Chapter. 1-6 Apush: Salvation Army, Town Meetings, Gaspee Affair – Flashcards

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Lived in peru, over 6 million people, had paved roads
Yucatan penninsula, had written language and number system, advanced calender
Suceeds the mayans, made administrative, educational, and medical system
Civilizations in the south and what they shared in common
Aztecs, mayans, incas They all were agrixulture based societies
Civilizations of the north, general trends
Weren't real empires but complex societies The civilizations were mainly hunting, gathering, fishing or a combination
Artic circle, had huge society mainly run by dogsled
Northern forest
Mainly nomads that hunted
Pacific northwest
Mainly fished, had static residency
Far West
Rich societies mainly fishing, small game, and gathering, large irrigation systems, lots of culture, in chaco canyons where adobe houses called pueblos
Great plains
Mainly sendentary farming, permanent residency
Mississippi valley
Farming, hunting, gathering, valley very fertile
Type of agriculture
Slash and burn, not sustainable, farmers had to move to survive
Iroquois confederation
Upstate new york, five societies
Reasons for european exploration in 1400
Two major changes, commerce and nationalism, a century later after black death the population rebouned along with property value, increased commerce and prosperity. Landlords became willing to import things, sea travel became easier. the rise of more competent unified governments that created national armis and taxes that allow for stability and better institutions After muslim control of eastern trade routes, there was aneed for new trade routes
Prince henry the navigator
Led the first exploration with the portuguese
Christopher columbus
Won support from ferdinand of aragon and isabella of castille
Things that christopher columbus brought on his exploration
Three ships, nina pinta and santa maria
First visit of columbus
Went to cuba thinking that it was china, by the third voyage did he start to realize that he was in the americas, however he still believed he was near chinaand japan
Legacy of christopher
America was named after amerigo because he led a portuguese exploration that vividly described the terrain of american, increased maritime funding
Christopher columbus's religious views
Secular, however when he discovered the new land he thought he was helping spreqd the word of god
Trends in spanish american settlement
The spanish realized there might be more wealth and claimedsouth america all theirs except brazil because of papal decree Early 1500's
Attacked aztecs, thought smallpox was a sign of god's approval
Conquered peru, showed how wealthy the incans were
Order of Exploration for the Spanish
First discovery and exploration, then the age of conquistadors, followed by the Ordinance of Discovery (1570) that banned brutality, following that the Spanish expand through colonization, Spanish become indcredibly rich due to this
1565, first European Settlement of the United States, in Florida
Don Juane de Onate
went north from Mexico and established current day New Mexico (1598)
Onate's actions as government official
too harsh to the Pueblos, removed from governor in 1606. Relations improve however Apache and Navajo raiders continue to attack
Spain represses the religion of the natives
in 1680, Spain tries to repress the religion of the Pueblos which leads to multiple revolts, the last revolt was crushed in 1695 they realize it wasn't sustainable so they tried to assimilate indians. They stopped commandeering Labor and replaced the encomienda system, religious rituals are now allowed. Pueblos view them as new allies, intermarriage occurs
Characteristic of the Spanish Economies
Colonists couldn't govern themselves as much, strict economic laws stifled the economy, Spanish however did not rule with a strong hand unlike future colonies
history of African Slave Trade
The collapse of Ghana led to Mali arrising from Timbuktu. Slaves were mainly from the Sahara region, however further south of the region had less slaves because there was isolation from the mediterranean region.
basic composition of the african region
major cities include benin, congo, and songhay upper New Guinea: fishing and cultivation Fatrther South: wheat livestock and fished interior: some nomadic tribes that hunted and gathered as early as 8th century there were slaves being sold
What causes the first increase in slavery
Portuguese in the 15th century had small trade, however in the 16th century the slave trade went up because of the production of sugar off the African Coast Maderia which later moved to the Carribean Islands and Brazil by the 17th century the Dutch dominated the market
Arrival of the English
in 1497 John Cabor sails to the Northeastern Coast under King Henry VII.
When did populating America for England popular
the 16th century marked the beginning of the settlements in the New World, Utopia by Sir Thomas More helped After England's effort due to the philosophy of Mercantilism, England tried to find a place to increase exports, reduce imports and effectively remove the poor from the country
Sir Thomas More
in 1516 he wrote Utopia which contrasted the New World and the troubled England
Economic Condition of England during the start of Colonization
People stuffered costly wars, religious strife and harsh economic transformation from the Industrial Revolution, large majority of the English Farmers were beggers on the street without jobs despite efforts made by the British Government, the high demand in wool also led to food shortages because there wasn't enough land to plant food
Rise of Mercantilism- what is it?
The rise of mercantilism, the belief in that the government should be responsible for the economies, rose due to the social and economic unrest in England Furthermore it believed that Wealth was a static resource, as a result England believed that by colonizing the colonies it would grade more of the static wealth
Rise of the Merchant Class
this was caused by the idea of mercantilism, essentially countries, in this case England, decided that it would be optimal to endorse the merchant class who were the main people responsible to a succesful mercantilist society
Joint Stock Companies
Merchants that benefitted from the domestic wool industry started businesses they had to be chartered by the king, however they gained monopoliesw Ex: Muscovy (1555), Levant (1581), Barbary (1585), Guinea (1588), East India (1600)
Protestant Reformation in England
Martin Luther caused the protestant reformation in Germany in 1517, he felt that the true voice of god was purely in the bible and no other authorities had the power to interpret it Led to swiss monk John Calvin who also agreed with Martin Luther in the sense that the papal authority did not have the right to interfere with personal salvation this spreads the French Huguenots and the Puritans of England
Henry VIII
created the English Reformation due to a disagreement with the Pope over a divorce
Mary I
followed Henry VIII by killing all the protestants of the English Church (hence the name bloody mary)
Elizabeth I
make Protestantism the official religion Wanted to create an empire, Made the first settlements in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 The English were afraid of the Spanish presence
Religious Problems under James I
some puritans went to seperatism such as the Quakers who did not believe in Violence most just demanded the Clergy to have less interference with the local government and reside more on the spiritual matters James I decides that Divine Right is a legit reason for ruling so he antagonized the growing middle class of Puritans They were arbitrarily taxed and were not granted charters even though they wanted to leave England
Early French Settlement
English was their main enemy in the 1600's the French were very close to the native population because they conducted considerable amounts of trade with the Natives French create major colonies Quebec and montreal The French were in conflict with the Iroquois and the enemies of the Algoquins
Henry Hudson
in 1609, an employee of the dutch, sailed up New York on Hudson and believed that the river was so wide that it could reach the Pacific
English vs. Spanish Armada
under Phillip II, the spanish armada lose to England which changes the power distribution in Europe
Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh claim Newfoundland Raleigh catch two Natives and tell England how amazing it is there
After finding Newfoundland and traveling back to England with his two African Slaves, he moved down the coast and found North Carolina and called it Virginia after the "Virgin Queen" he made a colony, after leaving and coming back to it, it had become deserted. Thus once Raleigh came back he was accused of plotting against the King and executed surprisingly the impulse for the search survived
Founding of Jamestown
only 104 people survived and arrived in the spring of 1067 at Chesapeake Bay, the location was horrible, it was too low and swampy for agriculture, it also had hot humid summers that cuased the spread of malaria, it was also surrounded by a dense forest that was not optimal for agriculture
The Eventual Demise of Jamestown
