Chapter 25: Africa, the Ottoman Empire, and the New Imperialism – Flashcards

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What happened to the Afrikaners after the South African War of 1899-1902?
They joined British settlers in the new Union of South Africa. → The British had promised the Afrikaners representative government in return for surrender in 1902, and they made good on their pledge. The Union of South Africa, under a joint British-Afrikaner government within the British Empire, began the creation of a modern segregated society that culminated in an even harsher system of racial separation, or apartheid, after World War II.
According to J. A. Hobson, in his book Imperialism, the motive for colonial imperialism was primarily
economic needs. → J. A. Hobson contended that the rush to acquire colonies was due to the economic needs of unregulated capitalism. Moreover, Hobson argued, the quest for empire diverted popular attention away from domestic reform and the need to reduce the great gap between rich and poor at home.
The Egyptian leader Ismail borrowed large sums of money from European moneylenders in the 1860s, using some of it to finish building
the Suez Canal. → Ismail borrowed large sums, and with his support the Suez Canal was completed by a French company in 1869, shortening the voyage from Europe to Asia by thousands of miles.
What is one indicator used to measure the greater living standards in the West in the late nineteenth century as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
Life expectancy → Some leading indicators of income disparities resulting from adoption of the Industrial Revolution in the West include life expectancy, health and education, and food and clothing.
How did the Asian migration in the nineteenth century compare in scale to European migration in that period?
It was a fraction of European migration. → About 3 million Asians migrated in this period compared to about 60 million Europeans.
Leopold II of Belgium was forced to give up control of his royal colony in the Congo because of the efforts of
human rights activists. → In the early 1900s, human rights activists such as Edmund Morel exposed the truth about the horrific conditions in the Congo Free State, and in 1908 Leopold was forced to turn over his private territory to the Belgian government, which continued to rule the colony as the Belgian Congo.
Why was the discovery of quinine so crucial to the success of Europe in colonizing Africa in the late nineteenth century?
Quinine, a treatment for malaria, allowed Europeans to settle the interior. → Newly discovered quinine proved effective in controlling attacks of malaria, which had previously decimated Europeans in the tropics whenever they left coastal enclaves and ventured into mosquito-infested interiors.
What goal did the nineteenth-century Egyptian ruler Ismail share with his grandfather Muhammad Ali?
Modernizing and expanding Egypt → Muhammad Ali's grandson Ismail was a westernizing autocrat who shared his grandfather's desire to modernize Egypt and build an empire in northeastern Africa.
Which of the following nations was a nonindustrializing region in the nineteenth century?
Brazil → In Africa, Asia, and Latin America, nonindustrializing nations, including Brazil, remained dependent on agriculture rather than industry throughout the 1800s.
What group of people from the great migration came to dominate small businesses in some parts of Africa?
Indians → Migrants from south China frequently settled in the Dutch, British, and French colonies of Southeast Asia, where they established themselves as peddlers and small shopkeepers. These "overseas Chinese" gradually emerged as a new class of entrepreneurs and office workers. Traders from India and modern-day Lebanon performed the same function in much of sub-Saharan Africa after the European seizure in the late nineteenth century.
Where was the demand for slaves imported from Africa still high from the 1810s to the 1860s?
On the sugar and coffee plantations of Cuba and Brazil → The demand for slaves remained high on the expanding and labor-intensive sugar and coffee plantations of Cuba and Brazil until the 1850s and 1860s.
How did the "new imperialism" of the late nineteenth century emerge?
It was a frantic activity to create vast overseas empires. → Late-nineteenth-century imperialism was characterized by a sudden burst to acquire political empires abroad and contrasted sharply with the limited economic penetration of non-Western territories between 1816 and 1880.
What were the religious goals of the Tanzimat undertaken by the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century?
Limited equality between Muslims, Christians, and Jews → The Tanzimat of 1839 called for the equality of Muslims, Christians, and Jews before the law and in business.
From a global perspective, what was the ultimate significance of the Industrial Revolution?
It allowed regions of the world that industrialized in the nineteenth century to increase their wealth and power in comparison with those that did not. → From a global perspective, the ultimate significance of the Industrial Revolution was that it allowed those regions of the world that industrialized in the nineteenth century to increase their wealth and power enormously in comparison with those that did not.
What factor was a major stimulus of Jewish migration from Russia to the Americas?
Discrimination → Discrimination was a leading reason why Jewish people from Russia and eastern Europe migrated to the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand.
