Chapter 4 AP Psych – Flashcards

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every external influence, from maternal nutrition while in the womb to social support while nearing the tomb nuture part of nurture and nature
behaviour geneticists
study our differences and weight the effects and interplay of heredity and environment explores the genetic and environmental roots of human difference
biochemical units of heredity segment of DNA capable of synthesizing a protein small segment of the giant DNA molecule expressed of inactive environmental events turn on these genes, and when turned on, genes provide code for creating protein molecules- body's building block traits are influenced by this intelligence, happiness, aggressiveness -----self regulating rather than acting as blueprints, genes react (to experiences cues), genes interact (environments trigger gene activity and genetically influenced traits evoke significant responses in others)
evocative interactions
genetically influenced traits evoke significant responses in others identical twins in different families recall parent's warmth similarly fraternal twins in same family recall childhood differently
how to scientifically test apart influences of environment and heredity
1.- control home environment while varying heredity 2.- control heredity while varying home environment
identical twin qualification
same genes, but not always the same number of copies of those genes -----helps explain why 1 twin is more at risk to illness than the other most share a placenta but ⅓ sets have 2 separate placenta -----1 may be bigger than the other- contribute to difference between them
fraternal twin
separate dizygotic fertilized eggs share a fetal environment genetically no more similar than ordinary brothers and sisters
identical twin behaviours
if one twin has alzheimer's, 60% other does -----fraternal twin- 30% risk neuroticism (emotional instability) and extraversion is more similar in identical twins if one fraternal twin has a divorce, 1.6 times more likely to get divorced than if your twin was not divorced -----5.5 times in identical twins -----so divorce risks are about 50% attributable to genetic factors treated more alike -----and even if treated differently, they are still psychologically alike
separated twins overview
similarities in tastes, physical attributes, personality- characteristics patterns in thinking, feeling, acting, abilities, attitudes, interests, fears separated twins are more alike if genetically identical than if fraternal separations after birth do not amplify personality differences similarities still hold true if they were raised together or not keep in mind: plural anecdote is not data -----control: 2 random people with similar age, sex, ethnicity, economic and cultural background -----but separate fraternal twins do not exhibit similarities compared to identical twins
what clouds separated twin data
reunion of twins before tested identical twins share appearance and responses it evokes adoption agencies tend to place separated twins in similar homes despite criticism, helps shift scientific thinking toward greater appreciation of genetic influences
adoption's 2 groups
environment relatives -----adoptive parents and siblings genetic relatives -----biological parents and siblings so are adopted kids more like their parents or their biological ones?
finding of adoption;s experimental
related or not, people who grow up together don't resemble one another in personality extraversion, agreeableness- adoptees are more like biological parents the environment shared by a family's children has no impact on their personalities 2 adopted children in similar home= not more likely to be similar in personality
why are children of the same family so different?
don't know yet
adoptive parenting
minimal shared environment effect, but makes adoption still okay genes may limit family environment's influence on personality but parents still influence children's -----attitudes, values, manners, faith and politics pair of adopted children/identical twins will -----especially in adolescence, have more similar religious beliefs if reared together child neglect, abuse and parental divorce are rarer -----adoptive parents are carefully screened
adopted kids
adoptive children thrive ⅞ feel attached a lot to adoptive parents kids score higher on intelligence tests than biological parents grow up to be more self giving and caring than average more happier and more stable adults regardless of personality difference between parents and adoptive, most children benefit from adoption
person's characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity hereditarily predisposed emotional excitability some infants are more reactive, intense, fidgety others are easygoing, quiet, placid
types of babies
difficult, easy, slow to warm up
difficult babies
more irritable, intense, unpredictable
easy babies
cheerful, relaxes, predictable in feeding and sleeping
slow to warm up infants
resist or withdraw from new people and situations temperament differences persist
babies emotion reflecting emotions in later life
