Chapter 11. Outlining the Speech – Flashcards

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Which of the following are true statements about outlines? A. they allow you to judge the flow of the speech B. they serve as a blueprint for the speech C. they are essential to an effective speech D. they should be prepared after the manuscript of the speech is written
A. they allow you to judge the flow of the speech B. they serve as a blueprint for the speech C. they are essential to an effective speech
The ____ outline is constructed during the process of speech construction. A. preparation B. speaking C. delivery
A. preparation
Which of the following is the term for the notes used to extemporaneous speeches to jog a speaker's memory during the presentation? A. preparation outline B. manuscript C. impromptu outline D. speaking outline
D. speaking outline
Which of the following are guidelines for preparing the preparation outline? A. state the specific purpose of your speech B. write using a block-paragraph format C. label the introduction, body, and conclusion D. identify the central idea
A. state the specific purpose of your speech C. label the introduction, body, and conclusion D. identify the central idea
A primary reason for keeping the speaking outline free of detail is to be able to maintain ____ contact with the audience.
Which of the following are guidelines for preparing the speaking outline? A. be certain to make the speaking outline legible B. follow the visual framework of the preparation outline C. include cues for how to deliver the speech D. write full sentences for points and subpoints
A. be certain to make the speaking outline legible B. follow the visual framework of the preparation outline C. include cues for how to deliver the speech
In order to be able to use the speaking outline effectively as a guide while talking, it should use the same system of indentation that was used in the ____ outline.
A speaking outline should include A. delivery cues B. an abstract of all your sources C. a manuscript
A. delivery cues
Which of the following are common recommendations for helping make certain that the speaking outline can be easily read as you are speaking? A. write or print to the left and right edges of your index cards B. write or print on both the front and back of your index cards C. use large writing or printing D. use extra spacing between lines
C. use large writing or printing D. use extra spacing between lines
Which of the following is the list of sources used in preparing a speech? A. bibliography B. concept map C. visual framework D. outline
A. bibliography
Which of the following are true statements about effective outlining? A. you should use numerals and letters to label the points of speech B. you should underline the subpoints of the speech C. you should use a consistent pattern D. you should indent the subpoints of the speech
A. you should use numerals and letters to label the points of speech C. you should use a consistent pattern D. you should indent the subpoints of the speech
In an outline, each point at the same level should immediately support the point that is ____ and one notch to the left of it. A. askew B. above C. below
B. above
Which of the following are true statements about the most common system of outlining? A. each level of subdivision is indented B. main points are identified by roman numerals C. main points are identified by 1, 2, 3, etc. D. subpoints are identified by capital letters
A. each level of subdivision is indented B. main points are identified by roman numerals D. subpoints are identified by capital letters
In the preparation outline, main points and subpoints should be stated in full ____. A. sentences B. paragraphs C. phrases
A. sentences
In the preparation outline, transitions and internal previews of the speech should be A. placed immediately after the special purpose B. placed in the outline where they will be used in the speech C. incorporated as part of the speech's symbolization and indentation system D. labeled separately from the symbolization and identification system of the speech
B. placed in the outline where they will be used in the speech D. labeled separately from the symbolization and identification system of the speech
One of the guidelines to follow when preparing a preparation outline is to A. include cues regarding the delivery of the speech B. state the specific purpose of your speech C. write your speech out word for word
B. state the specific purpose of your speech
If you use any sources of information in your speech, you should attach ____ to your outline. A. footnotes B. a justification C. a bibliography D. copies of those sources E. an abstract
C. a bibliography
Which of the following are parts that should be labeled in a preparation outline? A. introduction B. transitions C. body D. speaking directions E. preface F. conclusion
A. introduction C. body F. conclusion
The pattern of symbolization and indentation in a speech outline that shows the relationship among the speaker's ideas is called a(n) A. idea analysis B. visual framework C. bibliography
B. visual framework
Which of the following are guidelines to follow for a title if you use one for your speech? A. encapsulate the thrust of your speech B. attract the attention of your audience C. keep the topic mysterious D. be brief
A. encapsulate the thrust of your speech B. attract the attention of your audience D. be brief
Which of the following forms of symbolization is NOT part of the most common system of outlining? A. a. sub-sub-subpoint B. A. subpoint C. A. main point D. 1. sub-subpoint
C. A. main point
True or false: one guideline for the preparation outline is to include the central idea.
Which of the following are the directions included in a speaking outline to help a speaker remember how to give key parts of the speech? A. connectives B. bibliography C. all caps D. delivery cues
D. delivery cues
The preparation outline should include the ____ purpose as a way to help you evaluate how successfully the speech has been put together. A. specific B. ulterior C. general
A. specific
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