In the 1840s, what imam moved his capital from southern Arabia to Zanzibar and gained control of most of the Swahili-speaking East African coast?
Sayyid Said → Islam expanded in East Africa in large part because of the efforts of Sayyid Said, the imam of Oman. Reviving his family's lordship of the African island of Zanzibar and eventually moving his capital from southern Arabia to Zanzibar in 1840, Said gained control of most of the Swahili-speaking East African coast.
European political rule over Africa after 1880 was often established by a process known as
divide and conquer. → Europeans frequently sought to divide the local population and then ally with a smaller local elite to maintain control over the much larger population.
What was the goal of the reforms known as the Tanzimat in the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century?
To remake the Ottoman Empire on a western European model → The reforms known as the Tanzimat were designed to remake the Ottoman Empire on a western European model.
What is the current state of scholarly understanding about the causes of global inequality?
Scholars debate whether the West created its wealth or stole it through colonialism. → One school of interpretation argues that the West used science, technology, and its capitalist organization to create wealth, while an opposing view considers that the West stole much of its riches through its rapacious colonialism in the nineteenth century.
How did the migrations of Asians in the nineteenth century differ from the migration of Europeans in the same period?
Asians migrated as indentured servants; Europeans migrated as workers. → Most Asians migrated as indentured laborers to work on the plantations or in the gold mines of Latin America, southern Asia, Africa, California, Hawaii, and Australia.
Against whom did the Islamic revival movement in Africa aim its warfare in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?
Animist rulers and Islamic states deemed corrupt → In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a powerful Islamic revival brought reform and revolutionary change from within to the western and eastern Sudan. In essence, Muslim scholars and fervent religious leaders arose to wage successful religious wars against both animist rulers and Islamic states that they deemed corrupt.
How did conservative political leaders in Europe manipulate new imperialism for their own advantage?
By using the pursuit of colonies to distract from domestic issues → Conservative political leaders often manipulated colonial issues in order to divert popular attention from domestic conflicts and to create a false sense of national unity.
Why had the Ottoman janissary corps declined in strength by the nineteenth century?
The janissaries had become corrupt and privileged and rejected military innovations. → Ottoman weakness reflected the decline of the sultan's "slave army," the so-called janissary corps. With time, the janissaries became a corrupt and privileged hereditary caste. They resisted any military innovations that might undermine their high status.
What did the new methods of transportation in the 1860s allow Europeans to do with underpopulated areas in Africa, Asia, and Latin America?
Produce agricultural products and extract raw materials → The revolution in land and sea transportation helped European settlers take vast, thinly populated territories and produce agricultural products and raw materials for sale in Europe.
What was the economic impact of the great migration?
European settlers had more wealth than Europeans back home. → By 1913, people in Australia, Canada, and the United States all had higher average incomes than did people in Great Britain, still Europe's wealthiest nation.
With whom did the British fight in the Battle of Omdurman in 1898?
Muslims → In 1898 at Omdurman, British troops fought Sudanese Muslims armed with spears, who charged time and time again, only to be cut down by the recently invented machine gun. In the end, eleven thousand Muslim fighters died; only twenty-eight Britons were killed.
What Western ideology provided anti-imperialist leaders in Africa and Asia with incentive to oppose Western imperialism?
Belief in nationalist independence → Anti-imperialist leaders in Africa and Asia were attracted to the nineteenth-century Western ideology of nationalism, which asserted that every people—or at least every European people—had the right to control its own destiny.
How did the European powers convince Egyptian governor Muhammad Ali to return Syria to the Ottomans?
They threatened military action. → In 1840 Russian diplomatic efforts and a naval blockade by Britain and Austria convinced Muhammad Ali to return Syria.
What happened to the native peoples in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America after European investment began to transform their economies?
They were often displaced and decimated. → Native American Indians, Australian Aborigines, New Zealand's Maoris, and others were often forced to leave their lands and were decimated by diseases, liquor, and weapons as Western society expanded further.
What compelled young people from Sweden and Norway to migrate in the late nineteenth century?
Frustration with the privileged classes → Young people felt frustrated by the small privileged classes that often controlled both church and government and resisted demands for change and greater opportunity. Migration slowed when the economic situation improved at home, or when people began to win basic political and social reforms.
What was the most important African state to emerge from the Islamic revival of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?
Sokoto caliphate → The triumph of the enormous Sokoto caliphate had profound consequences for Africa and the Sudan. Because of Sokoto and other revivalist states, Islam became much more widely and deeply rooted in sub-Saharan Africa than ever before.
