Devices in House of mirth Essay Example
Devices in House of mirth Essay Example

Devices in House of mirth Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1260 words)
  • Published: March 28, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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In chapter 6, lay and Selene go out into the garden to have a nice talk. In contrast to the elitist New York City setting where the gossip runs high, the garden is simply an "Open ledge Of rock above which the beeches rose steeply between mossy boulders.

" In this simple garden, Lily feels "a sense of buoyancy which seemed to lift and swing her above the sun-suffused world at her feet," especially when she asks Selene to marry her. There is nothing to influence her, and nothing to tell her what is right and what is wrong.

Even though the negotiations never came through, Lily and Selene "stood silent for a while, milling at each other like adventurous children who have climbed to a forbidden height from which they disc


over a new world. " Expressing feelings and true emotion is how we discover who we are and what we want, and without doing so, can lead to an ultimately confusing life in which we never find a solution.

Another example of how the setting in this novel plays an important role in helping us deeper understand the novel is when Lily goes to the Girls Club, where it had 'first brought her in contact with the dramatic contrasts of life. P until that point, Lily had "lived with the abstract conception of poverty and never thought of the "victims of this fate otherwise than in the mass. " "This discovery gave Lily one of those sudden shocks of pity that sometimes decentralized a life. " What we see here is Lily in a setting where she is unaccustomed to being in. He

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false concepts of poverty and how the other half lives goes to show how disconnected she was with the life around her. This moment of realization for Lily can also be used to show how she could end up, if she doesn't open her eyes to the truth that surrounds her.

The last example of how setting is used in this novel to give us a better understanding is when Lily is on the train ride with Selene. Throughout the entire story, Lily struggles with two sides of herself. She doesn't know where she fits in and there is a constant conflict to find what she wants. However, on this train ride, Selene notes that " he felt that she had at last arrived at an understanding with herself, had made a pact with her rebellious impulses and achieved a uniform system Of self-government, under which all vagrant indecencies were either held captive or forced into the service of the state.

Lily has been "poised on the brink of a chasm," fighting between the conflicting ideals of what she thinks she should do and what the people around her thinks she should do. This conflict has followed her for her entire life, shaping her thoughts and actions, and never letting Lily break away from the oppressive situation to form her own thoughts. Structure: The structure of the House of Mirth is very traditional. It follows the simple story structure of having a conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and solution.

The conflict is Lily's struggle to ignore the expectations of the people around her. The rising actions are what happens when Lily sees temptations, such

as blackmail to get her to a higher class, or the moments where she is faced with raw emotion, like the talks with Selene. The climax of the story would have to be when Tremor tries to rape Lily. The falling actions consist Of Lily's failure to understand and grasp the meaning of the world around her. There is no true resolution, as Lily dies. It IS not clear whether it was intentional or not.

The basic story of Lily Bart follows her as she goes from party to party, meeting all sorts of people. She meets people that shape her opinions for better and for worse. We see how these opinions affect her and how it prevents Lily from discovering what she actually wants. This story also shows Lily's descent. It is a timeline of her journey, beginning to end.

All of Ill)DSL trials and tribulations are presented in a linear format, beginning with her conflict of who to marry based on wealth and popularity, and ending in her death.

Her struggles of playing dirty to be like the elite and her moments f realization that humble her are all presented in a timely order which gives us, the readers, a clear view of the transformation that Lily Bart goes through. However, in Chapter XIV, Wharton switches between the viewpoints of Gerry and Selene. This is the only time where the timeline Of Lily s life is out Of sync.

Wharton goes back in time to give us the viewpoints of Gerry and Selene to illustrate to us what is happening in their lives while Lily is visiting Tremor.

This is a very pivotal

moment for the three, so in order to grasp the meaning and he impact that it has on the characters, we need to know what was going on with all of them. Otherwise, Wharton writes the book in a time sequence where we can observe the rise and fall of Lily Bart. Imagery: The imagery used in the House of Mirth also helps us, the readers, to get a deeper understanding to the novel. At the end of Chapter 1 5, Lily looks at herself in the mirror.

She sees that 'The lines in her face came out terribly; she looked old; and when a girl looks old to herself, how does she look to other people? Her worrying about her appearance and how people look at ere is essential to understanding the meaning of the novel. Throughout the book, Lily's actions and thoughts are shaped by the ideals that others have placed on her since she could remember. The wealthy people Lily associates herself with only care about appearances, which are very surface level and don't care to know people for their personalities, but only for wealth and status. Her mother taught her that wealth and good looks were the most important and that idea stuck with Lily her entire life.

These early teachings are why appearances matter so much to Lily. She cannot be seen to have flaws, it is not acceptable. Throughout the novel, she is at conflict with these two ideas, to value people for their status, or for their This image that perfection is best is heavily conveyed in the novel and in this passage especially. Also, there is the

image of the old and new Lily Bart.

Lily talks about her new and old self to Selene. She has "kept her with [herself] all this time, but now [they] are going to part, and [she] has brought her back to you. The struggle between the two sides that Lily faces, elitist and lower class, and the struggle o do what the people around her tell her to do, and to do what she wants to do is represented many times in this novel. In this particular quote, we are given the image of Lily leaving her old self, in order to move on with her life, because she "must go on living. " The split from her old self to her new self is further illustrated with her conversation with Selene: "Do you remember what you said to me once? That you could help me only by loving me? Well, you did love me for a moment; and it helped me.

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