Culturally Responsive teaching – Flashcards

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Culturally Responsive teaching purpose
- Framework that recognizes the importance of including students' cultural references in all aspects of learning - Bring in cultural experiences -Allow students to make connections between what students already know and what is being taught in the lesson - Builds on prior cultural knowledge
What does Culturally Responsive teaching accomplish
- honoring the different types of cultures in their class
7 aspects of culturally responsive teaching
1) High Expectations 2) Positive relationships with families & community 3) Cultural Sensitivity/Reshaped curriculum mediated for culturally valued knowledge 4) Active teaching methods (involve students in a variety of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing behaviors throughout lesson) 5) Teacher as a facilitator 6) Student control of portions of the lesson ("healthy hum"-talking at conversational levels while completing assignments in groups 7) Instruction around groups and pairs, low anxiety—complete assignments individually but in small groups or pairs with time to share ideas and think critically about the work
3-4 thinfs you should do in ur classroom to be culturally responsive (how you set it up a well as methods used to teach)
Print Rich Environment Learning Centers Colorful Arranged Optimally (teacher faces students, pods) Multiple Libraries Technology (utilized and displayed) Student Work displayed Rules, procedures, and protocols clear
Action thermometer
statement on the board, agree disagree answer, paired together and talk about their partner
how to use a Action thermometer in class
Can use with anything, way to get them moving and say their thoughts without physically sharing their own idea/ move to a side of the room, having a partner say it for you
other techniques listed in the video
- Call and Response: say a word they respond, get their attention - Action Thermometer: statement on the board, agree disagree answer, paired together and talk about their partner, moving to side of the room way to saying the answer wit out say physically opinion - Think, Pair, Share: think about the question on their own, talk about it with a partner or group, share with the class - Pick a Stick: Picking a name to see who call on/ making sure every one thinks abou it becuase you dont know if you are going to be called on/ equal chances - Bottoms Up, Heads Together: lean on the desk talk about question together/ way of getting them to do corporative learning, way do i do what does it look like; quick way to geth them in a group - Raise Your Righteous Hand: call to response, way to get their attention - Musical Round the Room: way to get attention/ fun way to transition/ keeping them enaged
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