What impact did Rudyard Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden" have on American imperialism?
It helped convince Americans not to give freedom to Filipinos. → Written in response to America's seizure of the Philippines after the Spanish-American War, Kipling's poem and his concept of a white man's burden won wide acceptance among those who supported America's imperial ambitions. It was an important factor in the decision to rule, rather than liberate, the Philippines after the Spanish-American War.
Industrialization and nation building in western Europe began to challenge the power of what empire in eastern Europe after 1860?
The Ottoman Empire → In the nineteenth century, European industrialization and nation building altered the long-standing balance of power between European states and the Ottoman Empire, and western European expansion eventually posed a serious challenge to Muslims everywhere.
The majority of European migrants in the nineteenth century were
small landowners and village craftsmen. → The European migrant was most often a small peasant landowner or a village craftsman whose traditional way of life was threatened by too little land, estate agriculture, and cheap factory-made goods.
Which group came to have the main political presence in the British-controlled Gold Coast colony in the early twentieth century?
Westernized black elite of lawyers, journalists, and businesspeople → In the Gold Coast colony, the westernized black professional and business elite took full advantage of opportunities provided by the fairly enlightened colonial regime. The black elite was the main presence in the limited local elections permitted by the British, for few permanent white settlers established themselves in West Africa.
Why did European colonial powers lift, or give preference to, some native groups over others?
Europeans needed help governing the colonies. → The process of maintaining domination through providing advantages to a select few is referred to as hegemony, and it explains why relatively small numbers of Europeans were able to maintain control over much larger populations without constant rebellion and protest.
How did the British influence the Tanzimat?
Forced the Ottomans to limit slavery and slave trading → Under heavy British pressure, slavery in the empire was drastically curtailed, although not abolished completely.
What was the key difference between Europe and nonindustrializing regions in the nineteenth century?
Industrialization → A gap between the industrializing regions and the nonindustrializing regions (mainly Africa, Asia, and Latin America) opened and grew steadily throughout the nineteenth century, and this pattern of uneven global development became institutionalized, built into the structure of the world economy.
Which of the following statements defines a "migration chain," which was typical of the European migration of the nineteenth century?
A strong charismatic leader migrates first and is then followed by his or her family or village. → The concept of the "migration chain" is that one person migrates and is followed by their community.
Which three powers contested for control of southern Africa?
Boers, native peoples, and the British → After 1815 powerful African chiefdoms, Dutch settlers—first known as Boers, and then as Afrikaners—and the British army waged a complicated three-cornered battle to build strong states in southern Africa.
One argument for Western imperialism in Africa was the need to expand what belief system into the continent?
Christianity → Imperialists claimed that peace and stability under European control would permit the spread of Christianity. In Africa Catholic and Protestant missionaries competed with Islam south of the Sahara, seeking converts and building schools. Some peoples, such as the Ibo in Nigeria, became highly Christianized.
Nineteenth-century Egyptian writer Qasim Amin argued that the rejuvenation of Muslim societies required
greater equality for women. → In The Liberation of Women (1899), Qasim Amin argued forcefully that superior education for European women had contributed greatly to the Islamic world's falling far behind the West. The rejuvenation of Muslim societies, therefore, required greater equality for women.
Which of the following statements identifies an immediate impact of the use of steam engines for transoceanic voyages in the nineteenth century?
Prices for freight and shipping dropped. → Steam power, long used to drive paddle wheelers on rivers, began to supplant sails on the oceans of the world in the late 1860s. Passenger and freight rates tumbled, and the shipment of low-priced raw materials from one continent to another became feasible.
About how many Asians left China, Japan, India, and the Philippines in the nineteenth century and up to 1920 to settle elsewhere?
About 3 million → A substantial number of Asians—mainly Chinese, Japanese, Indians, and Filipinos—also responded to population pressure and rural hardship with temporary or permanent migration. At least 3 million Asians moved abroad before 1920.
In practice, what did European "good government" in Africa mean after 1900?
Law and order maintained by authoritarian governments → The self-proclaimed political goal of the French and the British was to provide "good government" for their African subjects, especially after World War I. "Good government" meant, above all, law and order. It meant strong, authoritarian government, which maintained a small army and built up an African police force to put down rebellion, suppress ethnic warfare, and protect life and property.
What was the British economic relationship with sub-Saharan Africa around 1890?
