Chapter 4 Health Psychology Multiple Choice – Flashcards

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Health behaviors are influenced by a. Knowledge of the health consequences of one's behaviors. b. Access to health care. c. Friends, peer groups and family members. d. All of the above
d. All of the above
Which of the following is NOT a theoretical model used by health psychologists to explain or predict health behaviors? a. Global Health Care Theory b. Theory of Planned Behavior c. Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change d. Expectancy Value Theory
a. Global Health Care Theory
Theodore uses a combination of many different models to explain or predict health behaviors. He is using a _____ model. a. Systematized b. Global c. Blended d. Varied
c. Blended
The _____ approach to understanding health behaviors includes individual, cultural and social networks, and environmental contributions. a. Ecological b. Psychological c. Sociological d. Biological
a. Ecological
The Expectancy Value Theory (EVT) was developed by a. Hippocrates b. Fishbein c. Palmgreen d. Freud
b. Fishbein
According to the Expectancy Value Theory (EVT), _____ forces motivate behavior. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
a. 2
Which of the following statements is TRUE in reference to Expectancy Value Theory (EVT)? a. Three forces motivate behavior. b. Every behavior has a consequence. c. Only positive values are assigned to behavioral outcomes. d. The EVT was developed by Sigmund Freud.
b. Every behavior has a consequence
The consequences of behavior and the value assigned to the behavior are based on _____ experiences with the behavior and its outcome. a. Individual b. Family c. Cultural d. Ethnic
a. Individual
Renee enjoys smoking and assigns her smoking behavior a "positive" value based on the fact that she engages in this behavior whenever she is with her friends. According to the Expectancy Value Theory (EVT), Renee is most likely to a. Seek professional help to stop smoking. b. Continue smoking. c. Cut back on her smoking due to the risks associated with this behavior. d. None of the above
b. Continue smoking.
The Expectancy Value Theory (EVT) describes a _____ process. a. Genetic b. Cognitive c. Systematic d. Global
b. Cognitive
One of the drawbacks of the Expectancy Value Theory (EVT) is that a. It does not take into account individual factors on health behaviors. b. It only measures positive values attributed to health behaviors. c. It does not take into account social influences on health behaviors. d. It is designed to measure peer group influences but not familial influences on health behaviors.
c. It does not take into account social influences on health behaviors.
Matching Law was created to a. Address one of the limitations of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). b. Address one of the limitations of the Expectancy Value Theory (EVT). c. Measure the effects of peer group influences on health outcomes. d. Measure the effects of individual influences on health outcomes.
b. Address one of the limitations of the Expectancy Value Theory (EVT).
Edward has smoked for over 15 years. He has recently joined a basketball league and his smoking has caused him to have breathing problems when he runs. Edward has determined that the reinforcement of playing basketball with his friends outweighs the reinforcement of smoking. According to the _____, Edward will choose the alternate behavior of playing basketball. a. Expectancy Value Theory with Matching Law b. Planned Theory of Behavior c. Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change d. Social Cognitive Theory
Expectancy Value Theory with Matching Law
Social Cognitive Theory and the_____ incorporate several of the concepts of the Expectancy Value Theory (EVT) into their model of health behaviors. a. Health Belief Model b. Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change c. Theory of Planned Behavior d. Ecological Theory of Behavior
c. Theory of Planned Behavior
Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) was developed by a. Fishbein. b. Bandura. c. Sallis. d. Rovniak.
b. Bandura.
According to the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), _____ are essential to the acquisition and regulation of behaviors. a. Peer groups b. Ecological groups c. Physiological measurements d. Cognitive processes
d. Cognitive processes
Tamika touched a hot stove and quickly withdrew her hand in pain. According to the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), the consequences of touching the hot stove were conveyed through _____ experience. a. Direct b. Vicarious c. Persuasory d. Inferred
a. Direct
Bandura theorized that consequences are communicated through response information cues in all but the following ways: a. Direct experiences b. Vicarious experiences c. Judgments by others d. Reciprocal determinism
d. Reciprocal determinism
_____ experiences occur when a person learns by observing another's encounters. a. Reciprocal b. Direct c. Vicarious d. Persuasory
c. Vicarious
Learning by adhering to another's judgments about specific behaviors is called a. Inferred learning. b. Persuasory learning. c. Vicarious learning. d. Direct learning.
b. Persuasory learning.