Malaria crippled the colony as well as the search for gold as opposed to preparing food, especially for the winter after a year only 38 out of 104 people survive, Captain John Smith's efforts help make the colony sustainable note:all men
Jamestown and De La Warr
there was a very bad winter that followed after John Smith leaves, thus De La Warr is sent to bring material to the Jamestown, this ship runs aground at Bermuda however is spotted by the remaining Jamestown residents which leads to Jamestown surviving
Government of Jamestown under De La Warr
at first there was very harsh treatment with very little incentive (like communism) however it was later followed by a government with a reward system that collected rent, this did much better
Jamestown and Tobacco
this was the only real marketable crop Despite the Counterblaste Act by James I that pointed out the detriments of tobacco, the sale still thrived In order to pay off debts and increase tobacco output, the colonists developed the headright system
Headright system
people that lived in Virginia were given 50 acres, those that paid for their passage were immediately granted 100 acres, people that paid for other people's passage were granted another headright of land this last mechanism caused greater income disparity because those that had money, had more money to afford for another person's travel which allowed them to access even more land Families were given to the head of a family, 50 acres were accumulated for each member of the household
company's attempt to increase incentive for the Settlement of Jamestown
the company would transport iron workers and skilled craftsman to diversify the economy woman could be purchased for 120 pounds of tobacco
house of Burgesses
created to discuss policies communities would have delegates that would meet up this was the first representative legislature of America
Introduction of African Slaves
20 black people were brought through the dutch, they weren't used as slaves immediately the arrival in 1619 marked the beginning of slavery
stole powhattan chief's daughter, Pocahontas and coverted her to christianity, she went back to England to encourage the idea of "taming" the Indians
The Early conflicts with the Powhattans
Powhattan stopped attacking after the capture of his daughter, however once he died, his brother took over as chief and started to attack In one raid, indians massacred 347 people before having to retreat this along with the false suspicion that there wasn't any gold because of the Natives caused the whites to attack the tribe and effectively stop it
things learned from the Native Americans
the agricultural success of Jamestown was largely due to the skills that were learned from the indians The natives taught the appreciation of corn, its stalks could be used as sugar, it didn't spoil easily and when planted with beans it would grow even better than usual
founding of Maryland and its religious issues
was founded by George Calverte, a convert of Catholicism, he wanted to make a retreat for Catholics after coming from England which was mainly protestant his son cdecilius carried on with a charter for absolute power of the colony as long as he paid the annual debts landed on dry land and was greeted by neighboring natives because the natives had suffered so badly from the spread of small pox that they had no intentions for starting a rivalry Soon, the debts became big so they had to recruit Protestants which led to the Catholic being Minorities. As a result they had grant all christians the right to workship and appointed a protestant as a governor zealous jesuits prevented the catholics from voting
Civil War in Maryland
in 1655 there was so many tensions between catholics and Protestant that there was a civil war where in the end the governor was replaced with a protestant one
Maryland Early Economy
Used the headright system in 1640 due to labor shortages tobacco was the main crop and slaves were imported in the 17th century
Bacon's Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon in 1673 settled in Virginia and took seat as a representative of the Backcountry governors didn't want western settlers to go further into the region because of the lucrative trade with the indians Bacon, an aristocrat of the backcountry, was mad that he had no access to the lucrative fur trades and later became the leading figure of the opposition party so when fighting escalated from an indian raid, Bacon led a backlash against the indians, the governor denounces bacon for his actions
Results of Bacon's Rebellion
After the Governor pardons Bacon, the governor takes it back and Bacon takes over Virginia, in the midst he dies, Berkeley the old governor takes back control and make indians lose land
What is so important about Bacon's rebellion?
Shows the urge to define the boundaries and how unwilling each group was to give up land it also showed how desperate landless people were to gain land Virginia thus learned how important it was to make the people underneath you content which led to more usage of slavery
caused by the discontent of puritans that couldn't leave without the permission of the English in 1620 the pilgrims hugged the coast from the Hudson all the way to Plymouth
Reasons for the Mayflower compact
They were outside the London Company's Territory so they signed it to show that they remained devoted to the king
Early interactions of the Plymouth settlement
their smallpox depopulated the native americans, thyeir demand for fur, animal skin, and meat diminished the game around them they brought many new types of animals and crops their interactions with the Native Americans were nicer, they depended on the Americans to survive Held together by their puritan faith
Miles Standish
in 1622, he led the plymouth colony and made it a bit militaristic, from then on the profits started to rise
William Bradford
helped the mayflower colony pay off all of its debts
James I and the Puritans
James I had a bad relation with the Puritans thus he wanted to push them out of England
King Charles
the son of James I, his repressive policies against all but catholics would start a major revolution in 1629 he disbanded parliament which prevented the puritans from having influence
Mass Bay colony
puritans start it primarily fishing, was a haven for puritans colony's capital was settled at the mouth of the charles
John winthrop
was chosen as governor of MassBay colony, led 17 ships of 1000 people in 1630, biggest migration of the century
Suffrage of the massBay colony
At first it was all stock holders could vote, eventually it became that all free men could vote
Political and Religious Life in Mass Bay colony
The town were not part of a centralized church, each chose its own minister and regulated its own affairs the colony in effect was a theocracy, non-christians had little to no power
What led to stability of MBC
The native Americans fave very important advice there was a large population which led to the feeling of security and procreation The religious and political hierarchies led to stability
Founding of Hartford and New Haven
Thomas Hooker, a minister of Newtown defied MA in 1635 and led a congregation to Hartford, eventually two other twons form t create the fundamental orders of Hartford it was because he wanted to seperate from the English Church
Creation of Providence Rhode Island
Providence Rhode Island was made from Thomas hooker because he wanted to make a place where members of all faith could worship freely
Anne Hutchinson
argued that clergy did not go under spiritual change so could not hold office feminist she stopped the governor winthrop from being elected once but soon after he became reelected and banned her
legacy of Anne Hutchinson
Alarmed by her actions, the clergy restricted women from having public gathering which caused many women to move to maine and new hampshire
Major interactions between MBC and the Natives (early)
natives were very weak from the beginning so man converted religions and sold their land the settlers learned the vital foods and agricultural techniques they were also crucial fur trade partners and were the reason for early profits
Major interactions between MBC and the Natives (late)
over hunting led to herding which required people to use more space, thus settlers moved to the conneticut region where they came in conflict with the natives at first there was a condescending admiration for the natives however they eventually started to think that the "savages" were threatening the heavenly kingdom at the beginning of the 17th century the population for natives was over 100,000 by 1675 the population went 10,000 which led indians to alchoholism, others to convert, and finally some to wage war
King Phillips War
in 1675, a tribe known as the wampanoags terrorized many massachusetts' towns, this led to a widespread fear in 1676, the whites fight back back along with the mohawks who are enemies of the wampanoags. By then indians were using flintlock rifles and advanced forts
Reasons for the English Civil War
King Charles I became bankrupt after dissolving parliament once charles brings him back to levy taxes he dismisses them twice which leads to the military with some supporting the king others the parliament.