British trade and investment in Africa were small. → Trade with Africa was small, and profits from imperialism were marginal at best. Sub-Saharan Africa received only 5 percent of British exports in 1890, and British investment was predominately limited to the mines in southern Africa.
Why did the janissaries reject the military reforms of Sultan Selim III in 1807?
They refused to use any "Christian" equipment. → Sultan Selim III understood the need for the Ottoman Empire to reform in the nineteenth century, but when he tried to reorganize the army, the janissaries refused to use any "Christian" equipment.
In the nineteenth century, oceangoing trade using steam engines was facilitated by the creation of canals in
Egypt and Panama. → Intercontinental trade was facilitated by the building of the Suez and Panama Canals. Investment in modern port facilities made loading and unloading cheaper and faster.
J. A. Hobson's argument against imperialism was based on his idea that it caused what problem for Europe?
A greater gap between rich and poor in Europe → Hobson argued that the quest for empire diverted popular attention away from domestic reform and the need to reduce the great gap between rich and poor at home.
European superiority over colonial peoples in the nineteenth century was particularly aided by
steam power and the international telegraph. → The industrial world's unprecedented technological and military superiority helped foster imperialist expansion. The introduction of steam power and the international telegraph permitted Western powers to quickly concentrate their military might in a given area when it was needed.
Which famous author called on Westerners to serve and civilize distant lands?
Rudyard Kipling → Kipling wrote extensively about Anglo-Indian life. He called Westerners to unselfish service in his poem "The White Man's Burden."
In the early 1900s, what was the key to drawing the African interior into the world economy?
Railroads linking coastal trading centers with interior outposts → Economically, the colonial goal was to draw the African interior into the world economy on terms favorable to the dominant Europeans. The key was railroads linking coastal trading centers to outposts hundreds of miles in the interior.
Which cause of the new imperialism was signified by Rudyard Kipling's call on Westerners to "take up the White Man's Burden"?
Civilizing mission → In 1899 Rudyard Kipling, who wrote extensively on Anglo-Indian life and was perhaps the most influential British writer of the 1890s, exhorted Westerners to unselfish service in distant lands in his poem "The White Man's Burden," reflecting the belief that Westerners had a "civilizing mission."
Read the following excerpt of a letter from the Sotho king Moshoeshoe to the British in 1858: ". . . it was not with the English Government that my first intercourse with the whites commenced. People who had come from the Colony first presented themselves to us, they called themselves Boers. I thought all white men were honest. Some of these Boers asked permission to live upon our borders. I . . . believe[d] they would live with me as my own people lived, that is, looking to me as to a father and a friend. . . . We were at peace for a time. . . . We tried to keep all quiet, but the Boers went further . . . in troubling the Basutos and threatening war. . . . Still I tried to avert war." How does King Moshoeshoe explain his early attitude toward the Boer settlement on his borders?
He assumed that the white settlers (Boers) would respect Sotho laws and customs. → Moshoeshoe stated that he believed the Boers would respect his leadership and friendship.
Which of the following statements describes Leopold II's rule of the Congo Free State in the nineteenth century?
He permitted European companies to operate with horrific savagery and terror. → Rather than promoting Christianity and civilization as Leopold had promised, the European companies operating in the Congo Free State introduced slavery, unimaginable savagery, and terror.
What advance did Arab merchants bring with them to East Africa after 1820?
Literacy and administrative skills → Arab merchants and adventurers began exploring East Africa after 1820 and brought literacy and other skills with them.
What defines the political model known as "hegemony"?
A small elite ruling over a much larger population → Europeans ruled over Africa indirectly through local elite, reflecting the political model known as hegemony.
What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
To bring order to European imperialism in Africa → To bring order to the competition for African colonies, Premier Jules Ferry of France and Chancellor Otto von Bismarck of Germany arranged a European conference on Africa in Berlin in 1884-1885. The Berlin Conference, to which Africans were not invited, established the principle that European claims to African territory had to rest on "effective occupation" in order to be recognized by other states.
Which factor successfully challenged the international slave trade in West Africa in the 1800s?
Rise of trade in tropical products such as palm oil → The abolitionist movement in Britain argued for a transition to legitimate trade, to end both the transatlantic slave trade and internal African slave systems.
What allowed Britain and France to dominate the Egyptian government in the late nineteenth century?