most emotionally reactive newborns tend to be most reactive 9 month old exceptionally inhibited 2 year olds will be still shy at 8, and be introverted adolescents intense preschoolers- intense young adults -----remain reactive, impulsive, aggressive, conflict-prone
genetic effect on bodies
genetic effects appear in physiological differences anxious babies- highly variable, reactive nervous system new/strange situation- more physiologically aroused one gene that regulates serotonin predisposes a fearful temperament in combination with unsupporting caregiving, and inhibited child biologically rooted temperament help form personality
molecular genetics
seeks to identify specific genes influencing behaviour "bottom-up" goal: to find some of the many genes that together make traits like body weight, secual orientation and extraversion studies molecular structure and function of genes
genes and traits
most human traits are influenced by genes heredity influences weight, but no single obesity gene some genes influence how quickly you feel full others say how much fuel muscle needs, calories burnt by fidgeting, body converts calories into fat
genetic test and disease
can reveal at-risk populations for diseases researchers are looking for genes that put people at risk for genetically influenced disorders like learning disability, depression, schizophrenia, alcohol dependence to tease out genes, molecular geneticists find families with disorders in several generations -----draw blood, or take cheek swabs from both affected and unaffected family members -----examine DNA , looking for difference -----potential of DNA- predict risk so steps can be taken to prevent them
prenatal screening
can give potential parents readout of features genes from normal pattern ethical dilemmas -----lead to discrimination -----selective abortions - millions of missing women
extent to which variation among individuals can be attributed to differing genes proportion of variance among individuals that we can attribute to genes heritability of a trait may depend on range of populations and environments only means that differences among people are attributable to their genes those who study this try to determine how much of our individual variation in that trait is form our genes
heredity and environment
heredity becomes more important as environments become more similar source of differences- become important differences due to environment decrease as heritability would increase -----if all schools, families, neighborhoods were the same heritability will be lower if -----all people has similar heredities but raised in drastically different environments
genetic differences to groups
can't extend group differences but can explain individual differences heritable individual differences do not imply heritable group differences
biological mechanism that enables our developed diversity
new field studying the molecular mechanisms by which environments trigger genetic expression genes have the potential to influence development, environmental triggers can switch them on or off
epigenetic mark-
organic methyl molecule attached to part of DNA strand, instructs cell to ignore any gene present in that DNA stretch, preventing DNA from producing protein coded by that gene -----regulates gene expression environmental factors like diet, drugs and stress can affect the epigenetic molecules people who committed suicide exhibit the same epigenetic effect they suffered from child abuse
Nature and nurture
nature via nurture
Evolutionary Psychologists
focus on what makes us so much alike as humans study of evolution of behaviour and the mind, using principles of natural selection use darwin's natural selection to understand the roots of behaviour and mental processes shows us how we came to be, and not necessarily how we ought to be can't explain same sex attraction or suicide
natural selection
varied offspring compete for survival certain biological and behavioural variation increase their reproductive and survival chances in their environment offspring survive- more likely to pass genes over time, population characteristics ,au change
the interplay that occurs when the effect of one factor such as environment, depends on another factor, such as heredity
fox experiment
wildfox- weary, unfriendly Russian DMitry Belyaev and lyudmila trut wanted to find how human ancestors domesticated dogs started with 30 males, 100 females from offspring, took the tamest 5% of males and 20% of females after more than 30 generations, 40 years, 45,000 foxes later, bred foxes that were domesticated poor research institute sold the foxes as house pets
traits selected
traits that are selected confer a reproductive advantage on an individual or species will prevail animal breeding experiments manipulate genetic selection breed animals to be different things success enhancing genes are selected -----those whose mating helped them reproduce -----women who were predisposed to avoid bitter foods (often toxic to baby development)
random errors in gene replication
human shared behavioral and biological similarities
arise from shared human genome our common genetic profile no more than 5% of our genetic differences among humans are from population group differences 95% of genetic variation- exists within populations
what if everybody dies except for 2 villages in kenya and iceland?
