History Chapter 28 Test Questions – Flashcards
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Brain Trust
a group of advisors, many of them academics, to president Franklin Roosevelt who assemble to recommend New Deal policies during the early months of Roosevelt's presidency. It was Roosevelt's inner circle of unofficial advisors
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Emergency Banking Relief Act
force all banks to close for 4 days in March, and then permitted only sound banks to reopen and provide managers to those banks that remained in trouble
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Fireside Chats
radio addresses to the nation by President Franklin Roosevelt, especially useful when he shut the banks for 4 days, he urged the nation to leave their money in the banks that reopened. Throughout his presidency he used these chats to advise the nation
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Twenty-first Amendment
amendment of 1933 that repealed prohibition on the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcoholic beverages, effectively nullifying the 18th (prohibition) Amendment
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First Hundred Days
the extraordinarily productive first 3 months of President Franklin Roosevelt's administration in which a special session of Congress enacted 15 of Roosevelt's New Deal proposals. Emergency Banking Relief Act, Economy Act, Civilian Conservation Corps, abandonment of the gold standard, Federal Emergency Relief Act, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, Tennessee Valley Authority Act, Federal Securities Act, Home Owner's Loan Act, National Industrial Recovery Act, Banking Act, Farm Credit Act
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Glass-Steagall Banking Act
a banking law that curbed speculation by separating investment banking from commercial banking and created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insured deposits, part of FDR's first hundred days
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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
created by the Glass-Steagall Banking Act during FDR's first hundred days, it guaranteed personal bank deposits up to $5,000, separated investment and commercial banking, power over credit, required full disclosure of information about new stock and bond issues
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Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) part of FDR's first hundred days, was created to regulate the stock market by regulating the purchase of stocks on credit (margin buying) and restricting speculation by those with inside information on corporate plans
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Civilian Conservation Corps
(CCC) part of FDR's first hundred days, was designed to give work to unemployed and unmarried young men between the ages of 18 and 25 to keep them off the streets and out of crime, later it opened up segregated camps for women and African Americans. Restoration and conservation work out of the cities, jobs in forests, parks, and recreational areas and on soil, conservation projects, roads, bridges, given $30 a month but required them to send $25 home to their families
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Federal Emergency Relief Administration
(FERA) part of FDR's first hundred days, offered federal money to states for relief programs, money flowed to the states in grants not loans, pushed by Harry L. Hopkins
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Harry L. Hopkins
a touch talking, big hearted social worker who had directed FDR"s relief efforts in NY state and pushed FERA with boundless energy. He wanted immediate work instead of doles but states though doles were a quicker way to reach the needy
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Civil Works Administration
(CWA) very short lived, just to help people during the winter of 1933, put people to work in repairing bridges, building highways and setting up community projects. It was dissolved in the spring because it was too costly, and FDR was afraid that people would become too dependent on the government, to people out of the cold during the winter
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Agricultural Adjustment Act
(AAA) part of FDR's first hundred days, 1933, established a system for 7 major commodities that provided cash subsidies to farmers who cut production. Its goal was to raise farm prices by reducing supply. The money for it came from taxes on mills, gins, etc. It was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court because of the taxes in the case US v. Butler. A second AAA was created in 1938, the first AAA helped contribute to the Dust Bowl
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Dust Bowl
due to the AAA encouraging farmers to leave land unattended and because of the Great Depression and a great drought the Great Plains counties turned into big open and dry dust plains with dust storms picking up tons of topsoil, it caused a massive migration of farm families
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United States v. Butler
a Supreme Court Ruling from 1936 that declared the AAA of 1933 tax on food processors unconstitutional
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National Industrial Recovery Act
(NIRA) Act of 1933 passed on the last of FDR's Hundred days that created public-works jobs through the FERA and established a system of self-regulation for industry through the National Recovery Administration, which was ruled unconstitutional in 1935, to handle the problems of overproduction, cutthroat competition, and price instability that caused business failures. Public works and the created the PWA
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Public Works Administration
(PWA) created due to the NIRA, it granted $3.3 billion for public buildings, highway programs, flood control and more. Under Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes the PWA served the purpose of work relief. It hired companies so that the government was not directly hiring citizens
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Harold L. Ickes
the Interior Secretary in charge of the PWA, he hired private contractors instead of workers on a government payroll, it indirectly served the purpose of work relief
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National Recovery Administration
(NRA) created by NIRA, head by Hugh Johnson, a colorful retired army general. It had 2 purposes: to stabilize business by reducing chaotic competition through the implementation of industry wide codes that set wages and prices and to generate more purchasing power for consumers by providing jobs. It defined labor standards, raised wages. It created committees representing management, labor and the government. It turned out to be a FAILURE because labor and management couldn't agree on things
