. Reduce cases of ASD but only slightly lower cases of PTSD. d. Show no benefit for either ASD or PTSD, and perhaps produce harmful effects.
d. Show no benefit for either ASD or PTSD, and perhaps produce harmful effects.
Most people are resilient in the face of trauma. This means: a. Despite their PTSD, most people find ways to cope with the demands of their life b. Most people recover from their PTSD without treatment c. Most people "bounce back" from the distress of trauma and do not develop PTSD d. Most people experience no distress when confronted with trauma
c. Most people "bounce back" from the distress of trauma and do not develop PTSD
Cortisol, the "stress hormone," functions like: a. Antianxiety medication b. Steroids c. Amphetamines d. Pain relievers
b. Steroids
Avoidance can be negatively reinforcing. This is a particular problem for: a. Anxiety disorders b. Conversion disorders c. Multiple personality disorders d. Depressive disorders
a. Anxiety disorders
The highest rate of suicide in the U.S. is found among: a. Younger black men b. Older white men c. Younger white women d. Older black women
b. Older white men
"Stephanie," the former grad student who was sexually assaulted in the case in Chapter 7 allowed me to share her story to educate others. Which of the following best characterizes her willingness to allow me to put her case in the text? a. Prolonged exposure therapy b. Imagery rehearsal therapy c. Emotional processing d. Meaning making
d. Meaning making
The New York Times video (required) on the treatment of Sybil, the famous case of multiple personality disorder, noted that her therapist: a. Used hypnotic drugs while searching for hidden personalities b. Searched for and suggested memories of childhood trauma c. Admitted to exaggeration once public hysteria about multiple personalities grew d. All of the above e. A and B only
e. A and B only
Which of the following is true about the results of the Collaborative Research Program for the treatment of depression (discussed in lecture)? a. A substantial placebo effect was found b. Antidepressant medication, cognitive behavior therapy, and interpersonal therapy all outperformed placebo c. Antidepressant medication, cognitive behavior therapy, and interpersonal therapy all had substantial relapse rates d. All of the above e. None of the above
d. All of the above
Compared to major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder is: a. Highly genetic b. More chronic and less severe c. More common among men than women d. All of the above e. A and B only
b. More chronic and less severe
The so-called recovered memory movement assumed that victims of child sexual abuse routinely suffered from: a. Dissociative fugue b. Dissociative amnesia c. Dissociative identity disorder d. Depersonalization/derealization disorder
b. Dissociative amnesia
Historically, the term "hysteria" included the disorders _______. The problem was once thought to only occur among _______ , as indicated by the Greek derivation of the term. a. Multiple personality and dissociative amnesia; the easily hypnotized b. Hysterical disorders (e.g., hysterical blindness) and psychosomatic illnesses; adolescents c. Depression and anxiety; people with a dramatic personality style d. Conversion disorders and dissociative disorders; women
d. Conversion disorders and dissociative disorders; women
Acute Stress Disorder was included in the DSM because: a. The symptoms of this problem clearly differ from those of posttraumatic stress disorder b. Most people who have been exposed to trauma seek out mental health care shortly afterwards c. Acute stress disorder actually is more enduring than posttraumatic stress disorder d. It was hoped that early intervention would prevent the development of posttraumatic stress disorder
d. It was hoped that early intervention would prevent the development of posttraumatic stress disorder
Nonsuicidal self-injury involves: a. Threats to commit suicide that are purely manipulative in nature b. Compulsive participation in reckless "extreme" sports, leading to frequent self-harm c. Efforts to kill the psychological self, but not the physical self d. Deliberate self-harm that may help regulate intense, negative emotion
d. Deliberate self-harm that may help regulate intense, negative emotion
In lecture, I suggested that an entirely new way to classify anxiety disorders might involve an evolutionary approach, for example, freeze-flight-fight-fright. What organization currently is also searching for an entirely new way of classifying and studying mental disorders? a. The National Institute for Mental Health b. The DSM c. The American Medical Association d. The American Psychological Association
a. The National Institute for Mental Health
According to epidemiological surveys, which of the following traumatic events is associated with the highest probability of the victim developing a posttraumatic stress disorder? a. Rape b. Natural disaster c. Serious car crash d. Being mugged
a. Rape
How do conversion disorders differ from what used to be called "psychosomatic disorders?" a. Conversion disorders are not "all in your head." b. Psychosomatic disorders make no sense neurologically. c. Conversion disorders are unrelated to psychological stress. d. Conversion disorders involve no known underlying organic impairment.
d. Conversion disorders involve no known underlying organic impairment.
