Crime Aspects of Port Authority Bus Terminal Security Essay Example
The main objective of this essay is to analyze the crime aspects of the Bus Terminal. The terminal is very important in New York City transport system. It is the main gateway for buses operating across different states. There has been a recent rise in crime levels of in the terminus and this essay aims to analyze the crimes which happen at the terminus and factors which facilitate these crimes. These factors include the building design, surroundings and the economic status of the people perpetrating this crimes. The essay will analyze the crime aspects by identifying the crimes which happen at the terminus and the factors which facilitate these crimes. The essays starts with back ground information of the terminus. The analysis discusses the construction of the terminus, its importance, current and historical challenges of the terminus. These are
...very important in analyzing the crime aspects of the terminus.
Background Information
Port Authority Bus Terminal is located in Manhattan, City of New York. This is the main gateway for buses operating in across different states. Port Authority of New Jersey and New York operate the terminal. The terminal was launched in 1950. It was constructed to join many private terminals which served midtown Manhattan. In 1979, another wing was added which extended to forty second street. The Bus Terminal is among the three main bus terminals which are operated by Port Authority of New Jersey and New York.
The Terminal is the major transport hub for New Jersey residents. It serves as a departure point as well as the terminus for the commuter routes. It also serves the long-distance routes between the cities. It is the biggest termina
in US. It is the busiest Terminal across the world in terms of volume of people. It serves about eight thousand buses in a weekday. This translates to around sixty five million people per year. The terminals sometimes reach climax hour passenger volume which leads to overcrowding and overflow in the local streets (Parolaet al, 2013 p.131). Vehicles are supposed utilize the local streets or go back via the tunnel without passegers since the terminal does not allow layover parking. The port Authority of New York and New Jersey have unsuccessfully attempted to enlarge passenger amenities by partnering with private organizations. In 2011 the Port Authority delayed the building of the vehicle deport annex due to budgetary constraints (Parolaet al, 2013 p.131). Lincoln Tunnel serves as an alternative to the terminal for some travelers by connecting Midtown Manhattan, Weehawken and New Jersey.
Several terminals were spread all over the midtown Terminal before the construction of the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Some of these terminals were operating as hotels. One of these terminals is the Dixie Bus Terminal which was situated at the ground floor of Dixie Hotel. This terminal was launched in 1930 then terminated its operation in 1959. The south wing was the first to be completed and was built in the international style. The wing was opened in 1959. Construction of the wing on the northern side ended in 1979. Port Authority Bus Terminal was listed to be one of the first ten ugliest building and monuments by Virtual tourist. This was due to its façade design. This gives the terminal a bad impression since it is considered as one of New York City
The Port Authority Bus Terminal is very important to the residents of New York State. It serves as the main gateway to New York City. It has helped reduce the congestion of the city traffic by reducing the number of terminals in the city. It brings revenue to the city. There are many bus companies operating in the terminal. This makes transport to other parts of the country to be easy. This means the terminal plays a pivotal role for commuters travelling to other parts of the country from New York City.
The terminal is the departure point for commuter routes and long distance intercity routes. The terminal currently serves more than eight thousand buses and two hundred and twenty five thousand people daily. The terminal has 1250 car parking places. This has greatly helped to reduce the parking space problem of the Manhattan area. The terminus also has commercial and retail space. This has provided opportunities for the business. The terminal is a major heritage site for New York City due to its long history and the big role it plays in the city transport system.
Current Challenges
The boarding gates signs which are supposed to give bus lines and destinations are out of service. The Port Authority Bus Terminal has admitted itself that bus passenger services are secondary. “You are here” marks are not included in the terminal’s location directories and this has made it difficult to use the directories. When information booths are closed there are people who hang around the booths to help at a fee. There is poorly designed and inadequate signage in the terminal. At the north terminal the identifications are not
clearly visible. The south terminal lacks the name of the building on its doors
Historical Challenges
Most of the people who were involved in the construction of the Port Authority Bus Terminal did mistakes in their work (McCormick, 2014 p.1). The original designers did not anticipate long-term requirements. Robert Moses tried his best to destroy the terminal. Robert was the terminus construction commissioner. He had developed hatred towards public transport and had made eliminating it his mission (McCormick, 2014 p.2). He made an alliance with Greyhound Bus Company to mount a two year counterattack against the Port Authority Bus Terminal proposal. Initially the building had space-planning and architectural issues which could not be resolved easily. When nearby federal mental-health facilities were closed the homeless people of the city found the Port Authority Bus Terminal a better option than freezing to death in the harsh New York winters (McCormick, 2014 p.6).