____ is learning that originated from a person's own knowledge. a. Vicarious learning b. Inferred learning c. Direct learning d. Indirect learning
b. Inferred learning
Jody believes her actions of dieting will produce her expected outcomes of losing weight. This belief is related to the concept of a. Self-efficacy. b. Persuasory learning. c. Reciprocal determinism. d. Influential behaviors.
a. Self-efficacy.
____ is defined as a person's judgment about their ability to perform a task. a. Magnitude b. Reciprocal determinism c. Self-efficacy d. Persuasory learning
c. Self-efficacy
Cheyenne believes she will do very well on her biology test. Cheyenne most likely has a. High self-efficacy b. Low self-efficacy c. No self-efficacy d. Varied self-efficacy
a. High self-efficacy
Which of the following is NOT a dimension of efficacy expectations? a. Magnitude b. Interference c. Generality d. Strength
b. Interference
The level of mastery needed to accomplish a specific task is called a. Magnitude. b. Self-efficacy. c. Generality. d. Interference.
c. Generality.
The primary limitation of the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) is that a. It does not include vicarious learning. b. It is too focused on cognitions. c. It does not take peer group influences into consideration. d. It is unable to test for reciprocal determinism.
d. It is unable to test for reciprocal determinism.
Reciprocal determinism involves _____ variables. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
b. 3
Which of the following variables is NOT a factor of reciprocal determinism? a. Self-efficacy b. Environmental events c. Behaviors d. Personal factors
a. Self-efficacy
The _____ states that an individual's behavior is determined by their intentions. a. Expectancy Value Theory (EVT) b. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) c. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) d. Theory of Learned Behaviors (TLB)
b. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
What are "subjective norms"? a. A person's belief in their abilities to perform a given task b. A person's belief about what others think of his/her own behavior c. A person's belief that learned behavioral consequences guide behavior d. None of the above
b. A person's belief about what others think of his/her own behavior
Mel's behaviors tend to be shaped by his parents' thoughts and beliefs. Which theoretical perspective is used to explain this concept? a. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) b. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) c. Expectancy Value Theory (EVT) d. Reciprocal Determinism Theory (RDT)
b. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. Research supporting the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) focuses on the actual behaviors of the individual rather than predictions. b. Subjective norms are considered unimportant in the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). c. The Expectancy Value Theory (EVT) is the primary model of health behaviors used in psychology. d. Support for the Theory of Reasoned Action is mixed.
d. Support for the Theory of Reasoned Action is mixed.
Criticisms of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) include the fact that a. The theory cannot explain addictive behaviors. b. The theory identifies subjective norms as factors influencing behaviors. c. The theory does not consider the effects of attitudes on behaviors. d. The theory does not address group influences.
a. The theory cannot explain addictive behaviors.
Behaviors that are under a person's control are called a. Vicarious acts. b. Inferred behaviors. c. Volitional acts. d. Nonvolitional acts.
c. Volitional acts.
Who proposed the Theory of Planned Behaviors? a. Fishbein b. Ajzen c. Bandura d. Ling
b. Ajzen
The concept of _____ is used to account for nonvolitional actions. a. Vicarious learning b. Reciprocal determinism c. Perceived behavioral control d. Subjective norms
c. Perceived behavioral control
The Theory of Planned Behaviors (TPB) is a revision of which theory? a. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) b. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) c. Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TMC) d. Health Belief Model (HBM)
b. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
A study of adherence to treatment regimens for diabetes and hypertension among South Africans (Kagee & Van der Merwe; 2006) found that _____ was one of the strongest predictors of behavioral outcomes. a. Attitude b. Perceived behavioral control c. Subjective norms d. All of the above
d. All of the above
The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) identify _____ and _____ as two constructs that contribute to the explanation of behavior. a. Attitude; subjective norms b. Attitude; peer influences c. Perceived behavioral control; attitude d. Subjective norms; perceived behavioral control
a. Attitude; subjective norms
The Health Belief Model (HBM) was designed to a. Measure one's level of self-efficacy as it relates to health behaviors. b. Assist with the creation and implementation of health policies. c. Explore the effects of individual and peer influences on health behaviors. d. Examine motivational factors associated with health behaviors.
d. Examine motivational factors associated with health behaviors.
The Health Belief Model (HBM) was introduced in a. 1970. b. 1974. c. 1982. d. 1990.
b. 1974.
Rosenstock introduced the Health Behavior Model (HBM) to understand a. Why and under what conditions a person uses preventative health services. b. Why an individual engages in addictive behaviors and how preventative health services assist with addiction treatment. c. How spontaneous or habitual behaviors affect one's use of health services. d. How subjective norms play a role in health behaviors.
a. Why and under what conditions a person uses preventative health services.