Supporters of king (English Civil War)
Round Heads
Supporters of Parliament (English Civil War)
Oliver Cromwell
after beheading King Charles I, Oliver Cromwell becomes the leader, his later successors are incompetent, thus bringing back the government to a monarchy
King Charles II
follows after a series of incompetent rulers from Oliver Cromwell, once he gets onto the throne he begins colonization again and his believers get rewarded with land he made charters for Carolina, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, the goals for his colonies no longer remained short term goals
Political organization of Carolina
had a representative assembly that failed horribly, thus Earl of Shaftesbury drew up fundamental constitution for Carolina in 1669 using John Locke's Philosophy
Land Organization of Carolina
The owners had complete power through their charter over the land
Economies of Carolinas and connections to slavery
flourished in corn, lumber, cattle, pork, and rice had close ties with Barbados a country that was big on slavery, the barbados people that moved to Carolina all used slaves
Division of North and South Carolina
The tensions between the rich and poor are particularly intense in Carolina, this causes the colonists to seize power in 1719 which leads to the division of the north and south
Creation of New York and its connection religiously
Charles II grants his brother James a charter for New York, some the New York territory conflicted with New Amsterdam which causes tensions between the Dutch and English James now having the charter for New Netherland called his charter New York After a decade in 1702, Cataret takes New Jersey which is seized by king, New Jersey was mainly populated by small farmers
New Amsterdam and why it is strategically important
New Amsterdam was directly inbetween New England and the south which allowed for Dutch smuggling and therefore reduced English Profits 1664, Richard Nicolis conquers New Amsterdam 1673 Dutch take it back 1674, the Dutch lose it for good to England
New York Demographics
Extremely Diverse (Dutch, English, Scandinavians, Germans, French, African, and Indian Tribes). There were around 30,000 people, the colony was very prosperous
New York's political system
New York did not force religion onto individuals but also did not give representation. The Dutch Patroons, wealthy dutch people, had a lot of power in the government. This led to a very power seperated government.
Quakers in England and their arrival at Pennsylania
The Society of Friends emerged in the mid-17th century from the preachings of George Fox and Margaret Fell Quakers rejected the idea of predestination and sin, believing that all people were divine and merely had to cultivate it to reach salvation women and men had equal importance in the doctrine Quakers first went to Rhode Island for political asylum, they were shunned so they moved again this time with the support of a rich man named William Penn
William Penn
Penn received Pennsylvania because of a war debt from the King, he made settlements with Quakers there Eventually in 1718 he died in imprisonement due to debt
Penn's interactions with Indians
Penn was very respectful to the indians and did not spread the usage of alchohol
Charter of Liberties
made by William Penn in 1701 and created Delaware
Spanish Threat in Florida (1700s)
The capital of Spain in the colonies at the time was Mexico City, New Mexico was their most profitable outpost Florida was established in 1560 The spanish remained fearful of the Georgia Region due to Jamestown, in the 18th century there were major tensions between the boiundaries of Georgia and Carolina (Spanish bs. English)
San Fernando
an outpost made by the spanish in 1731 that showed their dominance of the Texas region
Raid of St.Augustine
in 1668, St.Augustine was raided by English Pirates
Result of the 7 years war on the colonies
after the war, Spain weakdened and England acquired Florida which would lead to the founding of Georgia
General James Oglethorpe
a member of Parliament and a war hero, he led the exploration to the Georgia Colony, he did this to give a new opportunity for the debtors he saw in prison his colony was militaristic, compact so that it could be denfended, it was also free of slaves to prevent uprisings, alchohol was not sold to indians and there were no catholics to prevent religious controversy at first his grip over the colony was so strong that it hindered growth, but once he loosened it to be like South Carolina, the economy thrived
Spanish treaty of 1676
Spain keeps all the lands pre-English colonization, the rest of the post-colonization lands are England's
Reasons for the Navigation Acts
The laws composing the Navigation Acts
1660, colonists could only trade with people that had English Ships 1663, all ships had to go through England for a tariff 1673, Customs officials would reinforce the laws
The effect of the Navigation Acts
there now existed a monopoly that also allowed England to start receiving profits from the countries The laws also encouraged Colonists to make their own shipbuilding Industry along with increased output of American Goods
Reasons for the Dominion of New England
after the mass refuses to accept the reinforcement of the acts, Charles II makes the state a royal property (no longer privately owned) in 1686, James II made New England all under Sir Edmund Andros who soon became despised
The Glorious Revolution
by 1688, King James's support dissapeared, when James decides that his heir would be catholic parliament "invites" Mary, Jame's Daughter, and William of Orange to take control of England James II flees with little to no violence
Impact of the Glorious Revolution on the colonists
The colonists immediately take out Sir Edmund Andros and replace it with a representative government, this prevented colonial unification. Gave the spark of revolution to the colonists. William of Orange and Mary however increase the control over the colonies
General Trends in Early English Colonial populations
Early population was mainly unaristocratic and consisted of the middle class and business men There were large floating populations of indentures in the colonial population there was a lot of moving for better land
Identured Servants
people bound themselves to masters to receive food, shelter, and transportation to America in hope to create a new life The indentured Servants were cheap labor that took advantage of the Headright system These people generally found themselves jobless after provfiding their labor if women became pregnant, they had to give their bastard children to their masters
Differences between New England and the Chesapeake colonies
New England mortality rates are much lower and the average life span actually grew by 20 years due to fresh water on the other hand widows and widowers filled Chesapeake, the contaminated water and malaria there only made the situation worse due to the high mortality rate in the Chesapeake colonies, families were frequently seperated and stereotypes of gender were less reinforced premarital sex was frequent in Chesapeake New England was puritan which is a patriarchal religion thus reducing the power of women
women that entered the health system because there wasn't a real professional health system back then
Result of harsh conditions of the Chesapeake Colonies
sex standards less rigid, there was more women independence because of the greater population of women than men, widows were really unmarried for long, when they were widows they had greater economic power. Once Chesapeake became like New England the women lost their power
Growth in Slavery, differences between NE and Chesapeake
from 1697 to the mid 1700's, tobacco cultivation in Chesapeake resulted in a high demand for slaves in the mid 1690s, the royal african's monopoly on slaves broke and trade opened to English on a competitive basis
Immigration of French, Germans, Scottish, and where they settle
French Calvinists, the huguenots settle in America after the Edict of Nantes is revoked German Catholics and Protestant suffered from King Louis XIV especially in Rhineland, many germans move to New York, others go to Pennsylvania where they are welcomed once Parliament prevents Ulsters, presbytarian Irish and Scottish Highlanders, from making a living, they move to New Jersey and Pennsylvania where they gain significant influence
