Electoral College & Plans – Flashcards
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District Plan Advantages
- Would bring election results more in line w/ pop vote than current system - Would not require constitutional amdt to become effective
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District Plan Disadvantages
- Prevents weighing of all votes equally b/c every state has 2 electoral votes, regardless of pop - Unknown process/hidden defects
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Proportional Plan Description
- Each candidate would receive share of each state's electoral vote = to share of that state's pop vote
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Proportional Plan Advantages
- Would do better job of weighing pop votes equally than current or district plan - Would not require const amdt
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Proportional Plan Disadvantages
- Smaller states still overrepresented (2 senate-based electors) - Loser of pop vote could still win election - Unknown process/hidden defects
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Direct Popular Election Plan Description
- Would abolish electoral college system - Voters would actually chose pres & VP - Each vote would count equally
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Direct Popular Election Plan Advantages
- Winner would be majority choice - Would ensure winner of nat'l pop vote would win presidency
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Direct Popular Election Plan Disadvantages
- Would require const amdt - Smaller states would oppose - Key groups in some states would oppose (lose power) - Could weaken federal system - Might put too great a load on election process b/c candidates would have to campaign strenuously everywhere - Might spur various forms of voter fraud & lead to lengthy post-election challenges - Unknown process/hidden defects
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National Popular Vote Plan Brief Description
- Each state's lawmaking body would... 1) Amend state election laws to provide that all of a state's electoral votes are to be awarded to winner of nat'l pop vote 2) Enter into an interstate compact, the Agreement Among States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote - That compact, & with it each state's election law changes, would come into force only if & when agreed to by enough states to account for a majority (270) of the 538 electoral votes
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National Popular Vote Plan Advantages
- Appears to satisfy major objections to current electoral college system - No need to amend const - 11 states have already signed leg into law - Has support of several nonpartisan groups & newspapers around country
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National Popular Vote Plan Disadvantages
- Smaller states likely oppose - Key groups in some states might not like it - Could weaken fed system - Might put too great load on election process b/c candidates have to campaign strenuously everywhere - Might spur voter fraud/lengthy post-election challenges - Unknown process/hidden defects
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Electoral College: Constitutional Debate
Framers debated whther to have pres chosen by Cong or pop vote of people - Opponents of Cong selection felt it would upset sep of powers between exec/leg - Opponents of pop vote felt the people wouldn't know enough abt candidates to make wise choices
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Electoral College: Conception
- Framers agree on plan put forth by Hamilton - Created electoral college, special body of presidential electors representing each state >> Each state have as many electors as senators & reps in Cong >> State legislatures decide - Each elector would cast 2 electoral votes, each for diff candidate >> Candidate w/ most electoral votes --> pres >> Candidate w/ 2nd most votes --> VP - Framers didn't anticipate rise of political parties competing for presidency
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Election of 1796
- In 1796, Dem-Rep candidate Jefferson finished close 2nd to Fed Adams - Jeff became Adams's VP, even though political rivals
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Election of 1800
- Feds vs. Dem-Reps - For 1st time, each party nominated 2 candidates, 1 for pres, 1 for VP (Fed Adams/Pinckney, D-R Jeff/Burr) - Each party also nom'd electors, who, if chosen, swore to vote for party's pres & VP noms
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