Which of the following is an example of a "preventative health service"? a. Well-care medical visits b. Seeking dental care for a toothache c. Making an appointment with the physician to determine the cause of a long-term respiratory problem d. None of the above
a. Well-care medical visits
The Health Belief Model (HBM) seeks to explain health behaviors of persons who believe they are a. Unhealthy. b. Healthy. c. Disease-stricken. d. Mentally ill.
b. Healthy.
The central concepts of the Health Belief Model (HBM) were derived from the work of a. Hippocrates. b. Sigmund Freud. c. Albert Bandura. d. Kurt Lewin.
d. Kurt Lewin.
According to the _____, one's "subjective frame of reference" is an essential component to understanding health behaviors a. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) b. Expectancy Value Theory (EVT) c. Health Belief Model (HBM) d. Theory of Planned Behaviors (TPB)
c. Health Belief Model (HBM)
Which of the following is NOT a key concept used with the Health Belief Model (HBM) to explain health behaviors? a. Perceived benefits b. Perceived susceptibility c. Perceived behavioral control d. Perceived barriers
c. Perceived behavioral control
The notion of _____ was eventually added to the Health Belief Model (HBM) as the 6th concept used to explain health behaviors. a. Reciprocal determinism b. Self-efficacy c. Subjective norm d. Vicarious learning
b. Self-efficacy
Perceived susceptibility and perceived _____ contribute to one's perceived threat of disease. a. Benefits b. Self-efficacy c. Severity d. Barriers
c. Severity
According to the Health Belief Model (HBM), _____ and _____ affect the likelihood of a person taking action against a disease. a. Perceived susceptibility; perceived severity b. Perceived benefits; perceived barriers c. Perceived behavioral control; perceived severity d. Perceived benefits; perceived behavioral control
b. Perceived benefits; perceived barriers
Health psychologists are interested in measuring the degree to which Marco feels at risk for catching the H1N1 virus. Health psychologists are therefore interested in Marco's a. Perceived severity. b. Perceived susceptibility. c. Perceived self-efficacy. d. Perceived barriers.
b. Perceived susceptibility.
Perceived severity is a(n) _____ value. a. Subjective b. Objective c. Scientific d. Ecological
a. Subjective
Perceived severity is shaped by the perceived impact of the disease on the person's life and a. The person's medical knowledge. b. The person's access to health care. c. The person's emotional response to the illness. d. The person's risk factors for developing the illness.
c. The person's emotional response to the illness.
Which of the following statements is TRUE in reference to perceived benefits and perceived barriers? a. They both help individuals recognize the symptoms related to an illness. b. They both help an individual understand the best method of treatment for an illness. c. They both help an individual gauge how severe their illness is. d. They both help individuals transition from potential to actual behavioral change.
d. They both help individuals transition from potential to actual behavioral change.
What type of unanticipated barrier did Pendry (2001) discover in the research conducted on South African villagers who were given HIV tests? a. Increased anxiety b. Stigma c. Lowered self-efficacy d. Depression
b. Stigma
Janz and Becker (1984) conducted a review to test the explanatory power of the Health Belief Model (HBM) and found a. Strong evidence to support 3 of the 4 constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM). b. Strong evidence to support all 4 of the constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM). c. No evidence to support any of the 4 constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM). d. Mild evidence to support 1 of the 4 constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM).
a. Strong evidence to support 3 of the 4 constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM).
According to the research conducted on the effectiveness of the Health Belief Model (Janz and Becker; 1984), _____ were found to be the strongest of the 4 constructs in explaining "sick role behaviors." a. Perceived treatments b. Perceived actions c. Perceived benefits d. Perceived barriers
d. Perceived barriers
____ contributes the least to explaining health behaviors (Janz & Becker; 1984). a. Perceived benefits b. Perceived severity c. Perceived treatments d. Perceived susceptibility
b. Perceived severity
Which of the following may be considered a barrier to performing a health behavior? a. Money b. Stigma c. Loss of social standing d. All of the above
d. All of the above
Under which conditions do cues to action prompt an individual to act? a. The individual perceives they are susceptible to disease. b. The individual negatively views the benefits of action. c. The individual views the disease as short-term. d. The individual identifies many barriers to action.
a. The individual perceives they are susceptible to disease.
