Communication and Stakeholder Engagement – Change Management – Flashcards

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What's the definition of a 'Stakeholder' in a change initiative?
"Any Individual or group with an interest in the change or its outcomes" can be individuals, groups, teams or organisations
List the 7 Principles of Stakeholder Engagement? (Patrick Mayfield)
Principle 1: You can forget stakeholders, but they won't forget you Principle 2: Identification is a continuous practice - new stakeholders emerge during the change, old ones can fade away Principle 3: Prioritizing & Segmenting stakeholders is in a moment in time. Regularly re-prioritize Principle 4: Some Stakeholders are best engaged by others Principle 5: Seek first ti understand, and then be understood Principle 6: Emotion trumps reason Principle 7: Demonstration trumps argument
List 4 methods of Identifying Stakeholders
1) IDENTIFICATION WORKSHOP Benefits: - Different opinions, bringing them together to work through it - Can come up with a richer picture of stakeholders - Deal will nervousness due to volume of stakeholders 2) RAPID LISTING > gather core team together > clarify meaning of stakeholder on Change and why it's important that the team doesn't miss anyone > Get individual to make rapid personal list of everyone that can think of - about 3 mins > Pair people off and ask them to compare, adding new stakeholders as they occur > move these pairs into groups of four and repeat > Finally ask whole team to make joint list Benefits: - one of the quickest & strongest approach at the start 3) GROUP MIND MAPS Similar to rapid listing 4) PURPOSEFUL CONVERSATIONS -gain further insights into other stakeholders. -should be a continuous process
What's the benefit of using running an IDENTIFICATION WORKSHOP to identify Change Stakeholders?
IDENTIFICATION WORKSHOP Benefits: - Different opinions, bringing them together to work through it - Can come up with a richer picture of stakeholders - Deal will nervousness due to volume of stakeholders
Why segment Change Stakeholders?
To gain a better understanding of different customers and what Propositions are more likely to appeal to each segment Also helps: > Prioritize stakeholders > Supports further analysis > Identification of engagement principles
CPIG is a form of segmentation, what does it stand for?
How can you summarize a Stakeholder segment and bring to life?
Use of Persona's Benefits: > can offer deeper understanding of the of groups goals and needs as it may be more relatable > avoid humour > help team share specific, consistent understanding of various audience groups > Data about the group can be put into proper context and can be understood and remembered in coherent stories > Proposed solutions can be guided by how well they meet the needs of individual personas. Features can be priortised based on how well they address the needs of one or more personas. > They provide a human FACE as to focus empathy on the personas represented by the demographics
What are the benefits of using Personas to communicate stakeholder segments? (4)
> help team share specific, consistent understanding of various audience groups > Data about the group can be put into proper context and can be understood and remembered in coherent stories > Proposed solutions can be guided by how well they meet the needs of individual personas. Features can be prioritized based on how well they address the needs of one or more personas. > They provide a human FACE as to focus empathy on the personas represented by the demographics
Empathy maps also identify what 8 other aspects of an individual?
Thinking Feeling Seeing Hearing Saying Doing Pain Gain
What models can be used to segment Stakeholders?
1) CPIG (CUSTOMERS | PROVIDERS | INFLUENCERS | GOVERNANCE) 2) Stakeholder rador (Vital, Necessary, Good, Courtesy) 3) Personas 4) Mapping on X (interest in change) and Y (Power/influence) -Influential Observers: keep satisfied -Key players: Engage closely -Spectators: Monitor -Active players: keep informed
What's a Stakeholder Radar?
A form of Stakeholder segmentation. Represented by layers of circles (onions), starting in the middle, and moving to outer layer: V: Vital to engage N: Necessary to engage G: Good to engage C: Courtesy to INFORM
List 3 Basic communication concepts
Push vs Pull: Push - sent in one direction e.g. newsletters, videos Pull - info is available for receiver when ready e.g. intranets Lean vs Rich: Richness has 3 factors: >Interactivity >Multiple cues - e.g. nonverbal body language >Variety & format of communication e.g. videos, charts, pictures Feedback: > allows sender to know when message has been received correctly > created 2 way dialogue > enables receiver to also be involved in the process
What's the AIDA model?
