EDU 300 – CHAPTER 11 Learners Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing – Flashcards

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From the physiological perspective, the distinction between "deaf" and "hard of hearing" is based on A) decibel levels detected. B) frequency of sounds detected. C) location of hearing loss. D) language ability.
decibel levels detected.
From an educational point of view, how is "deafness" best defined? A) a condition present since birth B) an inability to understand speech even with a hearing aid C) a hearing loss of more than 90 dB in at least one ear D) a condition of old age
an inability to understand speech even with a hearing aid
The term "hard of hearing" is used to describe people with hearing impairment who A) were not born deaf but became deaf later in life. B) find it "hard" (in their own subjective judgment) to hear as well as the rest of the population. C) have a conductive hearing loss. D) have enough residual hearing to process sound with a hearing aid.
have enough residual hearing to process sound with a hearing aid.
Simon has a hearing loss that occurred when he was seven years old. His loss is best described as A) conductive. B) sensorineural. C) congenital. D) postlingual.
According to the U.S. Department of Education, what percentage of students are identified as deaf or hard of hearing? A) 14% B) 0.14% C) 1.4% D) 0.014%
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People who say that deafness should not be considered a disability argue that A) there is a difference between prelingual and postlingual deafness. B) they should be considered a cultural minority with a language of their own. C) there are advantages to being deaf, so it is not a disability. D) although deafness is a handicap, it is not a disability.
they should be considered a cultural minority with a language of their own.
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The ossicles function to create A) increased sense of balance. B) electrical impulse being sent to the brain. C) transfer of energy from the middle to the inner ear. D) a vacuum that stimulates hair cells.
transfer of energy from the middle to the inner ear.
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The most important organ for hearing is the A) cerumen. B) tympanic membrane. C) vestibular mechanism. D) cochlea.
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Ideally, screening tests for babies should follow a A) 2-4-6 year rule B) 1-3-6 month rule C) 2-4-6 week rule D) 2-4-6 month rule
1-3-6 month rule
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Pure-tone audiometry establishes A) detection and understanding of speech. B) threshold for hearing at various frequencies. C) kinds of hearing tests to be used. D) presence of the Moro reflex.
threshold for hearing at various frequencies.
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Most speech sounds have frequencies (pitch) that A) have a very narrow range: 50-500 Hz. B) have a range that is affected by altitude and humidity: 100-900 Hz. C) have a range higher than long-haired dogs: 250-1,000 Hz. D) have a wide range: 500-2,000 Hz.
have a wide range: 500-2,000 Hz.
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The "speech reception threshold" is best defined as the A) dB level at which one can understand speech. B) intensity and frequency of spoken English. C) Hz level at which the average person can detect sound. D) level at which the human ear can discriminate between similar sounds.
dB level at which one can understand speech.
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When testing the hearing of a two-year-old child, an audiologist should avoid use of which type of audiometry? A) brain-stem-evoked response B) speech C) tympanometry D) conditioned play
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All of the following identify the location of hearing loss EXCEPT A) conductive. B) mixed. C) sensorineural. D) adventitious.
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A condition in which the external auditory canal does not form is A) atresia B) otitis C) anoxia D) atrium
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Swimmers' ear A) is a myth, the external canal is impervious to infections. B) is medically known as external otitis, an infection of the skin of the external auditory canal. C) is caused by allergies to algae in the water. D) is caused by a perforation of the eardrum.
is medically known as external otitis, an infection of the skin of the external auditory canal.
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The most severe hearing impairments are associated with which part of the ear? A) middle ear B) eardrum C) inner ear D) outer ear
inner ear
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All of the following are problems associated with inner ear hearing loss EXCEPT A) sound distortion. B) balance problems. C) ringing noises. D) draining fluid.
draining fluid
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The most frequent viral cause of deafness in newborns is A) otitis media. B) maternal rubella. C) congenital herpes. D) congenital cytomegalovirus.
congenital cytomegalovirus.