Who is most likely to treat somatic symptom disorder? (Hint: This is why DSM-5 created this grouping.) a. Primary care physicians b. Psychiatrists c. Clinical psychologists d. "New Age" holistic health care providers
a. Primary care physicians
Which comorbid problem often occurs with bulimia nervosa and often is an important focus of treatment? a) Depression b) Anxiety c) Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder d) Histrionic personality disorder
a) Depression
The personality disorder that is closest to being a synonym for psychopathy is: a) Paranoid personality disorder b) Antisocial personality disorder c) Schizoid personality disorder d) Borderline personality disorder
b) Antisocial personality disorder
As we saw from my quick self-test in class, in evaluating drinking problems the two leading measures of alcohol difficulties both rely heavily on: a) The average number of drinks you consume per day b) Suggestions that you or others already think you have a problem c) Indications of increased tolerance and withdrawal symptoms d)Admission of using drinking to relieve unhappy moods or relationship problems
b) Suggestions that you or others already think you have a problem
The need for admiration, grandiosity, lack of empathy, and an exaggerated sense of self-importance describe: a) narcissistic personality disorder b) schizoid personality disorder c) antisocial personality disorder d) borderline personality disorder
a) narcissistic personality disorder
In the detailed case history of schizophrenia (J & K), I mentioned that J would call me at home. The fact that I could "talk him down" so that he could understand that his delusions were not real but a part of his disease showed: a) How people with schizophrenia can, with a little guidance, come to see that their delusions are illogical b) That J had at least some insight into his illness c) How a patient's use of hallucinogens can exacerbate their delusional symptoms d) All of the above e) A and B only
b) That J had at least some insight into his illness
One key element of cognitive behavior therapy with bulimia is to normalize eating patterns, so eating involves less dietary restraint. Why is this thought to be important? a) Binge eating often is reaction to excessive dietary restraint b) More normal eating in public reduces the risk of secretive, private binges c) Dietary restraint attracts attention, and people with bulimia get positively reinforced for not eating d) Normalizing eating contributes to the placebo effect of cognitive behavior therapy
a) Binge eating often is reaction to excessive dietary restraint
Endorphins are endogenous neuropeptides that are closely related chemically to a) Alcohol b) Cocaine c) Morphine d) Nicotine
c) Morphine
Which of the following is a problem with diagnosing personality disorders? a) The diagnosis of most personality disorders is quite unreliable b) The line dividing abnormal from normal personality is not clear c) The symptoms are typically ego syntonic, thus self-report is suspect because people often do not view their symptoms as problems d) All of the above e) A and B only
d) All of the above
The ADH and ALDH genes, which are found disproportionately among Asians, have been shown to have what effect on alcoholism? a) They increase the risk for alcoholism b) Paradoxically, they only increase the risk for alcoholism among non-Asians, evidence for a gene-environment interaction c) They protect against the development of alcoholism by causing an adverse reaction to alcohol consumption d) They were once thought to protect against the development of alcoholism, but scientists now recognize that this mistaken conclusion was due to gene-environment correlation (Asian culture does not condone excessive alcohol consumption)
c) They protect against the development of alcoholism by causing an adverse reaction to alcohol consumption
Every symptom of this DSM-5 diagnosis includes the descriptor "enduring pattern." a) Personality disorder b) Anorexia nervosa c) Substance use disorders d) Paraphilic disorder
a) Personality disorder
An operational definition is: a) A theoretical idea about an internal state or how someone thinks or feels b) An everyday, working belief about psychological motivations and emotions c) A temporary belief that is situation specific not an enduring trait d) An empirical measure of a theoretical construct
d) An empirical measure of a theoretical construct
Inhibited sexual arousal disorder in women is most similar to which disorder in men? a) dyspareunia b) erectile dysfunction c) premature ejaculation d) hyperactive sexual dysfunction
b) erectile dysfunction
Our class discussion about the overemphasis placed on women's appearance, especially thinness, and what a father can do to encourage positive self-esteem and health in his daughter's bears closest resemblance to: a)The expressive writing component of eating disorder prevention programs b)The healthy eating component of eating disorder prevention programs c) The assessment only component of eating disorder prevention programs d) The dissonance component of eating disorder prevention programs
d) The dissonance component of eating disorder prevention programs
Your text includes a cartoon of a doe dumping a buck for another buck with really big antlers. She says, "It's not you. It's natural selection." Great break up line, but big deer antlers really are a result of ________ . a) Inclusive fitness b) Sexual selection, specifically intersexual competition c) Sexual selection, specifically intrasexual competition d) The coevolution of males and females
