Dev Psych Syllabus – Flashcards
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What is developmental psychology?
studies changes across the lifespan. Overview of processes development of the child from conception through adolescence. Physical, cognitive, emotional, social and language development. Theories methodologies, ke issues, applications to broad and integrated foundation in developmental psychology
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Required text
Kali, R.V. (2015) Children and their development 7th ed
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Will addition reading assignemtns be posted on blackboard?
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course prerequisites
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1. learn about influences on normal development 2. understand fundamental issues that drive developmental theories and methods of research realted to study of human behavior and cognition 3. to learn the major theories and research methods related to development 4. to learn how developmental research applies to contemporary issues
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Student learning Objectives/outcomes
meets requirements for smu university curriculum pillars 1: individuals instrutitions and cultures
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Student learning Objectives/outcomes
1. students will be able to identify the types of interactions and influences that arise between or among individual, social, cultural, political, or economic experiences 2. students will be able to summarize basic empirical phenomena in the study of the individual, social, cultural, political, or economic experience
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course specific learning objectives
1. on exams students be able to identify key dev themes, terms, and theories and identify important theorists by name 2. in written assignemnts, students will apply developmental theories and concepts to practical situations and real world examples of development 3. in a written assignment, students will be able to read and analyze an emperical article relevant to developmental psychology, identifying relevant discussion points and obvious critiques 4. on the final exam, students will be able to integrate knowledge learned across domains that they are able ot anser questions regarding how devlopment in different domains is related
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course requirements and points
assignment: exams (3x 50 points) = 150 p / final exam (cumulative) = 105 / Written assignments (4x25) =100 / Article Review =30 / In-class activities/attendance/participation = 40 / Total: 425 / Potential extra credit points = 5
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Grading is based on?
key ideas and concepts in course. A indicated mastery of at least 90% content. Demonstration of mastery via exams, written assignments, in class participation. Grades assigned as : 395 points = A, 382 points = A-, 374 points = B+, 353 points = B, 340 points = B-, 332 points = C+, 310 points = C, 298 points = C-, 289 points = D+, 268 points = D, 255 points = D-, 250 or fewer = F. I do not round grades up or curve grades. There are Extra credit opportunities.
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What exams are there?
Four mid-semester exams, and a comprehensive final exam. Three of mid-semester exams will count toward your final grade as well as the final exam. Lowest mid-semester exam will be dropped (not the final). Tests and exams may be multiple-choice, true/false, and/or short essay questions. Info in textbook, lecture, videos and discussions may be included on tets/exams
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Make up exam policy?
make-up exams will rarely be given out because of drop of lowest grade. Big circumstances are huge illness, excused absence for religious reason, etc. Need to meet with professor ahead of time.
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The final exam is when?
Friday December 11 from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm in Hyer 204
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What with written assignments?
10 written assignment opps will be posted throughout semester. May include activity and written discussion of material in chapter. Assignments and due dates will be posted on blackboard at least one week prior to the due date. Students are responsible for in-class announcements and blackboard posts regarding assignemtns. 4 of the 10 assignments are REQUIRED. Each worth 25 points. gives you more experience. Assignment write-ups are to be between 650-750 words, with specific info, and good formatting. They will be submitted and graded via safe assign on blackboard. No guarantee late assignments will be graded, if they are, points will be subtracted.
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Article Review
Students require dot read an empirical journal article and evaluate article based on criteria discussed in class and in the text to that point in the semester. Article will be posted mid point in semester with specific questions for students to address in evluation. Like written assignemtns, journal article wil be posted to blcakboard, announced in class, submitted and graded via blackboard.
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class meets 3:30 - 4:50 in Hyer hall room 204. Class attendance reqquired...students are responsible to mark themselves on the sing-in sheet. don't sign in other students (honor code), may be in class unannounced activities, may be group activities, completion of video guide, self-reflection assignemtns, or quizzes over reading materials. Presence in each class period is worth one point. probably be more than 40 ptoential points to earn but 40 is maximum score for attendance and participation. miss 1 or 2 thats ok.
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does not official excuse absences, submit things within week of absence, drop by office to learn or ask student, dont email about work to make up. ilness not submitted for credit
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Research participation requirement
students in dev, intro, social and abnormal psych required to earn 16 credit units (1 cred = approx 40 mins participation) in human subjects pool or completing alternative assignemnts for each course.
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Important Administrative
Dates/Deadlines August 28: Last day to enroll, add, or drop course without grade record or billing September 9: Last day to declare pass/fail and to report excused absences for religious observation October 13: 8 Sona Units Due November 6: Last day to drop course November 30: Remaining Sona Units Due
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Academic Help
Students needing academic help may contact the Altschuler Learning Enhancement Center (A-LEC). The A-LEC is available for general help with reading and studying as well as academic skills workshops, tutoring. The A-LEC also has a writing center for help with drafts of written assignments. Information about the learning center may be obtained on the internet at or by contacting 214.SMU DO IT! (214-768-3648).