typical genetic differences between 2 icelandic villagers or between 2 kenyans is much greater than the average difference between the 2 groups so if only icelanders or kenyans survive, the human species would only suffer a trivial reduction in its genetic diversity
universal moral grammar
across cultures all respond negatively when asked -----if a lethal gas is leaking into a vent and headed toward a room with 7 people. is it okay to push someone in a vent, killing 1? all respond more approvingly when asked -----is it okay to allow someone to fall into a vnet, again sacrificing one life but saving 7 our shared moral instincts survive from a distant past where direct harm doing was punished
are behaviours are predisposed to do
behave in ways that promoted our ancestor's surviving and reproducing but in some ways, we are biologically prepared for a world that no longer exists we love the taste of sweets and fats which prepared our ancestors surviving and reproducing -----but we get food from vending machines, stores and fast food outlets -----famine is rare in the west, so there's obesity problem -----our natural dispositions are mismatches with today's junk food environment
second darwinian revolution
the application of evolutionary principles to psychology
behaviour geneticists and evolutionary psychologist difference
behaviour- interesting in finding differences in our behaviour evolutionary psychologist- interested in exploring our commonalities
biologically and socially influenced characteristics by which people define male and female
gender similarities
eat the same food, avoid same predators, perceive learn and remember similarly only in those domains where we have faces differing adaptive challenges that we differ in, from evolutionary psychologists
the largest gender differences in sexuality
men -----think more about sex, masturbates more, initiates more sex, and views more pornography with few exceptions anywhere in the world -----males are more likely than females to initiate sex college aged men -----think that its okay to have sex if 2 people like each other, even if they've known each other for a short time -----enjoying casual sex with different partners college aged women -----preferred planned dating casual impulsive sex is most frequent among males with traditional masculine attitudes
gay couples and lesbian couples
gay men report more interest in uncommitted sex, more responsive to visual sexual stimuli, more concerned with their partner's looks than do lesbian women gay couples have more sex than lesbian more lesbians than gays got married after 1st year of vermont's same sex unions -----even though men were ⅔ of the gay population
men and women's sexuality
more women than men cited affection as a reason for 1st intercourse more men than women thought of sex everyday or several times a day men have lower threshold for perceiving warm responses as a sexual come-on more men that women attribute a woman's friendliness to sexual interest misattributing women's cordiality as a come-on explains men's greater sexual assertiveness
why women's approach to sex is more relational and men's recreational
while a women incubates and nurses one infant at a time, a male can spread his genes through other females out natural yearnings are our gene's way of reproducing themselves women pair wisely, men pair widely
what do straight men find attractive in a mate
woman's youthful appearance, cross place and time men are drawn to healthy, fertile appearing women -----smooth skin and youthful shape stood a better chance of sending their genes into the future men like women whose waists are ⅓ narrower than their hips -----future sign of fertility men like women at fertile age -----why teen boys like women several years older -----why men in mid twenties prefer women of same age -----why older men prefer younger women
what do straight women find attractive in a mate
prefer stick-around dads attracted to men who seem mature, dominant, bold, affluent, potential for long term mating and investment in joint offspring men rated women as equally attractive in poor cars and expensive cars -----but women found men in expensive car more attractive women chose which men like looking at baby pictures -----and rated them as higher potential long term mates -----those show a man's capacity to support and protect a family
how do evolutionary psychologists explain gender differences in sexuality
they theorize that women that have inherited their ancestors tendencies to be cautious sexually, because of the challenges associated with being pregnant and raising children men have inherited inclination to be more casual about sex, because their act of fathering requires a smaller investment
what are 3 main criticisms of evolutionary explanation of human sexuality
1- its starts with an effect (such as the gender sexuality difference) and works backward to propose an explanation 2- unethical and immoral men could use these explanations to rationalize their behaviour toward women -----can be used to explain why rich men marry many young fertile women 3- this explanation may overlook the effects of cultural and socialization -----cultures with a lot of gender inequality show men desiring youth and domestic skill in women and women seeking status and money -----cultures with gender equality in smaller gender differences in mate preferences
men and women difference summary
far more alike than different humans have a great capacity for learning and social progress cultures cary, cultures change,and cultural expectations can bend the genders socialised to value longlife commitment partner- sexually bond with one partner socialised to accept casual sec, women may have many partners
what evolutionary psychologists have predicted and confirmed
we tend to favor others to the extent they share our genes or can later return our favors human memory should be well suited to retaining survival relevant information -----food location, which females exhibit superiority many male and female mating strategies
genes and brains