Britain and France took over the Egyptian debt. → By 1876, the Egyptian government could not pay the interest on its colossal debt. Rather than let Egypt go bankrupt, France and Great Britain intervened to protect the European investors who held the Egyptian bonds. They forced Egypt to appoint French and British commissioners to oversee Egyptian finances so that the Egyptian debt would be paid in full. This meant that Europeans were going to determine the state budget and in effect rule Egypt.
Which of the following statements describes the Young Turks, active in the Ottoman Empire around 1900?
They helped to prepare the way for the birth of modern secular Turkey. → The Young Turks were idealistic Turkish exiles in Europe and young army officers in Istanbul who seized power in the revolution of 1908, forcing the conservative sultan to implement reforms. These fervent patriots helped to prepare the way for the birth of modern secular Turkey after the defeat and collapse of the Ottoman Empire in World War I.
J. A. Hobson's work Imperialism was significant in part because
it influenced Russian socialist leader Vladimir Lenin. → Hobson's work influenced Lenin's thinking about imperialism and the greed of unregulated capitalism.
Why did the Ottoman Empire lose control of Algeria to France in the nineteenth century?
The empire had become too weak to maintain its hold on North Africa. → Facing uprisings by their Christian subjects in Europe, the Ottomans also failed to defend their Islamic provinces in North Africa. In 1830 French armies began their conquest of the province of Algeria. By 1860, two hundred thousand European colonists had settled among the Muslim majority, whose number had been reduced to about 2.5 million by the war against the French and related famines and epidemics.
How did the new group of merchants that formed in West Africa after 1850 help strengthen society?
They provided the basis for a new leadership. → The tiny middle class that formed in the West African coastal towns provided a new leadership that augured well for the region's future.
What helped to convince Europeans to shift the West African trade in slaves to trade in palm oil?
Palm oil was used in machinery needed in industrialization. → Trade in palm oil began to replace the trade in slaves in part because the sale of palm oil served the self-interest of industrializing Europe. Manufacturers used palm oil to lubricate machines, and from palm oil they made the first good, cheap soap and other cosmetics.
How did Africans first respond to the European attempts to impose their rule?
By trying to drive imperialists away with violent uprisings → Superior Western technology inevitably defeated these attempts, however.
Which of the following contributed to the failure of the Tanzimat to revitalize the Ottoman Empire?
Continued growth of nationalism among Christian subjects in the Balkans → The Ottoman state and society failed to regain its earlier strength in part because the liberal reforms failed to halt the growth of nationalism among Christian subjects in the Balkans, which resulted in crises and defeats that undermined all reform efforts.
Western imperialists "opened" what region to trade while leaving it politically independent for most of the nineteenth century?
China → Most of the nineteenth century was characterized by limited economic penetration of non-Western territories, notably China and Japan. Still, the economic "opening" of non-Western regions was backed by military force.
Which of the following statements describes the locals who eventually became the anti-imperialist leaders in Europe's African and Asian colonies?
They developed a burning desire for human dignity, which they saw as incompatible with foreign rule. → Nonconformists—the eventual anti-imperialist leaders—developed a burning desire for human dignity. They came to feel that such dignity was incompatible with foreign rule.
How did the founder of the Sokoto caliphate, Uthman dan Fodio, create his Islamic empire?
He spread his Islamic teaching among both Fulani herders and Hausa peasants. → Uthman dan Fodio launched a jihad in 1804 directed against the Hausa's rulers of Gobir and recruited discontented Fulani cattle raisers as the backbone of his army.
Why were the economic gains from the new imperialism quite limited in the first decade and a half of the 1900s?
The new colonies were too poor to buy much and offered few profitable investments. → The overall economic gains of the new imperialism proved limited before 1914. The new colonies were too poor to buy much, and they offered few immediately profitable investments.
What development of the 1870s can be considered the single most important factor in beginning the cycle of "new imperialism"?
The Long Depression of the 1870s → From 1873 to 1879, the world suffered one of the worst economic depressions in history. European powers established African and Asian colonies to sell their products and acquire cheap raw materials.
What was the most persuasive Western argument against European imperialism?
It was immoral. → Many Western critics of European imperialism struck home with their moral condemnation of whites imperiously ruling nonwhites. Critics charged Europeans with applying a degrading double standard and failing to live up to their own noble ideals. Europeans imposed military dictatorships on Africans and Asians, forced them to work involuntarily, and discriminated against them shamelessly. Only by renouncing imperialism and giving captive peoples the freedom idealized in Western society would Europeans be worthy of their traditions.
What spurred British colonial expansion in southern Africa in the late nineteenth century?