Cash Crops's influence on the Southern Economy
when too much tobacco was made, there were frequent bust and booms. Because they didn't know what bust and booms were they, in order to make a profit during busts, fired more slaves than ever South Carolina and Georgia's staple was rice and the hard work compelled people to own slaves the dependence on cash crops prevented the south from making cities, no commiunities were made b/c majority of trade was with England
Economic Goods in the North (contrast it with the south)
it was more diverse because farming was less affordable, New York, Penn., and the Conn. River valley were the main suppliers of the wheat to the parts of New England
Iron Act
1750, prohibited colonies from large scale production of iron. made because England didn't want their exports of iron to be reduced
Growth of Industry in the North
although there was inadequate labor supply, small domestic market, bad transportation and lack of energy supplies, its lumbering, mining, and fishing were the main drivers of its economy
Expansion of colonial trade and the merchant class
the merchant class expanded and frequently created small colonies, they benefit greatly from the triangle trade
Triangle Trade
rum, slaves and sugar
Growth of Consumerism
trade was hard at first because there wasn't a uniform currency, products and consumptions were eventually used to display individuals' wealth, this happened mainly due to the big difference between the rich and the poor. The allowing of greater loans made consumerism even greater. manners and fashion became much more important, the public spaces also became much more refined
Organization and social issues of plantations
plantations were huge however the majority of property owners had only small estates. The economy was very precarious, when the economy was good everyone benefitted everyone did well, when the economy was hit small owners would suffer greatly and even large plantation owners would be hit hard. Society thus became highly stratified
Plantation slavery systems
in 1800's negroes dominated the population and they even made their own culture. Africans made strong friend/family structures because of hardships. Most slaves were fieldhands however in larger plantations they learned the trades and crafts. On occasion they had the opportunity to buy their freedom
Organization of the Puritan Communities
Towns were made where they would run their own affairs without interference from colonial governments. there were yearly town meetings, however only members who were higher up in the church had full membership, commercialization strined the tightly woven town feeling making towns so big that towns were made when sections seperated from the larger town, they also made new churches which made resentment the passing down of land frequently made land too small so people frequently sought out to find new land
Salem Witch Trial
1692, the gap between cohesive united communities and increasingly divers and fluid communities made bizarre events such as the witch trials Puritan society had little tolerance for independent women who were generally widows. it was a manifestation of how religious these communities were.
Major issues in Colonial cities
disparities between the wealth and poor were very bad in the cities cities were vulnerable to fluctuations in the economy, residents and merchants took the majority of the impact
Power of the Church of England in the colonies
everyone was more tolerant of religions because the colony couldn't impose any religion on a large scale basis. by the beginning of the 18th century people began to notice the decrease in faith. The rise of commercial prosperity made urban areas more secular
Changes for the Protestant Church
the protestant church rose slowly in 1730 but reached its full in 1740. Women and younger sons that received less land like the philosophy of the Protestant Church that endorsed the great awakening, an idea that said every should be able to start a new life preachers included George Whitefiel and the Wesleys
Great Awakening
a way to battle the Enlightment which felt that government shouldn't be related to god. It is the first american revival, the first time when christians gave an explanation for their actions. The leaders of the awakening were named the new lights and they were very fiery in their speeches, they gave extensive speeches that scared people to not sin and have faith in god
Impact of the Great Enlgihtenment
people realized that they had the power to make their society better which led more focus on politics and government and better education. Furthermore people challenged whether all answers could come from the ephemeral god
Growth of Education, creation of Colleges
1647, MA passes law that requires public education 1723 to 1770 hundreds of schools were made for apprentices women received no formal education, however they received similar education to males that were homeschooled colleges are surprisingly religious however some colleges such as king's college, columbia were devoted to secular ideas
Differences in Legal and Political Beliefs between England and America
laws were less reinforced due to a scarcity of lawyers, English laws weren't reinforced till the 1800s The americans adopted the idea of trials however instead of using gallows, the Americans used things that publicly humiliated the criminals America became so self-sufficient that when England tries to take hold of it again, both countries implode
Andrew Hamilton
brilliant lawyer, in 1734-35 he made a speech that pointed out that things that are criticizing but also factually true do not violate the freedom of speech, this radically changed the concept of speech
Rules of Parliament following the Glorious Revolution
states became under the king's control. The glorious revolution led the parliament to gain much more power than the king, and because the parliament represented the people, there were less strict laws on the colonists officials from England were frequently brided, law reinforcement was minimal
Robert Walpole
one of the first prime ministers to loosen trading rules on the colonies which led to encourage trade
The Albany Plan
1754, all the "states" met together to deal with the Iroquois Confederation, when asked for a plan to create a very weak central government to deal with the conflicts, no states agreed
Conflict between the English and the French in the Ohio River Valley
at first the relations were peaceful however by the 1750's the religious ad commercial tensions overthrew the peace. This was partly due to the 17th century expansion of France from Louis XIV struggle for national unity and international power (there were increased Jesuits and Fur Traders)
Efforts to expand France into the North Americas and Louix XIV's struggle for national unity
increased number of Jesuits and Fur Traders made a chain of interior colonies (1682 Robert Cavelier finds Louisiana, Jacques Marquet travels down the mississippi and arkansas rivers) many would be feudal lords take land along St.Lawrence River Louis did this because he realized that whoever had the most interior land also had the best relations with the Natives
interactions among the English French and Iroquois
Iroquois had better relations with the English mainly because they offered better trade, however the Iroquois frequently plotted the French against that English The French claimed the Ohio River Valley which was a piece of land that many colonists wanted to move into The Glorious Revolution makes it only worse because William of Orange has something against French Expansionism
Queen Anne
1702, gets the Engish throne and continues conflicts such as the King William's war from 1689 to 1697
King William's War
Minor territorial changes between French and English Following the war, the Iroquois grant English Traders with the ability to trade with them. This makes French Worry that the English will proceed into the French territory, both sides arm themselves
Treaty of Utrecht
much of French America is transferred to the English
George Washington's first leadership position
attacked with a small platoon against a virginian fort that was claimed by french, had to retreat and make fort Necessity where he was attacked again and had to leave (1754-1756), beginning of the French and Indian War
Leadership and Changes under William Pitt