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Religious Observance:
Religiously observant students wishing to be absent on holidays that require missing class should notify their professors in writing (via e-mail) at the beginning of the semester, and should discuss with them, in advance, acceptable ways of making up any work missed because of the absence. You should also send a reminder e-mail the day or two before the missed class period about the reason for your up-coming absence. (See University Policy No. 1.9). The deadline to request an excused absence for observance of a religious holiday is September 9.
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Disability Accommodations:
If you need academic accommodations for a disability, you must first contact Disability Accommodations ; Success Strategies (DASS) at 214-768-1470 or to verify the disability and to establish eligibility for accommodations. Then you must schedule an appointment with the professor to make appropriate arrangements. Please do not hand me letters during class. We will meet privately in my office to discuss your needs. (See University Policy No. 2.4).
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Excused Absences for University Extracurricular Activities:
Students participating in an officially sanctioned, scheduled University extracurricular activity should be given the opportunity to make up class assignments or other graded assignments missed as a result of their participation. It is the responsibility of the student to notify me via e-mail prior to each missed class to remind me of your upcoming absence and the reason for the absence.
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Academic Integrity:
Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course and will be dealt with according to the University's Honor Code. As stated by the Honor Council, "Permitting others to prepare their work, using published or unpublished summaries as a substitute for studying required materials, or giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in the preparation of work to be submitted are directly contrary to the honest process of learning." A violation of the Code will result in an F for the course. In addition, the student may also be taken before the Honor Council. If you are unclear about this please see the instructor immediately. Additionally, requesting special treatment in the form of additional extra credit opportunities not offered on the syllabus is considered an ethical violation. Finally, asking the instructor to alter you grade from the grade you earned will be treated as an honor code violation and will be reported to the Dean of Students as such.
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Classroom Etiquette:
Students are expected to actively and respectfully participate in class. This means that students are encouraged to ask questions, respond to questions, and engage in class discussions giving respect to all students. Cell phones should be silenced and put away. Texting, checking email, extraneous websites and other apps, completing work for other classes, etc. are unacceptable and you may be asked to leave class, forfeiting your participation for that period. Use of laptops for note taking is permissible with the wireless disabled; however, this practice is discouraged as there is research to suggest that students retain less information when taking notes on the computer. This policy will be revisited if the privilege is abused. Gum chewing is also strongly discouraged.
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Extra Credit:
Students may earn up to 5 extra credit points (Added to your point total.) All extra credit must be completed by the last regular class meeting. There are three ways to earn extra credit points: 1. Students may participate in the Psychology department's research pool above and beyond the requisite credits (i.e., anything over 16 credits). You will receive one extra credit point for each research credit earned. 2. My Virtual Child: Students may go to and "raise" a virtual child. Students will respond to specific questions and events in the virtual child's development and answer application questions during this process. 3. Students may complete additional written assignments posted on Blackboard, provided that you complete them by the due date. Two extra credit points are awarded for each assignment.
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Sona and research requirement
It is your responsibility to make sure that your points are accurately credited. Read instructions carefully and check the offerings periodically. Also, if you sign- up, but do not show-up, a points may be deducted.
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Research Point Requirements and Deadlines
Half of the 16 units of credits (i.e., 8 units) must be earned by the midpoint in the semester, October 13 (Fall Break). The remaining 8 units must be completed by November 30). Failure to complete this requirement will result in either the reduction of your overall course grade by one-half letter grade (e.g., a B becomes a B-) or an Incomplete. A student who chooses to take an incomplete in the course, must provide notice to me in writing with a comprehensive plan for completion of the points. You are not obligated to participate in any research studies. As an ALTERNATIVE, you may complete additional assignments (from those that will not count toward your grade or additional assignments if needed). Each assignment will count as two units of credit. You may earn your 16 units of credit through a combination of subject pool (Sona-Systems) credits and additional assignments.
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how many points extra credit?
5 (Added to your point total.) All extra credit must be completed by the last regular class meeting. There are three ways to earn extra credit points: 1. Students may participate in the Psychology department's research pool above and beyond the requisite credits (i.e., anything over 16 credits). You will receive one extra credit point for each research credit earned. 2. My Virtual Child: Students may go to and "raise" a virtual child. Students will respond to specific questions and events in the virtual child's development and answer application questions during this process. 3. Students may complete additional written assignments posted on Blackboard, provided that you complete them by the due date. Two extra credit points are awarded for each assignment.
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The FINAL EXAM is scheduled for...
The FINAL EXAM is scheduled for Friday, December 11, from 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM in Hyer 204.
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