Drugs and Behavior Chapter 10 – Flashcards

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How is lisdexamfetamine (trade name Vyvanse) fundamentally different from other amphetamine pharmaceuticals, such as Adderall or Dexedrine? A) Lisdexamfetamine is a slow-release formulation. B) Lisdexamdetamine contains both l- and d- isomers of amphetamine. C) Lisdexamfetamine is an inactive compound that is rendered pharmacologically active through metabolism. D) Lisdexamfetamine has no active metabolites. E) Lisdexamfetamine is no different from any other amphetamine pharmaceutical.
Which of the following about methamphetamine is false? A) Methamphetamine was first marketed in 1944 under the trade name Methedrine, used for the treatment of narcolepsy, alcoholism, and hay fever. B) Methamphetamine is currently prescribed medically, as a generic drug under the trade name Desoxyn, for the treatment of ADHD and obesity. C) The l-isomer of methamphetamine is used in nasal decongestants, such as the Vicks Vaporub inhaler. D) On the street, methamphetamine is sold in a waxy form known as base and as a tablet or powder. E) All of these statements regarding methamphetamine are true.
Which of the following psycho-stimulant drugs is highly lipophilic, easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier, is stable against enzymatic degradation by monoamine oxidase, and, for these reasons, has the greatest abuse potential? A) d-amphetamine B) l-amphetamine C)dl-amphetamine D) methamphetamine E) methylphenidate
Which of the following is a chemical or morphological marker of the neurotoxic effects or methamphetamine? A) A decrease in the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase and tryptophan. B) The presence of swollen and distorted nerve terminals. C) Reduced expression of VMATs. D) Reduced expression of DATs and SERTs. E) All of these represent markers of methamphetamine neurotoxicity.
Which of the following is not a trade name for methylphenidate, a psycho-stimulant drug used most often for the treatment of ADHD? A) Adderall B) Concerta C) Focalin D) Ritalin E) All of these are names for methylphenidate.
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To which of the following drugs would a rat be least likely to generalize operant responding trained by amphetamine? A) MAO inhibitors B) Cocaine C) Cathinone D) Methylphenidate E) Hallucinogens
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The khat plant, native to the Horn of Africa and Arabian Peninsula, contains a variety of psycho-stimulant compounds, the principal one being A) cocaine B) cathinone C) amphetmaine D) ephendrine E) methylphenidate
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Which of the following is not an effect of psychomotor stimulant drugs on the body? A) Pupil dilation B) Elevations in heart rate and blood pressure C) Vasoconstriction D) Broncho-dilation E) Hyperthermia
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Which of the following symptoms of psychomotor stimulant withdrawal is directly proportional in severity to the dose and duration of the drug intake period? A) Depression B) Insomnia C) Agitation D) Unpleasant dreaming E) Cognitive impairment
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For which of the following psychomotor stimulant drugs has there been an increase in prevalence of recreational use by 19 to 28 year olds in recent years? A) Cocaine B) Methamphetamine C) Crystal methamphetamine D) Ritalin E) Adderall
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Cocaine was included, along with morphine and opium, in the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 because A) it produces the same neuropharmacological effects as these narcotics. B) it produces the same behavioral effects as these narcotics. C) it produced the same subjective effects as these narcotics. D) according to public opinion, the drug was associated with corruption and crime. E) after being absorbed into the bloodstream, cocaine is metabolized to morphine.
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Compounds collectively known in North America and Europe as bath salts and plant food contain synthetic A) cathinones B) amphetamines C) cannabinoids D) opioids E) hallucinogens
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Amphetamines impact neuronal functioning in a variety of ways. Which of the following is not one of those ways? A) Amphetamines cause a reversal in the action of DATs, NETs, and SERTs. B) Amphetamines prevent the transport of monoamines from the cytosol of the axon terminal into synaptic vesicles. C) Amphetamines enhance the activity of monoamine oxidase. D) Amphetamines enter the presynaptic neuron by binding to monoamine transporters. E) All of these represent ways in which amphetamines impact neuronal functioning.