Research conducted by Walter et al. (1993; 1992) on the role of self-efficacy in engaging in preventative HIV/AIDS risk behaviors of teens concluded that self-efficacy is important for performing a behavior; however a. It does not improve help-seeking behaviors. b. It can be undermined by substance use. c. It was an inconclusive finding for females. d. All of the above
b. It can be undermined by substance use.
The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM) explains behavioral change as a(n) ____ rather than a(n) _____. a. Process; event b. Event; process c. Benefit; barrier d. Barrier; benefit
a. Process; event
The Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change (TTM) is a _____ model. a. Sociological b. Stage c. Systemic d. Varied
b. Stage
Prochaska and DiClemente's Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change (TTM) states that people must move through _____ stages to obtain successful behavioral change. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
d. 5
Which stage of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change is characterized as the "not ready for change" stage? a. The precontemplative stage b. The contemplative stage c. The action stage d. The preparation for action stage
a. The precontemplative stage
Annette is thinking about quitting smoking; however, she hasn't taken any formal action to do so. Based on the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change (TTM), Annette is in the _____ stage. a. Precontemplative b. Contemplative c. Action d. Maintenance
b. Contemplative
The _____ stage signals a readiness to change behaviors. a. Action b. Maintenance c. Contemplative d. Preparation for action
d. Preparation for action
Which stage requires constant monitoring and attention to the new behavior? a. Action b. Preparation for action c. Maintenance d. Contemplative
a. Action
Approximately how long does the action stage last before an individual moves to the next stage of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change (TTM)? a. 1 month b. 3 months c. 6 months d. 1 year
c. 6 months
June is finishing the action stage of change, which means she will most likely be transitioning into the _____ stage. a. Contemplative b. Maintenance c. Recidivism d. Preparation
b. Maintenance
The regression to old behaviors is called a. Precontemplation. b. Determinism. c. Recidivism. d. Preparation for action.
c. Recidivism.
The _____ stage is not considered a formal stage of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change. a. Precontemplative b. Contemplative c. Action d. Recidivism
d. Recidivism
What is the goal of social marketing? a. To help individuals improve their lives through the use of tangible goods. b. To produce social change by causing outcomes that will benefit the individual and society. c. To prevent recidivism in behaviors. d. To encourage the exploration of various treatment options for illnesses.
b. To produce social change by causing outcomes that will benefit the individual and society.
Which of the following examples demonstrates how social marketing enhances health behaviors? a. Encouraging energy reduction in the United States b. Improving mother-to-child nutrition c. Implementing intervention programs on hypertension d. All of the above
d. All of the above
Social marketing campaigns emphasize a. Results. b. Treatment options. c. Socioeconomic factors. d. Choices.
a. Results.
Which of the following is NOT a marketing principle used with social marketing? a. Perception b. Promotion c. Place d. Price
a. Perception
The selection of a target audience who will be the intended recipient of a health behavior message is called a. Market audience. b. Market selection. c. Market segmentation. d. Market variation.
c. Market segmentation.
Social marketing differs from commercial marketing in that a. Commercial marketers sell intangible products. b. Commercial marketers are not concerned about advertising. c. Social marketers do not have a tangible product to sell. d. Social marketing and commercial marketing are one in the same.
c. Social marketers do not have a tangible product to sell.
In order to reinforce positive behavior, social marketing must a. Associate an intangible concept with a tangible symbol that represents the concept. b. Associate a tangible symbol with one's socioeconomic status. c. Use a large target audience. d. Provide tangible rewards as reinforcement for positive behavior.
a. Associate an intangible concept with a tangible symbol that represents the concept.
Which of the following would be a good example of a tangible symbol used in social marketing? a. A poster with a logo representing a health care campaign b. A token of appreciation for participating in a research study c. A pat on the back for work well done d. A voice mail message reminding participants about an upcoming health care campaign
a. A poster with a logo representing a health care campaign
In social marketing, _____ is a location for accessing the tools needed to perform a new behavior. a. Price b. Place c. Performance d. Product
b. Place
The place that distributes a product in social marketing is called the a. Distribution site. b. Distribution channel. c. Acquisition area. d. Product site.
b. Distribution channel.
Pairing a social marketing program with the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change (TTM) is an example of a _____ model. a. Associated b. Recruitment c. Blended d. Detailed
c. Blended
The Public Access to Defibrillation (PAD) Trials Study found that residents called the on-site trained volunteers for _____ of the cardiac arrest incidences. a. 25% b. 30% c. 48% d. 78%
a. 25%
Which of the following is a reason given for the lower success rate of social marketing when compared to commercial marketing? a. Social marketers have the disadvantage of immediate gratification. b. Commercial marketers have the advantage of impulse. c. Social marketers are generally not as well-trained as commercial marketers. d. Commercial marketers use intangible objects to sell their products.
b. Commercial marketers have the advantage of impulse.
