CPSRM – Flashcard
44 test answers
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I5: You will identify the intent of the Division of Adult Parole Operations in utilizing the Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions tool.
It is the intent of DAPO to utilize COMPAS to take a proactive approach in reducing recidivism by actively addressing the identified criminogenic needs of the offender that ultimately lead them to criminal behavior.
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1.1: You will match the Categories of Supervision with what it is primarily reserved for.
The Transition Phase (TP) -reserved for releases to parole of eligible parolees, and is defined as the parole period immediately following any release. Category A -reserved for the following parolees: Parolees whose risk level includes High Drug, High Property, and High Violence Category B -reserved for parolees whose risk level is defined as moderate with a CSRA score of "2" Category C -reserved for parolees whose risk level is low with a CSRA score of "1" Criterion for Category D -reserved for parolees in custody, gravely ill parolees, or in-custody parolees awaiting further adjudication Specialized GPS Monitoring -reserved for parolees that are assigned to a specialized GPS caseload, meeting the following criteria: -Required to register pursuant to PC Sections 290 through 290.023. -Validated prison gang members or associates as approved by the US -Not to be supervised under CPSRM criterion Specialized Enhanced Outpatient Program This level of supervision includes parolees who are designated as a mental health participant at the level of EOP and meet the following criteria: -Diagnosed with a major mental health disorder requiring services that are more intensive. -Require mental health services provided by a Parole Outpatient Clinic (POC) provider or a community-based treatment program.
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1.2: You will identify the approved Standard caseload ratio.
-Standard caseload ratio shall be 53:1.
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1.3: You will identify the approved Specialized Enhanced Outpatient Program participant caseload ratio.
-The Specialized EOP participant caseload ratio shall be 40:1 (a minimum of 32 cases are required to have an EOP caseload).
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1.4: You will identify the approved Specialized Active Global Positioning System caseload ratio.
-The Specialized Active GPS caseload ratio shall be 20:1.
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1.5: You will identify the approved Specialized Passive Global Positioning System caseload ratio.
-The Specialized Passive GPS caseload ratio shall be 40:1.
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1.6: You will identify the approved re-entry court caseload ratio.
-Re-entry court caseload ratio shall be 48:1.
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1.7: You will identify what needs to be taken into consideration when conducting a Pre-Release Residence Verification.
The residence verification is an opportunity for the PA to become familiar with the proposed residence of the parolee and to determine if the residence will be an appropriate place for the parolee to reside. Applicable registration requirements, general or special conditions of parole or potential victim issues need to be taken into consideration by the PA.
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1.8: You will identify the time frame the parolee must inform the Agent of Record of a change in address.
a parolee must inform their AOR about a change in address at least 72 hours before the address change occurs
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1.9: You will identify what the CDCR Form 1650-D Record of Supervision is utilized for.
The CDCR Form 1650-D Form Record of Supervision is to be utilized to record all case activity and parolee interaction during their parole period.
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1.10: You will identify the time frame to enter all events onto the Record of Supervision.
-ROS entries must be legible and entered within 24 hours of the event.
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1.11: You will identify the three types of interviews following the parolee's release from confinement.
-An initial interview. -A comprehensive interview. -An abbreviated interview.
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1.12: You will identify the primary objective of the Initial Interview.
The primary objective of the Initial Interview is to advise the parolee of their responsibilities while under parole supervision and to determine their case management objectives.
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1.13: You will identify when the Initial Interview should be conducted.
The PA shall conduct the Initial Interview with the parolee on the first working day following the parolee's release.
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1.14: You will identify the four primary objectives of Comprehensive Interview.
-Establish a positive rapport with the parolee. -Inform the parolee of available assistance and services. -Reaffirm the parolee's responsibilities while under parole supervision. -Engage in a discussion with the parolee about their criminogenic needs.
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1.15: You will identify when the Comprehensive Interview shall be conducted.
The AOR shall conduct the Comprehensive Interview with the parolee within 15 working days of the parolee's release.
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1.16: You will identify the necessary steps to conduct an Abbreviated Interview.
-Ensure the parolee is aware of their responsibility to report to their assigned parole unit. -Obtain a photograph of the parolee. -Provide any cash assistance required to facilitate travel to their assigned parole unit. -Submit a CDCR Form 1515 to the parolee to review.
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1.17: You will identify the time frame within which the Initial/Comprehensive interview must be conducted.
PA's initial contact with the parolee, upon release to the community; initial on 1st working day, comprehensive within 15 working days, home visit within 6 working days
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1.18: You will identify the Goals and Progress Report case supervision requirements with its description.