c) Sexual selection, specifically intrasexual competition
In the above graphs (shown in lecture), the changing slope of the regression lines (the straight lines) across quartiles of genetic risk for substance abuse provide evidence for: *Quizlet won't let me add the picture without a premium membership* a) A gene-environment interaction b) A gene-environment correlation c) Differential heritability d) The influence of the shared environment
a) A gene-environment interaction
In the above graphs (shown in lecture), the changing skew of the distribution graphs (the curved lines showing more people further to the right in each successive graph) across quartiles of genetic risk provide evidence for: *Quizlet won't let me add the picture without a premium membership* a) A gene-environment interaction b) A gene-environment correlation c) Differential heritability d) The influence of the shared environment
b) A gene-environment correlation
Which of the following is the most accurate summary of survey results about sexual problems such as erectile failure, trouble with lubrication, premature ejaculation, or trouble reaching orgasm? a) These problems are rare in the general population, occurring among less than 1% of people, and a sign of sexual dysfunction b) These problems are quite common, occasionally occurring among 10-20% or more of the population c) These problems are quite common in sexual relationships between strangers but not in relationships between committed partners d) These problems are typically a symptom of deeper emotional or relationship difficulties
b) These problems are quite common, occasionally occurring among 10-20% or more of the population
Hyperactive sexual drive disorder: a) is included in DSM-5 under sexual dysfunctions b) is included in DSM-5 under paraphilic disorders c) is included in DSM-5 under sexual addictions d) is not included in DSM-5
d) is not included in DSM-5
What do research results tell us about the effectiveness of psychological treatments for sexual offenders? a) Most offenders can be helped. b) Only the offenders who admit their guilt can be helped. c) The results have been discouraging. d) Psychological treatment works best when combined with medications.
c) The results have been discouraging.
A researcher who seeks to identify early markers of schizophrenia in the hopes of preventing the disorder before it begins is most interested in the _______ of the disorder. a) Prodomal phase b) Disorganized phase c) Schizoaffective phase d) Residual phase
a) Prodomal phase
How does DSM-5 define an addiction? a) Based on the number of symptoms a patient meets for diagnosis b) Based on the presence of craving and withdrawal c) Based on a list of psychological factors d) DSM-5 does not distinguish addiction from other substance use problems
d) DSM-5 does not distinguish addiction from other substance use problems
According to the results of the National Health and Social Life Survey (and Figure 12-4), who is the least likely individual to be responsible for forced sex? a) a stranger b) an acquaintance c) someone the victim knows well d) someone with whom the victim was in love
a) a stranger
The extended case history of schizophrenia (J & K) illustrated how: a) Helpful improvements in functioning can be achieved with proper medication and coordinated therapeutic support b) The expression of anger (high expressed emotion), while understandable, can exacerbate symptoms c) For some psychological problems, the therapy relationship is unimportant - medication and treatment technology are the keys to success d) All of the above e) A and B only
e) A and B only
Gambling disorder is ________ in DSM-5. a) Listed in an appendix of "conditions for further study" b) Included as a mental disorder in the chapter on substance-related disorders c) Included as a mental disorder in the chapter on paraphilic disorders d) Not included
b) Included as a mental disorder in the chapter on substance-related disorders
Which of the following characterizes a man with gender dysphoria? a) is depressed because of his sexual identity b) holds a delusional belief that he is a woman c) is sexually aroused by dressing as a woman d) believes that, in spite of his anatomy, he is really a woman
d) believes that, in spite of his anatomy, he is really a woman
Which of the following pieces of evidence supports the conclusion that the image of women in popular culture plays a role in the development of eating disorders? a) The disorders are more common in professions in which appearance is highly valued such as models, dancers, and actresses b)The prevalence of eating disorders has increased in recent decades as, in industrialized societies, the image of the ideal woman has grown thinner c) Girls who are exposed more to the popular media have more body dissatisfaction d) The disorders are particularly common among adolescents and young women, ages at which females are more susceptible to media influences e) All of the above
e) All of the above
Which of the following is a key difference between anorexia and bulimia? a) Anorexia is a source of pride; bulimia is a source of shame. b) Anorexia never involves binging and purging; bulimia is defined by binging and purging. c) Anorexia is strongly influenced by perceived body shape; bulimia is minimally influenced by perceived body shape d) Anorexia is most common among higher SES groups; bulimia is equally common among all SES groups
a) Anorexia is a source of pride; bulimia is a source of shame.
