Chapter 3 Animal Farm
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What is the first sign that snowball and Napoleon will never be able to get along?
Snowball and Napoleon will never get along because they were the most active in the debates. Whatever suggestion one of them made, the other could be counted on to oppose it
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How does snowball attempt to bring order to the farm?
Organizing the other animals into Animal Committees: Egg Production Committee (for the hens), Clean Tales League (for the cows), the Wild Comrades' Re-education committee (the object of this was to tame the rats and rabbits), the Whiter Wool Movement (for the sheep), and various others, besides instituting classes in writing and reading
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To what maxim does snowball reduce the commandments?
\"Two legs good, four legs bad\"
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What does Napoleon see as important for the future of the farm?
youth education (brainwashes pups, not education as in reading and writing)
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What does Napoleon do to educate the young?
Napoleon takes the young puppies to the loft and kept them secluded from the farm, and the rest of the farm forgot about their existence; educated them in the loft
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How do the pigs provide for themselves before the others?
The pigs take the harvested apples and the milk for themselves
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How does squealer rationalize this inequality to the others?
He states that most of the pigs dislike milk and apples but are doing it to preserve their health; he argued that science proves that it will provide a longer life span
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How does Squealer use fear tactics to keep the animals under control?
Squealer states that the pigs must take charge if Jones and his men were to return. He says that if Jones were to come back, then it wouldn't surprise him. The animals obeyed, for they did not want Jones to return.
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What role does squealer assume?
Squealer assumes the role of the speaker. he would announce any new rules or news to the other animals. Propaganda minister, represents Stalin
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