The Social Ecological Health Model states that a. Socioeconomic status is the primary component of health outcomes. b. Communities have little, if any, influence on individual health outcomes. c. Individual health outcomes are influenced by the individual alone. d. Individual health outcomes are influenced by factors that include, but are not limited to, the individual.
d. Individual health outcomes are influenced by factors that include, but are not limited to, the individual
According to research conducted by VanDervanter et al. (2005), adolescent males were _____ likely to use health care services than girls. a. Significantly more b. Slightly more c. Significantly less d. Slightly less
c. Significantly less
Larry has taken action to obtain guidance about smoking-cessation programs. This is considered a a. Health-seeking behavior. b. Health care solution. c. Health influence. d. None of the above
a. Health-seeking behavior.
Sanden, Larson, and Erikson (2000) concluded that men are less likely to seek health care because a. They did not recognize their symptoms. b. They ignored the symptoms hoping they would go away. c. They were concerned they would appear non-masculine if they sought medical care. d. All of the above
d. All of the above
Which of the following statements about gender behaviors is TRUE? a. Men and women engage in health seeking behaviors equally. b. Men tend to have longer life expectancies than do women. c. Women report more frequent absences from work due to sickness than do men. d. None of the above
c. Women report more frequent absences from work due to sickness than do men.
Research conducted by Kropp and Halpern-Felsher (2004) found that a. Adolescents believed it would be easier to quit smoking when using "light" versus regular cigarettes. b. Adolescents understood that "light" cigarettes weren't any better than regular ones. c. Adolescents reported fewer respiratory problems when smoking "light" cigarettes. d. Adolescents reported a decrease in smoking after they learned about the harmful effects of "light" cigarettes.
a. Adolescents believed it would be easier to quit smoking when using "light" versus regular cigarettes.
Studies have shown that adult smokers who are the most misinformed about the risks of smoking are a. Ages 45 and older. b. More likely to smoke ultra-light cigarettes. c. Lower in education. d. All of the above
d. All of the above
According to research conducted on barriers to health care access for Latinos (Flores & Vega; 1998), which of the following is TRUE? a. Mothers were more likely to seek medical care for their children. b. The use of cultural healers may affect the likelihood of a parent seeking medical care for their child. c. Parents feared the use of modern medicine. d. All of the above
b. The use of cultural healers may affect the likelihood of a parent seeking medical care for their child.
____ is the adoption of the behaviors and values of a majority group on health behavior. a. Acculturation b. Assimilation c. Adaptation d. Acquisition
a. Acculturation
Joseph, Muggli, and Pearson (2005) documented a 10-year campaign by cigarette manufacturers to promote tobacco use among a. Adolescent females. b. U.S. military personnel. c. High-school teachers. d. African-American males.
b. U.S. military personnel.
The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts are administered by the a. Federal Drug Administration. b. Department of Homeland Security. c. Individual state governments. d. Environmental Protection Agency.
d. Environmental Protection Agency.
What is the Kyoto Protocol? a. A protocol designed to monitor cigarette manufacturing plants. b. A subdivision of the Clean Water Act. c. An international agreement between nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. d. A document created by the Environmental Protection Agency.
c. An international agreement between nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Why did the U.S. Congress create the Superfund? a. To clean up hazardous waste sites. b. To implement the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. c. To fund greenhouse emission studies. d. To ensure money was available for research studies on environmental contaminants.
a. To clean up hazardous waste sites.
Ragin et al. (2005) reported that for some individuals, _____ was their regular source of care. a. The walk-in clinic b. The hospital c. The health department d. The school nurse
b. The hospital
Which of the following is identified as a main reason for patients seeking emergency medical treatment? a. Affordability b. Dislike of their primary care physician c. Inability to obtain a same-day appointment with their primary care physician d. None of the above
a. Affordability
Environmental tobacco smoke is the _____ leading cause of preventable deaths due to heart disease in the U.S. a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th
c. 3rd
The changes in school lunch menus and vending machines in New York City public schools were the result of a study conducted on a. Obesity and diabetes. b. Nutritional guidelines in schools. c. Exercise and nutrition. d. Nutritional choices of school-aged children.
a. Obesity and diabetes.
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