genes dictate our overall brain architecture but experience fills in the details, developing neural connections and preparing our brain for thought and language and other later experiences rats living in enriched environment, which stimulates a natural environment, usually developed a heavier and thicker brain cortex ------after 60 days in enriched environments, the rat's brains weights increased 7-10% and number of synapses increased 20% stimulations of touch or massage benefited rats and premature babies ------develop faster neurologically and gain weight more rapidly for both
pruning process
our experiences trigger this after brain maturation provides us with an abundance of neural connections sights, smells. touches and tugs activate and strengthen connections unused neural pathways weaken popular tracks are broadened and less traveled ones gradually disappear the result by puberty is a massive loss of unemployed connections
early childhood learning
while excess connections are still on call can easily master skills as grammar and accent of another language lack exposure to language before adolescence, a person will never master any language lashing visual experience during early years. those whose vision is restored by cataract removal never achieve normal perception ------brain cells normally assigned to vision have died or been diverted to other uses
brain's maturing rule
use it or lose it
do parents matter on children
matter. power of parenting is clearest at the extremes ------abused children become more abusive ------neglected ones become neglectful ------loved but firmly handled who become self confident and socially competent power of family environment appears in remarkable academic and vocational success
personality of a child
shared environmental influences from the womb onward account for less than 10% of the children's difference 2 children in the same family are personality wise as different from one another as are pairs of children selected randomly kids are not easily sculpted by parental nurture
peer influence
preschoolers who don't like food will eat it if everyone else in the group like it kids will adopt accent of peers, not parents of a language ------accent reflect culture, and children get culture from peers those who smoke have friends who smoke
selectional effect
kids seek out peers with similar attitudes and interests those who smoke may select friends who also smoke
Howard gardner on parents and peers effect on a kid
parents are more important in ------education, discipline, responsibility, orderliness, charitableness, ways of interacting with authority figures peers are more important in ------learning cooperation, dinding road to popularity, inventing styles of interaction among people of the same age will look for parents when contemplating future parents choose the neighborhood and schools that supply peers ------this power gives parents an ability to influence the culture that shapes the child's peer group
behaviours, ideas, attitudes, values, and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted to the next human nature seems designed for culture we are social animals but culture is a better way of being social culture supports our species survival and reproduction by enabling social and economic systems that give us an edge transmit customs and beliefs that enable us to communicate, to exchange money for things, to play, to eat, to drive with agreed upon rules
other animals and culture
primates have local customs of tool use, grooming, courtship younger chimps and macaque monkeys sometimes invent customs and pass them onto peer and offspring but human culture does more
culture's two parts
preservation of innovation and division of labor
preservation of innovation
thanks to our mastery of language culture;s accumulated knowledge
each culture develops it an understood rule for accepted and expected behaviour norms prescribe "proper" behaviour sometimes social expectations seem oppressive but norms help free us from self preoccupation when cultures collide, differing norms often get confused ------should you shake hands or kiss each cheek ------answer depends on each culture
culture shock
when we don't understand what's expected or accepted differing paces of life and differing sense of punctuality
variation of culture over time
cultures also vary and compete for resources america since the 1960 ------middle class people fly to places they only once read about ------air conditioned house ------online shipping ------electronic communication ------doubled income ------eating out 2x as much ------many minority groups have expanded human rights ------greater economic independence, so today's women marry more for love and endure less abusive relationships bad changes ------more divorce and depression ------spend more hours at work ------fewer house with friends and family and sleep changes at really fast speed can't explain the changes by changes in human gene pool, which evolves too slowly
giving priority to one's own goals over group goals defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identification white people except for east europe great deal of identity will remain intact-if they were solitary refugees stripped of social connection share the need to belong, so join groups but less focused on group harmony and doing duty in group more easily move in and out of groups free to switch jobs, place of worship, leave extended families and move to places marriage is for a long as both shall love people here have more individual freedom, less geographically bound to family, more privacy prefer unusual names more lonely, higher divorce and homicide rates, more stress related disease demands for more romance and personal fulfillment in marriage- subject relationship to more pressure increased strikingly over the last century in western cultures
individualism and collectivist
there is still diversity within cultures even in most individualistic countries, some people manifest collectivist values within many countries, there are distinct cultures related to one's religion, economic status and region become apparent in winning medal ------"i stay focus" vs "thank you to my coach, my manager, my support" apparent in describing friends ------westerners- adjectives ------east asians- verbs that describe behaviours in context