The analysis of the terminal is very important in order to discuss the crime aspects of the terminus. Analyzing the construction helps to understand the building design and how this facilitates the crimes happening at terminus. The terminus is very important to the commuters who use it. It is very important to analyze the crimes happening at the terminus because the terminus plays a very important role in New York City. The ports historical challenges have facilitated the increase in the crime levels in the terminus. The current challenges make it hard to control the crime. The outline of this essay plays a very important role in the later part of the essay.
Annotated bibliography
- Ceccato, V. and Newton, A., 2015. Practical Challenges and New Research Frontiers for Safety
and Security in Transit Environments. In Safety and Security in Transit Environments (pp. 362-383). Palgrave Macmillan UK
The author in this book presents the concept of security in the transit node. The article mainly explores the major complexity which is involved a conceptual framework together with the appropriate solutions which must be implemented to tackle the problem. The information from this article is relevant in designing recommendations and policies to capture any alterations which may be considered in future. This book gives clear illustrations on the application of the multidisciplinary concept which is required when making policies regarding the urban or city safety. Regarding the port bus terminal in New York, the concept is applicable in making policies taking care of any architectural crimes to occur in the meantime or in future. According the writers in this book, there is a need to make collaboration with professionals from other disciplines to address matters of security and safety in urban centers.
- Cresciani, M. and Forth, J., 2014. Three Resilient Megastructures by Pier Luigi Nervi. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8(1), pp.49-73.
This article was written by Manuel Cresciani and John Forth with an aim of explaining the fact that any structure’s resilience can be put under threat due to poor design. On this note, they clearly explained the variations in public perceptions regarding structure style, the potentialities of use changes as well as attack of the structure. The article regards catastrophic events like explosions, fire among others as the main threats to the resilience of any structure. the authors of this books holds the view that in the modern built environment, resilience need to be considered as the
most important designing issue. This normally happens more especially in cases where the structures put in place are huge, iconic and or public. Ultimately, in order to achieve resilience, the quality of the building needs to be considered and one of the main issues to be put under consideration is maintenance performance. Lack of this will result into weak structures.
- Felson, M., Belanger, M.E., Bichler, G.M., Bruzinski, C.D., Campbell, G.S., Fried, C.L., Grofik, K.C., Mazur, I.S., O'Regan, A.B., Sweeney, P.J. and Ullman, A.L., 1996. Redesigning Hell: Preventing Crime and Disorder at the Port Authority Bus Terminal (From Preventing Mass Transit Crime, P 5-92, 1996, Ronald V. Clarke, ed.-See NCJ-168781).
The authors of this journal normally focused on the effects of design and the modification of the Port Authority Bus Terminal so as to manage deviance and occurrence of crimes. It the paper mainly focused on the port authority in New York City. The paper at the same time explains the importance of relying on the information gathered from police statistics, customer surveys, reports from newspapers as well as other trustful sources in giving the information necessary for the protection of the Port Authority Bus Terminal. As per the authors of this journal, the huge and the eventful facility basically underwent a number of strategic changes in their design structure with an aim of making them safe. The changes were closely related to the policing mechanisms, procedures used in handling the enormous numbers of passages such as the physical entrance modifications, the corners and other crucial areas. Analysis of these impacts mainly showed that the designing and management of modifications in the transit facility remained a mild
generator of crimes.
- Kooi, B.R., 2013. Assessing the correlation between bus stop densities and residential crime typologies. Crime Prevention & Community Safety, 15(2), pp.81-105.
This article presents the issue of crime and the disorders that are experienced in the environment of public transit which has been a problem that is major and affecting public and policing agencies like the port Authority Bus Terminal. However in most cases terrorism is planned focusing public transportation, it is receiving an attention that is appropriate, the bus users in the City of New York are the ones who are exposed to crimes that are typical and disorders that are general as they trans. This is because the bus stops are highly concentrated hence throne to offences of crime. Implication of some policies have been actually discussed debating on matters of responsibility that is spatial for public security in transit and police strategies in the bus terminals that are located in the city of New York that also include community driven solutions which is very significant.
- McCormick, M. 2014. The Port Authority Bus Terminal: Myth, Mystery, Mess. Failed Architecture.