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Joanne is a nine-year-old girl with a hearing loss. She can hear loud voices if they are within a foot of her ear and can hear environmental sounds, though she usually can't identify them. What degree of hearing loss does Joanne appear to have? A) mild B) marked C) severe D) anywhere between mild and severe
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Signs in American Sign Language consist of each of the following EXCEPT A) handshape. B) location. C) intensity. D) movement.
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Each of the following is true about sign language EXCEPT A) It is a primitive, visual representation of oral language similar to mime. B) It has grammatical structure at the sentence level and the word level. C) There is no universal sign language. D) Twins who are born deaf develop a signing system, but it is rudimentary and less sophisticated than ASL.
It is a primitive, visual representation of oral language similar to mime.
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Each of the following is true about children who are deaf EXCEPT A) They reach the same language development milestones in sign as children without hearing loss do in spoken language, but at a slower rate. B) They reach the same language development milestones in sign at the same time as children without hearing loss do in spoken language. C) They are at a distinct disadvantage regarding acquisition of spoken language. D) They are at a distinct disadvantage regarding acquisition of English language comprehension.
They reach the same language development milestones in sign as children without hearing loss do in spoken language, but at a slower rate.
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When performance tests, rather than verbal tests, are used, A) the IQ scores of both those who are hearing and those who are deaf are lower. B) the IQ scores of those who are deaf are lower than those who are hearing. C) the IQ scores of those who are deaf are higher than those who are hearing. D) there is no difference in IQ scores between those who are deaf and those who are hearing.
there is no difference in IQ scores between those who are deaf and those who are hearing.
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With respect to phonology skills in students who are deaf A) because they are virtually non-existent, they are largely irrelevant to their learning to read. B) they should be ignored in reading instruction because they interfere with the visual skills needed to learn sign. C) they are similar to phonology skills of students with reading disabilities. D) they are most easily acquired if they are integrated into a differentiated curriculum model of instruction.
they are similar to phonology skills of students with reading disabilities.
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Among students who are deaf, those who achieve the highest levels of literacy tend to have A) hearing parents who teach them how to speak. B) parents who are deaf who teach them ASL. C) brothers and sisters who are hearing. D) parents who communicate with them using both ASL and speech.
parents who are deaf who teach them ASL.
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The two factors that seem to have a positive effect on social adjustment are A) more inclusion with hearing peers and having parents who hear B) more inclusion with hearing peers and having parents who are deaf C) less inclusion with hearing peers and having parents who hear D) less inclusion with hearing peers and having parents who are deaf
less inclusion with hearing peers and having parents who are deaf
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All of the following factors identify the Deaf community as a true culture EXCEPT A) voluntary organizational networks such as National Theater of the Deaf. B) historical awareness documenting people and events significant to deafness. C) predominant pattern of intermarriage with people outside of the Deaf community. D) well-established behavioral guidelines with regard to such things as eye contact and physical touching.
predominant pattern of intermarriage with people outside of the Deaf community.
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A deaf baseball player for whom a petition has been circulated for him to be inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame is: A) Yogi Berra. B) Johnny Lipon. C) "Dummy" Hoy. D) Al Kaline.
"Dummy" Hoy
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A particularly controversial point of view held by many members of the Deaf culture is that A) children should not receive cochlear implants to improve their hearing. B) parents should not permit children who are deaf to learn English. C) all students who are deaf should attend residential schools until the age of 16. D) all citizens should be required to learn American Sign Language.
children should not receive cochlear implants to improve their hearing
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The genetic engineering debate regarding Deaf activism refers to members of the Deaf community who want to A) eliminate embryos that have the Connexin-26 gene because in can cause deafness B) physically alter a gene to cause a baby to be hearing C) eradicate deafness in vitro D) deliberately increase their chances of having a deaf child
deliberately increase their chances of having a deaf child
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The auditory-verbal approach encourages children with hearing impairment to A) depend on their peers for sound cues. B) use their residual hearing. C) learn sign language as quickly as possible. D) focus on visual cues.
use their residual hearing.
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Teaching people with hearing impairments to use visual information (such as facial expressions) to understand what is being said to them is A) speechreading. B) lipreading. C) face reading. D) gestural reading.
