Daniel Goleman’s Article “Emotional Intelligence” Essay Example
I strongly agree with Daniel Goleman’s article “Emotional Intelligence.” Having studied The Leadership Challenge, I have realized the most effective leaders are alike in a certain way. Effective leaders havea high degree of emotional intelligence as described by Daniel Goleman’s article. He explains that technical knowledge and intelligent quotient are important and relevant but to make an effective leader emotional intelligence is a requirement. Emotional intelligence has been describe by different people in different ways, but the article definition by Daniel Goleman explains it in a better and simple way for easy understanding.
In his article, Goleman illustrates five components of emotional intelligence that are of importance. This emotional intelligence allows individuals connect, recognize and learn from their own and other peoples’ behaviors. The five key elements include social skills, self-regulation,empathy for others, motiva
...tion, and self-awareness. Understanding what constitutes emotional intelligence is not only important for the leaders but also for the other people who the leaders interacts within their duties.
Goleman focuses on this on the five components, which are very central to leadership. He explains how leaders can work on the five elements to improve. He illustrates how leaders can increase each element in emotional intelligence. It is also noted that direct ties exist between the emotional intelligence and the measurable leadership results. In the article, Goleman has given a detailed discussion of each component including how to recognize it in leaders and how it connects with leadership performance. The article remains a definitive reference on the subject emotional intelligence.
In this response, we will deal with how each of the self-component affects leadership. In self-awareness, I strongly agree with Daniel Goleman’s article this is becaus
through self-awareness leaders are can recognize and understand personal moods and emotions as well their effects on others. As discussed in the Leadership Challenge, self-confidence and self-assessment are two important factors that a leader should always consider. The indicators of self-awareness include self-confidence and the ability to read and monitor your emotions. For a leader, to carry out a successful self-awareness program, there should be a realistic self- assessment.
The article explains another concept of emotional intelligence in self-regulation. According to Daniel Goleman’s self-regulation is the ability of the leader to control or handle disruptive impulses in leadership. It includes the ability of a leader to think before acting and to make timely decisions that are beneficial and considerate. This reflects the leadership challenge practices of challenging the process. Leaders have to be innovative in ways to improve the organization and handle a discomfort in a mature way. The concept of self-regulation makes it possible for the leader to take challenges as learning opportunities, and correct the mistakes and failures. It also helps to the leaders to avoid overstepping which is very harmful in leadership. Self-regulation is indicated by integrity, openness to change and trustworthiness by the leader.
The leadership challenge states the act of enabling others to act, according to the leadership challenge, leaders inspire others to act, and they enhance collaboration and actively involve others in the decision-making process. The leaders should strive to create trust and human dignity in the members. They should make others feel capable by strengthening and empowering them in tasks and responsibilities assigned.This is clearly feature in Daniel Goleman’s emotional intelligence article, in the third component of empathy, where leaders
should understand the emotional strengths and weaknesses of the others. He supports the idea of enabling others to act by saying that leaders should treat people according to their emotional reactions. He illustrates that empathy in leadership does not entail compassion. From the article, the key indicators for leadership empathy include developing and retaining talent, cross-cultural sensitivity, and service to clients.
Internal motivation from Emotional intelligence article also tends to fit in the exemplary leadership practices as illustrated by the leadership challenge. Leaders motivate other in a variety of ways, which include modeling the way. The leaders create an example for others to follow, and they create opportunities for other to succeed. This can be achieved through a spirited and thoroughly motivated team. The leaders should keep the hope and determination alive. The responsibilities and rewards by the members should be shared proportionately, and accomplishments should be celebrated. This kind of motivation is what build a strong and effective team. In Goleman’s article, he has captured the intrinsic motivation as one of the key components of emotional intelligence. He explains that internal motivation as an inner vision of what is important, the desire to learn and the flow that comes due to involvement should be the driving force for leaders and others in the organization.
I agree when he illustrates the when he says that a strong desire to achieve, optimism, the propensity to pursue goals with persistence even in the face of failure and organizational commitment should be what describes an organization leadership. The article concludes with a fifth component, which is social skills. Social skills are captured in the leadership challenge in various ways. Leaders
enlist others in their dreams; they persuade others to make a difference in the organization. They enable people to see exciting possibilities for the future or in a particular thing.
According to the leadership, challenge leaders share their vision with the members and the goals on how to achieve the vision. In the article, Daniel conjures with the explanation in the leadership challenge. He explains that social skills are used in managing relationships, building networks, and finding a common ground for the members of the organization. Social skills are also vital in fostering the change and expertise building in the teams. Social skills are also important in team spirit building and communication in the organization, which are key components in leadership.
In conclusion, the article talks about the five key elements of emotional intelligence. This article is not only significant to the leaders in an organization buy they are also very important for the members of the organization very important. The concepts work as a unit to achieve successful leadership. In the same way, Daniel Coleman explains in the article, technical knowledge, and intelligent quotient is important for leadership, but the impacts that emotional intelligence has on leadership cannot be overlooked. A person can have the best leadership training, a creative and analytical mind with a smart endless supply of smart ideas but if the person lacks the emotional intelligence understanding, it may contribute to the person being not a great leader.
- Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2013).Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press.
- Druskat, V. U., Mount, G., &Sala, F. (2013). Linking emotional intelligence and performance at work: Current research
evidence with individuals and groups.Psychology Press.
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