giving priority to goals of one's group ------often one's extended family or work group defining one's identity accordingly greater loss of identity if a person is a refugee in a foreign land cut off from family, groups, loyal friends, you would lose the connections that defined who you are group identification provide a sense of belonging, a set of values, network of caring individuals, assurance of security deeper, more stable attachment to their groups valuing communal solidarity ------placing importance on preserving group spirit and ensuring others never lose face what people say reflect their opinion and what they presume other feel avoiding direct confrontation, blunt honesty, uncomfortable topics defer to other's wishes and display a polite, self effacing humility elders and superiors receive respect, duty to family trumps personal career and mate preference in new groups, people may be shy and more easily embarrassed we>me
individualism in western culture over the last century
increased because of... voluntary migration a sparsely populated challenging environment shift to capitalist economy
gender vs. female,male
gender is defined by biological sex female/male is defined by biological and social characteristics
cultural neuroscience
studying how neurobiology and cultural traits influence each other different forms of serotonin regulating genes across countries ------collectivist cultures tend to carry a version with greater anxiety, through living in such cultures help protect people from anxiety
child rearing practices
reflect cultural values that vary across time and place western families want independent children asians and africans live in cultures that value emotional closeness ------infants and toddlers may sleep with their mom or spend days close to a family member ------culture encourages a strong self of family self upper class british parents give caregiving to nannies and send children off to boarding school african gussi society ------babies nurse freely but spend most of that day on mom's back ------lots of body contact but little face to face language interaction ------when mom is pregnant again, another takes care of child no right way to rear children successfully
family self
a feeling that what shames the child shames the family what brings honor to the family brings honor to the self
similarities across groups
cross 49 country study revealed smaller than expected nation to nation differences similar conscientiousness and extraversion compared with person to person differences in a groups ------between groups differences are small ------we respond similarly to babies and speak the same to babies we share a universal principle for grammar our tastes vary but reflect common principles of hunger out social behaviour may vary but they reflect pervasive principles of human influence
differences within a culture
easily explained by interaction between our biology and our culture we do differently in school because of ------family structure, [peer influences, parental education
why both genders are similar
we faced similar adaptive challenges doesn't indicate vocabulary, intelligence, happiness or to what we see, hear, learn and remember little difference in self esteem
differences in males and females
women feel better about their behaviour and ethics men feel better about their appearance women ------live 5 years longer ------enter puberty 2 years sooner ------carries 70% more fat ------has 40% less muscle ------5 inches shorter ------sexyally rearoused immediately after an orgasm ------smell fainter odors ------express emotions more freely and ------offered help more ------doubly vulnerable to depression and anxiety ------risk of developing an eating disorder-10x likely men ------4 times more likely to commit suicide or suffer alcohol dependence ------more likely to be autistic. color blind, attention deficit hyperactive disorder as children ------antisocial personality disorder as adults
gender and aggression
in surveys, men admit to more aggression than do women experiments confirm that men tend to behave more aggressively the aggression gender gap pertains to direct physical aggression, rather than verbal relational aggression
gender gap in physical aggression
appears in everyday life at various ages and on various cultures, especially those with gender inequality in dating relationship, violent acts are almost mutual but more men get arrested for violent crimes hunting, fighting, warring are primarily men's activities men express more support for war
gender and social power
PEOPLE WORLDWIDE HAVE PERCEIVED MEN AS MORE DOMINANT, FORCEFUL, INDEpendent women as more deferential, nurturant, affiliative leadership tend to go to males ------as leaders, men tend to be more directive, autocratic ------women tend to be more democratic. more welcoming of subordinate's input in decision making when uttering opinions ------men tend to say opinion ------women tend to express support men ------tend to act as powerful people do- talking assertively, interrupting, initiating touches, staring more, smiling less, apologizing less ------these behaviours help sustain social power inequalities ------traditionally male occupations get paid more ------more men hold political leadership ------women are perceived to be more hungry for political power because male power hunger is more expected and accepted
gender and social connectedness
surfaces early in children's play boys play in large groups with an activity focus, little intimate discussion girls play in smaller groups, often with one friend ------less competitive than boys, more imitative of social relationship[ ------more open and responsive to feedback than are males women ------more interdependent than males ------teen girls spend more time with friends and less time alone ------late adolescents. they spend more time on social networking sites ------take more pleasure in taking dace to dace ------tend to use conversation to explore relationships men ------enjoy doing activities side by side ------tend to use conversation to communicate solution
men and women talkativeness