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The total communication approach uses A) Braille and manual communication. B) sign language and a typewriter. C) a telephone and a computer. D) oral and manual communication.
oral and manual communication.
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Each of the following statements about signing English systems is true EXCEPT A) They are the type of manualism most often used in total communication. B) They follow the same word order as spoken English. C) They include fingerspelling. D) They result in more fluency than ASL.
They result in more fluency than ASL.
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A principle underlying the bicultural-bilingual approach is A) teaching the history of the Deaf culture instead of that of the dominant culture. B) providing a foundation in spoken English to serve as a basis for ASL. C) stressing that ASL is the primary language, and English is secondary. D) encouraging hearing people to learn ASL as a second language.
stressing that ASL is the primary language, and English is secondary.
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FM systems are used in conjunction with hearing aids to A) amplify sound. B) increase reverberation. C) provide individualized instruction. D) broadcast the schedule of daily events.
amplify sound.
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Virtually all new television programs are captioned for use by people with hearing impairment. Federal law requires that TVs over 13 inches must A) contain a chip that produces captions. B) come with a decoder. C) come with a VCR. D) come with a teletypewriter.
contain a chip that produces captions.
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A TT is a device for A) decoding closed captions on TV. B) accessing teletext service. C) printing sign language texts. D) communicating via telephone.
communicating via telephone.
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Currently, approximately what percentage of students with hearing impairments attends their local schools? A) 86% B) 8% C) 10% D) 18%
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In recent years, many parents and professionals have questioned the trend toward inclusion of children with hearing impairment because A) it creates too much work for the general education teacher. B) they do not get along with the other students. C) it reduces their opportunity to participate in the signing community. D) they do not have the cognitive or academic skills to succeed in the mainstream.
it reduces their opportunity to participate in the signing community.
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Many in the Deaf community believe that residential schools for children who are deaf are necessary to A) perpetuate the Deaf culture and use of ASL. B) ensure that students learn age-appropriate social skills. C) provide jobs for those who are deaf as workers in the schools. D) overcome the negative effects of many home situations.
perpetuate the Deaf culture and use of ASL.
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Which statement about the assessment of progress of students who have hearing impairments is true? A) Curriculum-based measurement is not an appropriate method for measuring reading fluency for these students. B) Most standardized assessments are biased towards the majority culture. C) Research does not support the development of phonics-based reading skills for these students. D) Several standardized measures of reading ability are available for these students.
Most standardized assessments are biased towards the majority culture.
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The focus of early intervention for children with hearing impairments is on A) social skills. B) language development. C) play. D) self-esteem.
language development
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Children with deafness who have parents who are also deaf A) develop language more slowly than do infants with deafness who have hearing parents. B) tend to be overly dependent on their parents when they reach school age. C) develop ASL at a rate similar to the rate at which hearing infants develop English. D) have difficulty relating to hearing children when placed in mainstream preschool settings.
develop ASL at a rate similar to the rate at which hearing infants develop English.
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Frank, who is deaf, is the six-month-old son of hearing parents. To interact effectively with Frank, his parents should A) emphasize lip movements. B) encourage verbal babbling. C) attend to eye gaze. D) avoid use of speech.
attend to eye gaze.
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Until the mid-1960s the only institution specifically for post-secondary education of students with hearing impairments was A) Rochester. B) Gallaudet. C) Stanford. D) Georgetown.
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Sign language interpreters A) use ASL. B) use transliteration. C) use a hybrid of ASL and transliteration, Signed American Sign Language (SASL). D) can use either ASL or transliteration.
can use either ASL or transliteration.
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What percentage of deaf children have hearing parents? A) 10% B) 5% C) 50% D) 90%
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Students who are deaf who do not go on to post-secondary training may face increased obstacles to employment in the future because A) increasingly fewer employers are willing to employ workers who sign. B) the manual trades that they typically prepare for are disappearing. C) antidiscrimination laws do not cover students with inadequate training. D) there will be increased competition for the same jobs by individuals with other disabilities.
the manual trades that they typically prepare for are disappearing.
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