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Tennessee Valley Administration
(TVA) created in 1933 to control flooding in the Tennessee River Valley, provided work for the regions' unemployed and produced inexpensive electric power for the region, part of FDR's hundred days
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displaced farm families from the Oklahoma dust bowl who migrated to California during the 1930's in search of jobs. The term came to refer to all migrants to California and was a negative term
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Bureau of Indian Affairs
(BIA) headed by John Collier, who steadily increased the number of Native Americans employed by the BIA and strove to ensure that Indians gained access to the various relief programs. Wanted the passage of the Indian Reorganization Act to reinvigorate Indian cultural traditions by restoring land to tribes. The Indian New Deal
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Grovey v. Townsend
(1935) a Supreme Court case that upheld Texas' white primary and upheld racism
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Huey P. Long
Louisiana Senator and political boss who was an outspoken critic of President FDR and proposed his own Share the Wealth program to revive Roosevelt's new Deal, he was assassinated in 1935
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Share the Wealth
a program advocated by Louisiana Senator Huey P. Long that appealed to desperate lower middle class Americans during the Great Depression. One version proposed confiscating large personal fortunes, guaranteeing every family a cash grant of $5,000 and every worker an annual income of $2,5000, providing pensions to the aged, reducing work hours, paying veterans' bonuses and ensuring college education for every qualified student. The figures didn't add up and offered little to promote economic recovery.
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Francis E. Townsend
California doctor who thought up a popular social scheme based on government pensions for the aged as a solution to the hardships of the Great Depression
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Father Charles E. Coughlin
Roman Catholic 'radio priest' who founded the National Union for Social Justice in 1934, he promoted schemes for the coinage of silver and made a Hacks on bankers that carried growing overtones of anti-Semitism
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Schechter Poultry Corporation v. U.S.
"sick chicken case", the court killed the NIRA because it had convicted a company of selling unfit chickens. The High court ruled that Congress had delegated too much power to the executive branch when it granted the code making authority to the NRA. The poultry company was entirely in one state and therefore the government had no control over it
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Wagner Act
aka the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, it established the National Labor Relations Board and facilitated unionization by regulating employment and bargaining practices. It prohibited employers from interfering with union activities. Part of the 2nd New Deal
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Social Security Act
Act of 1935 that created the Social Security system with provisions for a retirement pension, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and welfare, workers and employers would pay money into the fund that they would then be able to use when injured or retired
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Work Progress Administration
(WPA) a main federal relief agency for the depression, it put relief workers directly on the federal payroll
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Revenue Act of 1935
"soak the rich" tax, a tax reform bill that increased estate and corporate taxes and instituted higher personal income tax rates in the top brackets, very controversial
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Court Packing Plan
President FDR's failed 1937 attempt to increase the number of US Supreme Court Justices from 9 to 15 in order to save his 2nd New Deal programs from constitutional challenges
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John L. Lewis
Union leader of the United Mine Workers who was among the first to exploit the spirit of the NIRA and promoted a campaign to organize workers in the mass-production industries
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Committee for Industrial Organization
(CIO) Umbrella organization of semiskilled industrial unions form in 1935 as the CIO within the American Federation of labor, but it expelled from the AFL and renamed in 1938 the Congressed of Industrial Organizations
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United Auto Workers
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Henry Morgenthau
Treasury Secretary, he led a group who favored less spending and a balanced budget, the slow pace of recovery, he thought, resulted from the reluctance of businesses to invest
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John Maynard Keynes
an English economist that said it was okay to spend on a deficit. During deflation the Government should increase spending and taxes should decrease to increase circulation of money and during Inflation government spending should decrease and taxes should increase to take money out of circulation
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Wagner-Steagall National Housing Act
created low income housing by subsidizing rents for poor people and extended long-term loans to local agencies willing to assume part of the cost of slum clearance and public housing
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Bankhead Jones Farm Tenant Act
made available rehabilitation loans to shore up marginally profitable farmers and prevent their sinking into tenancy. Made loans to tenants so they could buy their own farms
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Farm Security Administration
set up by the Bankhead Jones Farm Tenant Act to administer loans to farmers and tenants
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Fair labor Standards Act
applied only to enterprises that operated or affected interstate commerce, set a minimum wage per hour, and set a maximum work week of forty hours. It also prohibited child labor under the age of 16
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Administrative Reorganization Act
the president can now "reduce, coordinate, consolidate and reorganize" government agencies
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John Steinbeck
a writer whose novel The Grapes of Wrath (1939) captured the ordeal of the depression with its vivid tale of the Joad family's painful journey west from Oklahoma
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