Develop a Thesis – Flashcards
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Your teacher has given you the assignment to deliver a 5-7 minute speech about healthy eating to a group of elementary school children. Begin your preparation by narrowing your topic and deciding on a purpose (i.e.. to persuade or to inform), then write a specific thesis statement for your speech.
Example persuasive thesis: Cooking healthy foods can be fun, very tasty, and can teach you a lot about what you are eating. Example informative thesis: To be healthy, children need to eat lots of different foods. Grains, vegetables, and dairy products each benefit your body in a different way.
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The title of Michelle's speech is: Our Privacy on the Internet Should Be More Protected. Which of the following would be the best thesis statement for her speech?
Privacy on the Internet should be more protected with a stricter ban and harsher penalties for identity theft, because each person has the fundamental right to have absolute control over his or her personal information.
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The following are all ways to use a thesis statement except:
You can use a thesis statement to help you support the main ideas of your speech.
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Jordan has just stepped up to the podium and is about to begin her speech. What is the most effective way for her to begin?
Open with an attention getting question, story, or anecdote, then quote her thesis statement.
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Your teacher has given you the assignment to deliver a 7-10 minute speech about gun control laws to your classmates. Begin your preparation by narrowing your topic and deciding on a purpose (i.e. to persuade or to inform), then write a specific thesis statement for your speech.
Example persuasive thesis: Gun laws are the cause of much violent crime in America, and should be changed to require all gun purchasers to undergo a psychological exam, an FBI background check, and an extensive training course prior to obtaining a permit. Example informative thesis: How gun control laws affect the crime rate has been the subject of much debate in America, with one side claiming it should be easier for Americans to purchase handguns, while the other side claims laws should be much stricter.
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Which of the following is the most effective example of a thesis statement?
All nations must unite to address the 4 main causes of global warming: natural causes, pollution, increase in population, and deforestation.
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Frame your thesis as a(n) ____________ statement, not as a question.
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Charles is giving a persuasive speech, a speech encouraging action from the audience, about the United Nations. Which thesis statement would you recommend Charles use?
The organizational structure of the United Nations, namely consensus voting in the security council, makes it incapable of preventing war between major powers. The United States should propose the United Nations be given the ability to prevent war(s) in the future.
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A ______________ is the specific detailed subject for an essay or speech.
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Hugh is giving an informative speech about U.S. Senate election campaigns. Which thesis statement do you recommend he use?
Candidates often use television advertising while campaigning for election to the Senate, because television reaches millions of people and thus has the ability to dramatically increase name recognition.
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All of the following are uses of a thesis statement except:
asks a question
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Which of the following statements about developing an effective, audience-focused thesis statement is false?
When the audience hears the thesis, it should be clear that the least important goal of your speech is to inform the audience about your topic.
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The thesis statement for your ______________ speech should state what you want the audience to believe or do.
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Which of the following is the most effective example of a thesis statement?
The main cause of global warming is human behavior.
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Gerald has just finished presenting the main points of his speech. Which of the following is the best way for him to conclude?
Restate his thesis and end with a memorable narrative or quotation.
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Which of the following would be the most effective thesis statement for a persuasive speech?
Often dismissed because it is animated, The Simpsons treats the issue of ethnicity more powerfully than did the critically praised All In The Family.
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The title of Jack's speech is: No Vouchers In Higher Education. Which of the following would be the best thesis statement for his speech?
Vouchers in higher education do not improve our public schools and colleges, because experiments show us that education vouchers divert much-needed public funds for the few and have weakened the entire system.
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Which of the following would be the most effective thesis statement for an informative speech?
Three major themes of Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter are sin, forgiveness, and past vs. present.
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Your thesis should reflect the _____________ and _____________ of your speech.
central idea; theme
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