in 1757 Pitt puts America under British control to increase war effort he recruited colonists and seized supplies and equipment from local farmers, farmers don't like that in 1758 he brings the war to the third stage by easing his obnoxious policies, reimbursing the farmers after 1756 french have bad harvest and can't sustain military success (they were also outnumbered)
mid 1758 (F&E war)
Colonial Militias gain foothold, Jeffrey Amherst and James Wolfe capture fort at Luisbourg Fall of Quebec in 1759 meant the beginning of te end for France september 1760, France surrenders
Outcomes for the end of F&E war
William Pitt resigns and brings peace to the colonies French give almost everything except New Orleans English landlords are mad that they have to pay taxes for a war that the Americans did nothing for, thus taxes are raised for the Americans and Parliament increased its grasp on the colonies thus enraging the colonists colonists felt like they were part of a people's army as opposed to the british army which had mandatory recruitment
Attempts of the British to reassert control over the colonies
Britain realizes that the colony isn't only a source of revenue but also has a great potential its population, Benjamin Franklin is the main endorser for this. London was losing money by having troops on the border, and london's taxes were already too high for merchants and land lords
Leadership of George III
he was insane and gained power through replacing the whigs party in the Parliament
Prime Minister Grenville
prime minister under George III, was the real reason of the dispute, had little sympathy, was elected to solve war debt problems
Proclamation of 1763 and its effect on the colonists
prevented settling beyond the Appalachians to prevent conflict between Pontiac and the colonists it also benefited England because it controlled the migration so that trade ports would not diminish in population white settlers ignored it for the most part
Mutiny Act
in 1765, british troops were permanently stationed in America, smugglers were searched by the British Navy, customs service not became more legitimate (officials couldn't send substitutes) manufacturing was slowed down to prevent the competition that Britain faced
Sugar Act
1764, strengthened enforcement on trade of sugar. court was established to deal with future smugglers
Currency Act
1764 colonial assemblies aren't allowed to issue their own paper currency
Stamp Act
there was now a new tax on most documents (not actually expensive) 1765
Paxton Boys
Western Penns in 1763 asked for relief on colonial taxes to fight the indians raids, eventually come to capital where the government finally makes small concessions to them
Regulator Movement
small scale civil war breaks out in North Carolina farmers organize a group to go against the tax collectors, as a result there is a skirmish at the Battle of Alamance (1771)
Outcome of the Acts placed by Prime Minister Grenville
Northern Merchants felt like they would take a blow on restrained commerce, settlers in the northern backcountry couldn't trade fur or speculate land Southern Farmers were scared that they wouldn't be able to pay their debts to the English the restrictions also came right when there was an economic depression from the removal of funding that the British had caused. Finally this caused the colonists to feel like they lost a lot o their liberties.
Speculating Land
like stock market but not volatile and guaranteed profit, you bet on land and sell it for a higher price once that price goes up
Colonial opposition to the stamp Act
created unity among the colonists because all americans were affected, colonists were annoyed by the precedent young virginian aristocrats challenged the stamp act such as Patrick Henry who made a speech at the house of burgesses in May 1765 proposed that taxes be selected by representatives as opposed to being imposed by others
The Virginia Resolves
The proposition that asked to make all taxes that are passed be from the representatives of the colonists as opposed to parliament
The Sons of Liberty
1765 summer sons of liberty riot, they terrorized stamp agents and burned stamps. The revenue of the stamps immediately screeched to a halt
Parliamentary Repeal of the Stamp Act
England backs down due to economic pressures and merchants' complaints This set a precedent for the boycott on the sugar act of 1764
in 1766 Rockingham becomes the new Prime Minister and kills the Stamp act
Declaratory Act
made following to the repeal of the Stamp act to please those that believed the colonists had to be under full control, clarifies that Britain has full power over the Colonists
Townshend's changes to the British Taxation system
because landlord's thought that they would be taxed harder from the repealed tax, Pitt replaces Rockingham Pitt was too old and a friend of the colonists, thus Charles Townshend, the chancellor of exchequer held most of the responsiblity Passes mutiny act to defend the colonists at less of a cost
Internal Taxation
it directly taxes the buyer of the product
External Taxation
where the thing that is being bought has a tax, it taxes the seller which indirectly increases the price of the good
Townshend's Laws
he disbanded the New York Assembly until the mutiny act was followed (singled out) and levied new taxes on things that the Colonists imported
Responses to Townshends's changes
MA assembly passes around a letter to riseup against Britain, once letter gets threatened by Lord Hillsborough, the states all unite colonists boycotted goods instead of bribing the customs officers
Lord North
after Townshend dies, North takes over and repeals all the Townshend taxes except the one on Tea
Reasons and outcomes of the Boston Massacre
the custom's commissioner harrasment had become so bad that troops replaced the commissioner British were also poorly paid and had to compete with the Colonists for the job market the accident becomes over dramaticized by Paul Revere Sam Adams leads the yearly public outrage
The committee of Correspondence
in 1772 in boston to publicize grievances, led by Sam Adams
Philosophical Background behind the revolts
some reasons came religiously (puritan), most notably was John Locke who believed in the Social contract
virtual vs. actual representation
until the colonists received actual taxation, they believed in "no taxation without representation" in virtual representation, there are representatives of a region but they do not actually live there actual representation makes the real opinions of the colonists actually matter
The Gaspee incident
1772, angry residents of Rhode Island board Gaspee ship ad set in on fire Britain enrages the population by bringing the people back to Britain for trial
The Tea Act
1773, the thing that brought back the revolutionary fervor that had been lost in attempt to save their tea company (East India) only certain vendors could sell East India Tea and no other tea This made certain merchants excluded and conflicted with no taxation without representation
Reasons for and Impacts of the Boston Tea Party
various colonies wanted to stop the import of tea, boston fails to stop 3 ships so the patriots went to the ships and dumped all of the tea into the charles, 1773 (same year as Tea Act) Other Seaports follow this act of resistance
Coercive/Intolerable act
after refusing to pay for the damage done, in 1774 Britain closes the harbors of Boston The act made it that people would be tried in Britain not in America
Result of the Coercive/Intolerable Acts
MA is a new martyr and people boycotted even more goods than before
Committees of Correspondence Goals and Actions
virginia creates this group and makes it intercontinenal with the name of the Continental congress
First Continental Congress
on september 1774 at Carpenter's hall in Philadelphia in a very close vote, they voted that they would not stay under british authority They also created a statement of Grievances that asked to repeal all acts since 1763 They approved a series of resolutions to let them arm themselves Finally they made the continental association to boycott all of England's trade
Response from Parliament to the First Continental Congress
William Pitt argues to withdraw troops, Edmund Burke calls to repeal Coercive Acts Lord North finally won ad in 1775 passed measures known as the conciliatory propositions that allowed the colonies to tax themselves, by then, however, Lexington and Concord had happened.