Borderline personality disorder refers to: a) Someone who almost meets DSM criteria for a personality disorder b) Someone who is close to being psychotic c) Someone who combines elements of different personality disorders d) Someone with intense fears of abandonment, unstable relationships, impulsive behavior, and emotional instability
d) Someone with intense fears of abandonment, unstable relationships, impulsive behavior, and emotional instability
Which of the following statements is true? a) Drinking coffee lowers blood alcohol level b) Caffeine dependence is included in DSM-5 as a substance use disorder c) Hallucinogens produce only auditory hallucinations d) High doses of cocaine or amphetamines can produce psychosis, at least temporarily
d) High doses of cocaine or amphetamines can produce psychosis, at least temporarily
"Reverse anorexia" and the "Adonis complex" are sometimes used to describe what problem in males? a) Excessive emphasis on extreme muscularity b) Negative attitudes toward thin women c) Obsessive exercise that actually harms the body d) Narcissism based on one's physical appearance
a) Excessive emphasis on extreme muscularity
A common technique of sex therapy is sensate focus which involves: a) Intense stimulation of the sexual organs prior to intercourse b) Concentrating on achieving orgasm oneself, not on your partner c) Practicing enjoying nonsexual physical contact with your partner d) Enjoying your partner with every sense except touch (sight, smell, hearing, even taste)
c) Practicing enjoying nonsexual physical contact with your partner
A dramatic style, excessive emotionality, attention seeking, inappropriate sexual seductiveness characterize: a) narcissistic personality disorder b) schizoid personality disorder c) antisocial personality disorder d) histrionic personality disorder
d) histrionic personality disorder
The powerful urge to use a drug and spending a great deal of time planning and acquiring it defines: a) Craving b) Tolerance c) Withdrawal d) Addiction
a) Craving
Which of the following is an example of a positive symptom of schizophrenia? a) flat affect b) hallucinations c) lack of insight d) creativity
b) hallucinations
Which of the following statements is NOT true? a) The literal meaning of "schizophrenia" is "split mind." b) The 2nd generation, "atypical" antipsychotics were thought to offer hope for treating the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. c) Lower social class is a cause of schizophrenia not a consequence of the illness. d) Diagnostically, schizophrenia can be confused with psychotic affective disorders (e.g., psychotic depression).
c) Lower social class is a cause of schizophrenia not a consequence of the illness.
The "five factor" model or "big five" refers to the five: a) Major drugs of abuse b) Most common sexual dysfunctions (in men and women) c) Dimensions of normal personality d) Culture of thinness belief that even small clothing sizes are too large
c) Dimensions of normal personality
Which of the following is NOT an eating and feeding disorder listed in DSM-5? a) Binge eating disorder b) Rumination disorder c) Obesity d) None of the above are DSM-5 eating and feeding disorders e) B and C only
c) Obesity
According to your text, which of the following is true of antipsychotic medication in the treatment of schizophrenia? a) Patients need to take medication for prolonged periods of time, often for life b) Relapse is common as patients often stop taking medication c) Serious, sometimes irreversible side effects can result from the prolonged use of medication d) All of the above are true e) A and C only
d) All of the above are true
The key difference between avoidant and schizoid personality disorders is a) Avoidant personality disorder has closer etiological ties to mood disorders than schizoid personality disorder does. b)Those with schizoid personality disorder tend to become extremely dependent on others; those with avoidant personality disorder manage to maintain their independence. c) Those with schizoid personality disorder prefer to be alone; those with avoidant personality want to be liked by others but are afraid of disapproval. d) Those with avoidant personality disorder suffer from self-induced social isolation; those with schizoid personality disorder are isolated by others reactions to them.
c) Those with schizoid personality disorder prefer to be alone; those with avoidant personality want to be liked by others but are afraid of disapproval.