Discovery of vast amounts of gold and diamonds → The discovery of incredibly rich deposits of diamonds in 1867 and of gold in the 1880s revolutionized the economy of southern Africa, making possible large-scale industrial capitalism and transforming the lives of all its peoples. The mining bonanza whetted the appetite of British imperialists led by the powerful Cecil Rhodes.
How did life improve for women with the spread of Islam in the western and central Sudan in the late nineteenth century?
Women gained greater access to education. → As Islam became more widely and deeply rooted, education for women expanded, even as veiling and seclusion became more common.
What role did European powers play in the rise of Muhammad Ali to power in Egypt?
French withdrawal from Egypt in 1801 opened the door to his rise to power. → In 1798 French armies under General Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt and occupied the territory for three years as part of France's war with Britain. An ambitious general, Muhammad Ali, stepped into the power vacuum left by the French withdrawal. First appointed governor of Egypt by the Turkish sultan, Muhammad Ali set out to build his own state on the strength of a large, powerful army organized along European lines and to reform the government and promote modern industry.
Why did violent resistance in Asia and Africa to Western imperialism usually fail?
Western military technology was superior. → Violent antiforeign reactions exploded in Asia and Africa again and again, but the superior military technology of the industrialized West almost invariably prevailed.
The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 established what principle upon which Europeans claimed African territory?
Effective occupation → The principle of effective occupation meant that European powers could push relentlessly into the interior and guaranteed that no single European power could claim the entire continent.
What arguments did British women use to encourage the abolition of slavery in the 1800s?
The slave trade was particularly cruel to women and slave families. → British women played a critical role in the abolition movement, denouncing the immorality of human bondage and stressing the cruel treatment of female slaves and slave families.
Which of the following statements describes a consequence of the triumph of the Sokoto caliphate in Sudan?
The new emphasis on government by laws made the caliphate stable and prosperous. → The Sokoto caliphate was based on Islamic history and law, which gave sub-Saharan Africa a sophisticated written constitution that earlier preliterate states had never achieved. This government of laws, rather than men, provided stability and made Sokoto one of the most prosperous regions in tropical Africa.
How did British consul General Evelyn Baring (later Lord Cromer) rule Egypt after 1883?
As a moderate reformer who wanted to improve conditions for peasants → General Baring was a paternalistic reformer who introduced some tax reforms and brought some moderate improvement in conditions for peasants. He also made sure that foreign bondholders received their payments.
What motivated Britain to expand its political empire in the late nineteenth century?
Rising tariffs and the rapid industrialization of France, Germany, and the United States → Economic motives played an important role in the extension of political empires, especially of the British Empire. By the late 1870s, France, Germany, and the United States were industrializing rapidly behind rising tariff barriers, and Great Britain was losing its industrial leadership.
What were the long-term repercussions of the transatlantic slave trade on West African states?
The trade brought warfare and economic turmoil to West Africa. → In the long run the transatlantic slave trade resulted in political and social instability and warfare in West Africa, decimated the population, and destroyed local economies.
How did slavery in Africa develop as the transatlantic slave trade declined in the nineteenth century?
Slaves were used more intensively than ever within Africa. → Slavery and slave markets remained strong in sub-Saharan Africa, as local warfare and slave raiding continued to enslave large numbers of men, women, and children. Thus, the slow decline of the transatlantic slave trade coincided with the most intensive use of slaves within Africa.
By 1880, what united western and central Sudan?
What European country first colonized the Congo?
Who was Shaka, and why was he significant?
He was a Zulu leader who revolutionized African warfare and created the largest and most powerful African society in southern Africa in the nineteenth century.
What was the main economic goal of European imperialists in Africa?
To connect Africa to world markets in a way that would be profitable for the Europeans
The British introduced what cash crop to the Gold Coast?
Cocoa beans
In addition to the British, what other members of their empire settled in British East Africa and became the middle class?
Quinine proved an effective protection against what debilitating disease?
Which of the following describes the process of hegemony?
Maintaining domination by providing advantages to a select few
What did Europeans fear about Muhammad Ali taking over parts of the Ottoman Empire?
That his dynamic personality would revive Ottoman power
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani and Muhammad Abduh both advocated for which of the following?
Islamic reform and rejuvenation
Which statement is true about global living standards in 1750?
The average living standard in Europe was no higher than in the rest of the world.
Between 1750 and 1900, what was the Asian population trend?
It mirrored population growth in Europe.
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