Chapter 12: Using Presentation Aids – Flashcards
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Which of the following is an example of a two-dimensional presentation aid?
a graph of population growth
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Regina's demonstration speech topic was "Three Ways to Improved Photography." In this speech, Regina showed a 35 mm camera, used a chart with an enlarged diagram of the main components of the camera, and then showed 4 x 6 photographs (some good and some with errors) to the audience. Which of the following statements best summarizes Regina's use of presentation aids in this speech?
Regina should have enlarged the photographs so the audience could clearly see them
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On her way to public speaking class, Delaney decided to add one last presentation aid to her speech. Was this a good idea, according to your textbook?
No, because Delaney didn't have a chance to rehearse with the new aid
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Kayt had carefully planned presentation aids for her speech on "Quilting." She thoroughly demonstrated how to sew together the squares by hand, which required her to concentrate on the quilt. What guideline for using presentation aids did Kayt violate?
Kayt focused on the presentation aid instead of the audience
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Joe is a member of Future Farmers of America (FFA), so for his demonstration speech he wanted to show his audience the proper way to groom and care for his prize-winning Holstein cattle. Instead of bringing a Holstein to class, what does the textbook suggest Joe should do in this demonstration speech?
Joe should use a three-dimensional model of a Holstein along with the items he uses to groom the cattle when the actual object is too large to be easily used as a presentation aid for a speech.
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In a speech about organ donation, Nathan gave the audience a handout about the need for organs and the process for becoming an organ donor before his speech. Is this an effective use of presentation aids, according to the text's guidelines?
No; Nathan should have waited until the conclusion to hand this out as audience members will read what you give them.
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