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What did strong countries gain from imperialism?
- Economic gains - Political power - Military strength
Three reasons American supported imperialism
- Economic competition with other industrialized nations - Desire for military strength - Belief that people of the United States were better than people of other countries
How did Hawaiians lose control of their islands?
- Americans established sugar plantations - By 1900, foreign laborers outnumbered Hawaiians three to one - 1887 - white business leaders forced Hawaiian king to change Hawaii's constitution - This change meant that only wealthy landowners had the right to vote - Gave control of Hawaiian government to American businessmen - 1891 - Queen Liliuokalani came to power - She wanted a constitution that would give voting power back to Hawaiians - American business groups organized a revolt against the queen - Planters took control of the island - A temporary government was established; Sanford Dole became president - U.S. Ambassador Stevens urged U.S. government to annex Hawaii - 1898, Hawaii became a U.S. territory under Pres. McKinley
How did Cuba's two wars for independence affect American business interests?
a. 1868-1878 - first war for independence from Spain - rebels did not win, but forced Spain to abolish slavery in 1886 - after 1886, U.S. capitalists invested heavily in sugar plantations in Cuba - sugar was the most important product of Cuba, and the U.S. was the main market for sugar - 1894-U.S. imposed tariff on Cuban sugar - Cuban economy collapsed b.1895 - Cubans began second war for independence - rebellion led by Jose Marti, Cuban poet and journalist living in New York - rebels wanted the U.S. to join their cause - American opinion was mixed - some wanted to support Spain in order to keep their investments safe - Other wanted to help Cubans win their freedom from Spain
What two events led Americans to call for war against Spain?
a. publication of the de Lome letter - criticized McKinley for being weak - Americans did not like to hear this from a Spanish official b. explosion of the U.S.S. Maine on Feb. 15, 1898 - Americans blamed Spain and cried for war
Spanish-American War Philippines
-April 20, 1898 - U.S. went to war with Spain - first battle took place in the Philippines - May 1, 1898 - George Dewey sailed into Manila Bay and destroyed the Spanish fleet there - the Spanish surrendered to the U.S. in August
Spanish-American War Cuba
- American navy blocked off the harbor of Santiago de Cuba - Americans landed on the island in June 1898 - Rough Riders won the important battle of San Juan Hill - Americans destroyed Spanish fleets - Spain surrendered on July 25
Peace Treaty - Treaty of Paris of 1898
- Granted Cuba its independence - Spain gave up Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S. - U.S. paid Spain $20 million for the annexation of the Philippines
Why did some Puerto Ricans resent U.S. control of their government?
- The U.S. declared that Americans were there to protect Puerto Ricans. - Some U.S. military officials insulted the Puerto Ricans. They spoke to them as children and set limits on their personal freedom. - The U.S. kept strict control over people and their government.
What did the U.S. do to protect business interests in Cuba?
- After Cuba's independence from Spain, the U.S. army remained in the country for four years. - It punished Cubans who did not like the American occupation. - 1900 - Cuba wrote a new constitution. America insisted they add the Platt Amendment, which limited Cuba's rights in dealing with other countries. - It gave the U.S. special privileges, including the right to intervene to preserve order. - Cuba became a U.S. protectorate, a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger country. - The U.S. insisted on these rights because of its economic interests in Cuba.
Why did Aguinaldo feel betrayed by the United States?
- Filipinos had been fighting for their independence for many years. - They were angry that the U.S. annexed their islands. - Aguinaldo believed that the U.S. promised independence. - In 1899, Aguinaldo started a rebellion, but was crushed by the Americans. - After winning the war, the U.S. set up a government similar to the one it had set up in Cuba
Why did the Secretary of State John Hay issue the Open Door notes?
- The U.S. wanted to be able to trade with China. - The Open Door notes called for China's ports to remain open and for China to remain independent. - No country would have special trading rights. The other countries agreed. - In 1900, the Boxers started a rebellion against foreign influence. - After the Boer Rebellion was defeated, the U.S. issued more Open Door notes to make sure other countries did not make colonies out of China.
What did McKinley's re-election show about American attitudes toward imperialism?
- McKinley's re-election suggests that most Americans disagreed with his opponent, who was anti-imperialist. - Imperialism was popular.
What are ways Roosevelt used U.S. power in other countries?
- Roosevelt first used U.S. influence to help settle the Russo-Japanese war. - Roosevelt also used his influence to help build the Panama Canal. - Roosevelt issued the Roosevelt Corollary
What were reasons Wilson sent troops to Mexico?
- The U.S. reserved the right to act in certain circumstances. - The "missionary diplomacy" meant that the U.S. could not officially recognize governments that were oppressive and undemocratic, or opposed to U.S. business interests. - 1910 - Mexican peasants rebelled against their military dictator. - Two new governments followed, the second headed by General Victoriano Huerta. - Wilson sent in troops to crush Huerta's government. - Venustiano Carranza took power in Mexico. Wilson withdrew U.S. troops. - Pancho Villa and others led revolts against Carranza. -The U.S. sent in U.S. troops under the command of General John J. Pershing to fight Carranza's army. - 1917 - Wilson withdrew U.S. troops. - Finally, Mexico adopted a new constitution. Mexicans regained control of their own resources and put limits on foreign investment.
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