Margaret McCormick who is the author of this journal clearly wanted to express her views on the architectural failures which existed in New York City. The fact that Margaret is an artist designer and a writer, it remains an easy task for her to comprehend on architectural discourses as well as the theoretical trends and intents in designing architectural designs. In her writing clearly criticized the nature of planning which was noticed in the project of creating “The World’s Largest Bus Terminal”. According to her, the biggest failure was that the project was
designed, funded, constructed and also operated by the agency on its own. There was no specific architect in the entire planning process and this situation brought about massive delays in the construction process leading to the failed architecture. As a result, most of the people developed a negative attitude with public transport leading to the period of two years opposing of the proposed terminal construction.
- Meyer, M.D., 2008. The Nation's Transportation System as a Security Challenge. Wiley handbook of science and technology for homeland security.
This article points out the major challenges which are brought out by the transportation system to the national security in general and port authority bus terminal being a transport organization definitely falls pray here. Meyer says that to a great extend several characteristics of transportation system present challenges from a perspective of security making it vulnerable to disruption and thus significant economic crisis.These characteristics include but are not limited to the way the transport system has extended and thus making it more vulnerable to attack from different diversions. Some passengers using the port authority bus terminalmay come with different intentions and can easily disrupt the economic flows. This actually becomes a major challenge to the port authority bus terminal as it cuts off some of its major operationand the management may fear some attacks which stops the functioning of the organization and in the long run diverts its heritage.
- Parola, F., Satta, G., Penco, L. and Profumo, G., 2013. Emerging Port Authority communication strategies: Assessing the determinants of disclosure in the annual report. Research in Transportation Business & Management
This journal which was authored by Francesco Parola, Giovanni Satta, Lara Penco and
GiorgiaProfumo clearly captures the increasing changes and the growing complexities of the private-public interactions in transport chains, the current managerial as well as governance practices. The journal essentially explains how the governance mechanism redesigning has deeply managed to transform the formulation process and the content of Port Authority strategies in the conformation with the managerial orientation coupled with the focus on private sector. The authors of this book in their quest for the port authorities came up with strategies which mainly focused on exploiting all the relevant business opportunities as well as exploiting international visibility and reputation, all of which reinforced their rapport with all the stakeholders who may ultimately affect port success. The paper at the same time sets certain specific objectives which need to be adopted so as to ensure that, there exist innovative means of communication as far as new media and the disclosure of content is concerned.
- Smith, L., 1994. Heritage management as postprocessual archaeology?.Antiquity, 68(259), pp.300-309
Here smith in his article tries to discuss the existence and effectiveness of heritage NGOs mostly on the port terminal authority. Smith says that the biggest impact NGOs have in the port authority terminal is to protect and preserve the landmarks which acts as cultural heritage and subsequently acts as part of revenue when people of different parts visit the landscape. In his article smith relates the work of NGOs as protecting the preserved work of historic art and architecture around the whole world by funding some of the specialized agencies in the united nation like UNESCO. The author outlines the ways in which the worlds culture and heritage is secured and different agencies which
plays vital roles in process of promoting peace. According to smith NGOs integrates urban heritage values, enacts policies for conserving heritage and asses the vulnerability of urban heritage to social economic pressure and impact of climate change.
- Stansbury, J., 2009. Reasoned moral agreement: Applying discourse ethics within organizations. Business Ethics Quarterly, pp.33-56.
Stanburys article points out the idea that during the construction of port authority bus terminal poor moral ethics had a likely hood of being practiced leading to high disagreement between the core leaders of the project and the employees who worked towards development of the port terminal bus authority as a project. His work provides a broad overview of negative ethical issues which were used in the development of the project and the impact they brought in the long run hence rendering the work to be difficult and take a lengthy time period of time to be fully accomplished. The author states that some of the ethical issue are still affecting the development of the port authority bus terminal up to today and will continue to do so until immediate action is taken to control its impact in the organization. Stanburys says that the issue of moral agreement and application of ethical issue in the port authority bus terminal will to a great extend affect its heritage in near future which proves to be of great importance to the whole state.
- Sugiura, A., Beaton, E., Edulakanti, R. and Ricks, K., 2014. Regulating Intercity Bus Stops in New York City. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2418), pp.123-129.
These articles authors’ mainly focused on the bus industry. In recent years this industry has grown
and emerged to be the popular option that is increasing for the people who want to travel form and to the city of New York. Very many buses that are operating in the intercity depart and arrive to the streets of the city of New York in daily basis. Actually these buses provide transportation that is of low cost and a very useful option for transport for the residents of the New York City. It is a fact that the buses were able to stop legally in any zone, even the zones that are not reflected in the schedule, but this resulted to disruption to the local traffic network and to the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Not only the Local community but also the Transportation Authority of the Metropolitan and Port Authority Bus Terminal were appropriate for the approval of the permit fee that is based on the weekly intervals of departures and arrival for a stop that is proposed.