Communications model: ATTENTION: >capture attention >increase awareness >emphasises importance >communication should focus on what and they of change >create sense of urgency >Informing and one-way INTEREST: >People become more interested >Provide more specific information >Use 2 way opportunities so that questions can come out and be answered >Credibility is important so thank about will be the face of the communications DESIRE: >People are starting to think about the change for themselves >The are more open / less resistant >Tell them where they can find out more >Make it easy for them to become involved ACTION: >They are now committed >Encourage more active engagement >More 2 way forms of communications e.g. workshops
List the 6 principles when planning communication to engage stakeholders
1) DON'T WAIT UNTIL FULL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE "better to say we don't know and what you're doing to find out" 2) FOCUS ON 2 WAY FACE-TO-FACE COMMUNICATION WHEN MORE ENGAGEMENT IS REQUIRED "find multiple ways to communication the key messages" - face-to-face discussions as part of the communications approach is excellent to gather feedback and address key concerns 3) CONSIDER THE IMPACT OF CHANGE TO INDIVIDUALS "ensure messages cover people's interests and concerns" - do some initial research 4) TARGET AUDIENCES TO SEGMENT INFORMATION TO AVOID OVERLOAD "identify who wants to know what" 5) ALLOW PLENTY OF TIME "allow sufficient time and support to help people along the change journey" 6) ENCOURAGE FEEDBACK AND ACT ON IT
List 4 key cognitive biases (filtering information)
1) CONFIRMATION BIAS - only paying attention to info that confirms their beliefs and ignore evidence that indicated otherwise. Approach to overcome: # communicate reasons and show objectives. Include losses and problems that will be avoided by changing # Engage in discussions so they have opportunity to develop new insights about the situation # Repeatedly communicate compelling vision which engages hearts and minds 2) STATUS QUO BIAS: -preference to keep things the way they are and avoid change Approach to overcome: # Ensure to communicate what will stay the same as well as whats changing # Indicate the practical next steps and continue to communicate a compelling vision 3) AVAILABILITY BIAS: -tendency to perceive the more memorable or easily available information as the most significant e.g. one aspect of system not working and concluding the whole thing was bad Approach to overcome: -Communicate when and how specific issues raised are being dealt with. -Frequently highlight and share success stories, making them visible and easily accessible 4) BANDWAGON EFFECT: -the more people come to believe something, the more others want to. Approach to overcome: -start communicating success stories early -get others involved in communicating these messages
Name the Bias "only paying attention to info that confirms their beliefs and ignore evidence that indicated otherwise. "
CONFIRMATION BIAS - only paying attention to info that confirms their beliefs and ignore evidence that indicated otherwise. Approach to overcome: # communicate reasons and show objectives. Include losses and problems that will be avoided by changing # Engage in discussions so they have opportunity to develop new insights about the situation # Repeatedly communicate compelling vision which engages hearts and minds
Name the Bias "preference to keep things the way they are and avoid change"
STATUS QUO BIAS: -preference to keep things the way they are and avoid change Approach to overcome: # Ensure to communicate what will stay the same as well as whats changing # Indicate the practical next steps and continue to communicate a compelling vision
Name the Bias "tendency to perceive the more memorable or easily available information as the most significant"
AVAILABILITY BIAS: -tendency to perceive the more memorable or easily available information as the most significant e.g. one aspect of system not working and concluding the whole thing was bad Approach to overcome: -Communicate when and how specific issues raised are being dealt with. -Frequently highlight and share success stories, making them visible and easily accessible
4 steps Communications strategy
STRATEGY: Set out overall objectives, audiences, key messages and approaches PLAN: Set out how to implement the Strategy: Who will deliver, what, when, how and to who. ACTION: Carry out activities according to the planned schedule. MEASURE : Evaluate Effectiveness of Communication efforts throughout
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