The PA shall use the GPR, CDCR Form 1661, to communicate to the parolee specific goals that should be accomplished during a specified period.
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1.19: You will identify the individual who has significant knowledge of the parolee.
Significant collateral is person who has significant knowledge of the parolee.
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1.20: You will identify the Resource Collateral case supervision requirements with its description.
A resource collateral is a person, group, or organization which assists the parolee in addressing their criminogenic needs. Place an "R" in the Collateral box.
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1.21: You will identify when the CDCR Form 1661 Goals and progress Report shall be provided to the parolee in the transition phase.
Within 15 working days following release
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1.22: You will identify five of the nine tools available to determine criminogenic needs.
-The COMPAS Case Plan. -The Initial Interview conversation. -The comprehensive interview. -The PA's direct observation of the parolee's current criminogenic needs. -The parolee's request for assistance. -Case factors. -Goals in which they are currently working on with an outside entity; i.e., programs, legal mandate, POC clinic, etc. -Special Conditions of Parole requirements. -Parole Agents professional experience
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1.23: You will identify which tool is used to help the parolee define, address, and monitor hours spent and tasks completed to address their criminogenic needs.
The GPR - CDCR Form 1661, Goals/Progress Report
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1.24: You will identify which CDCR form is used to communicate to the parolee specific goals that should be accomplished during a specified period.
The GPR - CDCR Form 1661, Goals/Progress Report
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1.25: You will identify the intent of the Goals and Progress Report.
The intent of the GPR is to provide a tool for both the PA and parolee to use in addressing the parolee's criminogenic needs.
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1.26: You will identify which form the Agent of Record will notate failure or refusal to participate in addressing the parolee's criminogenic needs.
The GPR - CDCR Form 1661, Goals/Progress Report
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1.27: You will identify when the parole agents should provide all active parolees with the CDCR Form 1661.
This form will be provided to all active parolees on a quarterly (calendar year) basis with the exception of those assigned to Category D's
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2.1: You will identify the ratio of positive behaviors to negative behaviors.
If the parolee exhibits positive behavior at a ratio of four positive behaviors to every one negative behavior or four positive behaviors to no negative behavior
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2.2: You will identify the CDCR form that is used to document positive and negative behaviors.
CDCR 1650-D -in the "Other" column of the Record of Supervision (ROS) with a "P" (positive behavior) and a description of the behavior on the right side of the ROS. -Negative behavior exhibited by the parolee will be notated by the AOR in the "Other" column of the ROS with an "N" (negative behavior) and a description of the behavior on the right side of the ROS.
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2.3: You will identify examples of reward/incentives provided by the Agent of Record.
-Verbal recognition -Laudatory comments to family, peers, support systems -Certificate of accomplishment presented by PA -Community celebration
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2.4: You will identify the purpose of the Case Conference Review.
A CCR is an assessment of the progress made in the Case Plan and will review the effectiveness of the current plan to determine necessary modifications.
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2.5: You will identify the CDCR Forms that are used to record Case Conference Reviews.
CDCR Form 1657 and CDCR 1650-D ROS
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2.6: You will identify when the Case Conference Review should be conducted.
Conducted no sooner than 60 days and no later than 90 days after initial release or revocation release date.
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2.7: You will identify who can request an on-going Case Conference Review.
An on-going CCR may be conducted upon the request of the AOR or the US.
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2.8: You will identify the purpose of the abbreviated Case Conference Review Procedures.
to review the effectiveness of the current plan and make a determination for the most suitable supervision category
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2.9: You will identify the definition for Discharge Reviews.
Discharge Review refers to a review of the parolee's criminal history and their adjustment and/or performance while under parole supervision.
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2.10: You will identify what information is included in a Discharge Review Report packet.
-A copy of the CDCR Form 1502 Activity Report -A copy of the POC report dated no more than 60 days prior to the due date of the DRR, if the parolee has a special condition of parole to attend POC -A copy of the Criminal Information and Identification (CI&I) rap sheet not more than 45 days older than the due date of the DRR -A legible copy of the CDCR Form 188, Legal Status Summary -A current and legible copy of the CDCR Form 1244, Violation Disposition Log -A BPH Form 1130, Central Office Calendar Decision
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2.11: You will identify who has final disposition of Lifer parolees.
Final dispositions for all Lifer parolees shall remain with and be rendered by the BPH.
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2.12: You will identify the time frame which parolees are not entitled to a discharge review.
Pursuant to PC section 3001(a), parolees released to State parole with an offense date occurring on or after June 27, 2012 are NOT entitled to a discharge review and therefore will not discharge by operation of law.
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