- Gillespie, A.K. 2011, Crossing under the Hudson: the story of the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ.
Guillespie in his book crossing under the Hudson: the story of the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels takes a fresh look at the planning and construction of the two key links in the transport system of New Jersey and New York-The Lincoln and Holland Tunnels. The author writes in an accessible style. His style incorporates the historical accounts with an entertaining and lively approach. In the book the author explores these two tunnel engineering aspect and the public who embrace the two tunnels.He gives a good description and analyses of the tunnels building work He makes
introductions of people who worked in the tunnel. The author places the two tunnels into a meaningful cultural context with literature, art, music and motion pictures which the two tunnels have inspired over the years. The book continues to cast light at the end of the two tunnels with increased concern over the increased global terrorism threat.
- Wilmsmeier, G. and Monios, J., 2016. Institutional structure and agency in the governance of spatial diversification of port system evolution in Latin America. Journal of Transport Geography, 51, pp.294-307
This journal was written by Gordon Wilmsmeier and Jason Monios who had recognized the challenges linked to the development of the ports were not only resulting from the growth in trade flows, but also the conditionality of the institutions. Based on these conditions, the institutions were much contextual and exhibited aspects which portrayed them as contingency and path dependence. In this paper the two authors normally aimed at exploring and analyzing the actual intersection existing in the port system evolution, the decentralization of governance in the ports and also the de-concentration of traffic in ports. On the basis of the four case studies in the port reforms all of which are effected in Latin America, this journal explains how there is an interplay existing between the agency and the structure as far as the port governance reforms are concerned. They authors aimed at expressing the successful application of the policies which have already been effective in other countries.
- Winter, T., 2014. Heritage studies and the privileging of theory. International journal of heritage studies, 20(5), pp.556-572.
In this article, Winter discusses heritage studies and the privileging of theory. The author discusses
the importance embarking on pluralizing the study of heritage and the theoretical framing. He uses themes of modernity, cities and international cultural policy to provide the evidence of why there is need for positioning the study of heritage in relation to the rapid cultural shifts which are taking place. The author explains heritage and the privileging of they in detail. This article is important to my research topic as Winter explains the best ways to do heritage study. I will use his guidelines on the study of the heritage building in New York. The limitation of this article is it does not provide the basis of my study and just acts as a guide on how to do my research. The author outlines the best ways to carry out a study of heritage. I will use the article to guide me in my research. However, I will need other journals and books in my research.
- Zaw, M. and Kudo, T., 2011. A study on economic corridors and industrial zones, ports and metropolitan and alternative roads in Myanmar. Intra-and inter-city connectivity in the Mekong region. BRC Research Report, (6).
Saw in this particular article goes ahead and mentions the major challenges facing the port authority bus terminal. The author says that some of these challenges are drawing back the port authority bus terminal to a point that its general heritage cannot be seen. According to Saw the major challenge is brought about by the designers who he says that they had poor attitude and did not view the project of importance when considering its heritage. This as the author brings it out had a profound effect in the
general construction of the port authority bus terminal. He goes ahead and says that its design was sort of complicated and need a high technical labor that by then were not easy to find thus making the whole project to take a lot of time to accomplish. As the author puts it the port authority could have been constructed without much ado if it were not for the personnel who lacked experience and some who had poor attitude towards the transport industry.
- Zeng, Q., Reddy, A., Lu, A. and Levine, B., 2015. Development of Application for Estimating Daily Boarding and Alighting Counts on New York City Buses: Implementation of Daily Production System. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2535), pp.1-14.
The major concept explored in this journal is about planning and scheduling strategies which have been adopted by the New York City Transit. The authors for this journal discusses on how the various routes for the buses in the city have been distributed. This port bus terminal being an heritage architectural structure which serves large population in the transport sector, there is need to establish systemized network to facilitate the service provision. The programs proposed by the writers in this journal are very resourceful especially when determining on the security and safety for a heritage and ancient structure which is being used by people currently. The concept elaborated by this article is very resourceful in managing public utilities especially where regulation is required. In reference to the port bus terminal in New York, a good planning and schedule is required to ensure this infrastructure is helpful to the city dwellers.