women are on the phone longer women text and receive texts more often but men and women average about 16,000 words daily
women's social connectedness
women orient their interests to less things but to more people kej are 7x more likely to be into compsci than women in workplace, women are less likely to be driven by money and status and opt for reduces work hours women are 5x more likely to claim primary responsibility for taking care of children women's emphasis on caring ------why people are more closer to mom than dad women and men turn to female friend to share worries, hurts, because friendship with women are more intimate, enjoyable, and nurturing bonds with women are stronger than among women women's ties bind families together women talk more often and openly as friends women are more likely to turn to others for stress support
gender differences in social connectedness, power and other traits
peak in late adolescence and early adulthood as teenagers, girls become less assertive and more flirtatious boy become more domineering and unexpressive after birth of first child, women become more traditionally gender oriented but by age 50, male and delay parenthood related gender differences subside men become more empathetic and less domineering women become more assertive and self confident
men's social connectedness
men value freedom and self reliance men are less religious and pray less dominate the rnl of professional skeptics
male answer syndrome
men more likely than women to hazard answers than to admit they don't know
how the sexes are similar
faced similar challenges regulating heat with sweat developing tastes that nourish both women and men want kind, honest, intelligent partners
sex hormones
different concentrations of this differs our physiologically
a gene in the y chromosome that has a master triggering the testes to develop and produce the principal male hormone females have this, but less of it male's greater testosterone output starts the development of external sex organs stimulates the development of male characteristics during puberty
grey matter vs white matter
gray matter- neuronal bodies white matter- axons and dendrites
4-5 prenatal months
second key period for sexual differentiation sex hormones bath the fetal brain and influence its wiring different patterns for males and females develop under the influence of male's greater testosterone and female's ovarian hormones abundant sex hormone receptors in development in brain areas
brain parts difference in men and women
men have thicker frontal lobes, area with verbal fluency parietal cortex, spatial perception area, is thicker in men gender difference also in hippocampus, amygdala, volume of gray matter vs white matter
excess testosterone in female embryo
by malfunction in the glands or hormone injections genetically female infants are born with masculine appearing genitals ------can be altered surgically until puberty, these are tomboys but prenatal exposure to excess testosterone doesn't reverse gender identity ------think they are girls some develop into lesbians, but most are heterosexual
how to explain tomboyish behaviour
experiment with many animal species confirm that female embryos given male hormones will later exhibit a typically masculine appearance and more aggressive behaviour relatively high testosterone levels in prenatal amniotic fluid predict greater male-typical play and more athletic success for both boy and girl
so do we conclude that biology produces behavioral gender differences?
its complicated girls who were prenatally exposed to excess testosterone look masculine and known to be also treated more like boys so the effect of early exposure to sex hormones is both direct, in girl's appearance and influence of social experiences that shape her
set of expectation, norms about a social position, defining how those in the position ought to behave
what results in the differences between males and females
the cognitive and behavioral differences are from the combination of environment. sex related genes. physiology
gender and culture
although biologically influences, gender is also socially constructed what biology initiates, culture accelerates
gender identity
sense of being male or female
gender roles
behaviours culture expects of its men and women can smooth social relations, avoiding irritating discussion about whose job it is to do which house chore if we deviate from conventions, we may feel anxious culture has a great influence change over time- like number of women who have postgraduate degrees
social learning theory
assumes that children learn gender identity by observing and imitating others gender linked behaviors and by being awarded or punished for acting in certain ways themselves ------"big boys don't cry"s
gender typing
the acquisition of a role traditional masculine or feminine role some children are more attuned than others to traditional male or female roles
cognition and gender
in our own childhood, we formed schemas (concepts) that help understand the world one of these was a gender schema, framework for organizing boy-girl characteristics
social learning and gender schemas
social learning shapes gender schemas children before 1 can discriminate female and male voices we start using pronouns he and she other languages objects as masculine or feminine children think only 2 type of people exist and they associate some things of being a gender and like their own kind bette and seek it out to play
people's sense of being a male or female differs from their birth sex a man in a woman's body or vice versa umbrella term
people who live or wish to live as members of the gender opposite to their birth sex, often aided by medical treatment that supports gender reassignments
what are gender roles and what do their variation tell us about our human capacity for learning and adaptatio
social rules or norms for accepted and expected behavior for females and males the norms associated with various roles, including gender roles, vary in different cultural contexts ------proof that we are capable of learning and adapting to social demands of different environment
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