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Which of the following effects of amphetamine use shows reverse tolerance (or, sensitization) with chronic administration? A) Psychotic behaviors. B) Appetite suppression. C) Increase in heart rate. D) Increase in blood pressure. E) None of these symptoms of amphetamine use sensitize with chronic administration.
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For an average adult, which of the following psychomotor stimulants has the shortest half-life? A) d-amphetamine B) methamphetamine C) methylphenidate D) cathinone E) cocaine
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For which of the following psychomotor stimulants does absorption occur mainly within buccal mucosa? A) Cathinone B) Freebase cocaine C) Methamphetamine D) Mehtlphenidate E) D-amphetamine
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Which of the following cathinone derivatives is currently approved for medical use in North America and Europe? A) MDPV B) Methylone C) Mephedrone D) Bupropion E) Khat
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In an attempt to model cocaine addiction in the rat, David Roberts and colleagues employed a progressive ratio schedule of drug reinforcement. How does the sue of a PR schedule provide a more valid representation of human cocaine addiction? A) On a PR schedule of cocaine reinforcement, animals show a progressive increase in responding across time which is believed to represent enhanced motivation for the drug. B) A PR schedule of cocaine reinforcement leads to the development of a physiological dependency in the rat that cannot be produced using other schedules of drug reinforcement. C) Responding on a PR schedule of reinforcement is not impacted by drug tolerance. D) Because a PR schedule of reinforcement is not time based, like interval schedules, the rat does not enter withdrawal between cocaine reinforcers. E) A PR schedule of reinforcement maintains a low level of responding so that high blood levels of cocaine are not typically reached, this preventing stereotypy.
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In a study of human drug state discrimination, participants were rewarded with money if they could learn to discriminate capsules of methamphetamine from those of a placebo. To which substance did the methamphetamine-trained response fully generalize? A) placebo B) methylphenidate C) triazolam D) caffeine E) l-methamphetamine
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Individuals without ADHD who take methylphenidate A) experience improvements in the short-term acquisition of information B) exhibit greater cognitive and behavioral flexibility C) experience improvements in selective attention D) are less distractible E) None of these effects occur.
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Which of the following routes of administration is least likely to produce a sensation of rush, when a high dose of amphetamine is self-administered? A) intranasal administration B) intravenous administration C) inhalation of smoke D) all of these E) Amphetamine administration does not produce a sensation of rush.
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The long-held understanding of cocaine and methylphenidate is that these drugs act as ____________________, though researchers recently theorized that they may also act as ____________________. A) DAT inverse agonists; SERT inverse agonists B) competitive re-uptake inhibitors; DAT inverse agonists C) competitive substrate-releasing agonists; competitive re-uptake inhibitors D) NET inverse agonists; competitive re-uptake inhibitors E) DAT antagonists; NET antagonists
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The plant known as ma huang has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 5,000 years. It is the source of many psycho-stimulant compounds, the most notable of which is A) cocaine B) amphetamine C) ephedrine D) mehtamphetamine E) cathinone
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Which of the following psychomotor stimulants poses the greatest health risk, in terms of its capacity to cause acute intracranial hemorrhage and long-term cardiac illness? A) Cocaine B) Crack cocaine C) Cathinone D) Methamphetamine E) D-amphetamine
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Which of the following described the effects of high-dose amphetamine on the spontaneous motor activity of rats? A) High-dose amphetamine increases spontaneous locomotor activity for a prolonged period. B) High-dose amphetamine increases spontaneous locomotor activity at first, but then animals begin to exhibit stereotyped behaviors. C) High-dose amphetamine first suppresses and then increases spontaneous locomotor activity. D) High-dose amphetamine suppresses spontaneous locomotor activity for a prolonged period of time. E) High-dose amphetamine has no influence on the spontaneous motor activity of rats.
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Cathinone and methcathinone produce neuropharmacological effects similar to those of A) cocaine and methylphenidate B) amphetamine and methamphetamine C) cocaine and caffeine D) crack cocaine and cannabis E) The neuropharmacological effects of cathinone and methcathinone are unlike those of any other drug.