This part discusses various
crimes which happens at the Port Authority Bus Terminal and how the terminal design and surrounding contribute to these crimes. It starts by describing the various types of crimes which happens at the terminal and how they occur. Every crime occurring at the terminal is discussed in detail. The description of the terminal design follows. How the design contributes to the crime is also discussed with illustrations. The essay also describes the terminal surroundings and how they facilitate the crimes happening at the terminal. The final part of the paper draws the conclusions made from the critique.
Inside the terminal, the crime has reached levels worse than the European and North American transit terminals (Felsonet al, 1996 p.11).It is very hard to prevent illegal activities from such a big complex located in a seedy area. The complex itself is uncontrollable. This is due to ineffective surveillance. Passengers finds a hard time dodging thieves, drunks, beggars and drug addicts. Many of these standard problems are Manhattan’s standard problems but they have taken aa special problem inside the terminus. Most of the problems within the terminus take special forms such as male prostitute, phone hustlers, crime interdependence and parking structure prostitute.
Phone hustlers place illegal international calls from payphones inside the terminal. They sell these calls for free to a walk-in market where they sell the calls for ten dollars. The person buying these calls make a call anywhere in the world for has long they want. Passengers usually find the phones occupied by illegal use. The phone hustlers forces them to leave by threatening them.
The terminal has been invaded by homeless people who have made the terminal their
homes. Dozens of homeless people sleep day and night in the terminal either in groups or individually. They sleep beside stairs, benches, bus gates, and in various interstitial areas. They block a few routes and others have openly taken over new sections. They have even installed electrical appliances to cook meals. These people have taken over restrooms making people to urinate on the walls and elevators. The homeless living in the terminal fight and even kill others over the turf and other issues. The homeless upset the terminal users and have contributed to the bad reputation of the terminal. It is hard to evict the homeless from the terminals because of court rulings preventing authorities from evicting people from public places.
The level of male prostitution has increased as a result of increased number of boys hanging around the bus terminal. The people of the second floor have been opened to the main floor; those areas are used as homosexual liaisons hence increasing the number of male prostitutes. Homosexual liaisons are sheltered from legal interference as the liaisons move to the nearby restrooms of the males (Felsonet al, 1996 p.11).
Problems have increased as a result of the large parking area consisting of 1,100 spaces on the fifth, sixth and seventh levels of the parking space. The increase in the parking area has led to increase in the number of people in the bus terminal hence leading to traffic problem (McCormick, 2014 p.2). The big parking space has also increased vehicle congest station as majority of the people drove their cars to the work space as a result of availability of large parking space .The parking spaces
have also been used as places of selling of guns and drugs by criminals (Felsonet al, 1996 p.11).
Terminus Surroundings
The terminus is strategically located in in Manhattan just one block west of Times Square. Time square is a tourist site with over fifty thousand tourists visiting the site a day(Felsonet al, 1996 p.9). The Times Square area is dominated pornography shops and prostitution. According to Felsonet al(1996, p.9), this area has a long history of prostitution with heavy concentration of prostitution houses mapped as early as 1900. Male prostitutes are the most prevalent in the area. The prostitution is not mainly plied in prostitution houses but is done on streets.
According to Felsonet al(1996, p.9),prostitution is mainly promoted by peep shows, bars, hotels, porno shops and the Port Authority Bus Terminal. These places offers a centralised locale for the sex trade and also provide a meeting ground for those involved to do their transactions(Felsonet al, 1996 p.9). The Times Square area has hundreds of male hustlers. The area is also characterised by dirt, graffiti, litter, public drunkenness, crude and rude public behaviour. These have spilled over to the bus terminus and have become a common place around the bus station (Ceccato&Newton, 2015 p.362). The spread of homelessness and crack cocaine haveintensified these problems.
The terminal is an important area used for illegal behaviour in interaction with the Times Square area(Kooi, 2013 p.81). The terminal is used by as a business base for a network of luggage snatchers, phone-scam artists, muggers, pimps, drug dealers and prostitutes(Felsonet al, 1996 p.11). These criminals take refuge in nearby Times Square. Many of these criminals make a routine daily cycle between Bryant Park
toward the East and the terminal on the west side of 42nd street. They draw upon the flow of the Bryant Park area’s working population during the morning rush hour. In the evening rush hour, they deed off pedestrians walking toward the bus station and those surfacing from the subway (Felsonet al, 1996 p.11).
