Comparing Chiura Obata’s “Landslide” and “Sunset Water Tower” Essay Example
Comparing Chiura Obata’s “Landslide” and “Sunset Water Tower” Essay Example

Comparing Chiura Obata’s “Landslide” and “Sunset Water Tower” Essay Example

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Art Paper Comparing Chiura Obata’s “Landslide” and “Sunset Water Tower” Both of these pieces of art illustrate interesting acts of nature; but include a wide variety of different themes and styles. Chiura Obata’s “Landslide” was completed in 1941 and was done with sumi and watercolor on paper.

The colors in this painting are very dark and bold creating a dark and scary theme for the picture. There are a few spots of light in the painting showing where the sun was probably coming through the materials of the landslide. Its orientation is neither horizontal nor vertical, it represents a more circular motion.The “Landslide” has circular patterns and dark splotches. It has implied lines instead of actual lines.

Although “Landslide” and “Sunset Water Tower” were done unnoticeably in the same time period,


the pieces lack strong similarities. “Landslide” is more of an abstract piece for its time. The “Landslide” painting is unique in itself but also shares some characteristics with Chiura Obata’s “Sunset Water Tower. ” This painting is similar in that it was done with watercolor on paper, has a horizontal orientation and was done in the same time period; 1943.This painting differs however with the use of light, colors, use of line and theme.

This painting is of a water tower in the middle of a field, with farms surrounding it and mountains in the background, giving it a variety of landscape. It also has a sunset overtop of the water tower leading into light clouds. Hence the name “Sunset Water Tower. ” The use of line is very noticeable in this painting. “Sunset Water Tower” is more acceptable in which the time period

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it was created. The lines are symmetrical with more use of lighter colors.

This work of art follows on a horizontal line in which one can see because of the sunset. Although, both pieces are from the same time period and are both made from water color, they lack in similarities. “Sunset Water Tower” is a more traditional piece for the time period it was created while “Landslide” is more abstract and unconventional. “Sunset Water Tower” is a landscape piece that creates a calm euphoria while “Landslide” creates a dark hole, almost allowing to produce the piece as scary or angry. “Landslide” uses hints of reds to produce a frustration while “Sunset Water Tower” creates a calm and peaceful scene.

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