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What effect does amphetamine intoxication have on driving ability? A) The use of amphetamine enhances vigilance and attention and consequently improves driving ability. B) The use of amphetamine enhances concentration so that drivers are less easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli. C) The use of amphetamine promotes wakefulness and overcomes the detrimental effects of fatigue on driving, increasing safe driving. D) The use of amphetamine is associated with higher risk of road traffic crash than is any other drug. E) The use of amphetamine has no influence on actual driving behavior or statistical risk of traffic accident.
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Traditionally, the Indigenous Peoples of the Andes mixed coca leaves with wood ashes or ground shells, rolled them into a ball, stuck a wad in the cheek, and sucked it. What is the significance of adding wood ashes or ground shells? A) The ashes and shells are alkaline; their presence raises the pH of the saliva to allow for greater absorption of cocaine. B) The ashes and shells are acidic; their presence lowers the pH of the saliva to allow for greater absorption of cocaine. C) The ashes and shells help mask the extremely bitter taste of the coca leaves. D) The ashes and shells help to ionize the molecules of cocaine so that they are more readily absorbed through buccal membranes. E) The ashes and shells have anti-fungal properties and help prevent the leaves from deteriorating in the mouth.
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Of which drug did Sigmund Freud proclaim that the psychic effect "consists of exhilaration and lasting euphoria, which does not differ in any way from the normal euphoria of a healthy person"? A) Nicotine B) Alcohol C) Heroin D) Cocaine
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Amphetamines have long been used by the military as 'go pills'. Some researchers have argued that amphetamines are really no better than caffeine at improving the performance of exhausted troops, but that their real benefit lies in their ability to A) enhance vigilance and divided attention B) extend endurance C) increase aggression and willingness to fight D) increase muscle strength and stamina E) improve mood and enhance morale
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Psychomotor stimulants are sometimes referred to as synthetic drugs because they A) evoke a sense of sympathy in users B) stimulate sympathetic nervous system activity C) elicit mimicry or behavioral mirroring of social interactions between users D) cause users to portray false sympathy for others E) increase parasympathetic tone
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In which of the following ways can a psychomotor stimulant drug impact neuronal functioning? A) Psychomotor stimulants alter the functioning of DATs. B) Psychomotor stimulants alter the functioning of NETs. C) Psychomotor stimulants alter the functioning of SERTs. D) Psychomotor stimulants alter the functioning of VMAT2s. E) Psychomotor stimulants can do all of these
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Which of the following psychomotor stimulant drugs in not capable of entering the presynaptic axon terminal? A) cocaine B) d-amphetamine C) l-amphetamine D) methamphetamine E) all of these psychomotor stimulant drugs gain entry to the presynaptic axon terminal
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Which of the following is a frequently noted consequence of methylphenidate use in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? A) Increase in alcohol and illicit drug use B) Neurotoxic effects on dopamine cells C) Loss of appetite and growth restriction D) Anhedonia and depression E) All of these effects result from the use of methylphenidate in children and adolescents
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Drugs classified as psychomotor stimulants share a common neuropharmacological effect: they stimulate neurotransmission at synapses that use A) dopamine B) norepinephrine C) epinephrine D) serotonin E) all of these neurotransmitters
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During World War II, demand for 'energy pills' skyrocketed and the pharmaceutical company Smith, Kine, and French, which owned the patents for amphetamines, profited tremendously. In an attempt to capture a piece of the market for stimulants, Ciba Company began producing ____________________ as a non-amphetamine alternative. A) cocaine B) methamphetamine C) cathinone D) methylphenidate E) ephedra
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When it was introduced to the market in the mid-1930s, Benzedrine was used to treat A) sea sickness B) nasal congestion C) mild depression D) Parkinson's disease E) all of these conditions
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Formication is A) the sensation of bugs crawling under or on the skin B) the invariable repetition of purposeless behaviors such as head-bobbing C) repeated self-directed harm such as biting D) a lack of spontaneous motor activity E) sexual intercourse between unmarried people
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