Terminal Design
Port Authority bus station can be considered New York City urban transit station(McCormick, 2014 p.1).The terminus encompasses around one and half million square feet(Felsonet al, 1996 p.8). It occupies the blocks bonded by Ninth and Eighth Avenues and 42nd and 40thstreets. It spans an equivalent of around four square blocks at the ground level. The North and South wings are connected by pedestrian walkways which are below and above street level. The operations of this building and its complexity are more than that of a very busy train station(Felsonet al, 1996 p.8). It has more than two hundred and twenty gates for buses. It operates on a twenty four hours a day basis.
The station has six circulation levels for pedestrians which are used in the movement of passengers between city and busy gates(Felsonet al, 1996 p.8). The sections are built at different times using different designs.This makes it difficult to find the way from one part to another. The terminal has the saw-tooth gates and island platforms types of gates(Felsonet al, 1996 p.8). The saw –tooth gates allow several positions for buses to pull through, unload and reload when another bus pulls out. The island platform allows each bus to pull through, unload and reload passengers and exit forward. Four bus –gate concourse levels are used to supplement the twenty four
loading platforms(Felsonet al, 1996 p.8). The facility’s 220 bus gates are spread over several levels and in the two wings. The terminal has a huge parking structure which is multi-layered.
Lincoln Tunnel
The Lincoln Tunnel is connected to the Port Authority bus terminal. Both the Tunnel and Port Authority Bus Terminal are managed by Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. There are both very important to the New York City transport system. The Tunnel plays a critical role in the terminus operation. Lincoln Tunnel is approximately two and half kilometers. It is a very integral conduit within New York area(Gillespie, 2011 p.70). The tunnel was designed by Engineer Ole Singstad. It was funded by Public Works Administration. The completion of the tunnel was delayed for two years due to shortages of materials(Gillespie, 2011 p.73). The tunnel is considered a high-risk target site for terrorists. The tunnel was originally named Midtown Vehicular Tunnel.
Although the Port Authority Bus Terminal is very important to the New York City transport system, the crimes level at the terminus sets a bad picture of the terminal. These crime levels are mainly caused by the surrounding environment and the terminal design. The level of crime is very high and changes needs to be done to change this. The criminals in the terminal pose a threat to the security of the commuters using the terminus. Changes needs to be done in the terminal to ensure the safety of commuters and other people who use the terminal. The terminal needs a lot of improvements in order to curb crime. Since redesigning the terminal is very expensive the authority managing the terminal can adopt measures
to reduce the crime levels or eradicate it completely. These crimes tarnishes the image of the terminal.
- Ceccato, V. and Newton, A., 2015. Practical Challenges and New Research Frontiers for Safety and Security in Transit Environments. In Safety and Security in Transit Environments (pp. 362-383). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Cresciani, M. and Forth, J., 2014. Three Resilient Megastructures by Pier Luigi Nervi. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8(1), pp.49-73.
- Felson, M., Belanger, M.E., Bichler, G.M., Bruzinski, C.D., Campbell, G.S., Fried, C.L., Grofik, K.C., Mazur, I.S., O’Regan, A.B., Sweeney, P.J. and Ullman, A.L., 1996. Redesigning hell: Preventing crime and disorder at the port authority bus terminal. Preventing mass transit crime, 6, pp.5-92.
- Kooi, B.R., 2013. Assessing the correlation between bus stop densities and residential crime typologies. Crime Prevention & Community Safety, 15(2), pp.81-105.
- McCormick, M. 2014. The Port Authority Bus Terminal: Myth, Mystery, Mess. Failed Architecture.Pp.1-5
Meyer, M.D., 2008. The Nation's Transportation System as a Security Challenge. Wiley handbook of science and technology for homeland security. - Parola, F., Satta, G., Penco, L. and Profumo, G., 2013. Emerging Port Authority communication strategies: Assessing the determinants of disclosure in the annual report. Research in Transportation Business & Management,8, pp.134-147.
- Smith, L., 1994. Heritage management as postprocessual archaeology?.Antiquity, 68(259), pp.300-309
- Stansbury, J., 2009. Reasoned moral agreement: Applying discourse ethics within organizations. Business Ethics Quarterly, pp.33-56.
- Sugiura, A., Beaton, E., Edulakanti, R. and Ricks, K., 2014. Regulating Intercity Bus Stops in New York City. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2418), pp.123-129.
- Gillespie, A.K. 2011, Crossing under the Hudson: the story of the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ.pp.70-89.
- Wilmsmeier, G. and Monios, J., 2016. Institutional
structure and agency in the governance of spatial diversification of port system evolution in Latin America. Journal of Transport Geography, 51, pp.294-307