Money is a commodity that runs our lives and has an adverse impact on our lives. Money control lives worldwide and has a positive impact worldwide. The positive impact has everything to do with people’s motivations as they work harder to achieve their goals. But this also triggers some negative aspects as people who would want to earn more are a more money develop insensitive, cautious and less friendly. This lives us with two sides of the coin that comes with more acquisition of money. According to the research done at the University of Minnesota, it was concluded that the love of money has both the good and the bad sides. This paper is a poses an argument how money can change who we are by looking at both the positive and negative sides of the same.
In the study of a journa
...l named ‘’the psychological consequences of money’’ commenting of money the author noted that money has an individual motivation and general behavior, he agrees that the mere presence of money changes people. The exposure to money elevates self-sufficiency, and encourage the people to work very hard towards achieving and getting more money. As we work toward getting more money, we lose the sense of relationship and our motivation charges. Sometimes we even do not practice as perform as we used to. We become the les focus on other people. The study consists of nine puzzles or other tasks. In the study, were participant we were to be tested and they were divided into a group based on the knowledge. The overall report confirmed that people who constantly thought about money were more sufficient, an
rarely asking for help from the others. But at the sometimes are self-centered as they do not portray any sign of wanting to socialize and develop any relationship. Most countries such as the United States of American has always had a dream of growing from rags to riches. How we get rich or where we are going is never the question but getting to the destination of financial stability is the key aspect. There are several charitable helpful and wealth to people, but this has always given our negative results.
Money can change who we are because out thoughts, and actions are linked to our psychology which is intern composed of factors our generic composition to the and lifestyle we were is agreeable that money does not change our belief system but can interns influence we think and act towards other beliefs and exposure. The following are the argument on how money can change who we are.
Money and Happiness
Happiness is a feeling of jovial mood that most people enjoy. Money can add a level of happiness but does not necessarily Couse happiness. Money is used to buy material that brings satisfaction to human nature and in return increase happiness but this is only for a short time. But when you a not naturally happy about life may be because of family conflict, conflicts and etc., money cannot change this situation but will just take it away just for some time. True happiness comes from a conflict free society, finding people, animal and location that make you feel happy on a daily basis (Dunn &Norton, 1687).
Money Changes Our Social and Business Value
In 2014 research showed that
money alters how we value our time and efforts. We may realize that when one has not become stable regarding money accusation, there is a high possibility that they might not be keen on time or might not keep time. Research by Hayman and Dan Ariely created and experiment by which they could measure the degree of motivation brought by the money-oriented task completion. In an attempt to test the motivation, the subject was examined to drug circles. One group was asked to do the task free while another group was asked to do it underpayment.
From the above analogy, it is clear that money can be a serious motivator when to come to determine value. We might be willing to do something for free but the moment money and reward is mentioned our good heart changes automatically, and we start thinking of the motivation.
The second aspect that is totally changed with money attitude is the self-view. The amount of money someone earned can change how they view both us and others. According to the journal published in 2013, individuals were asked to rate class, generics and even the I.Q. when the results come out were defined as a unique sense of class essentialism. The wealthiest respondent were those with the highest sense of class essentialism. On the other hand, poor people tended to believe that moral was not related to genes. And in real sense anyone can be rich or poor. Rich people believed that most of the wealth is part identity and genes. To make the whole matter worse they demonstrated that they were entitled to wealth based on their actions and circumstances (Pfeffer
&Sanford, 508). They also believe that life is not fair and people often get what they deserve.
Money also Change Our Ethics
Money can also change our ethics and ethical values. A common story of a village boy whose was raised in a poor and humble family. This young man was raised with very strict ethical values but when this young man gets money all this ethics change, and he adopts an entirely different lifestyle. In such a case, we can never blame the money but blame the young boy. The money helped him improved his life, but he did not handle money responsively. From the cutting of each other vehicle to cheating to taking more bribe, this is both aspect of money changing the ethical values of the society. (Barber and Terrance, 788) Noted that those who perceive themselves to be in a higher class are most likely to engage in the unethical behavior, especially when a symbol wealth was introduced to them. The study calls the behavior self-interest maximization which is an idea that suggest that those who have poses most of the money or are in higher class are likely to take what is not theirs. They mostly work towards benefiting themselves.
Money Change Who We Regard Addiction
It is noticed that many additions begin because someone gets a positive response towards a particular type of behavior. This addiction rates from negative to positive. For instance, when one is broke some addiction like partying may not be experienced but one you get money, there is a high possibility that you will start hanging out with a wealthy friend who will intern promote an addiction towards a
given character. Earning money can be very addictive to some people according to psychological research done by DR Tian she noted that positive feelings that follow obtaining money could Couse a chemical reaction in the brain of an individual. The argument, in this case, is not that addiction is bad but the degree to which someone is addicted matters.
Money has the power to change us and to shape our worldviews. The self-sufficient pertains attempt to explain why people money as both evil and good. As we grow, money may have allowed us to acquire goods and services that enable us to achieve our goals. In as much as money changes our lives, we pose the greatest responsibility to control the results and the impact of money in our lives.
Work Cited
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- Pfeffer, Jeffrey, and Sanford E. DeVoe. "Economic evaluation: The effect of money and economics on attitudes about volunteering." Journal of Economic Psychology 30.3 (2009): 500-508.
- Dunn, Elizabeth W., Lara B. Aknin, and Michael I. Norton. "Spending money on others promotes happiness." Science 319.5870 (2008): 1687-1688.
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