Lexington and Concord
Continental Army create minutement and stockpiled amunition in Concord General Thomas Cage doesn't do anything for a bit, he didn't arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock either april 1775, he attacked from the road of lexington, supposed to be a surprise William Dawes and Paul Revere are warned and warn the people to move the supplies from Concord British view it as a skirmish, in the eyes of the Colonists, the war had started
2nd Continental Congress
3 weeks after Lexington and Concord delegates from all the colonies except Georgia come Adams Cousins wanted independence while John Dickinson wanted modest reforms
Letter from a Pennsylvanian Farmer
John Dickinson's appeal to England for moderate reform
The Olive Branch Petition
delegates found a middle ground where they would make one last peace attempt with Britain, at first they were just fighting to get an apology from England
Reasons for reinforced feelings about the war
1. The cost of war were high, people died, the economy died, so a small war wasn't enough to justify losses 2. Lingering love gone after the British recruit the indians, african americans, and mercenaries to fight for them 3. Britain dissapproved of the Olive Branch Petition and even closed all trading with the colonists until they instead received a redress
Common Sense
support was unspoken until a pamphlet in 1776 by Thomas Paine it argued that the king and the system were responsible for the grievances, not the parliament, furthermore he argued that one must leave tyrannical governments
Major themes of the Declaration of independence
Thomas jefferson with some help from Benjamin Franklin wrote the majority of the constitution for the most part it addressed locke's theory, on the other hand instead of righting life, liberty, and property, he replace property with the pursuit of hapiness it also claimed that all men are created equal by declaring independence, it made funding much simpler
Creation of the Articles of Confederation
colonies began to call themselves states the states now were now more-self governing because they longer needed to report to a central figure many states made their own form of the declaration of independence Continental Congress then was only a way to meet only in 1777 did congress adopt the articles of Confederation that did a little more to centralize the fovernment It made the Continental congress a primary agency for war efforts
Financial Difficulties of America's mobilization into the Revolutionary War
necessary supplies was gone because new trade routes had to be established because England had a monopoly, most of their supplies was that of the things that were collected from the british Congress couldn't levy taxes and there was little to no hard money available, when they tried to sell bonds that failed because no once bought them in the end they had to print money and many times that caused inflation
Leadership of George Washington
after the patriotism surge dies out in 1775, there were few volunteers After realizing that it was not fully centralized, the Continental Congress realized how important it was to get a military leader as soon as possible George washington was picked for his faith, ability to deal with soldier morale and ability to deal with the dearth of supp;lies held an army of less than 10,000 men and defeated the world's greatest army of the time He was a symbol of stability
American Advantages in the Revolutionary War
Americans were fighting on their own ground and whole heartedly supported the war. Later in the game, France provided aid to America. furthermore the British frequently miscalculated attack plans
British Advantages during the Revolutionary War
the british had the greatest navy and best equipped army in the world, Britain also had access to the resources of an empire with a coherent structure of command
The NE phase of the Rev. War
first few years the british weren't particularly sure about whether they wanted to fight or not
Bunker Hill
Actually fought on Breed's hill, June 7 1775 after the withdrawal from Bunker Hill Thomas Gage attacks Patriots and although the Patriots are driven out, the English suffer more casualties
Legacy of Bunker Hill
British further realize that being in Boston is not particularly smart, not strategic in location or demographics. Leads to Evacuation Day Evacuation Day marked the moment the British began to take the "skirmishes seriously"
Evacuation Day
1776 the British Leave MA realizing it's not strategic being there
The Colonists' ties with Canada
Richard Montgomery Invades Canada in attempt to remove the British Threat and to make better ties with the Canadians, he captured Montreal but died at Quebec city Benjamin Franklin can't convince Canada to work with the Colonists
Mid Atlantic Phase
Three main events: Seizure of New York Battle of Trenton Battle of Saratoga from 1776 to 1778 the British were in the best position to win, miscalculations prevent the British from easily winning the war William Howe had 32,000 British Troops
Seizure of new York
32000 british troops under William Howe Arrive at New York, the troops were mainly used to awe the colonists into not fighting the English Howe makes the americans lose long island, abandon manhattan and drive them to the plains of NJ and finally reside at Philadelphia
Battle of Trenton
the british don't fight during winter (fighting is normally seasonal) British settle down in NJ and leave an outpost of Germn Mercenaries, Washington goes through delaware river and drives out hessians to capture Trenton and Princeton (temporary) this victory was important because it seemed as though the army was going to fall apart right before the battle
Battle of Saratoga
Britain's Burgoyne seizes Fort Ticonderoga Horatio Gates replaces General Shuyler, following that Gates surrounds Saratoga and makes Burgoyne surrender This inspired the French to start funding the war British become less supportive for the war
William howe's mistakes during the Mid-Atlantic Phase
he refrained from moving in and attacking the weakened continental Congress, he allowed Washington to regroup and have a peaceful winter, some speculate that the reason for this might have been that Howe had feelings for the colonists, others believe it was howe's alchoholism or love affair
The Iroquois and the British
The Iroquois lost also in the defeat at Saratoga, the colonists frequently attacked the Natives directly
Joseph and Mary Brant
convince the Seneca and Cayuga to support the Colonists (divides up the Iroquois Confederation)
International Assistance to the Americans
the victory at saratoga and failure to crush army provided, Louis XIV was very promising because him minister wanted to see Britain lose a considerable amount of land. The French mainly gave proxy support before Saratoga but after Saratoga and a peace offensive proposed by the British, the French recognized the Americans as a country and provided a navy, this led to other European Countries to also defy Britain which helped in the big scheme of things
The Southern Phase
The British then go down south because of the greater population of loyalists There is the Battle of Cowpens and Battle of Yorktown last4ed for 3 years from 1778-1781 problem is Virginia is just as supportive as MA British also make less loyalists by encouraging slaves to escape furthermore by enlisting loyalists, colonists could easily blend into the population thus making it harder to determine the good people and bad people Guerilla Warfare decreased morale of the British (British generally won the large scale wars)
Benedict Arnold
known mainly for his betrayal of the West Point stronghold at Hudson River
Greene Replaces Gates
1780 at the Battle of Camden, Cornwallis crushes Gates
When the tide changes for the Southern Part of the Rev. War
at King's mountain a group of Backwood riflers kill wound and capture 100 New York and South Carolina Tories From there on Greene splitws his army into many mobile contingents that confuse Cornwallis
Battle of Cowpens
1781, one of Greene's mobile groups strikes the army at Cowpens
Ending of the War, Battle of Yorktown
1781 Corwallis has lost so many people at Guilford Court House that he withdraws and moves to Yorktown where Washington and the French Generals trap Cornwallis at York Town
Negotations to Conclude the Rev. War