A dimensional model for classifying personality disorders was considered but the traditional system was maintained because the dimensional model was: a) Less reliable that the traditional system b) More reliable but less valid than the traditional system c) Overinclusive, including many normal personality problems as disorders d) Simply too complicated
d) Simply too complicated
Detoxification involves: a) Treating family members to help them to stop enabling their loved one's abuse b) A life-threatening reaction to binge drinking c) The gradual process of removing a drug when a patient has become dependent on it d) Exposing yourself to more and more of a drug until you overcome its initial, negative effects
c) The gradual process of removing a drug when a patient has become dependent on it
Which of the following grouping of drugs is NOT accurate? a) Psychomotor stimulants include amphetamines and cocaine b) Sedatives/hypnotics/anxiolytics include barbiturates and benzodiazepines c) Hallucinogens include marijuana, LSD, and PCP d) Opiates include opium, morphine, and heroin
c) Hallucinogens include marijuana, LSD, and PCP
In the assigned outside reading, Watts et al. (2013) argued that narcissism had a "bright side." This bright side is: a) Called "vulnerable narcissism" - vulnerable because empathy for others tempers the narcissism b) The narcissist doesn't think they have a problem - the personality pattern is ego syntonic c) Narcissists can become leaders who are effective at "selling" their ideas d) Narcissists tend to be quite intelligent, thus some of the excess confidence is well placed
c) Narcissists can become leaders who are effective at "selling" their ideas
Susan is a 19 year old with a body mass index (BMI) of 17. She is obsessed with eating healthy and terrified that she will gain weight if she breaks her eating rituals. She insists that she looks "pretty good," but would look better if she could drop a couple of more pounds. She describes eating two cookies as a "binge." The best diagnosis for Susan is: a) Anorexia nervosa b) Bulimia nervosa c) Obsessive-compulsive disorder d) Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
a) Anorexia nervosa
According to your text, which of the following is an accurate conclusion about the treatment of alcoholism and substance use disorders? a)Short-term improvements are common, but so is relapse b) While there is no evidence that one treatment is clearly most effective, alcoholics anonymous (AA) and similar peer treatments seem to help achieve abstinence c) People who reduce consumption typically improve in their health and life functioning too d) All of the above are accurate e) A and C only
d) All of the above are accurate
Which of the following could be a compensatory behavior that is a part of bulimia nervosa? a) Self-induced vomiting b) Intensive exercise c) Rigid fasting d) All of the above e) Trick question. Bulimia nervosa does not include compensatory behavior
d) All of the above
According to your text and lecture, which of the following is the most widely accepted evolutionary account of schizophrenia? a) Schizophrenia is an extreme variation on creative genius b) Schizophrenia is an extreme variation on working memory c) Schizophrenia is an extreme variation on normal, adaptive skepticism or defensiveness d) Schizophrenia is difficult to explain in evolutionary terms, as the symptoms seem to have no adaptive purpose
d) Schizophrenia is difficult to explain in evolutionary terms, as the symptoms seem to have no adaptive purpose
Assertive Community Treatment for schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses involves: a) Aggressively hospitalizing patients who cannot care for themselves in addition to those who are dangerous to themselves or others b) A civil commitment procedure where a court orders patients to receive outpatient therapy and enabling hospitalization if they fail to comply with orders c) Actively engaging outpatients, including assertive efforts like home visits, to insure compliance with treatment such as taking medication d) Actively identifying community resources, for example, group homes, to ensure that services are available for the mentally ill in the least restrictive alternative setting
c) Actively engaging outpatients, including assertive efforts like home visits, to insure compliance with treatment such as taking medication
Evolutionary theories argue that men and women should differ in their mating strategies (sexuality) because of differences in parental investment. Parental investment refers to: a) The different value that men and women place in being a father versus a mother b) The different amount of time men and women contribute biologically toward producing offspring c) The different biological and social costs of rearing children, especially the disproportionate effort that parents put into raising boys versus girls d) The difference in offspring's bonding with mothers versus fathers, which, in turn, make men less committed to their partner than women
b) The different amount of time men and women contribute biologically toward producing offspring
What evidence would make K (or any parent), whose husband J suffered from schizophrenia, worry about the well-being of their children? a) Children who are reared by a parent with schizophrenia are at twice the risk of developing the disorder b) Children who have a biological parent with schizophrenia are about 15 times more likely to suffer from the disorder c) Parents who suffer from schizophrenia are 5 times more likely to abuse their children d) All of the above e) None of the above
b) Children who have a biological parent with schizophrenia are about 15 times more likely to suffer from the disorder
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