Lord North resigns as prime minister, America wants to cooperate with French however siding with the French meant the risk of dragging back into a war with the French and English so they sign a preliminary treaty while Benjamin Franklin helps pacify the Vergennes Americans gain all the area from southern Boundary of Canda to northern Boundary of Florida
Impact of War on loyalists and religious dissenters
at least a fifth of the population remained loyalists, they all became outcasts and lost everything they had, a third of slaves in SC defected during war because of British and exposure of the idea of liberty. Most of the loyalists held high positions in society so once they left, the demographics changed dramatically The Patriots deestablished the church and the quakers lost power due to their pacifism on the other hand the Roman Catholics gained the majority of power because most supported the war and most french soldiers were roman catholics
john Carrol
leads the roman Catholics post-rev. and is supported by the Vatican
changes of Slavery due to the war
a third of slaves defected and many were exposed to the idea of liberty this is the reason why south carolina and Georgia were originally so hesitant about the war many also believed that by enslaving the african americans that were unfit for society, they would preserve their own liberties
Impact of war on natives
indians that had sided with the British lost be cause they no longer could trust the american patriot victory led to greater thirst for land people deeply resented the mohawks who had helped the British in the war Finally the Natives became ultimately less unified
Dragging Canoe
Led a cherokee faction in 1776 that was responded with an overwhelming retaliation
Changes for Women's rights and roles in society
the departure of men made the women much more important in society. Furthermore they were crucial to the sustainability of the army Women lost almost all their legal rights when they married (suffrage) for the most part, the revolution only contributed to the solidification of the stereotypical female role Benjamin Franklin called for reforms too
Abigail Adam's
Sam Adam's Wife, she called for reforms for women
Changes to the Colonial Economy during the War
English Colonists no longer recieved the protection they had received from the British navy, in the long run the end of imperial restriction benefitted the economy as a whole economy didn't fully revolutionize until 18th century
Trends in New State governments
all the governments agreed that they would be republics, as a result the independent land owner became a very important idea because it was a guaranteed citizenship Furthermore the republics strove to be meritocracies even though the majority of the time the success of a person was largely determined by his birth they made it very clear that the executive would have little to no power while the individual law making organizations would be consisted of an upper and lower house
MA's actions to strengthen the government
after realizing the incompetence of the governments, MA strengthened its own executive branch in 1780 and the only state to not make the first revision but also have the constitution not written by the state legislatures to prevent corruption many states soon followed
The Statute of Religious Liberty
although a good portion of the population believed that the government should have religion attached to it, in reality religion weakened becaus eof the revolution in 1786, Virginia enacted the Statute of Religious Liberty written by Thomas Jefferson which called for the seperation
Weakening of Slavery in the north
NE, slavery was not big, it became banned. In Penn. the large Quaker Population allowed the banning of slavery every state except SC and Georgia prevented the further importations of slaves. Virginia passed laws that supported manumission, the releasing of slaves
What caused slavery to linger in the South
racist assumptions of inferiority enormous invesments in slave labor, and the inability for important people to see alternatives of slavery
Powers of the Articles of confederation
adopted by the Continental Congress in 1777, it allowed congress to conduct wars, foreign relations, and to borrow and issue money however it prevented congress from regulating trade, drafting troops or levying taxes. furthermore, in order for a ruling to pass, 9 out of 13 states had to agree upon it the states that westward eventually had to give up the land they claimed in 1781, the continental congress was a failure for the most part that lasted from 1781-1789
The ordinance of 1784
One of the most succeful rulings passed by the Continental Congress, this divided the western teritory into ten self governing districts, each of which could apply for statehood if it matched or exceeded minimum requirements
The Ordinance of 1785
also a very successful law that was passed, it created a system used to survey and sell land, this technique would be later still used, selling the land helped create the system of public schools
The NW Ordinance of 1787
most of the land was sold to companies as opposed to the average person because of the average citizen did not have the money to buy land made the ten districts established by the ordinance of 1784 merge into one northwest territory with 3 or 5 regions requirements for becomintg a state included religious freedom, trial by jury, prohibition of slavery
Tensions between Native Americans in the West and colonists
selling land created a lot of controversy with the Natives, efforts of peace treaties failed consistently. In 1786 two years after signing a treaty, the iroquois confederation broke the treaty and lashed out By the early 1790's this problem had become really big
Battle of Fallen Timbers
tribes in 1791 defeated United States forces in two consecutive battles under the leadership of Little Turtle, there would not be a peace treaty because Little Turtle asked for the American to stop expanding beyond the Ohio River Finally in 1794, General Anthony Wayne leads forces to defeat Miami
Treaty of Greenville
the result of the Battle of Fallen Timbers, this treaty promised the indians' their orignal land but in exchange huge amounts of land were given to the US (1795)
Post-war economic problems
from 1784 to 1787 there was a post-war depression of inadequate money supply which led increased amount of debtors, this allowed for the central government to gain more control over paying back debts however nationalists could not pass a 5 percent duty in 1781 and 83 which leads them to become discouraged
Shay's rebellion
a result of the post-war depression from 1784 to 1787, dissidents in conn. valley and Berkshire hills MA rallied behind Daniel Shays, 1786 Shaysites concentrated on preventing the collection of debts. They are denounced as traitors by Sam Adams, in winter 1787 the rebellion goes to boston and is dispersed although it failed, the rebellion raised concerns for farmers and urged the constitution of a national government to defend against things like rebellions
Reasons leading to the support of the centralized government
people started to get ignored in 1780's because the government couldn't do many things, many soldiers were also mad that they weren't getting paid for their actions traders wanted to reduce interstate tarriffs land speculators wanted to reduce the threat from Natives people that bought bonds wanted their pay back to be full by 1786 it was unanimous that the government should and would increase in size
Alexander Hamilton's actions for a national convention
he received a critical ally James madison of Virginia who agreed to make an interstate conference Although not that big of a deal at first, after Shay's Rebellion, Hamilton received the support of George washington which made the case much more serious
Constitutional Convention
1787, 55 delegates met. washington was elected as something along the lines of a news reporter Madison was the intellectual leader of Virginia and the convention used his plan of a national government Benjamin Franklin is crucial to the survival of the Convention
Edmund Randolph
started the Constitutional Convention by proposing the three branches of government, this was immediately agreed upon
The Virginia Plan
called for states to have different amounts of representation the lower house would the largest state with the most amount of representation upper house would have delegates that were voted by the lower house
The New Jersey Plan
William Paterson submits a plan that has one house with each state having equal representation and that congress has the right to tax and control commerce
The Great compromise
July 2 a small committee from each state was sent to settle disputes each state in the house of Representatives would have influence proportionate to the size of the population where black slaves were only 3/5ths of a citizen the senate would have two representatives from each state July 16 1787, the plan is agreed
Other decisions relating to slavery from the Constitutional Convention
slave owners were conerned that regulating trade would hinder the slave trade, founders agree upon slavery because without doing so the constitution could not have been passed there was an absence of a formal definition of citizenship and the individual rights
Sovereignity vs. Federal Power
Madison was the main contributor to the Consitution of 1787, Although Madison believed in a stronger government he also realized that in the end, the power of a government resides in the people. federal could tax, regulate commerce, control currency and pass laws that would be necessary constitution did not make the mistake and allowed states to be separate with laws of their own
Madison's argument of protecting the liberties of individuals with a bigger government
his argument was that a government with more people would be more rational than a government of few
The Necessary and Proper Clause
(also known as the Elastic Clause) basically it was controversial because of its vagueness and the determination of what is "constitutional"
Separation of powers and checks and balances
basically the balance of power between the three branches and the entire population ensures that the government will be balanced and fair
The Federalists
the people that supported the constitution and the creation of a strong government. they were generally more organized and had the support of George Washington
at first named the anti-federalists, their biggest complaint was that there wasn't a bill of rights, this caused a bill of rights to be eventually ratified
The Bill of Rights
James Madison in 1789 recognizes the importance thus congress approves of the 12 amendments 10 are ratified in 1791 the congress also set up the judicial branch congress created the state, treasury, and war department
Early Disputes over the role of the government
Republicans are led by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, James Madison changes his views after creating the Constitution for 12 years the government is headed by Federalists Alexander Hamilton did most of the work on the Economy
Alexander Hamilton's actions under George Washington
he envisioned a country that would always be in debt that would always have bonds to pay back, this would stimulate the economy Also created a national mank because there was no longer income from land Hamilton suggested two types of tax: imports and whiskey
creation of the Republican Party
because the Federalists kept on trying to promote people with the same political views, the republican party rose up parties were considered bad even by the framers Jefferson became their primary spokesman
Views of Jefferson
Jefferson believed that industrialization would pack propertyless people into cities (destroying his idea of citizenship) during the drafting of the constitution, Jefferson was traveling around Europe and discovered how horrific conditions were for those that lived in tyrannical governments Republicans applauded the French Revolution while Federalists were horrified
Demographics of the two parties
The Federalists were generally in the NorthEast where there were urban cities on the other Hand the Republicans were in the south and backcountry
Report on Manufactures
Written by Alexander Hamilton in 1791, it gave a clear overview of the actions on the Economy and the reasoning behind them
the whiskey rebellion
there was a rebellion on the whiskey tax but soon it was shut down by 15,000 troops the federal government won allegiance with whiskey rebels by intimidating them in the end it won the frontier people's respect by accepting the regions as states
Relations between the Natives and the New Government (post-constitution)
The constitution did not address the citizenship of the natives which soon became a big issue, the constitution recognized that the Natives were legal entities however on the other hand the constitution made it clear that they were not foreigners nor citizens they were just a nation in a nation
Problems in Foreign Policy with the British and French post-Constitution
only in 1791 did Britain accept a minister that was only after Madison threatened to put special trade restrictions the New French government that was created attacked Britiain America attempts to keep neutral First the Edmond Genet affair then the British attack American Ships hence Jay's Treaty
Edmond Genet
the first french minister to come to America, he embarrassed all the Americans and even the Republicans who were enthusiastic about French Support by first landing at Charleston and attempting to create support for privatized shipbuilding for the French (1793) eventually he was granted political asylum on Long Island
Jay's Treaty
Hamilton persuades washington to send John Jay, chief justice of the supreme court to negotiate a compensate for losses from British attacks and to establish new commercial treaties to strengthen the neutrality/ bias with the British in 1794 the treaty prevented a war from happening, brought sovereignty to the NW and produced satisfactory trade relations, Republicans are against it
Reason's and Impacts of Pickney's Treaty
The spanish concede their northern American land because they fear Britain especially after allying with the Americans in 1795 the treaty allows americans to navigate the Mississippi river to deposit goods at New Orleans a major trading center Fixed northern boundary of Florida to the 31st parallel
Difficulties for the Federalists in the 1790's
the success of the Federalists led them to abuse their power by preferring stability over personal rights which after the Alien and Sedition act they effectively ended their run However the popular respect for the newly found government remained intact
Washington's "Fairwell Address"
After serving two times as president, Washington stopped running and wrote a letter of "farewell" where he not only emphasized the importance of international issues and government fragility, but he mainly criticized the Republicans and their views against the Constitution
Issues in and outcome of the 1976 election
Because Hamilton could not run due to his unpopular image especially among whiskey consumers, John Adams is the Federalist Candidate while Thomas Jefferson becomes Republican Candidate, John Adams wins the election
Issues under the presidency of John Adams
France's relation with the US deteriorated and the French ships started to attack the Americans actively Pinckney's brother is sent to France as a diplomat however he was not recognized which then led to the XYZ event where France concedes to the Americans after the Americans team up with the British
The XYZ affair
a bipartisan commission of pinckney's brother, rejected minister John Marshall, and Elbrige Gerry, a MA republican, were sent to be diplomats however they faced three agents that soon were named XYZ that made insults towards the commission. Soon the United States teams with Britain to attack France, France doesn't want trouble so they cancel agreements of 1778 and established new commercial arrangements
The Alien and Sedition Act
most controversial act passed, it was an attempt to maintain the position of the Federalists in the government but clearly violated the Elastic clause it made it harder to become a citizen, and non citizens could be easily removed. Furthermore the Sedition act made all criticizing comments towards the government illegal
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Virginia and kentucky backlash to the Alien and Sedition Act declaring it void because it violated the social contract
The Revolution 1800
this election was extremely dirty where Jefferson was portrayed as a radicalist and John Adams is portrayed as a tyrant. Burr the other Republican candidate and Adams tie in the election thus causing congress to decide the winner, Hamilton decides that Burr is less reliable so Jefferson wins
The Judiciary Act of 1801
reduced the number of justiceships in supreme court by one but increased the number of federal judges, this was a last minute scheme by John Adams to increase the number of holdings the Federalists had before Jefferson would come into power
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